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12 Turkish Soldiers Killed In Clash With Kurdish Militants

As far as I know, There are 7 Supercobra attack helicopters remained in our inventory. Those are one effectively used in operations thanks to powerfull engines, High/Hot performances but This number is too few to fight against an assymetric threat having more than 5000 active terorists in their camps, in such a big and mountainy region of Turkey. The Cobras can not be mostly used cause of having single engine, lower performance. Despite Turkish republic told the importance of ordering additional SuperCobras to USA officials, They rejected selling more Supercobra's to Turkey and offered us Apache gunships. This time, Apache offer was rejected by Turkish officials.

Now a days, Turkey has to perform such operations with a limited gunships. Although T-129 Atak helicopters are being under development phase, Those helos would start entering into service in 2014-15. If We had those helicopters (more than 90 Atak) we have ordered for Atak's, I think PKK would not act like that... The importance of attack helicopters in such operations is vital...
[TR]AHMET;1945471 said:
Muslim Kurds don't want a Kurdistan they are love to Turkiye but Armenian terrorist using to PKK they are speking instead of Kurds. And Barzani Kurds working with Armenian because Barzani family is Jewish Kurds.

Armenian want a Big Armenian country and Israel want a friend country in middle east. Arising from the two countries if Turkey is divided, Big Armenian and Kurdistan. Jewish Barzani will lead the Kurdistan and they are working with Israel. Israel really very alone in middle east they are need to this. When Israel will be powerfull they will establish a Greater Israel (for holy Land)

how anybody could connect Armenians and Kurds with each other is just beyond me.

Turks never approach this whole issue the right way. As an Iranian, I have to accept the simple fact that Kurds have not always been treated equally in my country. In Turkey, their condition was even worse.
We have to accept the fact that Kurds deserve equal rights in every country that they live. In return, they must accept the fact that the borders of Iran and Turkey will never change and that they must put down their weapons. It is true that Israel is supporting the PKK and it's also true that Iran supported them in the past (when we had issues with Turkey) as well, but the simple fact is that they're not happy and that's why they are fighting. Denying them their rights is not the answer. Shifting blame is not the answer.
Persian friend The Kurds have equal rights in Turkey. Turgut Ozal 8th President of the Republic of Turkey is Kurdish Turgut Özal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And now Turkey parliament has more than 100 Kurdish lawmaker. I have a lot of Kurdish friend we are like brothers. We are same and we are absolutely equal.
Think of it like this, far more kurds likes turkey the handful marxists kurds cause trouble, and they got support from the far southeastern part of turkey, the region where their politicians won. they're implementing political desicions meant to separate people from eachother aka marxists vs. democrats or PKK supporters vs. ordinary citizens. or kurds vs. turks.

This kind of devision is in their power because they have the control of the municipalities. they use the PKK for scare tactics, and promote their "own" democratic views as peaceful.

What do you do in this kind of situation, on one hand you respect the peoples votes and allow the BDP to rule according to the existing laws, and on the other hand you can see they're deliberately working towards dividing the people.

It's simple, a military coup a la 1980 in southeastern turkey, where mehmetcik rises to arms.... That would be horrible.

I've said it before I'll say it again, crossbreeding mixing the blood all over the line, or a breeding program to erase the nationalism.
how anybody could connect Armenians and Kurds with each other is just beyond me.

Turks never approach this whole issue the right way. As an Iranian, I have to accept the simple fact that Kurds have not always been treated equally in my country. In Turkey, their condition was even worse.
We have to accept the fact that Kurds deserve equal rights in every country that they live. In return, they must accept the fact that the borders of Iran and Turkey will never change and that they must put down their weapons. It is true that Israel is supporting the PKK and it's also true that Iran supported them in the past (when we had issues with Turkey) as well, but the simple fact is that they're not happy and that's why they are fighting. Denying them their rights is not the answer. Shifting blame is not the answer.

we have seen how it works. look at bdp, they dont even take the oath in the parliament. and they dont come to the parliament because they feel "boycotted"

they hold talks in diyarbakir. that is not the capital or where the parliament lies in turkey. if they want something they can go and say it in the parliament!

bdp are a bunch of pkk sympathisers
[TR]AHMET;1945808 said:
Persian friend The Kurds have equal rights in Turkey. Turgut Ozal 8th President of the Republic of Turkey is Kurdish Turgut Özal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And now Turkey parliament has more than 100 Kurdish lawmaker. I have a lot of Kurdish friend we are like brothers. We are same and we are absolutely equal.
There is no denying that Turkey has been giving Kurds more and more freedoms as years have gone by. But your example isn't an indication of fair treatment of minorities. In the Iranian parliament there are Christian and Jewsih MPs but nobody can say that Christians and Jews are treated equally in Iran b/c of that. In the past, the Kurds of Turkey weren't allowed to celebrate Norouz or even communicate as much as they wanted in their own language (in Iran the main demand of Azaris, for example, is the right to school children in the Azari language and not just Persian and I'm sure you would agree with that). Azaris in Iran and Kurds in Turkey are both correct in that demand and the implementation of that demand should be one of the focuses of both Iran and Turkey.

Think of it like this, far more kurds likes turkey the handful marxists kurds cause trouble, and they got support from the far southeastern part of turkey, the region where their politicians won. they're implementing political desicions meant to separate people from eachother aka marxists vs. democrats or PKK supporters vs. ordinary citizens. or kurds vs. turks.

This kind of devision is in their power because they have the control of the municipalities. they use the PKK for scare tactics, and promote their "own" democratic views as peaceful.

What do you do in this kind of situation, on one hand you respect the peoples votes and allow the BDP to rule according to the existing laws, and on the other hand you can see they're deliberately working towards dividing the people.

It's simple, a military coup a la 1980 in southeastern turkey, where mehmetcik rises to arms.... That would be horrible.

I've said it before I'll say it again, crossbreeding mixing the blood all over the line, or a breeding program to erase the nationalism.

that's true.

your sltn however shows that you don't believe them to be worthy enough to be your country men. It's perhaps for that very reason that many Kurds are getting attracted to the PKK. Iran and Turkey must take two steps forward while allowing the Kurds to move at their own pace. Only then you can get their trust back (that's if you are ready to accept the fact that a country can be made up of more than one nationality).

we have seen how it works. look at bdp, they dont even take the oath in the parliament. and they dont come to the parliament because they feel "boycotted"

they hold talks in diyarbakir. that is not the capital or where the parliament lies in turkey. if they want something they can go and say it in the parliament!

bdp are a bunch of pkk sympathisers
perhaps I shouldn't have talked so much about Turkey because I am not familiar with the politics. I can't comment on any of the above. Personally though, I can understand why a Kurds would be unhappy (in general).
Persian friend,

These issues are very complex, writing does not end :)
your sltn however shows that you don't believe them to be worthy enough to be your country men. It's perhaps for that very reason that many Kurds are getting attracted to the PKK. Iran and Turkey must take two steps forward while allowing the Kurds to move at their own pace. Only then you can get their trust back (that's if you are ready to accept the fact that a country can be made up of more than one nationality).

I need you to point out which part of what I said shows my thoughts about "them" not being worthy of being my country men. Even here in denmark they have a word of mouth saying "skik følge eller land fly" which means, follow the norms in the country or off.

I don't have anything against kurds, but I don't have to tolerate terrorism. I'm not saying that the past governments were faultless either, but the armed war broke out in the late 70's and has been going on since then, turkish military has evolved since then. You can hear a lot of blames like "they killed my family members" etc. etc. But they themselves were just as good at killing their own. In the past teachers were getting killed because the children were attending turkish school, learning getting an education. So tell me this, if you have an armed group pkk terrorist or whatever attacking teachers, what does it tell you ?

I am pretty sure that elements in the turkish army wasn't all saints either, there has been some pretty nasty bastards, and I'm convinced that the current "ergenekon" in turkey is a way of hunting the guilty bastards. because both kurd and turk has suffered under their "rule". It's time to prosecute the criminals, and put them in jail for the rest of their life. Just like ocalan because they are criminals.

What I resent most of all is that the piss ant BDP politicians are still deferring to Ocalan. the BDP politicians are also "below" KCK which is an umbrella orginazation of the pkk etc. So what does this tell us.

IF BDP who is elected by the people are deferring to another organization who is "higher up" than them, isn't that the same as saying, "the peoples will is secondary". As a politicians you have an agenda, you are elected based on that agenda, and you should do you best to follow it. Otherwise you don't have any integrity.
Turkey should implement the reforms regardless of pkk and its attacks..they can have the education in their own language etc..meanwhile,the security of soldiers and civilians must be provided.
BDP calls on gov’t to probe cause of fire - Hurriyet Daily News

SERIOUSLY! how stupid can you be. where do you live? why would turkey bomb their own soldier? just another reason why i am getting more and more hate towards bdp supporters, and bdp in general i hate! bunch of terrorizm sympathizers who cries "democracy" but doesnt follow the rules of the republics democracy. so much for their freedom. if it wasn't haram to kill. i would have assasinated every single member of bdp!

why isnt the government just banning them, they have sympathi for the biggest A$$hole in the region. who has murdered turkish citizens. abdullah (gøtveren) øcalan!
BDP = PKK. Why are we still letting these terrorists into our Parliament? Then some people on here say that they don't have rights, and all that bullcrap. How the F*** do you know what kind of rights they have in Turkey? When I went to Kars back in early 2000, I was told by several Kurds "to come to the mountains" while going to the grocery store. They thought I was an undercover cop or an officer or something. Where's my civil rights in Eastern Turkey? Why should I be intimidated to walk on the streets of my own country? Equal rights? Ya'right!!!
This is a very dangerous problem, because of the politics involved - Just know we support brother Turkiye - - and worry because a big power and her proxy use this issue against the government and the state.
guys, here's a video of Iran's recent operations against PJAK
shows some dead PJAK and their crappy destroyed bunkers (starts after 1:10)
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Good job Iran .... No mercy for these cave pigs !!
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