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古詩十九首 19 Ancient Chinese Poems No.1 - 行行重行行

Recalling bad memories!?, NO way monsieur!
Yet still,I apologize-my intention wasn't negative,but just "curious"-ah,you know this "curiosity" kills the cat:D
this thread does remind me of those days and nights i spent preparing college entrance exam....not necessarily 'bad' for me though... just nostalgia...
it's always nice to see people have genuine interest in chinese literature:cheers:we are all students alike in this front.
Many people know me here as a US Military Professional, been to war, tough as nail, or a American Troll with false flag, but the fact that, I was a lot more than that, most people that had met me don't think I was a soldier, and they look really surprised when I told them i was in a war or something.

People look at me and they see a student like dude with light manner and soft-spoken and not like scary looking tattooed guy (I have no tattoo even tho i was in the Military) you would have imagine what a soldier looks like. In fact, i was quite academic and i actually got dapple quite deep in Chinese Poem before my move back to America, I was studying Chinese History and Chinese Literature in Chinese University of Hong Kong before i turn 20th. Of the 1 and a half years, i felt in love in ancients Chinese poems.

So, i have decided to show you guy the more academic side of me, after all that military related article.
Today i am going to introduce a very popular Chinese Poem written in late East Han. Was published by the classic 古詩十九首 (19 Ancients Chinese Poem) Which is a list of unnamed 五言詩 (Five Words Poem) that have written up systematically from West Han (Although the actual start may be a bit before) It was at that time the 5 words poem overtaken the 4 words poem as the mainstream poem.

History of Ancient Chinese Poem.

Before we start talking about actual poem itself, it's important to understand at least some history of Chinese Poem.

The early Ancient Chinese poem was published in a book called ???? (Poem Bible) Which contain 305 Chinese poem traces as early as West Chou Dynasty (440BC), the poem is said to be the mother (or bible) of Chinese Poem,

It would be interested to know, the format (5 words, 4 words or 7 words) are not time orientated and even up to Qing Dynasty, scholar still writing 5 words poem (Even tho by then China was dominated by modern poem.) It was strictly a format, but it more like a standard.

SO, today, I am going to discuss one single poem with you guys, people don't know Chinese can enjoy this, but people who do involve with Chinese Literature can discuss this with me, better this then we all troll about Chinese Defence Capability, right??


Approximately translated into English by me

19 Ancient Poem - Walking further and further away

1.)Walking further and further away, as if we will never see each other

2.)We are separated by ten thousand mile, the distant between us is with heaven and earth

3.)The road we would met is long and full of obstacle, I don't know when will we ever meet again.

4.)Northern Horse long for the northern wind, southern bird long for a southern branch

5.)We have separated for so long, even my dress is too big to fit me (Or you can say I waited and become thinner, but the early meaning is lateral)

6.)The cloud blocking the sun, worried my man will not come back to me

7.)getting tired thinking of you, time passes without me even notice.

8.)I would give up waiting for now, so i can take care of myself when we ever meet again
Format of this poem

Being this is a 5 word poem, each sentence have exactly 5 words. 2 Sentences a pair, 8 pairs in this Poem, with the first 3 pairs (6 sentence) describing the hardship of a woman separated with her loved one, and the last 5 pairs (10 sentences) describing the hardship of waiting for the love one to return.

As with almost all poem in Chinese Poem, this poem have a hidden meaning. The face meaning of this poem is the woman writing on first person describing her love have to leave (For whatever reason, implying travel (遊子) - A men who left home for life. Describing how hard it is for leaving her loved one and how hard it was to wait for him to come back. The first sentence (行行重行行) repeated the word "Walk-行" 4 times, it gives an instant realisation the distant have been far and long. In which set the heavy mood. Then the poem go on and describing some nature of people (or things) longing to go home and set the reader into the mindset of a pair of lover separated by a long distant. And then finally ending the poem with some "Affirmative action" and growing tired of waiting. Imply that the writer is setting herself on a new set of goal in life. Where she intent to start everything afresh

The hidden meaning, however, is the true motive behind this poem. The meaning hidden between sentence and word, and people without knowledge (Or even substantial knowledge) of Chinese Language and Culture or History could not picked up.

The story goes this poems is written based on endless warfare raged by the East Han empire and the woman's husband is a soldier send to the battlefield. And the woman afraid that her husband could never come back home since the war does not seems to end, goes the story of separation. The women also asserted that the emperor of East Han have been blinded his aide to engage in endless warfare via the dual meaning of the sentence 6. Literally


Literally translated to The sun (The emperor) have been blocked by the cloud (People with their own agenda trying to control the emperor) and the person (Implying the emperor again) is lost (Lost as in direction) and do not go back home (The right way)


The poem in itself is a very well written, as with many Chinese poem, you get as less word to trying to express as much meaning as possible. And during the course of the poem, it reflect to the actual situation of the country, where this poem is written, late East Han dynasty is of unstable situation, emperor waging war against most enemy and eventually East Han empire break into 3 nations, and in fact, this is the dying moment of the East Han Empire.

@Slav Defence @levina @Chinese-Dragon @rcrmj @cirr @twocents
poem time?







Any discussion??

This is a poem I wrote for general Huo Qubing when I was 16. I hope you can understand it.

I have never posted this poem on the Internet, so no one can search it. People who don't understand Chinese can't understand it.


Can you talk about this poem and prove that you know Chinese?
This is a poem I wrote for general Huo Qubing when I was 16. I hope you can understand it.

I have never posted this poem on the Internet, so no one can search it. People who don't understand Chinese can't understand it.


Can you talk about this poem and prove that you know Chinese?

First of all, it's 2 am here, I am tried, and this is all of the sudden, and you completely shift me into this. So I will do what I can.

This poem seems like talking about a weakling following to the battle with a General (or King, depends on what do you mean by 皇) The person was young, puffy eye, bushy tail kind, who is not as brave as you thought. He follow the general (again or king) and going north thru 7000 mile and conquer (渔阳), a place near White River in Beijing. And turn into a fierce fighter, to a point the barbarian wife hear the name and scare.

I don't really understand the last 2 line, I mean I do understand them by word, but I don't see how the last two line (Which talks about the death of 冠軍候 (which is a military honor of sort in west han giving to 霍去病, which credited for slaying 100,000 barbarian) where the last line is about how someone died a hundred time and still will not regret doing it for 漢殤帝 (Which is a king during East Han) related to the rest.

I am here to learn and if you can further clarify this, It would be much appreciated. I will probably be better when I have a more clearer head, but as I finished this post, it's 3 am here and I am too drunk for this.

EDIT 羽林郎 is another poem from East Han which is about a 15 years old hostess that refused a rich a-hole type person's advnace. Which read very much like a person who fight the powerful and win in the end. And I am too tired to care if this is related to your poem, but the general direction is the same.


Maybe you want to discuss how "fake" Chinese I am with me here? I am all ear
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First of all, it's 2 am here, I am tried, and this is all of the sudden, and you completely shift me into this. So I will do what I can.

This poem seems like talking about a weakling following to the battle with a General (or King, depends on what do you mean by 皇) The person was young, puffy eye, bushy tail kind, who is not as brave as you thought. He follow the general (again or king) and going north thru 7000 mile and conquer (渔阳), a place near White River in Beijing. And turn into a fierce fighter, to a point the barbarian wife hear the name and scare.

I don't really understand the last 2 line, I mean I do understand them by word, but I don't see how the last two line (Which talks about the death of 冠軍候 (which is a military honor of sort in west han giving to 霍去病, which credited for slaying 100,000 barbarian) where the last line is about how someone died a hundred time and still will not regret doing it for 漢殤帝 (Which is a king during East Han) related to the rest.

I am here to learn and if you can further clarify this, It would be much appreciated. I will probably be better when I have a more clearer head, but as I finished this post, it's 3 am here and I am too drunk for this.


Maybe you want to discuss how "fake" Chinese I am with me here? I am all ear
Sorry, you're so wrong. Almost no sentence is correct.
Sorry, you're so wrong. Almost no sentence is correct.
okay, whatever.
If I am wrong, can you tell me what this is about Tho? That serve better than just "Oh you are wrong, and none of the sentence is correct"
okay, whatever.
If I am wrong, can you tell me what this is about Tho? That serve better than just "Oh you are wrong, and none of the sentence is correct"
For example, "殇" means a ghost who died when he was young, and "汉" means Han Dynasty or Han nationality. "汉殇" does not mean "汉殇帝", but the young ghosts of the Han Dynasty or Han nationality. "百死无悔为汉殇" means "I don't regret even if I die a hundred times prematurely for the Han Dynasty or the Han nationality". Because general Huo Qubing died at the age of 23.

For example, "殇" means a ghost who died when he was young, and "汉" means Han Dynasty or Han nationality. "汉殇" does not mean "汉殇帝", but the young ghosts of the Han Dynasty or Han nationality. "百死无悔为汉殇" means "I don't regret even if I die a hundred times prematurely for the Han Dynasty or the Han nationality". Because general Huo Qubing died at the age of 23.

殇 means anyone who died without reach adulthood by the way. If you translate it to English, it mean the same as 英年早逝

And yes, as I said, I don't quite understand the last 2 line, and I misread 汉殇 as 汉殇帝, but then that is still the same, if you put it in the same prespective, and you really didn't give me any context on how or what or why you wrote this. How am I suppsoed to know it mean 汉 not 汉殇帝?

What about the rest of the poem? If you say I got none of them correct, I want to know what the entire poem mean, see how close I get to?
殇 means anyone who died without reach adulthood by the way. If you translate it to English, it mean the same as 英年早逝

And yes, as I said, I don't quite understand the last 2 line, and I misread 汉殇 as 汉殇帝, but then that is still the same, if you put it in the same prespective, and you really didn't give me any context on how or what or why you wrote this. How am I suppsoed to know it mean 汉 not 汉殇帝?

What about the rest of the poem? If you say I got none of them correct, I want to know what the entire poem mean, see how close I get to?

"弱冠" does not refer to the weak, but refers to the age of 18.
Ancient Chinese people held adult rites at the age of 18. Male Chinese people wore a kind of crown (冠), and another meaning of "弱" was young. So the Chinese call an 18-year-old man "弱冠".
"初" means the first time.
"仕" means to become an official.
"羽林郎" was an official position in the Han Dynasty. It was the emperor's senior attendant.
"弱冠初仕羽林郎" means that Huo Qubing joined the emperor's guards for the first time at the age of 18 and became a senior attendant officer.

Oh, please. Don't make it an exam. Don't you guys have had enough exams already in your life?
殇 means anyone who died without reach adulthood by the way. If you translate it to English, it mean the same as 英年早逝

And yes, as I said, I don't quite understand the last 2 line, and I misread 汉殇 as 汉殇帝, but then that is still the same, if you put it in the same prespective, and you really didn't give me any context on how or what or why you wrote this. How am I suppsoed to know it mean 汉 not 汉殇帝?

What about the rest of the poem? If you say I got none of them correct, I want to know what the entire poem mean, see how close I get to?

Huo Qubing was born in a senior noble family. He is young and handsome. Chinese people generally don't have a thick beard at the age of 18, let alone a tail. "烈候" refers to another general Wei Qing, "候" refers to Marquis, and "烈候" refers to Marquis Lie. Huo Qubing's first battle was to lead 800 cavalry soldiers as the subordinates of general Wei Qing from Dingxiang city (now Taiyuan, the capital of Shanxi Province) to participate in the Hexi war between the Han Dynasty and the Huns, which completely eliminated the Huns in Hexi area. More than 100000 heads of Hun cavalry were handed over by the Han army.

"笑随烈候出定襄" means that Huo Qubing laughed and followed general Wei Qing to attack the Hun army from Dingxiang city.
Oh, please. Don't make it an exam. Don't you guys have had enough exams already in your life?

Nobody would question him if he said "I'm ethnically Chinese but don't know Chinese culture because I'm westernized".

But he specifically claimed here to be a poet. He claimed to have gone to school in China for many years. He claims authority on being Chinese and wanted to silence other Chinese on their opinions because according to him every single Chinese here is far outside the Chinese mainstream, only his views are correct..

OK, then he doesn't have the excuse of being culturally westernized.
Nobody would question him if he said "I'm ethnically Chinese but don't know Chinese culture because I'm westernized".

But he specifically claimed here to be a poet. He claimed to have gone to school in China for many years. He claims authority on being Chinese and wanted to silence other Chinese on their opinions because according to him every single Chinese here is far outside the Chinese mainstream, only his views are correct..

OK, then he doesn't have the excuse of being culturally westernized.
I am never serious about the authenticity of online claims. I just try to learn something new/interesting and forget the rest. My life doesn't depend on some online strangers telling me truth.
I am never serious about the authenticity of online claims. I just try to learn something new/interesting and forget the rest. My life doesn't depend on some online strangers telling me truth.

Why should someone who has issues with facts and reality be considered an authority figure here? And yes he is literally claiming authority.

Here is his claim of going to high school/university in China and representing the Chinese mainstream opinion, and specifically challenging other Chinese in poetry.

Ok so he brought all this upon himself. He was the one that opened the door. Nobody would question him if he said he was culturally western but here he claims he is more Chinese than anyone else.

So if this is false then what else is false?

First of all, I did not claim In know a country because of my ancestry, I claim to know the country because I used to live in China and went to School in China, and I communicate with other Chinese. That's different than because my mother is Chinese so I know Chinese. I went to elementary school in China, High School in China, and 1 year University in China. I even hold Chinese Citizenship.

Second, You still don't get it. China is all about making money, In case you don't even know, China have outstanding Land dispute with Russia, as much as they did with Japan and almost all of the South East Asia.

And lol, as if they didn't already try to "Shred" me to pieces, they have tried it for the last 6 years, I am still here as a side of their throne, and that is for a reason. I remember I had started a Chinese Poem thread, none of these "Chinese" even dare to discuss any of the poem with me, make me wonder were they actually Chinese.....

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