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2000 feared killed as Boko Haram burns town!!!!

Just an overview of situation in Northern Nigeria

Nigeria is largest by economy and population in Africa. It hosts richest African people and largest military of Africa. Northern Nigeria is predominantly Muslim while southern is Christian. There are three major tribes Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba. Tribal bonds are stronger than religious ones in countryside. Northern Nigeria is stronghold of opposition parties to current president who is ruling for 6 years and is competing for another 4 year term in coming election. He is a Christian from South and BH phenomenon took root in his tenure.

North and South have had their differences for very long. In fact northern and southern Nigeria was combined into one country by British during their colonial rule. Southern Nigeria broke apart in 1967 and proclaimed itself as Biafra state which was supported by West at that time. After a civil war, Nigeria reunited as one country in 1970.

Nigeria remained under military rule both from southern and northern military leaders. After return to democracy in 1993, civil leaders have seen military with suspicion and kept it underfunded. Nepotism also was a favorite tool to keep dangers of coup away. This resulted in reduction of military capacity of Nigeria much to the comfort of democratic leaders. No territorial dispute with its neighbours also adds to equation. For past one decade, southern Christians have ruled the country and much of the development has focused towards south. Neglect of northern part fueled anger among Muslims which are slightly more in population.

Greatest influence over Muslims are the 'Emirs' which are highly respected. Boko Haram phenomenon however is result of Muslims who viewed Emirs as influenced by government incentives. It started as a non violent movement and in fact gathered considerable support among Muslims in the north. Movement however turned violent after it's leader was captured and killed by government. This was perceived as Christian southern killing a northern Muslim for his faith. Movement initially targeted Christians in sudden raids on far flung villages in hit and run. As Nigerian army with poor equipment, under funded and with no support from Democratic government retreated, BH started to hold territory.

BH benefitted from Libyan civil war as heavy weapons made its way to northern Nigeria after Libyan military lost control over its arms depots. Nigerian government initially tried to dismiss BH as insignificant however it soon became clear that large part is territory had been lost. They were caught off-guard and ill prepared. After BH started attacking Muslim villages and killing them in large numbers common Muslims turned to Emirs. Emirs announced movement un Islamic and since then have been targeted in suicide attacks killing at least one Emir while three had narrow escapes. BH does not differentiate between Christian and Muslims now. In its recent attacks including an attack on Mosque of an Emir, Muslims casualties are much higher. Recent attack on Baga which is Muslim majority town is also an example of that.

Present government has lost popularity both in South and North because of its inability to control BH. Now the conspiracy theory is that they have supported this insurgency to curtail northern influence. At the same time if election can not be held in effected states then present government might win another term.

Nigerian military has taken a hit on its reputation (which otherwise had a very good record in African conflicts especially Liberia and Sierra Leone where they successfully crushed insurgencies). This conflict has sent military scrambling for defense equipment from all over the world. Citing Human Rights abuses, west had refrained from providing anything more than Intel and some basic training. Nigeria first made them angry by an outburst of their ambassador to US. They subsequently tried to appease them by abstaining from Palestinian Statehood vote in UN despite their very vocal support for Palestinian cause for more than three decades. This angered Saudi Arabia which refused its air space for defence equipment flying from Pakistan.
Boko Haram Boko Haram controls large swathes of territory in north-eastern Nigeria

Nigeria's militant Islamists have carried out a second attack on the key north-eastern town of Baga, an official has told the BBC.

Boko Haram fighters burnt down almost the entire town on Wednesday, after over-running a military base on Saturday, Musa Alhaji Bukar said.

Bodies lay strewn on Baga's streets, amid fears that some 2,000 people had been killed in the raids, he added.

Boko Haram launched a military campaign in 2009 to create an Islamic state.

It has taken control of many towns and villages in north-eastern Nigeria in the last year.

The conflict has displaced at least 1.5 million people, while more than 2,000 were killed last year.

On Monday, lawmaker Maina Maaji Lawan said Boko Haram controlled 70% of Borno state, which is worst-affected by the insurgency.

Mr Bukar, a senior government official in the area, said that fleeing residents told him that the town, which had a population of about 10,000, was now "virtually non-existent".

"It has been burnt down," he said.

Government troops were overpowered during Saturday's raid on Baga
The group has torched many towns and villages in northern Nigeria
Those who fled reported that they had been unable to bury the dead, and corpses littered the town's streets, he said.

Boko Haram was effectively in control of Baga and 16 neighbouring towns, Mr Bukar said.

Government troops abandoned the military base in Baga on Saturday, when the militants launched an assault.

It hosts the Multi-National Joint Task Force (MNJTF), made up of troops from Nigeria, Chad and Niger, although the BBC understands there were only Nigerian soldiers there at the time of the attack.

Set up in 1998 to fight trans-border crime in the Lake Chad region, the force more recently took on Boko Haram.

Thousands have fled Baga - many to Maiduguri, the capital of Borno state, and others to Chad.

A large number reportedly drown as they crossed Lake Chad following Saturday's raid.

Nigeria's President Goodluck Jonathan declared a state of emergency in Borno and two neighbouring states in 2013, vowing to defeat the militants.

However, Boko Haram has stepped up attacks since then, and there are fears that many people in the area will not be able to vote in next month's general elections because of the conflict

BBC News - Boko Haram crisis: Nigeria's Baga town hit by new assault
I am tearing up. I just cannot even comprehend it. Why? Why?

Boko Haram is a threat to humanity. It defiles the very idea of what it means to be a human. It is the duty of ALL nations to wipe this cancer from the face of Earth.
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and guess who just 4-5 years ago talked in support of Buko Haram in united nation and didn't allowed a resolution against them.
Does Nigeria have any resources ??? can someone reply

Last time I checked, the Nigerians had more than enough equipment and training to destroy those cavemen.

Unfortunately, this happened:
Boko Haram captures military base in Nigeria | Al Jazeera America

That's how they getting so many kills.

There are these so-called 'ghost soldiers' within the ranks of the military:
Investigation finds 50,000 ‘ghost’ soldiers in Iraqi army, prime minister says - The Washington Post


That is how they gain information.

Also, there is a lot of corruption in Nigeria. An example of a system that had clearly failed its people.
Rest in Peace
Why no large scale media coverage for this terror attack by Boko Haram ?
2000 people !! This is genocide

This bhoka harami is mad dog of Africa
I curse them thousand times to die in the pain nobody on the planet has ever experienced. Same for Taliban, ISIS bastards. Rip all who died. :(
I curse them thousand times to die in the pain nobody on the planet has ever experienced. Same for Taliban, ISIS bastards. Rip all who died. :(

All thanks to decades of massive Saudi Arabian funding to spread the Satanic Wahabi/Salafi cult with Western support.

I really hope someone'll soon purify the African continent from this filthy bloodsucking boko haram alshabab zombies.

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