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25,000 Indians 'ready to fight in Iraq to defend Shia holy sites'

Then iranians need to grow balls to get rid of that "minority" for which iran is known worldwide.
People of Iran learned their lessons. And they have bigger balls that you could ever hope to have. However, in this fucked up region the moment a chaos start, Wahabi goons with backing of illiterate Gulf sheiks start slaughtering Iranians.
Indian Shia Muslims ready for Iraq Shahadat | Vicky Nanjappa

Here is an interview with one of the orgs requesting people to fight in Iraq

While I understand that their holy shrines are being demolished by ISIS, I dont think we should get involved. Plus imagine the possible security issues of having informally trained war scarred militia men runnning around afterwards, not worth it at all.

especially if they bring that animosity back to India.
People of Iran learned their lessons. And they have bigger balls that you could ever hope to have. However, in this fucked up region the moment a chaos start, Wahabi goons with backing of illiterate Gulf sheiks start slaughtering Iranians.

In their view they dont see them as "iranians" , they see them only as shias irrespective of whatever language they speak. So the problem is them being shia not being iranian.
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And yet they can inspire them to fight for them. That is called ruling.
Small percentage of Iranians take Islam seriously. Education is the enemy of superstitions. Iranians are fairly educated. As a matter of fact Iranians and Turks are less prone to radicalization than others.

In their view they dont see them as "iranians" , they see them only as shias irrespective of whatever language they speak. So the problem is them being shia not bein iranian.
Being Iranian is their crime. Rafida, they call us. I don't see any difference between Sunni and Shia they're both based on Arabic ideology.
I dont see anything like that, even in 18th century Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahab Najadi (Wahabis are named after him) demolished most of the shrines in modern Saudi Arabia terming them unislamic, he did try to demolish Shrines of Karbala and Najaf but I think he was unsuccessful. It looks like ISIS want to accomplish the unfulfilled agenda of their spiritual leader.

As a layman how are the Shia and Sunni shrines different??
especially if they bring that animosity back to India.

Iranian Shia regime is responsible for all the mess taking place in middle east, they are also responsible for shias killings in pakistan as shias in pakistan act as agents of iranian mullah regime and just become cannon fodder for their rival organization. I am 100 % sure iranian mullah regime is trying to gather military support to use it against their enemies in middle east, what india should do is to do some surveillance of this Shia organization that is recruiting shias to fight in iraq, they will easily find an iranian connection to that.
What is there in shrines, they are of no islamic value, I don't mind if ISIS demolish shrines in Iraq , they are centres of unislamic activities.

Would you be open to the demolishing of the Kabbah? Its defined as a 'shrine' too you know. If not, let be.

'Kaʿbah, also spelled Kaaba , small shrine located near the centre of the Great Mosque in Mecca and considered by Muslims everywhere to be the most sacred spot on Earth.'

- The Encyclopedia Britannica
As a layman how are the Shia and Sunni shrines different??

The difference is concerning the succession lines after Prophet Muhammad.

Shias supported Hussein the in law I think. Sunnis wanted someone out of the family.

Shias believe the Imams are infallible. Sunnis believe no Human is infallible except god I think.
Small percentage of Iranians take Islam seriously. Education is the enemy of superstitions. Iranians are fairly educated. As a matter of fact Iranians and Turks are less prone to radicalization than others.

But then why is it that 75 million Iranians can't change ther regime to a nationalist Persian one?

Maybe because they want to keep this government because now they believe.
Iranian Shia regime is responsible for all the mess taking place in middle east, they are also responsible for shias killings in pakistan as shias in pakistan act as agents of iranian mullah regime and just become cannon fodder for their rival organization. I am 100 % sure iranian mullah regime is trying to gather military support to use it against their enemies in middle east, what india should do is to do some surveillance of this Shia organization that is recruiting shias to fight in iraq, they will easily find an iranian connection to that.

as expressed by posters, what if these Shia Indians are recruited from outside India?

that is the likely scenario. nlike the West, Indian surveillance systems are..... Not impressive.
Iranian Shia regime is responsible for all the mess taking place in middle east, they are also responsible for shias killings in pakistan as shias in pakistan act as agents of iranian mullah regime and just become cannon fodder for their rival organization. I am 100 % sure iranian mullah regime is trying to gather military support to use it against their enemies in middle east, what india should do is to do some surveillance of this Shia organization that is recruiting shias to fight in iraq, they will easily find an iranian connection to that.
Why Pakistanis even care about Islam? You have potentials, ignore these superstitions and build your country. You are not Arabs. Islam did nothing but destroying your country and mine. Why are you being slave to a 7th century ideology?
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As a layman how are the Shia and Sunni shrines different??

Only in south asia sunnis have concept of shrines due to hindu influence , it does not exist among Sunnis of middle east, I was talking in context of middle eastern Sunnis for whom Shrines are centres of unislamic activities and since they dont rever any such concept, ISIS is threatening to demolish them in iraq to teach lesson to shias I believe.
When did this happen???? Never heard before...... I think some one should tell these guys that they are Indians, and let us mind our own business..... We dont want ISIS come to india or fight indians (in any part of the world)..... Let Iran, Iraq, Ksa &USA play their game...... It is not our war, it is their war....

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