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3,000 Islamist Militants Flee Advancing Syrian arab Army

While I have always been an unabashed fan of Putin's machismo and style of leadership, I must say I am less than enthused about this bombing or the ooohs and aaaahs of happiness and hope going up all around the civilized world at animals getting butchered.

Correct me where I go wrong, for the ME is not my forte, but is not the ISIS supposed to have at its core the battle hardened crack forces (generals and high ranks) of Saddam's fabled Republican Guard which magically ust vanished into thin air in the face of the American advance?

That American advance was a ground invasion.

This Russian operation is force degradation from the air.

To be followed, per reports, by a coalition of Syrian and Iranian forces. On ground.

What is going to stop the ISIS from melting away again, going underground, and simply re-emerging once more somewhere down the line. More virulent than ever?

As they did this time?

Cheers, Skeptical, Wary but Guardedly Hopeful Doc

Nothing stops ISIS from mutating and multiplying - they are comparable to cancer cells. or virus.

Unless you address the root cause or problem which is Fanatical Islamic Radicalization.

I tried collating various responses which are likely to most effective here: Invisible Enemies: Insurgents and their Ideology

Would be glad to hear for your views Doc
hey doc whats up :azn:

thing is in there short but very very cruel rule ISIS had made a lot of enemies than friends and even there most staunch supporters wanted an end to this hence they supported anyone who can tame them and with combined syrian and iranaina forces it wont be that easy for them this time its gonna be a more cruel blood bath this time but ISIS will be on ricieving end :butcher:

Hi buddy, glad to see you back and elite as well. :enjoy:

Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide?

But they will flee and just merge into the crowd man. What's stopping that? Take off the black headband and dungarees, and hop over on a boat to Europe. Or just go back to a normal non-combatant life.
Hi buddy, glad to see you back and elite as well. :enjoy:

Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide?

But they will flee and just merge into the crowd man. What's stopping that? Take off the black headband and dungarees, and hop over on a boat to Europe. Or just go back to a normal non-combatant life.
they can for sure but i guess both russians and syrians might have some kind of plan for them as they also know what will be there next move.. what happens next onli time will tell ..... cheers doc :cheers:
Nothing stops ISIS from mutating and multiplying - they are comparable to cancer cells. or virus.

Unless you address the root cause or problem which is Fanatical Islamic Radicalization.

I tried collating various responses which are likely to most effective here: Invisible Enemies: Insurgents and their Ideology

Would be glad to hear for your views Doc

That can not be addressed.. Radicalization can not be eliminated by education.. what can not be eliminated by education can not be eliminated at all,,

enjoying GURU and Doc pep talk.. :P
but is not the ISIS supposed to have at its core the battle hardened crack forces (generals and high ranks) of Saddam's fabled Republican Guard

that presentation was a fable concocted by usa government... while it is possible that non-ideologically-strict soldiers/officers from the former iraqi army joined isil, it is entirely another thing to declare that baathist officers ( socialist/progressive ideology ) would ever be part of such a reactionary and psycho gang like isil.

in fact, in 2011 during the libya war, was a report that the de facto leader of the iraqi baathist resistance, general izzat ibrahim al-douri, took a unit of his fighters to libya in defense of the jamahiriya.

so the oft-repeated declaration of connection between iraqi baathists and isil would really be like george bush junior saying that qaeda and saddam collaborated in the attack of new york wtc in 2001.
that presentation was a fable concocted by usa government... while it is possible that non-ideologically-strict soldiers/officers from the former iraqi army joined isil, it is entirely another thing to declare that baathist officers ( socialist/progressive ideology ) would ever be part of such a reactionary and psycho gang like isil.

in fact, in 2011 during the libya war, was a report that the de facto leader of the iraqi baathist resistance, general izzat ibrahim al-douri, took a unit of his fighters to libya in defense of the jamahiriya.

so the oft-repeated declaration of connection between iraqi baathists and isil would really be like george bush junior saying that qaeda and saddam collaborated in the attack of new york wtc in 2001.

You must have been old enough during the Iraq war right?

You did not once feel surprise at what happened to the bulk of the battle hardened crack troops of Saddam that did battle with Iran for 10 long years?

They suddenly vanished? Became farmers and scent makers?

The fight that never came.

Till now.

P.S. What is Jamariya?
Rubbish! !

If the soviets couldn't do it in Afghanistan
If the U.S and Nato combined couldn't do it in Afghanistan or iraq

Why would a couple of days of vague Russian bombing do it????

Syria is a majority sunni arab nation but due to colonial actions almost a century ago has a brutal alewite dynasty to rule it

Idiots have to realise forcing the continued rule of the same brutal alewite dictator is no longer acceptable and can no longer bring peace to syria

ISIS isnt a group its an ideology and current actions are just spreading the ideology to a ever wider audience

Just remember 15 years of air campaigns and ground invasions by some of the powerfull armies of the world has resulted in the spread and mutation of the original Al Aqaeda in to numerous brutal groups

So the likelihood of some half baked russian air campaign to protect assad isnt goibg to work

Is it
Rubbish! !

If the soviets couldn't do it in Afghanistan
If the U.S and Nato combined couldn't do it in Afghanistan or iraq

Why would a couple of days of vague Russian bombing do it????

Syria is a majority sunni arab nation but due to colonial actions almost a century ago has a brutal alewite dynasty to rule it

Idiots have to realise forcing the continued rule of the same brutal alewite dictator is no longer acceptable and can no longer bring peace to syria

ISIS isnt a group its an ideology and current actions are just spreading the ideology to a ever wider audience

Just remember 15 years of air campaigns and ground invasions by some of the powerfull armies of the world has resulted in the spread and mutation of the original Al Aqaeda in to numerous brutal groups

So the likelihood of some half baked russian air campaign to protect assad isnt goibg to work

Is it

I think for now the aim is to just kill the butchers and stop the butchering.

Cannot argue with that objective.

The ideology, the injustice, the clash of civilization thing means nothing to someone who is in an iron cage and about to be burned alive, or strapped to a chair that's kicked off an under-construction high rise, or gang raped and passed around like a leg of lamb amongst a hundred animals.

Just wondering why no one else ponied up up until now ......
I think for now the aim is to just kill the butchers and stop the butchering.

Cannot argue with that objective.

The ideology, the injustice, the clash of civilization thing means nothing to someone who is in an iron cage and about to be burned alive, or strapped to a chair that's kicked off an under-construction high rise, or gang raped and passed around like a leg of lamb amongst a hundred animals.

Just wondering why no one else ponied up up until now ......

This is the problem

So far how has it gone, Taliban are resurgent enough to take cities now

Al Qaeda now has a hundred affiliates across the world after years of action against it

ISIS have or had billions in their coffers alot of which has probably been moved to safe accounts across the world to finance a generation of action

Lets for example say the half baked Russian actions stop Assad from falling,
All Assad will do is try to punish the majority population

The same bombing and torture which has small coverage on world media has major coverage across numerous portals across the muslim world

If you stop thinking of ISIS as a group and more of a ideology then you will realise killing
1, 10, 100 or 10,000 isis members is pointless when the ideology spreads to inspire millions

Killing syrians, indiscriminate bombing, triumphalism in west or by outsiders like what is happening here

Is pointless, utterly utterly pointless

Just like the Mujahadeen or the Taliban and AQ weren't destroyed neither will ISIS

And because the macho actions are so ill thought out and counter productive even if 10,000 isis members die and all you idiots clap your hands its just the start of the expansion of isis ideology unless the core issues such as Palestine, western military adventurism, brutal dictators aren't resolved
You must have been old enough during the Iraq war right?

won't confirm, won't deny. :D

You did not once feel surprise at what happened to the bulk of the battle hardened crack troops of Saddam that did battle with Iran for 10 long years?

They suddenly vanished? Became farmers and scent makers?

The fight that never came.

good point.

Till now.

good point.

but vanishing was not so sudden and so complete... while a lot of the baathist movement, including your mentioned saddam's republican guard, dispersed after 2003 ( primarily to syria ) to regroup, a lot of them remained and offered stiff resistance to the american occupation army and its new puppet regime... cities like fallujah are well-known for the resisters, but who were not only the baathists but also other factions ( Razing of Fallujah fails to break Iraqi resistance - World Socialist Web Site ).

some analysis... from ( Iraqi insurgency (2003–11) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia )...
The fall of Baghdad effectively ended the existence of the Fedayeen Saddam as an organized paramilitary. Several of its members died during the war. A large number survived, however, and were willing to carry on the fight even after the fall of Saddam Hussein from power. Many former members joined guerrilla organizations that began to form to resist the U.S-led coalition in Iraq. By June, an insurgency was underway in central and northern Iraq, especially in an area known as the Sunni Triangle. Some units of the Fedayeen also continued to operate independently of other insurgent organizations in the Sunni areas of Iraq. On November 30, 2003, a U.S. convoy traveling through the town of Samarra in the Sunni Triangle was ambushed by over 100 Iraqi guerillas, reportedly wearing trademark Fedayeen Saddam uniforms.

from ( Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party – Iraq Region - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia )...
al-Douri has been considered more of a symbol, but he doesn't actually hold that much power over the party. In a discussion with the American embassy in Amman, Jordan, in 2007, retired Lieutenant General Khalid al-Jibouri stated that he believed "a powerful shadow group of personnel [was] behind him who really constitute the operational leadership of his faction". He further noted that the party was modernizing, in the sense that it recognized it would be impossible to return to power alone, while, at the same time, it returned to its old, Ba'athist ideological roots. In another note, al-Jibouri noted that the Ba'ath Party had become a major enemy of al-Qaida in Iraq.
In the wake of Muammar Gaddafi's downfall, [ late 2011 - jamahir ] the new Libyan government sent documents to the Iraqi government which claimed that Ba'athists, with help from Gaddafi, were planning a coup.[63] Because of the revelations, the Iraqi government initiated a purge of thousands of public officials.[63] The purge triggered Sunni protests, with many calling for Sunni autonomy within Iraq.[63] Surprisingly to outside observers, al-Douri's Ba'ath party opposed Sunni autonomy and, in a statement, referred to it as "a dangerous plan to divide Iraq along sectarian lines.

connect this last with what i said earlier about a iraqi unit going to libya to help muammar gaddafi.

the iraqis fight on but mainstream media does not talk about them.

there was a thread some months ago about the supposed death of izzat ibrahim al-douri in iraq... i don't know if that fact is true because after all it is the usa government and the iraqi government saying so.

but there is also a complicating thing... (a). we must consider that among the people in syria fighting against the nato-backed foreign terrorists will be the iraqi baathists ( in support of syrian government ), (b). the new russian plan of sharing intelligence against qaeda and isil with the anti-baathist current iraqi government, (c). the existing friendliness between syrian government and the new-iraqi-government-friendly iran despite syrian government being baathist itself... russia and syria must surely have found a way to reconcile the differences.

P.S. What is Jamariya?

jamahiriya is a libyan invented term that means "system/state ruled by the people" and refers most directly to the socialist, direct-democracy, decentralized system that governed libya from 1969 to 2011 under guidance of muammar gaddafi and others... but those like myself who propagate this system call libya as just the first jamahiriya and call for all humanity to be arranged politically within a world jamahiriya.

the "aam aadmi party" also has vision for a direct-democracy system for india and which they call "swaraj"... you will have heard of one of its components - "mohalla sabhas".

Idiots have to realise forcing the continued rule of the same brutal alewite dictator is no longer acceptable and can no longer bring peace to syria

you are being the naive one here... this is the fifth year of the syrian war and you are unable to see it as the simple thing it is - a nato regime-change attempt against another socialism-based system, like happened earlier in iraq and libya.

can i ask your opinion on the situation in pakistan?? as government, would you prefer progressive socialists there or the current western-oriented confused fools or nato-puppet mullahs??
And because the macho actions are so ill thought out and counter productive even if 10,000 isis members die and all you idiots clap your hands its just the start of the expansion of isis ideology unless the core issues such as Palestine, western military adventurism, brutal dictators aren't resolved

they shouldn't be allowed to flee, find them and kill them.
You think about Pakistan, stop bothering of India..

@Topic: I wish if India could have send some troops and weapon system.. These are the occasion where one show there presence in world...

India should send 50,000 Supporting forces to help Asad and Putin..

that is ideal and would have been ideal from early 2011 itself when all this started.

but sadly, india, pakistan and bangladesh governments and establishments are not leaders on the world stage but hangers on the coat tails of the actually powerful and will selfishly wait to see which way the wind is blowing.

if you read the uno sc resolutions against syrian government and libyan government since early 2011, you will see the indian government and possibly pakistan government either abstaining or agreeing with nato positions.

if i had been leader of india, i would have agreed with your proposition.

Oh Wow!!! We are overflowing with money and have solved close to all of our problems.. NOT!!!
Our non-aligned stance is perfect in such scenario's. This is not our war, nor do we have resources aplenty to fight nonsense like this. We are already occupied by a lot of internal issues and contentious neighbours. We have enough on our plate.

Hell, China, which is a big world power is staying out of this!!!
Oh.. The irony of a so called socialist wanting to wage external wars when we have millions to feed.. :lol:
I don't take this news seriously ...

for me , Western Media are encourage Russians to involved more in this mess and in right time , westerns will hit them hard by using their dogs .... and at time , all previous propaganda will work against Russians ....

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