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3 Terrorists Killed In Encounter In Jammu And Kashmir's Kupwara

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Yes whatever makes you sleep at night.

You know what have you in reply so also you can find everything in this thread. Stop quoting me or anyone being clueless. Be productive if can rather wasting our time and do not troll. Try to learn the difference between insurgents, Freedom Fighters and Terrorists.
Bahi sahab, the Kashmir issue has become a bilateral one ever since 1972 Simla agreement that was signed between Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and Indira Gandhi. So UNSC Resolution 47 (lodged under non-binding Chapter VI) became null and void. UNMOGIP is just there to maintain the subsequent cease-fire agreement. Technically UN officials are just enjoying their Kashmiri kawas.

In your dreams .

Even in Shimla we said Kashmir will be resolved as per UN resolutions.

As mentioned by earlier poster UN has taken out from the list of disputed territories I am asking about the link to said news.
You know what have you in reply so also you can find everything in this thread. Stop quoting me or anyone being clueless. Be productive if can rather wasting our time and do not troll. Try to learn the difference between insurgents, Freedom Fighters and Terrorists.
Our terrorists are freedom fighters and your terrorists are terrorists. Nice one.
In your dreams .

Even in Shimla we said Kashmir will be resolved as per UN resolutions.

As mentioned by earlier poster UN has taken out from the list of disputed territories I am asking about the link to said news.
Through bilateral dialogue. Pakistanis miss this line often.
Our terrorists are freedom fighters and your terrorists are terrorists. Nice one.
We are not occupying any 97% Hindu dominant province not holding plebiscite as ordered by UN in 48 because we know we will loose .

See the difference and use your brain instead of listening to your pathetic media.
Our terrorists are freedom fighters and your terrorists are terrorists. Nice one.

We are dealing and sending them terrorists indeed to hell because of their intrusion into our soil Pakistan. India has invaded Kashmir since 49, occupied it by force and the resistant is freedom fighters. Didn't i advice you to go through the History but not the history that you have locally feed with. Google the Kashmir issue. They are freedom fighters because they have the right of Kashmir by birth and are fighting for the same right yet India occupied it and facing the resistant.
When freedom fighter fired at IA see what happened..

the same class of people(who you sometimes term as freedom fighters and world calls terrorists) recently paid a visit to a college in Pakistan. Atleast now stop glorifying them. How many more kids need to die for you guys to see the reality of this.
Thats what your media told you to believe ..

Never mind truth hurts:agree:

I know truth hurts and it's for people to see who is hurt here and using fake pictures to ease the pain.
Excuse me with your BS, I dont want to discuss on Kashmir issue. You are free to cry as much as you want. Tag me up when you get your "freedom".
3 terrorists died, more will die, all will die.

You have nothing to argue with nor you have any idea what the thread is all about .... Kashmir.... and we wouldn't need to tag anyone though the fight for freedom of Kashmir by Kashmiris will speak it self louder than words soon. Go, watch your Zee TV propaganda and feeds until you sleep.

Rest about the word in your quote highlighted with Red, be mannered while discussing anything in Int'l community though do not forget you are presenting India.
the same class of people(who you sometimes term as freedom fighters and world calls terrorists) recently paid a visit to a college in Pakistan. Atleast now stop glorifying them. How many more kids need to die for you guys to see the reality of this.
As usual you are confused between state sponsored terrorists who attack soft targets / civilians, and freedom fighters who are fighting for their freedom.
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