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4 Pakistani Troops Martyred as Indian firing led to there car fell in River

As of now Indus is preparing to surrender yet again, this time to a new master from Yellow (Hueng He) land-
Well after such knowledge comment,I seriously can't comment.But there investment ,help in building Road Network along with ports, Provision of military hardware without milking, payment of which happens on installments and Help in security council have given every bloody gangadshi a strong butthurt.....burn gangadeshi...burn gangadeshi
We will reply with 120 mm mortars and L 70 40 mm Anti aircraft guns
No chutiyya CO of battalion will fire his 120mm morters to gave off there position, because they are deployed after survey,and no one will try to fire on bunker with AA batteries because of fact that in most of cases they have no effect and can't be used against ground targets.
Well after such knowledge comment,I seriously can't comment.But there investment ,help in building Road Network along with ports, Provision of military hardware without milking, payment of which happens on installments and Help in security council have given every bloody gangadshi a strong butthurt.....burn gangadeshi...burn gangadeshi

This is not me saying- but the OBOR/CPEC plan-


Why would we burn, In a way Its good, Yellow land Masters there just have to make sure they tame Indus properly and fat Kim type anomaly is avoided-
Even with thousand excuses,you will not dare in 2000-1 standoff,you guys came banging drums but went back wiggling tale in legs.

Times change ; today our people's attitude has changed
our leadership is different

And the world community will not come to save you

No chutiyya CO of battalion will fire his 120mm morters to gave off there position, because they are deployed after survey,and no one will try to fire on bunker with AA batteries because of fact that in most of cases they have no effect and can't be used against ground targets.

We have used L 70 in the past

And even now they can be used ; no big deal
120 mm mortars are used daily by us

Also we have other options like 105 MM guns ; ATGMs
No chutiyya CO of battalion will fire his 120mm morters to gave off there position, because they are deployed after survey,and no one will try to fire on bunker with AA batteries because of fact that in most of cases they have no effect and can't be used against ground targets.

Bofors 40mm L70 gun is used by India on LoC posts- These are forward post using It as direct fire weapon-



These images are from 2011 I think-
These images are from 2011 I think-

These images are from 2013

The Rounds have electronic fuses.

In Anti personal role in thick vegetation these explodes in mid air, Right above or near the target creating hell lot of shrapnel, Killing or wounding enemy in 10 m radius or more,

L70 in full auto fire can fire 250 rounds per min
and have a range of 12,500 m far away from enemy sniper or HMG,

It can be used in many roles including bunker bursting

L-70 are also called Ack ack guns

It can be very useful in direct fire mode across mountain valleys against targets on the forward slope.
What these small firings are going to do if you want to settle this permanently then have full scale war with nukes and get it over with this is just BS.
Today's attack was in Neelum valley by India

This means we have escalated the whole thing

Neelum valley is Pakistan 's weakness

What these small firings are going to do if you want to settle this permanently then have full scale war with nukes and get it over with this is just BS.

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