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8-episode documentary "The BRICS country" by China's CCTV


Dec 31, 2011
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This is to celebrate the current Delhi BRICS summit. Each country other than China will have two episodes, giving systematic analysis of each countries' fast growing economy in the age of globalization and the path to leading global powers.

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The BRICS country.

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CCTV in recent years has made some good documentaries so I have some expectations on this one. Too bad that it mainly target watchers so it doesn't include China! It's ironic that they don't have international watchers in mind when trying to open Chinese's eyes on the outside world.
fantastic trailer!

kudos to the chinese agencies who made it!
looks like the concept of BRICS is a big hit!!:toast_sign:

Indeed, I have never felt this strongly that BRICS countries are serious about the concept. It is a typical practice of Chinese government to make a big documentary to hint the country's future direction. The last CCTV documentary was the 12 episodes of

The Rise of the Great Powers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Just gives you a sense of the importance of CCTV documentaries. (It was a nice series)

On Indian's side, I think the high profile restriction of Tibetan's exiles activities was also a very strong signal.
Indeed, I have never felt this strongly that BRICS countries are serious about the concept.

So what happens when Indian Navy escorts Indian oil companies in South China Seas off Vietnam in direct defiance of Chinese warnings?
So what happens when Indian Navy escorts Indian oil companies in South China Seas off Vietnam in direct defiance of Chinese warnings?

The relationship between China and India will continue to be an uneasy one full of mistrust in foreseeable future. And there are conflicts and counter balance like what you've mentioned. But I think the positive side of the recent development is that leaders decide to move on and coorperate on common interest in spite of the differences. This makes the world a much safer place.

And between China and Vietnam, cooperation is also the main trend. There's an open border policy between the two countries so citizens from border cities can go to other country freely. Yes the dispute is still there, but it doesn't mean countries have to stop all other coorperations and focus on the south China sea.
So what happens when Indian Navy escorts Indian oil companies in South China Seas off Vietnam in direct defiance of Chinese warnings?

^^^ all hail the troll!!!:welcome:

The relationship between China and India will continue to be an uneasy one full of mistrust for foreseeable future. And there are conflicts and counter balance like what you've mentioned. But I think the positive side of the recent development is that leaders decide to move on and coorperate on common interest in spite of the differences. This makes the world a much safer place.

And between China and Vietnam, cooperation is also the main trend. There's an open border policy between the two countries so citizens from border cities can go to other country freely. Yes the dispute is still there, but it doesn't mean countries have to stop all other coorperations and focus on the south China sea.

sure thing bro!..........if we can continue our economic relations in this manner.. peace will soon follow!:toast_sign:
The relationship between China and India will continue to be an uneasy one full of mistrust in foreseeable future. And there are conflicts and counter balance like what you've mentioned. But I think the positive side of the recent development is that leaders decide to move on and coorperate on common interest in spite of the differences. This makes the world a much safer place.

That's precisely my point.

India and China were cooperating on matters of mutual interest like climate change before BRICS. They will continue to do so with or without BRICS. None of which changes the very real differences in other areas -- areas where India is moving full steam ahead with anti-China alliances.

When two countries are serious about resolving differences, they do so regardless of whether they are part of a common organization.

^^^ all hail the troll!!!:welcome:

Adults are talking. Have a lie down if you don't understand the issues and can't contribute.
this thread is on a positive issue.............what u are trying is to incite hate and act as a troll magnet!

It's not about positive or negative. There are zillions of "alliances" around the world (SEATO, CENTO, SAARC, SCO, ASEAN, ...).

The question is why, and whether, BRICS is any different than all these other alliances around the world.

The point is that countries will cooperate regardless of whether they are part of any alliance. On matters of currency swap, visa relaxation, free trade, etc., countries form bilateral (and multilateral) treaties all the time, without the benefit of an umbrella organization.

Conversely, merely being part of an alliance does nothing to resolve differences. Will China buy raw materials from India even though it can get them cheaper from Nigeria, just because the former is in BRICS?

You have to view relationships in a broad context of what countries are doing outside of any "alliances".
The relationship between China and India will continue to be an uneasy one full of mistrust in foreseeable future. And there are conflicts and counter balance like what you've mentioned. But I think the positive side of the recent development is that leaders decide to move on and coorperate on common interest in spite of the differences. This makes the world a much safer place.

a sound policy :tup: our first and foremost duty is towards our poor and their development. thorny issues need to take a back seat for now.

Pakistani leaders: learn from your chinese brothers.
When two countries are serious about resolving differences, they do so regardless of whether they are part of a common organization.

Such a thing is certainly not necessary between Pakistan and China. But I do believe that formalized declaration has both symbolic and actual meanings between otherwise potentially hostile countries. It sets the tone and impose certain obligations on the two sides to focus on common interests and put aside differences. The goal is not about to solve the difference, it is about seeking a win-win situation in spite of the differences.

Just look at US and China, they probably will never see eye to eye. But both countries call other partners at least on paper. It does allow both countries focus more on economic development and to prevent Korean War from happening again, which will truly disastrous if it indeed happens this time.
this thread is on a positive issue.............what u are trying is to incite hate and act as a troll magnet!

Give Developereo some credit. He is not a troll. As far as I can tell, he's level-headed and makes a good case for his argument. You don't have to agree with him but you should at least acknowledge the reasoning behind his argument.
Just look at US and China, they probably will never see eye to eye. But both countries call other partners at least on paper. It does allow both countries focus more on economic development and to prevent Korean War from happening again, which will truly disastrous if it indeed happens this time.

Since you mention the US, you are right that the US and China are wise enough to avoid direct confrontation. But look closely at what the US is doing: they are shifting their focus from the Indian Ocean (diego garcia) to the Pacific. With a visible and increasing display of military might, the US is quietly encouraging ASEAN countries to play hardball with China. And India is helping the American strategy.
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