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A suggestion for Ahmadis or Qadiyanis

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Sep 4, 2012
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Christians believe that Hazrat Eisa (or Jesus Christ) died on a cross, so Christians wear an image of the cross around their necks.

Since the prophet and promised messiah of Ahmadis, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad K@njar, died while having a sh*t in the toilet. I suggest that Ahmadis should wear an image of the toilet seat around their necks. :lol: :lol: :lol:
lolzzzzz you opened a thread for this ?????

Even though i hate ghulam, but this kind of language is strictly inappropriate !!!

@Aeronaut @Oscar
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Christians believe that Hazrat Eisa (or Jesus Christ) died on a cross, so Christians wear an image of the cross around their necks.

Since the prophet and promised messiah of Ahmadis, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad K@njar, died while having a sh*t in the toilet. I suggest that Ahmadis should wear an image of the toilet seat around their necks. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Christians believe that Hazrat Eisa (or Jesus Christ) died on a cross, so Christians wear an image of the cross around their necks.

Since the prophet and promised messiah of Ahmadis, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad K@njar, died while having a sh*t in the toilet. I suggest that Ahmadis should wear an image of the toilet seat around their necks. :lol: :lol: :lol:

listen this is just uncalled for, you don't need to disrespect them like that. keep your bs to yourself bud.
this is a pakistani forum and ahmadis are an integral part of our country, even i dont agree with their beliefs but that doesn't give me the right to disrespect them, give them their freedom to do their test in this life, its their life let them live how they want to, and you live the way you want to.
So where were his face when he died? :police:
Christians believe that Hazrat Eisa (or Jesus Christ) died on a cross, so Christians wear an image of the cross around their necks.

Since the prophet and promised messiah of Ahmadis, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad K@njar, died while having a sh*t in the toilet. I suggest that Ahmadis should wear an image of the toilet seat around their necks. :lol: :lol: :lol:

ahmadi muslims prophet (PBUH SAW) was a man of peace and a real prophet. So what if one dies while he is defecating, although this may be sunni propagandu.

if all who belive in prophet wear things around their neck on how their prophets died, what do Sunnis wear? Nothing. does this mean that mohammad is not a prophet? I agree to that. amen.
listen this is just uncalled for, you don't need to disrespect them like that. keep your bs to yourself bud.
this is a pakistani forum and ahmadis are an integral part of our country, even i dont agree with their beliefs but that doesn't give me the right to disrespect them, give them their freedom to do their test in this life, its their life let them live how they want to, and you live the way you want to.

You are right! I agree with you but those people also say messed up sh*t about muslims. Plus one of them here was trying to damage china-pak relations for no reason.
You are right! I agree with you but those people also say messed up sh*t about muslims. Plus one of them here was trying to damage china-pak relations for no reason.

ahmadi are also muslims. if they are not muslims then neither are sunnis.
Not trying to be an *** here, but Mirza Ghulam actually slipped on his loose motion.

"Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani was feeling better on the night before and suddenly he started having diarrhea and after few visits to the rest room he woke his wife Nusrat Jahan Begum and told her that he is having diarrhea. He felt very weak and his wife arranged for him to empty his stomach near his bed and after he finished and tried to stand up, he falls into it and vomits; his condition worsened. He never recovered and died, his death was a great joy for the entire muslim ummah as he had a prophecy that he will die either in Makkah Mukarmah or Madinah Munawarrah. He died in lahore and was buried in Qadian."
You seem anti-sunni :laughcry:
well it doesn't work that way, the majority will decide who is a muslim or not
both Shia and Sunni don't accept ahmedi as true muslims
To be a true muslim you have to accept that Prophet Muhammad(S.a.w) is the the last prophet of God
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You seem anti-sunni :laughcry:
well it doesn't work that way, the majority will decide who is a muslim or not
both Shia and Sunni don't accept ahmedi as true muslims
To be a true muslim you have to accept that Prophet Muhammad(S.a.w) is the the last prophet of God

democracy (majority rules) is unislamic. so referendum on Kashmir or ahmadiya is unislamic
to be tru muslims you need to follow 5 pillars. that doesn't talk about last prophet. it was added by mohamd as an afterthought. actually quran itself was copied from bible and other religions of that area. so really there was no god or allah involved. its just a imperial thought process of mohamad.
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