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Activist Jibran Nasir urges govt to arrest admins of 'Pakistan Defence'

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Sep 7, 2010
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Activist Jibran Nasir urges govt to arrest admins of 'Pakistan Defence'
As peaceful activists continue to disappear mysteriously from the country, civil rights activist Jibran Nasir urged the government to arrest the admins of ‘Pakistan Defence’, a forum on Facebook, which claims to be the “internet’s most authoritative source for news and discussions on Pakistan military”.

“The government must arrest admins of ‘Pakistan Defence’ page and bring them to court for inciting violence against missing activists,” the activist said on Twitter.


for those who dont know salman haider is a PhD scholar and professor at fatima jinnah university islamabad.

he is not the first victim, anyone who raises his voice to show dissent or support human rights of the marginalized communities or people who have been wronged by, are abducted or killed in pakistan via religious terrorists like mumtaz qadri and his supporters, who happen to be admins of pakistan defence page too.
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cc @WebMaster
Why why why my man???
apparently the pakistan defence owner or admits are full of violent messages for the missing activists.. I wonder if that can be taken up in USA for supporting terrorism and extremism?
These activists are involved in anti-Pakistan activities as well as provoking Muslims in Pakistan through different means of Insults to Islam and mostly blames Pakistan Institutions for everything. Who knows the deliberate absence of them is another agenda to malign Pakistan & Pakistan Army for such thing.

@Horus @Rashid Mahmood
These activists are involved in anti-Pakistan activities as well as provoking Muslims in Pakistan through different means of Insults to Islam and mostly blames Pakistan Institutions for everything. Who knows the deliberate absence of them is another agenda to malign Pakistan & Pakistan Army for such thing.

@Horus @Rashid Mahmood
screw them but PDF page is also wrong .. i wonder who is running it these days... it really is inciting violence.
screw them but PDF page is also wrong .. i wonder who is running it these days... it really is inciting violence.

Actually, PDF doesn't endorse people say and everyone is at liberty to have his/her opinion. I was going through many things on to page, it was about to share the awareness about activists business nowadays.

@WebMaster @Horus @Side-Winder
apparently the pakistan defence owner or admits are full of violent messages for the missing activists.. I wonder if that can be taken up in USA for supporting terrorism and extremism?

No. It is a matter of jurisdiction, and besides, freedom of expression applies to all shades of thought, all of them.

speak less as you spill beans towards who posted that post on fb. for anyone with a clear head knows it was clearly inciting violence repeatedly.
I want ISI need to do one thing release the reason of why these people were picked up than release the proof to public and than release the addresses and picture of these people on every street of Pakistan. 99 % Pakistanis are not even aware of who was the professor and what crap he was involved in so I hope ISI comes up with things I have mentioned
There were no violent messages by our Facebook admins. We support authorities picking up such activists who are involved in running of extremist social media pages, we regularly report and take down such pages. We expect the authorities to give such activists a due trial.
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