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Adolf Hitler died in Argentina, not Berlin

True picture of hilter was destryed and hidded by USA, British and French....

I belive Hilter was a great man other than War Monger.... I was born 40 yrs after the war so there is no document or anything to put the correct info about the person.

he brought the German to Global Super Power in just about 15 yrs. (Amazing)

We can aleats learned his good doing how he did. Modern weapon to medicine and economy.

American have a habbit of poking their nose every where.

1. got Germany out of the depression it got into from the first world war
2. disbanded the socialist/Democratic government everyone hated
3. Exiled socialists and people who stood against Germany (and if they didn't leave he put them in camps)
4. Promised that the down-trotted German people a brighter future (ex. take over the freakin' word)
5. Good motivational speaker, very influential
6. He was able to gain respect from most European leaders along with the Germans during the time he was in power
etc etc...


don't forget he killed 10's of millions. If we want to put in the fact that he was the catalyst for WW2 in Europe, make that more than 40 million at least.

Oh yes and he brought Germany to its knees leaving the Germans with close to a half century future as a divided state, part of which was under the Soviets.

looking at your list you actually glorify that he exiled people who in your words 'stood against Germany'. I assume you mean stood against Nazi's and their master plan?

Are you a child?
don't forget he killed 10's of millions. If we want to put in the fact that he was the catalyst for WW2 in Europe, make that more than 40 million at least.

Oh yes and he brought Germany to its knees leaving the Germans with close to a half century future as a divided state, part of which was under the Soviets.

looking at your list you actually glorify that he exiled people who in your words 'stood against Germany'. I assume you mean stood against Nazi's and their master plan?

Are you a child?
He got power in the time that Germany was in an economical disaster with the value of money equalled nothing.
And France because of the victory on the first war was giving Germany terrible conditions.

All Europe was racist in that time, even England. But the horror is that he focused on Jews and roms.
And one of his ideolog Himmler was doing something horrible in the human history: a plan to eliminate the Jews and Roms
I could see one camp in Germany. It is horrible. It is hard to imagine how they could do this. How crazy you could be
to do this !

In France i met a parent of one of my friend. He is a hero of WWII. He was in the German camps. He escaped two times.
A crazy story... at the end of the war he was in the russian occupied part .. lol. but he was very very lucky.
you know why... when he escaped second time. he was with three russians. he got "fun" with them. he knew a few words then.
sadly when the Germans took them: they killed the three russians and said to the father of my friend "russian front"
lucky they didn't kill him and later when he was in russian part someone with his few words helped him to go the other side
But before this he was among the Russians during the fight of Berlin and he could enter the desk of Hitler.
he is having in its house an object owned by this guy.
Well.. sorry for the story. But at a dinner he explained me what was the time in that period:
nationalism period in all countries.
as well he explains me that in Germany when he escaped and when he was in the first camp, he said he was chocked by the German behaviors: the only fact they say "Hei Hitler" they were like obeying a God or a prophet. they were brainwashed.

This guy destroyed his country. He entered in war for economical reason and he didn't care people of his country die.
until the very end, he didn't care how disaster its country was going to.

How can someone admire such a person? i cannot understand.
It is not because a few of his soldiers were genious at war and that German army was modern (and the excellent principle of fast move blitzkrieg: a local engagement of all troops to make a fast move inside the ennemy) that you should admire him
about it the father of my friend was in the ligne maginot and ...the Germans by surprise took them at the back.
i think he had beetle car which is produced even now.
its cost in 22 lakh in india.

Yes, I also heard that the last touches for this car was made by Hitler himself (after all he was an artist)
don't forget he killed 10's of millions. If we want to put in the fact that he was the catalyst for WW2 in Europe, make that more than 40 million at least.

The thread is a laughing stock with foolish comments against Hitler much based on propaganda that does not make Hitler an Angel but it does not make US an Angel either with its version of Hitlerism across the world in the name of Protecting US and its interests invading and bombing the hell out of everyone including a little example of wiping off a village off the face of earth.

Look at what US has done if you start counting the killing of innocent people since 1945-2011 US has atleast killed 5 million by various methods of Sanctions, use of Force/Weapons and so on.

Don't forgot US bombed Japan killing a million people instantly (that is another BS story that only 100,000 died oh hey they did die!) and till date the fallout and the crippled children being born. One must ask the fag.gots had to take revenge like that by trying out Atomic Bomb on innocent civilians is that the way of ending a War?, and don't forget when the WW II ended US and Britain bombed a German city killing 100,000 when Germany had already surrendered, Ask yourself.

Stop living in the past, its is time you people look into the current evil empire that is looming over this world making every country feel unsafe that is US.
London: A new book has claimed that Nazi leader Adolf Hitler did not kill himself in Berlin in 1945 but ended his days in Argentina.

British journalist Gerrard Williams said he and co-author Simon Dunstan found an “overwhelming amount of evidence” to suggest Hitler died an old man in South America.

Many historians say the Nazi leader died in his Berlin bunker in 1945 - but Williams claims their research, looking at newly de-classified documents and forensic tests, challenges this.

“We didn’t want to re-write history, but the evidence we’ve discovered about the escape of Adolf Hitler is just too overwhelming to ignore,” Williams told Sky News.

“There is no forensic evidence for his, or Eva Braun’s deaths, and the stories from the eyewitnesses to their continued survival in Argentina are compelling,” he claimed.

The book titled ‘Grey Wolf: The Escape Of Adolf Hitler’ claims the Fuhrer and his mistress Eva Braun were secretly flown out of Germany in April 1945 and taken to fascist-controlled Argentina.

It is alleged Hitler lived in the country for 17 years, initially raising his two daughters, until his death in 1962.

The book also accuses US intelligence of being complicit in the scam in return for access to Nazi war technology.

“Stalin, Eisenhower and Hoover of the FBI all knew there was no proof of him dying in the bunker,” Williams told the paper.

He added that the book’s new findings prove the “Hitler” skull fragments held by the Russians are actually that of a young woman.


I think he probably did go live somewhere else. The skull fragment is solid evidence that the allies don't know what happened to him. I don't think the Russians lied about it, they were probably mistaken. There's no proof that Hitler died in the bunker.
I think he probably did go live somewhere else. The skull fragment is solid evidence that the allies don't know what happened to him. I don't think the Russians lied about it, they were probably mistaken. There's no proof that Hitler died in the bunker.

The last person to see Hitler alive was a radio operator at Hitler's bunker so that is proof he died there

no it isn't a) they could be lying b) he was still alive and could move somewhere else.

Rochus Misch is the last survivor of the Hitler bunker. He is the final witness of the drama that took place there on 30 April 1945. It was the day Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun committed suicide.

"Suddenly I heard somebody shouting to Hitler's attendant: 'Linge, Linge, I think it's happened.' They'd heard a gunshot, but I hadn't. At that moment Martin Bormann, Hitler's private secretary, ordered everyone to be silent. Everyone began whispering. I was speaking on the telephone and I made sure I talked louder on purpose because I wanted to hear something. I didn't want it to feel like we were in a death bunker.


Eva Braun at The Berghof, Hitler's Alpine HQ. Photo Rochus Misch
"Then Bormann ordered Hitler's door to be opened. I saw Hitler slumped with his head on the table. Eva Braun was lying on the sofa, with her head towards him. Her knees were drawn tightly up to her chest. She was wearing a dark blue dress with white frills. I will never forget it.

"I watched as they wrapped Hitler up. His legs were sticking out as they carried him past me. Someone shouted to me: 'Hurry upstairs, they're burning the boss!' I decided not to go because I had noticed that Mueller from the Gestapo was there - and he was never usually around. I said to my comrade Hentschel, the mechanic: 'Maybe we will be killed for being the last witnesses.'"

The next day the drama continued. Down in the bunker, the six children of Germany's new leader - Joseph Goebbels - were drugged and murdered. It was their own mother Magda who killed them.

"Straight after Hitler's death, Mrs Goebbels came down to the bunker with her children," Mr Misch recalls. "She started preparing to kill them. She couldn't have done that above ground - there were other people there who would have stopped her. That's why she came downstairs - because no-one else was allowed in the bunker. She came down on purpose to kill them.

"The kids were right next to me and behind me. We all knew what was going to happen. It was clear. I saw Hitler's doctor, Dr Stumpfegger give the children something to drink. Some kind of sugary drink. Then Stumpfegger went and helped to kill them. All of us knew what was going on. An hour or two later, Mrs Goebbels came out crying. She sat down at a table and began playing patience."
Good one. In this information age, there is no excuse for being mis-informed or ill-informed.

@Topic: I thought Soviets took possession of the charred remains of Hitler. Why don't they do a DNA test or some other modern scientific test on the remains for positive identification.

there has been several documentaries about that, go chekc National Geographic Channel, they prooved Hitler died by the bunker. just like in the movie 'Der Untergang'.

they prooved it by identyfing his teeths.
People dont understand the last thing Hitler wanted was to end up like mussolini hanging from a tree he was never going to end up in the hands of of the allies of even worse the soviets.
True picture of hilter was destryed and hidded by USA, British and French....

I belive Hilter was a great man other than War Monger.... I was born 40 yrs after the war so there is no document or anything to put the correct info about the person.

he brought the German to Global Super Power in just about 15 yrs. (Amazing)
Calling Hitler era Germany a superpower is an exaggeration don't you think? It was the 1st among equals in comparison to the other major European powers (UK, France & Russia), but nobody can definitively argue it was in a different league like the USA was already at that time. Some have even debated that America wasn't a true superpower because its latent military strength was not realized until WWII started.

1. got Germany out of the depression it got into from the first world war
2. disbanded the socialist/Democratic government everyone hated
3. Exiled socialists and people who stood against Germany (and if they didn't leave he put them in camps)
4. Promised that the down-trotted German people a brighter future (ex. take over the freakin' word)
5. Good motivational speaker, very influential
6. He was able to gain respect from most European leaders along with the Germans during the time he was in power
etc etc...
Agreed, if it wasn't for his aggressive military adventures, Germany probably would have remained the dominant country in Europe from that point onwards and Germany would today be the sort of white homeland that so many racists wish for.
Rochus Misch is the last survivor of the Hitler bunker. He is the final witness of the drama that took place there on 30 April 1945. It was the day Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun committed suicide.

"Suddenly I heard somebody shouting to Hitler's attendant: 'Linge, Linge, I think it's happened.' They'd heard a gunshot, but I hadn't. At that moment Martin Bormann, Hitler's private secretary, ordered everyone to be silent. Everyone began whispering. I was speaking on the telephone and I made sure I talked louder on purpose because I wanted to hear something. I didn't want it to feel like we were in a death bunker.


Eva Braun at The Berghof, Hitler's Alpine HQ. Photo Rochus Misch
"Then Bormann ordered Hitler's door to be opened. I saw Hitler slumped with his head on the table. Eva Braun was lying on the sofa, with her head towards him. Her knees were drawn tightly up to her chest. She was wearing a dark blue dress with white frills. I will never forget it.

"I watched as they wrapped Hitler up. His legs were sticking out as they carried him past me. Someone shouted to me: 'Hurry upstairs, they're burning the boss!' I decided not to go because I had noticed that Mueller from the Gestapo was there - and he was never usually around. I said to my comrade Hentschel, the mechanic: 'Maybe we will be killed for being the last witnesses.'"

The next day the drama continued. Down in the bunker, the six children of Germany's new leader - Joseph Goebbels - were drugged and murdered. It was their own mother Magda who killed them.

"Straight after Hitler's death, Mrs Goebbels came down to the bunker with her children," Mr Misch recalls. "She started preparing to kill them. She couldn't have done that above ground - there were other people there who would have stopped her. That's why she came downstairs - because no-one else was allowed in the bunker. She came down on purpose to kill them.

"The kids were right next to me and behind me. We all knew what was going to happen. It was clear. I saw Hitler's doctor, Dr Stumpfegger give the children something to drink. Some kind of sugary drink. Then Stumpfegger went and helped to kill them. All of us knew what was going on. An hour or two later, Mrs Goebbels came out crying. She sat down at a table and began playing patience."

I'm not disputing that's what the Reich officials claim happened.

There's no proof they told the truth, because there's no evidence for the Hitler portion of it.

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