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Adolf Hitler died in Argentina, not Berlin

History is written by the victor. If Hitler won then we would all categorize the allies as the evil ones. But the allies won so it is the other way around. History is subjective, only the Vitoria determines what really happened.
I'm not disputing that's what the Reich officials claim happened.

There's no proof they told the truth, because there's no evidence for the Hitler portion of it.

Who knows what really happened in the bunker but i dont think he wanted to end up like Mussolini it was better he died in his own way.

there's no proof then of what you say. just what you think he thought. not best proof.
During the course of 29 April, Hitler learned of the death of his ally Benito Mussolini who had been executed by Italian partisans. Mussolini's body and that of his mistress Clara Petacci had been strung up by their heels and later cut down and lay in the gutter where vengeful Italians reviled them. It is probable that these events strengthened Hitler's resolve not to allow himself or his wife to be made "a spectacle of" as he had earlier recorded in his Testament
don't forget he killed 10's of millions. If we want to put in the fact that he was the catalyst for WW2 in Europe, make that more than 40 million at least.

Oh yes and he brought Germany to its knees leaving the Germans with close to a half century future as a divided state, part of which was under the Soviets.

looking at your list you actually glorify that he exiled people who in your words 'stood against Germany'. I assume you mean stood against Nazi's and their master plan?

Are you a child?

As an American, Would you classify Dresden Bombings and Tokyo Bombings as War Crimes?
You forgot his one of the greatest achievements. He killed 6-7 million Jews, and other's like Romas, gypsies, homosexuals, people with disabilities and anyone who was against the Nazi ideology and against the Third Reich. You also forgot the concentration camps where victims were made to work (forced labour) under harsh conditions without food, the medical experiments and gassings in the name of shower. He was indeed a great man, right?

there was never 6 million jews that died in Germany man , that was war propaganda by the anglo american zionist establishment that placed that figure in history , the real number was much lower than that , and it was not only jews that died , there was all nationalities , but zionism still uses as an excuse to justify the bombing of Palestinians and other crimes around the world such as what the americans do today.

Find out also about who financed the rise of Hitler , how did he get into power , and who wanted him to win , there was the same anglo-american establishment that put him into power so they could establish the State of Israel, read the book Wall Street and the rise of Hitler by Antony C. Sutton and do yourselve a favor .
there was never 6 million jews that died in Germany man , that was war propaganda by the anglo american zionist establishment that placed that figure in history , the real number was much lower than that , and it was not only jews that died , there was all nationalities , but zionism still uses as an excuse to justify the bombing of Palestinians and other crimes around the world such as what the americans do today.

Find out also about who financed the rise of Hitler , how did he get into power , and who wanted him to win , there was the same anglo-american establishment that put him into power so they could establish the State of Israel, read the book Wall Street and the rise of Hitler by Antony C. Sutton and do yourselve a favor .
hmmm something you didn't understand about facts
no they were not the 6 millions in Germany
indeed for exemple in France , they asked to arrest the Jews and send them to Germany. And so with the other countries.
And yes they were millions of Jews in Europe.
Jews and Judaism in Europe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The pre-World War II population of European Jews is estimated at close to 9 million (1.5%). About two thirds of these were murdered in the Holocaust of 1940-1945. Further population drain is due to emigration, and the current Jewish population of Europe is estimated at ca. 2 million (0.3%), composed of
Ashkenazi Jews (about 1.4 million, mostly German and Polish)
Sephardi Jews (about 0.3 million, mainly in France, Spain and Portugal)
Mizrahi Jews (about 0.3 million, mainly in France)
Italian Jews (some 50,000, mostly Italian)
Romaniotes (some 6,000, mostly Greek)
yeah there was many nationalities in Europe at the time , but the figure raised to 6 million was war propaganda , nothing else, and try not to use wikipedia as a source of information please, anybody can edit wiki and make up the number
yeah there was many nationalities in Europe at the time , but the figure raised to 6 million was war propaganda , nothing else, and try not to use wikipedia as a source of information please, anybody can edit wiki and make up the number
Not really . for the important references on wiki, more people have access and then it means more people can ask the writers to proove their facts. And then when facts are really having a problem of consensus it is written on the above part of the page that the topic is under such circonstance.

Another links:
Eurozine - Holocaust: The ignored reality - Timothy Snyder
eurozine is an historical conference . so maybe all europeans are liing themselves about what happened in their country. ah lol
In shorthand, then, the Holocaust was, in order: Operation Reinhardt, Shoah by bullets, Auschwitz; or Poland, the Soviet Union, the rest. Of the 5.7 million or so Jews killed, roughly 3 million were prewar Polish citizens, and another 1 million or so prewar Soviet citizens: taken together, 70 per cent of the total. (After the Polish and Soviet Jews, the next-largest groups of Jews killed were Romanian, Hungarian, and Czechoslovak. If these people are considered, the East European character of the Holocaust becomes even clearer.)
needing another source?
that doesn´t change the reality that the Holocoust story is a fairy tale that included war propaganda to raise the numbers in favor of Zionism , which used the war against Germany to create the State of Israel we know today, your link it´s part of that fairy tale many people believes so I don´t blame you.
that doesn´t change the reality that the Holocoust story is a fairy tale that included war propaganda to raise the numbers in favor of Zionism , which used the war against Germany to create the State of Israel we know today, your link it´s part of that fairy tale many people believes so I don´t blame you.
:rofl::rofl: You are a joke.
The Jews were looking for who were responsible for their genocide and even catches some from Argentina . if according to the book Hitler was in Argentina then what the hell the Jew were doing in all 17 years ? cannot they caught him ? this book seems a way for getting famous by the writer and earning some million bucks .
don't forget he killed 10's of millions. If we want to put in the fact that he was the catalyst for WW2 in Europe, make that more than 40 million at least.

Oh yes and he brought Germany to its knees leaving the Germans with close to a half century future as a divided state, part of which was under the Soviets.

looking at your list you actually glorify that he exiled people who in your words 'stood against Germany'. I assume you mean stood against Nazi's and their master plan?

Are you a child?

You only say About Hitler and forgetting about Nagashaki and Hiroshima (How you killed innocent Civilian)
Apart from Mass Murder of German POW and Dividing the country for your benefit. You stood by the British when they did Mass Murder in their Colonies for supporting Hitler (India, Burma and Africa).. You feed them with Weapons and funds.

What Hitler did is same now what you are doing now in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somlia, Libya and many more. (more than 40+ Million Killed by West after WWII)

I am not Glorifying anyone.... Its just you won the war and People has to listern to what you say about that person... it Stupidity..... Another war and History will be rewritten.

Hitler was inneed a great leader who brought germany from its knees. I don't know about Jews, Roman etc what is fact and don't trust western media.
there was never 6 million jews that died in Germany man , that was war propaganda by the anglo american zionist establishment that placed that figure in history , the real number was much lower than that , and it was not only jews that died , there was all nationalities , but zionism still uses as an excuse to justify the bombing of Palestinians and other crimes around the world such as what the americans do today.
I didn't say it was only Jews. I'm also talking about Romas, homosexuals, people with disabilities, and anyone who was against the Third Reich. Jews were the primary target though. When you say that the real number is much lower that that, kindly quote the number also. If you think that its all propaganda then I can't argue with someone who is in the state of denial.
Find out also about who financed the rise of Hitler , how did he get into power , and who wanted him to win , there was the same anglo-american establishment that put him into power so they could establish the State of Israel, read the book Wall Street and the rise of Hitler by Antony C. Sutton and do yourselve a favor .

I can show you countless books about the holocaust. But it seems that you wanna believe what you wanna believe so that one is not really my fault.

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