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Afghanistan: Why Turkey wants to partner with Hungary to protect Kabul airport

yeh smart ***! you are someone who believes a strand of dna unites people or someone who blindly worship western imperialism and what have they given the world! slavery! occupations! murders! hypocrisy!

and smart *** Pakistan like it or not is the only Country in the world that was created for Muslims and Islam not for imperial sheeps!
Hmmm but here is an interesting question can a Muslim from Istanbul,Turkey,Sarajevo,Bosnia,Jakarta,Indonesia or Urumqi,China be giving automatic citizenship for immigrating to Pakistan cause I certainly see no rush from those countries people to immigrate to Pakistan I certainly see more Pakistanis going westward or to the Gulf States to immigrate stop comparing Pakistan to Israel in that regard
Hmmm but here is an interesting question can a Muslim from Istanbul,Turkey,Sarajevo,Bosnia,Jakarta,Indonesia or Urumqi,China be giving automatic citizenship for immigrating to Pakistan cause I certainly see no rush from those countries people to immigrate to Pakistan I certainly see more Pakistanis going westward or to the Gulf States to immigrate stop comparing Pakistan to Israel in that regard

just because we dont follow principles of Islam doesnt mean religion is flawed! i hope that answers your question!
nationalism gave you 2 world wars... indian hindutava turds. how is your dear concept of nation state any good for humanity?

nationalism is western bs and like every white ball licker you cling to their idea tighter than their under garment!

kallay angrez Pakistan keh kamal hain!

If we don't love, look after and make Pakistan and Pakistanis prosper, no-one else will.

PS Race-mixing is a Western European concept and belief. NOT a Pakistani or Muslim one.
We can't my friend. Could Galileo Galilei convince the catholic church that earth was not centre of universe? Neither can we. Let time catch up but I certainly won't be around by the time that happens. In fact we can't even do it in our local mosque. Try go to your local mosque in Pakistani neighbourhood and try tell them that. They wil say nationalism is haram bro and will have bunch of Black ex-convict reverts and few Somali's eying up their sisters using the Muslim card.

Some nasty racist sh!t . Let's keep this place clean.

Race is real. It is OUR responsibility and duty to protect and nurture the Pakistani peoples. Those who have NO racial or ethnic connection to us are NOT our responsibility or concern. That is EXACTLY what the rest of the world believes. It is about time that Pakistani people did the same.
So Hungary is not Chinese trojan horse in EU?
Like balloxe it is. Hungary is a far right Eurocentric anti Muslim country. DW is a soft liberal German mouthpiece that like to play to the German gallery with it's wooly, soft, left leaning, Jew loving, gay hugging types compensating for the German guilt of WW2 exesses. In this scheme they also like to play up the western hate of China by seeing noodles everywhere while crying for the Uigurs Muslims. They are equivalent of rhe BBC in Britain that like to play to the tunes of their ruling elites.
What DW should be reporting is why half of the German Army is made up of Neo-Nazis. Their entire Special Forces brigade had to be sent home because they were saluting Hitler. And a German Army officer was caught smuggling pistol and further ionvestigation revealed he had registered as a Syrian Refugee. His intention along with others was to explode a bomb and blame it son Syrian Muslim migrants. Can you imagine if this was Pakistan Army. They would be reporting it on CNN as 'rogue army' blah blah.

German officer who posed as Syrian refugee in terror trial


A German military officer has gone on trial, accused of posing as a Syrian refugee and planning far-right terrorism attacks on politicians.
Named only as Lt Franco A, the officer - who was based in France - led an extraordinary double life, registered as a refugee called David Benjamin.
He was eventually caught in 2017 trying to retrieve a handgun found by a cleaner in a toilet at Vienna airport.
The soldier insists he was not an extremist and had not plotted attacks.
Under German privacy rules, defendants' surnames are not made public.
His defence lawyer condemned what he called a smear campaign against him, and the officer told reporters he was going to court "with a clean conscience: I never planned anything to the detriment of anyone".
His double life was exposed when authorities discovered the fingerprints of the soldier based in Strasbourg matched those he had used to register as a Syrian Christian asylum seeker, living three hours' drive north near Frankfurt.
The case against the soldier
Prosecutors believe he had made a list of potential targets, including German Foreign Minster Heiko Maas, the deputy speaker of parliament and a Jewish activist, and was intending to use his fake Syrian identity to stage attacks and have them blamed on a refugee to provoke anti-Muslim sentiment.
They cited a stockpile of ammunition and explosives he had hoarded in his parents' basement which was later found in a friend's house. Notes and recordings are cited in which the officer is said to praise Hitler.
He is also alleged to have been in a "Hannibal" network of survivalists that intelligence officers believe was preparing for the collapse of the German state on "Day X".
His arrest came after the 2015-16 influx of refugees from Syria as well as asylum seekers from other countries. But it was also one of several cases linking members of the military to Germany's far right.
Within weeks of the arrest, Nazi army memorabilia was found on display at the common room of his base at Illkirch in Strasbourg, despite a ban on Nazi symbols.
Screengrab from German army KSK video
image copyrightGerman army/KSK
image captionGermany's elite KSK was caught up in a far-right scandal in 2020
Last year the defence minister said she was partially disbanding Germany's KSK commando force because 20 members were suspected of extremism.
The case originally came to trial three years ago but was dismissed by a lower state court in Frankfurt, finding there was not an "overwhelmingly high probability" that he was planning an attack. Federal prosecutors appealed and the case has finally reached a higher court. If convicted the officer could face up to 10 years in jail.
What the soldier says
The officer, who was part of the joint brigade of the French and German armies, denies the terrorism allegations against him. The reason he took on the identity of a Syrian refugee was to expose the flaws in Germany's asylum system, he says.
Ahead of the trial he gave a series of interviews with international media.
"I wanted to get to the bottom of it personally, and check just how far the concept of asylum had been abused by the German authorities to the detriment of security," he told France's Le Figaro newspaper.
He describes being part of radical groups and explains the cache of weapons his parents' house as self-defence, "to protect [his] family in an emergency".
As for the gun found in the airport toilet, he explains that he had gone to an officers' ball organised by the Austrian ministry of defence but went drinking with a friend and found the Nazi-era Browning Model 17 gun in a bush and put it in his coat.
As he later prepared to board a flight he said he panicked and hid it in the toilet before going back weeks later to hand it to police.
Austrian police were waiting for him to return.

Well that's more of a personal observation I am talking long term the average women in Pakistan back in 1965 TFR was close to 6.5 its declined to around 3 not bad but as economic and social changes come expect growth to fizzle it will happen

The question for Pakistan how to conduct foreign policy pragmatically without the illusion of "Musliminess"

Why separate? Let Nationalism be your shield in defense of the country and Islam it's spear. I will go a step further and say Pakistani's are more Islamic following and learned that the rest of the Muslim nations (be it our ills due to bad and corrupt leaders), the rest of the MF Islamic World is lost and needs to be whipped back. We need to ramp up our effort and being the sole nuclear Islamic power, get others to toe our line. Other effort needs to be militarization ramp up of our country, make it a war based economy and start selling and manufacturing (jobs, education, etc. will follow).
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Race is real
Talking of race although now old, aged and worn out our Prime Minister Imran Khan was the finest specimen of man that has graced earth. Holywood actors are all fake. They get faces painted and have gaggle of girls to groom and use apporopriate lighting to make them look good. But our guy was the real deal. Raw alpha male. And then add the charismo and machismo. Nothing the west or east can match our Imran Khan.
expect growth to fizzle it will happen
Did you know that back in 1890s German or Latvian or Russian women were pumping out record 7/9 children? The excess population was then exported to USA. That is why vast number of Americans are actually of German stock. Today they are below replacement rate. The same is happening to Pakistan. TFR ius dropping and will continue to drop. By later part of this century it will stabilize.

The question for Pakistan how to conduct foreign policy pragmatically without the illusion of "Musliminess"
You know most Pakistani's know inside it is a illusion and don't act on it. It's form of public hypocracy. For instance if the country is about 'Muslimness' why are they opposed to giving citizenship to millions of Muslims who have lived in Pakistan for decades with many born [Afghans] in the country? And how come the 'spear' does not extend to Uighur Muslims? WE know the west likes to bang on about this but the fact is Uigurs are being screwed over which is why most Turks despise Chinese. But our lot on the Uighur Muslim issue will conveniently either get amnesia or do a -


and say it's all western propaganda and that those pork snorting, athiest, authoritarian Chinese love Muslims which is balloxe and they know it but chose to ignore. Suddenly it's not about the ummah but the interests of the nation state Pakistan and JF-7 Tundars.
The worst part is that some of these retards are happy for their sisters and other female relatives to breed black africans...........all in the name of the "Ummah".......... :disagree:

PS Having a healthy diet, regular exercise and doing lots of verbal and mathematical reasoning questions can boost your IQ.

Its up to the women's choice tbh
man our population is 200 million plus and still increasing . If 1000 of them go to blacks does not affect us at all. The number of indian men implanting their seed in Pakistani women is way higher than africans check the stats with your nearest Pakistan embassy but again does not affect us at all instead it helps us filter out the un-patriotic women. In today's world you cant dictate who can marry who. people have choices and choices have consequences -its their life.
The fall of the west is due to their laws that prevent marriage and have destroyed the very fabric of social structure. Their family system is dead ibecause the law does not recognize men at all, one divorce can ruin a man's life and too much lgtbq etc etc extra freedom to women. More and more men in the west are chosing to be trans. m to f

Most Pakistanis marry other Pakistanis
yeh smart ***! you are someone who believes a strand of dna unites people or someone who blindly worship western imperialism and what have they given the world! slavery! occupations! murders! hypocrisy!

and smart *** Pakistan like it or not is the only Country in the world that was created for Muslims and Islam not for imperial sheeps!

Pakistan was created becase the areas were majority muslim during British rule. If they weren't majority muslim Pakistan wouldn't exist.
If we don't love, look after and make Pakistan and Pakistanis prosper, no-one else will.

PS Race-mixing is a Western European concept and belief. NOT a Pakistani or Muslim one.

It actually is a muslim one. When the Quran says a Muslim woman can only marry a Muslim male, it is indicating that race/tribe have no place in there. A deracialized society is the sole concept of Ummah
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Its up to the women's choice tbh

Most Pakistanis marry other Pakistanis

Pakistan was created becase the areas were majority muslim during British rule. If they weren't majority muslim Pakistan wouldn't exist.

It actually is a muslim one. When the Quran says a Muslim woman can only marry a Muslim male, it is indicating that race/tribe have no place in there. A deracialized society is the sole concept of Ummah
a deracialized society is born out of after post apocalyptic world where most mankind population is reduced to mere thousands and all world government has collasped, now its about survival and any human that can breed will be considered regardless colour etc. .
Pakistan was created becase the areas were majority muslim during British rule. If they weren't majority muslim Pakistan wouldn't exist.
Well by that measure Pakistan was created by a English trading company called East Indian Co. If there was no EIC, Pakistan would not exist instead, Sikh Raj and Mir of Talpurs would reign in Indus region.


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