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After Malaysia, Trade With Turkey Under Government Scanner For Interfering In India’s Internal Issue

I can read very well but the problem I don't believe you.
I don't give a fck for your opinion.
Yeah sure you know the business of my kind pehhh..
As i said whatever ...
If you are leaving your country because of a politician, I wonder what would you do when your country really needs you. Years of stay in Malaysia but can't speak English properly, typical ayı that represented my country wrongly for years.
Asking someone not to vote is ANTI DEMOCRATIC. E.g. the Maoist and Naxals in INdia who ask people not to vote and then go to the extend of killing anyone who has voted.

Following the law of the land is Law Abiding. Like the communist, who are Naxals minus the open call for violence. Their violence is in the shadows.
Forcing someone to not vote is anti democratic.

Convincing someone to not vote is still democratic.

And no need to increase the font or making the words bold. I can read and understand without you doing this too.
Forcing someone to not vote is anti democratic.

Convincing someone to not vote is still democratic.

And no need to increase the font or making the words bold. I can read and understand without you doing this too.

Nope, asking someone not to vote is Anti-Democratic.

Voting is the corner stone of democracy. Before that men used to wage wars and kill each other to change government.

And anyone who does not understand this simple reality is a Fool.
Turkiye must stay away from this issue. While Uyghurs don't concern Pakistan and Pakistanis, Kashmir doesn't concern us either...
Who says it does not concern Pakistan? Not all diplomacy is done overtly. Even Turkey's approach on the Uyghurs is measured.

Secondly, while Uyghurs are inherently a part of China (not a disputed land), Kashmir should concern Turkey the same way Cyprus concerns Pakistan as both are disputed territories as per the UN. And on the basis of this, both Pakistan and Turkey back each other with their principled stances.

So if you want to apply reciprocity, let's do it on the basis of an apples-to-apples comparison.

It would be silly for Turkey to be cowed down by India if the country did not let herself be pushed around even by the US.
There is not a single RSS leader who has asked for killing or supported killings.

Feel free to prove me wrong.
This is even more dangerous..

Saying that mob lynching will not stop until beef consumption stops is actually hiding behind peace mantra and telling the mob lynchers they aren't at fault!

Nope, asking someone not to vote is Anti-Democratic.

Voting is the corner stone of democracy. Before that men used to wage wars and kill each other to change government.

And anyone who does not understand this simple reality is a Fool.

See, again you are having anger management issues.

Abstaining from voting because the organization doesn't feel any political party is on the right path is better than not casting a vote.. it's their opinion.. why do you have a problem?

Problem is when an organization says it is not political, but still supports a party..
This is even more dangerous..

Saying that mob lynching will not stop until beef consumption stops is actually hiding behind peace mantra and telling the mob lynchers they aren't at fault!

Mob lynching is over Cattle theft, smuggling and slaughter. Not beef consumption. And yes, as long as these theft, smuggling and slaughter take place and the police do nothing, Vigilante action will only Increase, not decrease.

Only in pdf can NOT advocating killing be more dangerous than advocating killing. LOL.

See, again you are having anger management issues.

Abstaining from voting because the organization doesn't feel any political party is on the right path is better than not casting a vote.. it's their opinion.. why do you have a problem?

Problem is when an organization says it is not political, but still supports a party..

The correct path is to stand for election yourself and provide a better alternative. Not asking people not to vote because you are too scared to stand for election.

In a democracy EVERYBODY is required to support and vote for a party. This is not a "problem" but the Solution to the problem.
So there are two arguments:

1 . Advocates of compulsory voting argue that decisions made by democratically elected governments are more legitimate when higher proportions of the population participate. They argue further that voting, voluntarily or otherwise, has an educational effect upon the citizens. Political parties can derive financial benefits from compulsory voting, since they do not have to spend resources convincing the electorate that it should in general turn out to vote. Lastly,

if democracy is government by the people, presumably this includes all people, then it is every citizen's responsibility to elect their representatives.

2. The leading argument against compulsory voting is that it is not consistent with the freedom associated with democracy. Voting is not an intrinsic obligation and the enforcement of the law would be an infringement of the citizens' freedom associated with democratic elections. It may discourage the political education of the electorate because people forced to participate will react against the perceived source of oppression. Is a government really more legitimate if the high voter turnout is against the will of the voters? Many countries with limited financial capacity may not be able to justify the expenditures of maintaining and enforcing compulsory voting laws. It has been proved that forcing the population to vote results in an increased number of invalid and blank votes compared to countries that have no compulsory voting laws.



The correct path is to stand for election yourself and provide a better alternative. Not asking people not to vote because you are too scared to stand for election.

In a democracy EVERYBODY is required to support and vote for a party. This is not a "problem" but the Solution to the problem.

Mob lynching is over Cattle theft, smuggling and slaughter. Not beef consumption.
So entering into someone's home and killing him, and then taking out meat from his freezer and then telling the world he was hiding beef comes under the categories of cattle theft, smuggling and slaughter.

The Dadri lynching
  • » In Dadri's Bishara village on September 28, a 50-year-old Mohammad Akhlaq was lynched and his son Danish (22) was brutally beaten up as punishment for allegedly eating beef on Eid and 'storing it' for later consumption.
  • » A riot-like situation gripped the sleepy village, a little over 40 km from the bustling sub-city of Noida, near Delhi, on September 29, when their relatives were barred from participating in the funeral procession.
  • » It was mutton, said the slain man's mother Asgari Begum.
  • » The Uttar Pradesh government on September 30 ordered a magisterial inquiry into the incident and also announced a compensation of Rs.10 lakh for the family of the victim.

Only in pdf can NOT advocating killing be more dangerous than advocating killing. LOL.
You are again having some psychological issues.
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According to you. Not everyone agrees with this.
Hindu texts can only be interpreted by realized beings i.e Yogi's who have reached a certain level of enlightenment. Someone who has experienced the teaching of the vedas. People like Shankaracharya or Sadhguru etc.

That's the core problem of your dogma, sir, it has monopolized truth to you.
Not other "interpretation" has any value.

All religions are categorized as a system of beliefs first, search up any social scientific literature and you'll see.
Which is why guru is a sacred term in Hinduism.

Hinduism is not about "beliefs" its about experiences and best practices.

Again, according to you, history shows otherwise. Again variance.
Brahmins could never be kings. At best they could be Prime Minister like the Peshwa's and even those were under exceptional circumstances. Those were the exceptions, not the norm.

Apologies, sir but I specifically told you this is not a discussion on religion but politics and sociology. That was my point, you're pushing religion into it, not I.
The problem is you are trying to interpret and understand Hinduism through the prism of abrahmic religion. Trying to fit a square peg in a round hole.

Precisely and according to a lot of people RSS does actions that can be categorized as such as well but you wouldn't agree to that nor explore it, would you?
Its not the label that determine terrorists, it ACTION alone.

With respect, sir, the current 'fire' is of your own politicans doing, not ours. No one asked for your sympathies.
Fighting the fire that is burning your own home down is VERY different from setting fire to somebody's home and then putting out the fire when it spreads to your own home. Such people seldom get sympathy even when they try and play the victim.

I can but please, do indulge me.
So can see where I am going with this.

Do you see the double-speak there? ISIS was also bringing peace through it's purges. So is every group that claims to be so. RSS is no exception. You're intimidating people from speaking and protesting, using state violence against them. Pretty peaceful, eh?
Nobody in India is empowering people who advocate civil violence. The entire Hindutva movement is to destroy people who resort to civil voilence and follow the "direct action" of Jinnah.

So, people shouldn't question RSS or BJP or the Hindutva ideology because they don't have a right to? Quite tolerant here, I must say albeit sarcastically so.
We just saw them trying it again in UP for CAA and we also saw how Hindutva govt. put it down in a few days. That is why there has been NO riots in Gujarat post Godhra. There is no more hope in "direct action" a.k.a Jinnah.

I assure, you, sir that's not the case and heated comments come from both sides, we'll soon share stats to show that. Please, don't play the victim here as you accused me of playing or is it alright for you but not for us? Would make sense.

Opinions are not offensive. Anyway Hindus need a thick skin in pdf. That is just the way it is.

Shall we continue?
I don't care enough to "trick" you. You are irrelevant.

Anyone who studies to be a priest in a Major Hindu Temple automatically become a Brahmin.

Quoting the historic Paliyam Proclamation made in the late 1980s, Biju said, "We are opposing even the term non-brahmin... Because, when a person acquires knowledge in pooja and tantra, he is naturally elevated to the status of the so-called Brahmin through his karma (deed)".

what a schemeing lair. Typical indian - never say the truth, never ever believe in doing the right thing. Always look for "but" options to weasel away and excuse for his treachery. Nobody cares for your irrelevant "proclaimations" "laws" etc nonsense.
Simple fact - why are there no non-brahmins as priests in all major temples infact vast majority of temples apart from exceptions here and there.
Some people say it is religious matter. It is not. Religion is about morality, principles and in some cases rituals or ceremonies. banning people by birth and looking down upon their own religion people because of their caste is not religious. It is facism and racism.

go get it.

There is no law for brahmin to be priest, if hibdus want brahmin peiest that is their religious matters .
Religion is different ball game .

India gets benefits from china trade.

It is not religon matter. See my post above.

Every indication clearly presents brahminical religion (infact scholars call hinduism as brahminical religion as apart from brahmins everyone is second, third or fouth grade) is not a religion at all for non-brahmins but a faccist and racist system of governance at its core. Ofcourse since they dont have the full power to enforce facism there are full of compromises which leads to confusion as to character of brahminism.
Hinduism came up only in early 20th century when brahmins realized they will lose power when british leave due to principles of democracy taking root.

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