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Agony of Pakistani women enslaved by Dubai sex trade

What hurts the most is your own helplessness. So many victims could've been saved if those disgusted by it had the influence and money for it.

Yaar I could have paid 15 20 lakh PKR to save that child that ONE time, but thats all. How was I going to save her rest of her life when her own family was out to sell her? Only way out is for an institution to take her in or someone to marry her. Now because of her family, nobody would marry her too.

She was such a sweet innocent looking kid who seemed terrified but resigned to her fate...
The Cruelty of impoverishment. However, Allah is the great equalizer.

What goes around comes around.
Where are the Arab worshipping brigade when you need them?
Poverty is the route cause of all these. Hope we achieve poverty free world someday.
Sometimes I feel that Ind and Pak should just STFU and work towards eliminating poverty...All this hatred because of ols enemities and Kashmir is all BS..we need to put a stop to this and spend money where it is needed most..disgusting humans.
no aside from that its my own theory that maximum of the worlds problems is due to majority of men
feminist huh ???
be a realist.
and yeah, men are the cause of problems. coz they have the controlling stake.
once women have the danda in their hands, they too will start cozing problems.....for starters....have u seen any saas bahu serials (where the mards are naamards, n most of the footage is eaten up by the females) ?
do drop ur comments

A lot of girls get kidnapped and trafficked as well. It's just easier to find desperate people in poorer parts of the world..
well....desperate ppl have to stand up for themselves.....cant count on the law forces, can we??
Sometimes I feel that Ind and Pak should just STFU and work towards eliminating poverty...All this hatred because of ols enemities and Kashmir is all BS..we need to put a stop to this and spend money where it is needed most..disgusting humans.
I hope for peace between India and Pakistan and development for both countries.:tup:

south asians writing outraged and sad stories around two terms... "ladies beauty parlours" and "ladies getting paid for sex".

how about writing real stories of honor killing, female foetuses being fed to dogs, dowry burnings, lifetime of sad married life because "divorce is oh so sinful", ladies being beaten up in parks and discos by "protectors of culture and morality, and preventors of vice", ladies being pushed out of trains, ladies being threatened by female-hating males and their even more fanatically female-hating mothers... all because the said threatened ladies were standing on a roadside... and last not but not the least... basically gay south asian males pushing iron rods into a lady's private parts and burning her with cigarettes and pouring acid into her eyes... all done gloriously over fun-filled three days.

or how about south asian males enslaving themselves to college degrees and then to a lifetime of the modern slavery called "jobs", and pushing their children into the same slavery and middle class poverty.

or how about south asian males who build stupid unnecessary buildings in the very same dubai. taking big unnecessary risks to their life, knowing well that they wouldn't ever be able to themselves live in the high-priced apartments they build, knowing well that their pathetic wages will keep them in poverty for life, and their children too,
feminist huh ???
be a realist.
and yeah, men are the cause of problems. coz they have the controlling stake.
once women have the danda in their hands, they too will start cozing problems.....for starters....have u seen any saas bahu serials (where the mards are naamards, n most of the footage is eaten up by the females) ?
do drop ur comments
i dont watch serials........................

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