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Ahl al-Hadith the emerging chaos among Bangladeshi muslim

Yes , every other version and in this case manner of praying except yourself of course is wrong ... Perhaps you are happy now ? :azn: ... Do you people even run out of things to fight on ?

@mods @Aeronaut @nuclearpak @Elmo close the thread please ...
Sir those same imams have said that if you get authentic Hadees and their saying goes againt authentic Hadeees than follow Hadees not what they have said so first read about Islam than come and talk here
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One difference that I notice between Bangladeshis and Pakistan/Arab is that when we pray behind Imaam, Pak/Arabs recite “Ameen” with loud voice whereas BDish is all silent. :undecided:

I prefer loud over silent. ;)
One difference that I notice between Bangladeshis and Pakistan/Arab is that when we pray behind Imaam, Pak/Arabs recite “Ameen” with loud voice whereas BDish is all silent. :undecided:

I prefer loud over silent. ;)
really? because we don't recite it in loud voice either, maybe its different for every mosque in Pakistan.
One difference that I notice between Bangladeshis and Pakistan/Arab is that when we pray behind Imaam, Pak/Arabs recite “Ameen” with loud voice whereas BDish is all silent. :undecided:

I prefer loud over silent. ;)

Ahl e Hadith are loud, Barelvi and Deobandi are not, but here most of the people offer mixed salah so that is why you must have heard some loud Ameens
One difference that I notice between Bangladeshis and Pakistan/Arab is that when we pray behind Imaam, Pak/Arabs recite “Ameen” with loud voice whereas BDish is all silent. :undecided:

I prefer loud over silent. ;)

You have not been in BD for quite a while now,have you??When I left they were all saying Ameen quite loudly!
Sir he was right I also used to follow Hanafi Madhab but many things in Hanafi goes against authentic Hadees and Imam Abu Hanifa also said it if you get authentic Hadees and my opinion goes against that than follow the Hadees not my opinion and all the other Imams said the same thing so you have to follow Hadees not any Madhab

Please provide the so call authentic hadith according to which imam hanifa is performing wrong salah .
One difference that I notice between Bangladeshis and Pakistan/Arab is that when we pray behind Imaam, Pak/Arabs recite “Ameen” with loud voice whereas BDish is all silent. :undecided:

I prefer loud over silent. ;)

Here it is loud..

Ameen should not be said silently
Shah Waliullah Muhaddith Dehlawi رحمة ﷲ علیه writes, “Chapter on the Importance of Following the Four Mathahib and the Severity of Giving This Up. One ought to know that there is immense benefit in following the four Mathahib and tremendous harm in turning away from them.” (Uqdul Jayyid pg 31)

In the same book he writes further, “The second reason for following a Mathhab is that Rasulullah ﷺ said, ‘Follow the broader consensus of the people’. Since there are no Mathahib on the truth besides the four Mathahib, following them will be following the broader consensus of people and failing to follow them will be to leave the broader consensus of people, which will be against the instruction of Rasulullah ﷺ.” (Uqdul Jayyid pg 33)

Shah Waliullah Muhaddith Dehlawi رحمة ﷲ علیه described the followers of the four Mathahib as the broader consensus of people and the one failing to follow any perform them as a lost camel who really follows the dictates of his Nafs. (Hereunder follows several Ahadith on the subject) Rasulullah ﷺ said:

1. “Follow the broader consensus of people” (Mishkatul Masabih pg 30)
2. “Stick with the congregation” (Ibid pg 33)
3. “Verily Allah will never allow my Ummah to be unanimous on deviation” (Ibid pg 30; Also see Maqaasidul Hasanah pg 460)
4. “My Ummah shall never be unanimous on deviation”
5. “Allah’s hand is upon the Jama’ah (united group) and the one who separates from them shall be cast alone in Jahannam” (Mishkatul Masabih pg 30)
6. “Shaytan is like a wolf to people just as there is a wolf for sheep, who grabs hold of the lone sheep wandering apart from the flock. You people must therefore beware of conflict and remain attached to the Jama’ah and the broader consensus of people” (Ibid pg 31)
7. “The one who separated even a hand’s span from the Jama’ah, he has removed the collar of Islam from his neck” (Ibid pg 31)
8. “Two people are better than one, three better than two and four better than three, so ensure that you attach yourself to the Jama’ah” (Mawa’idul Awwa’id pg 122)
9. “The one who forsakes obedience and separates from the Jama’ah shall die a death of the people of the Period of Ignorance” (Nasa’i)
10. “Whatever the Muslims regard to be something good is really so in the eyes of Allah as well” (Ahmad, as quoted in Maqasidul Hasanah pg 368)
Please provide the so call authentic hadith according to which imam hanifa is performing wrong salah .
Sir Imam Abu Hanifa don't use to raise his hands before going to rakoo and after standing from it but in Sahih Bukhari alone they are 5 Hadees on it

Is this coming from a person who cherishes the death of Muslims on every other thread ? :azn: ... Rich , I must say ...
I condemn death of Muslims weather it comes by our Army on American orders in our tribal areas or weather they in reaction kill innocent civilians but it was your Army who first start that ****
Sir Imam Abu Hanifa don't use to raise his hands before going to rakoo and after standing from it but in Sahih Bukhari alone they are 5 Hadees on it

I condemn death of Muslims weather it comes by our Army on American orders in our tribal areas or weather they in reaction kill innocent civilians but it was your Army who first start that ****

Hadith refers to reports of statements or actions of Muhammad (PBUH), or of his tacit approval or criticism of something said or done in his presence. Not all Hadith are from same period of Muhammad (PBUH)'s life. Some Hadith from Muhammad (PBUH)'s early stage of Nabuat and some are from later period. Both of them may be sahi hadith but may contradict each other. Example- Mu'tah marriage or contractual marriage, wine, interest were not haram at first but at later part of the life of Muhammad (PBUH) it made Haram. If a person comes across a hadith from early stage of islam and start to follow it, he may be making mistake unintentionally. That's why we need Madhabs, where the Imam's made the decision for us based on their vast knowledge and experience .
really? because we don't recite it in loud voice either, maybe its different for every mosque in Pakistan.
@Al-zakir, in majority of the mosques it's recited in silence. But I noticed in some mosques at Dhaka and perhaps the Armed Forces people recite it loud.
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One difference that I notice between Bangladeshis and Pakistan/Arab is that when we pray behind Imaam, Pak/Arabs recite “Ameen” with loud voice whereas BDish is all silent. :undecided:

I prefer loud over silent. ;)

I say Ameen, probably because they do that in mosques in Kuwait but noticed the same here in Gulshan Mosque and my area's one too.
I condemn death of Muslims weather it comes by our Army on American orders in our tribal areas or weather they in reaction kill innocent civilians but it was your Army who first start that ****

Learn the meaning of the word " condemnation " and then match with your posts on different threads in which soldiers or local Pakistanis get killed ... :azn: ... You cheer lead for the murderers Taliban and their insanity that is destroying this country then you talk of religion of peace ... I posted a question to you in another thread , why haven't I received an answer yet except for your usual autobot liberal jerks and infidels rhetoric ? :azn:
Hadith refers to reports of statements or actions of Muhammad (PBUH), or of his tacit approval or criticism of something said or done in his presence. Not all Hadith are from same period of Muhammad (PBUH)'s life. Some Hadith from Muhammad (PBUH)'s early stage of Nabuat and some are from later period. Both of them may be sahi hadith but may contradict each other. Example- Mu'tah marriage or contractual marriage, wine, interest were not haram at first but at later part of the life of Muhammad (PBUH) it made Haram. If a person comes across a hadith from early stage of islam and start to follow it, he may be making mistake unintentionally. That's why we need Madhabs, where the Imam's made the decision for us based on their vast knowledge and experience .
Sir Hadees are from HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW and Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim don't contain all authentic Hadees Sir Sir Mutah is banned Sir it was allowed for sometime than it was banned but about Salah all books of Hadees refer to the way which So called Ahle Hadees pray yes if he is following not knowingly about the other Hadees that is why Imam Abu Hanifa said when ever you get authentic Hadees follow that hadees not my opinion we need to follow Quran and Hadees Sir and what Sahabas did as a majority

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