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American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

Allahu Akbar! Battle orders has been released by the Chief of Army staff General Kayani. Now all Pak army formaitons will not have to take permisison from HQ's to fire at and attack the enemy targets posing threats to Pak Sarzameen and Pakstani Muslims. All hostile threats will be taken out and destroyed by all front line formaitons without needing any further permisison or clearance.

Alhamdolillah, this is what we expetced from our Sipah Salar! The entire Pakistani nation is with the armed forces, shoulder to shoulder, ready to bury the crusaders deep. All US presnece in Pakistani air bases is being eliminated and InshAllah, anti-aircraft batteries would also be moved to the front line.

The orders are both Eastern and western fronts, lest Indians start their day dreaming!

In the Supreme Court also, the governent has directly gone to war with the Chief Justice and Supreme Court. All traitors are ganging together to defend Hussain Haqqani and to block NRO decision of the court. Now it is time for the SC to rise to the challnage and to uphold the justice. SC will fight the govt in the court while the army is now battle ready on eastern and western theatres.

The enemies of Pakistan are in total panic and today even the most rabid snakes in media were talking patriotic laguage as they can see the rope of hangmen around their necks now :) . The reaction from a Muslim nation has shocked and dazed the enemies, alhamdolillah. Be ready. The time has come. A physical war can start without any further notice!!

this is good, but the question is, are they provided with man held "ground to air" missiles like anza or etc . . . if yes than it is the news of the month, but if not than i think its nothing . . . .
It seems that Pakistan won't accept apology only as said by many Pakistan ministers and public sentiment. What Americans must do to please Pakistan so that their supply route can be started again.

To PLEASE Pakistan, Zardari wants a lap dance from Palin and Nawaz wants Baker to tell the world that she didn't reject him - They just had varying schedules and the whole long - distance 'thing' wasn't working out, and that HE ended it !

I am sorry, I had to say this. :D
There's a hint that the PAF will be more pro-active in defending our borders, by Kiyani criticizing them.
UAE is not being a friend here..All the NATO wants is Pakistan to attend Bonn conference so that they can make Pakistan sign agreement sto do al the dirty work for ISAF..
They will ask Pakistan to keep supporting the puppet government of Karzai and keep him safe and support him...and keep him safe from both internal and external insurgency..a task which Pakistan can ill afford.
Karzai to Taliban: talk peace and I'll protect you from Pakistan spies

Taliban leaders living in Pakistan were offered resettlement packages for their families in Hamid Karzai's failed attempt to find peace partners free from the influence of Pakistani spies, Afghan officials have revealed.

Officials said the Afghan president's effort to find representatives to talk for the insurgents were scuppered by their unwillingness to jeopardise families given sanctuary in Pakistan, where they live under the sway of the Inter-Services Intelligence agency (ISI), which is accused of supporting the Taliban.

The initiative highlights the extraordinary grip Pakistan has over the Taliban leadership. And it showed the desire of the Karzai government to peel away a faction within the Quetta Shura, the insurgency's main decision-making body.

One diplomat in Kabul said families of high-ranking Taliban are often moved around Pakistan against their will and live under a loose house arrest. To overcome the problem the Afghan government, with Nato backing, hatched secret plans to move entire families to protected areas in Afghanistan.

"Such an operation would be difficult but not impossible," said a senior Afghan government official who did not wish to be named. "We have a red line on allowing our security forces to conduct operations inside Pakistan, but we were prepared to move the families. It would not have been a James Bond-style operation. We would have just used a few henchmen."

The effort never came to anything, he said, and the most recent offers to move families are on hold after the assassination of Burhanuddin Rabbani, Karzai's peace envoy. After Rabbani's death in September the Afghan president abandoned efforts to talk to the Taliban, saying he would engage directly with Pakistan.

Foreign experts and Afghan officials say the issue of families is a big stumbling block to peace efforts, giving the ISI an iron grip over the Taliban. "Every Taliban commander has his family in Pakistan," said a former Afghan official who has met the insurgents' representatives in the past.

He said the ISI tried to ensure all high-ranking Taliban kept their families in Pakistan. That included Quetta Shura members, frontline commanders and the "shadow governors" running the Taliban's alternative government in the Afghanistan's 34 provinces.

"It is a deliberate policy of ISI, who cannot trust people to fight unless they bring their family to Pakistan," the official said. "Any Taliban leader who wants to do something different will have to think twice because the family will be at risk."

That is what happened when it was revealed earlier this year that a Taliban functionary, Tayeb Agha, had been holding secret talks with the Americans.

"The story is that his family house was immediately surrounded and secured by the Pakistani police," said Antonio Giustozzi, research fellow in the Crisis States Centre at the London School of Economics. "His father was put under house arrest until Agha returned to Pakistan."

"There is a group interested in talks," a western official said. "They are fed up with the way they live: they know they are being used by Pakistan and that they can be manipulated at a moment's notice."

Karzai has struggled to turn such disillusionment into substantive talks, and has suffered a series of setbacks in his efforts to talk to the other side.

In February 2010, Abdul Ghani Baradar, one of the Taliban's most senior leaders who is from Karzai's Popolzai tribe, was arrested in Pakistan after he was found to have been talking unilaterally to the Afghans. Islamabad refused to hand over Baradar's young son to Afghan custody, despite lobbying by Kabul.

Last year it was revealed that a man posing as a Taliban envoy who met the Afghan president was an impostor.

The final disaster for Karzai's policy was when a Taliban suicide bomber killed Rabbani. Although the peace process is now generally thought to be on hold, foreign diplomats say the US has kept open lines of communication with the Taliban. Unlike the rounds involving Agha, the latest talks are being kept as secret as possible.

One American official said the process is being led by Marc Grossman, the US special representative to the region, who remains convinced a Taliban group can be "peeled off" from Pakistani influence. "Details about this process are in very short supply," said Giustozzi. "But the fact that it is continuing suggests the Pakistanis are allowing it to happen and have their own people involved. In that sense, it has their backing."

Karzai to Taliban: talk peace and I'll protect you from Pakistan spies | World news | The Guardian

Guardian is at the forefront in spreading Propaganda against Pakistan through out the develpoments that are coming as we are going further.
China have now sent a major 2nd battalion in defence and let NATO and America know pakistan is not alone.
China has also sent some of the major missiles near the border if an attack happens....my secret sources

I've actually heard about the missiles being brought to the border as well.
The order is only applicable on the Western front. Kayani would have been under a lot of pressure from within the military to take such a decision. In my opinion, this step is geared more towards putting a lid on the rising anger and sense of helplessness within the army than NATO.

These orders are nothing but yet another Kayani, zaradari face saving tactic. .
Kayani sucks. He is just trying is best to restore his reputation in lower rank javans by issuing such orders. The moment any post commander dares to shot at NATO or US, he will be court martial the next day.

China have now sent a major 2nd battalion in defence and let NATO and America know pakistan is not alone. China has also sent some of the major missiles near the border if an attack happens....my secret sources

:lol:Okay what's next..and if an attack takes place what will China do fire missiles into afghanistan, please!
Lol, I love it how they present us to be so sinister and powerful. I'm putting forward ISI's name for the next Batman sequel.

Put your hand up if you are with me on this.

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