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American-born Eileen Gu wins Olympic gold medal for China

California is fine I guess, west coast libertards tend to be more tolerant than those from, say, Massachusetts.

its also close to her childhood home and friends
California is one of the richest regions in USA, the richer people are, the more confident and tolerant they are.

In fact, USA is still the undisputed strongest country in the world. Gu ailing can only bring three Olympic gold medals to China, Americans don't have to be so excited.

Even when an Asian wins gold medal for that shameful country called ‘America’ you get racially attacked.

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Then why come back to the US to attend university and live/study here?
I don't think this need explanation. Her sporting career is based on skiing. It is a more lucrative and developed sports in US than China. She study in US is also understandable. Closer to her career based.

Nothing to find it weird.
China does not allow adults over the age of 18 to have dual nationality. Why do some people think Gu ailing still has American nationality? This is a CNN report. Gu Ailing has given up her U.S. citizenship.

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She never admitted that she has given up her US citizenship. She evaded this question when she was ditectly asked about that. Nor is her name on the list of Americans who have. And she is going to Stanford this fall. Why don't you ask her whether she would use an F-1 visa?

This is also the mainstream opinion on the Chinese Internet, but there is no evidence.

China does not recognize dual nationality. In the long run, she can only choose one nationality.

But anyway, she's already got both fame and fortune.
In China, law is bendable. I think China is perfectly fine with dual nationality if she can gain something from it.
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I don't think this need explanation. Her sporting career is based on skiing. It is a more lucrative and developed sports in US than China. She study in US is also understandable. Closer to her career based.

Nothing to find it weird.
But it’s not safe for her to come back imo she should just go all in on China at this point. The reality is that she doesn’t need a college degree but a Stanford degree is prestigious.
But it’s not safe for her to come back imo she should just go all in on China at this point. The reality is that she doesn’t need a college degree but a Stanford degree is prestigious.
She is coming to Stanford this fall. I bet she will register without a delay.
Yes I am aware of that. I’m just saying it might not be the safest decision.
If you have watched her interview, you would have found that she, just like any other highly educated American teenagers, has already mastered the fine art of bullshitting. Don't worry. Soon, she will speak in smoothing tone in front of American media and American people will quickly forget about the Olympic episode.
California is one of the richest regions in USA, the richer people are, the more confident and tolerant they are.

In fact, USA is still the undisputed strongest country in the world. Gu ailing can only bring three Olympic gold medals to China, Americans don't have to be so excited.
Americans used to be sassy and confident some time ago, back then you could tell any "America Baaaad" joke to them and they would just laugh with you or shrug it off

That time has passed. feelings are fragile nowadays, there were some serious malding and balding going on over Gu's identity on Instagram and twitter, some are just down right pathetic.
Btw, there are millions of Chinese living all over the world including Africa and Latin America. If they marry local people and have visibly Chinese looking children with them, how will they be received if they are high performers in their field?
That will be interesting to see how China deals with thar un the future. Since there will only be more and more Chinese getting married or having kids with other races in Africa, Latin America , Arab world etc , In fact even those born in China from one Chinese partner don't seem to be considered Chinese by nationality if I'm not wrong ? Will be interesting to see if they will be treated as Chinese as well or simply brushed aside as foreigners as well.
That will be interesting to see how China deals with thar un the future. Since there will only be more and more Chinese getting married or having kids with other races in Africa, Latin America , Arab world etc , In fact even those born in China from one Chinese partner don't seem to be considered Chinese by nationality if I'm not wrong ? Will be interesting to see if they will be treated as Chinese as well or simply brushed aside as foreigners as well.
It doesn't really matter. China, like most countries in the world, is not a country imbued in the spirit of rule-of-law. The primary purpose of its laws is to ensure country's stability and social harmony, not to enforce some abstract concept of right or justice. Self-contradictory decisions or actions are perfectly fine with Chinese. In each case, the decision mostly rests on the trade-off government makes to maximize whatever it deems to be more important. Examples like that are abound. For example, nowadays, government views social harmony is very important. Therefore, anyone who can throw a public tantrum is more likely to get what he wants than anyone who quietly follows the procedure of law. A group of people together commit some heinous crime are more likely to be punished lightly, if at all, than some individual. Etc, etc.
But it’s not safe for her to come back imo she should just go all in on China at this point. The reality is that she doesn’t need a college degree but a Stanford degree is prestigious.
She is rich now to hire armed guards to protect her. I don't think she will be worry for her safety in US unless she is taken out by an army.
If you have watched her interview, you would have found that she, just like any other highly educated American teenagers, has already mastered the fine art of bullshitting. Don't worry. Soon, she will speak in smoothing tone in front of American media and American people will quickly forget about the Olympic episode.

Don't think anyone at Harvard would have any problem with her that she needs to explain her way out of. But that is an isolated bubble. There are plenty vengeful fanatics out there nowadays that has a score to settle and a statement to make.
That will be interesting to see how China deals with thar un the future. Since there will only be more and more Chinese getting married or having kids with other races in Africa, Latin America , Arab world etc , In fact even those born in China from one Chinese partner don't seem to be considered Chinese by nationality if I'm not wrong ? Will be interesting to see if they will be treated as Chinese as well or simply brushed aside as foreigners as well.

If one has something significant to contribute and is willing, then one doesn't even need to be Chinese at all to be granted citizenship there. And actually no, those with one parent being Chinese and is born in China is a Chinese national. China just doesn't have a birthright law. Now if the country of birth doesn't have a birthright law either, then when one of the parents is Chinese national, the child is also a Chinese national.
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