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Angelina Jolie Not Happy With Her Visit to Pakistan

Jolie spills the beans

It is said a friend in need is a friend indeed. Similarly, friendly advices are often hard to come, as people prefer to play to the gallery or try to avoid an embarrassing situation by calling a spade a spade.
Hollywood superstar Angelina Jolie, however, was categorical and realistic to the core when she made a candid observation on her visit to flood-ravaged Pakistan. Jolie, who raised funds for the deluged Pakistanis, said that she was not happy with her visit as she felt that authorities concerned were more interested in photo ops with dignitaries and are less or least bothered about the impending human tragedy at hand. This demands genuine courage to say it so many words. And Jolie did that right away.

In her report to the United Nations, Jolie who is also UNHCR’s goodwill ambassador and has been to flashpoints across the world, recommended the UN to ask Pakistani government to cut down on their luxurious expenses before asking for aid from the world at large. What compelled her to say it in no small words is anybody’s guess. But she has inevitably made a point. The dual-standards at work in Pakistan, and for that matter in any developing country, when it comes to addressing pressing issues of humanitarian aid, is no rocket science to observe and interpret. Moreover, governments profess of austerity measures and at the same time indulge in extravaganzas at the cost of taxpayers’ money. Jolie says she was perturbed to see that no less than the prime minister’s family was interested in dining with her in fanfare and bonanza, and had the audacity of doling out expensive gifts. No doubt, Jolie is a celebrity but she was in Pakistan at a time of national tragedy, and that too to offer a helping hand. It is quite natural that she was disturbed to see dichotomy at work in the corridors of power. And that too at a time when the incumbent political dispensation is in the range of fire on alleged charges of corruption and mis-governance. She is right in saying that charity begins at home. One can only hope Jolie’s advice and regrettable feelings would spur 
some introspection.

Well don Jolie ! Jolie is a true Pakistani. :pakistan:
@ Zaki..

Yar ab tere 'facebook' group 'pakistan loves angelina jolie' ka kya hoga? :D
Jolie should run for office. Just from a sear humanity stand point she would probably pull ahead of everyone.
Here come the indians again they have problem with Pakistan in every matter.....where Pakistan came in the eyes of world.................i really don't get it from where he got this news that Joli is not happy from Pakistan.......are you her very close friend or what................I am really sick and observing these guys....from a long time.

When some Pakistani post something indians troll into this and start Joking in a nasty way and when somebody answer to them ............they say you don't have sense of humour and when somebody say some joke about India.....just check their moods......they start diving into this thread.
Here come the indians again they have problem with Pakistan in every matter.....where Pakistan came in the eyes of world.................i really don't get it from where he got this news that Joli is not happy from Pakistan.......are you her very close friend or what................I am really sick and observing these guys....from a long time.

When some Pakistani post something indians troll into this and start Joking in a nasty way and when somebody answer to them ............they say you don't have sense of humour and when somebody say some joke about India.....just check their moods......they start diving into this thread.

Instead of showing hatred to india why dont you focus on what Jolie said? Like jolie ,india also showed humanity and helped you guys alot.
But now your troll and unneccesary hatred makes indians feel that they were wrong.
What she said regarding cutting down of luxuries of High-End Officials of pakistan before they ask for aid,seems to be right and just, but its not what you want to read.
PPP says "looto looto or pher phooto ...
phelay mulq ko achay say looto or us k baad mulq say phoot jao ....
i remember seeing a news clip, zardari trying to flirt with sara palin whne he went to the states. lol

i guess boys will be boys.
on a seperate note how would you guys rate your president ? better than Mussharaf?
A similar incident occurred during Mush's time..
Some big politico asked jolie to meet him to discuss something..
turned out he was having his birthday party and wanted her to cut the cake with him.

I forgot his name. The imported PM some Shaukat something kia naam tha yar
What she said regarding cutting down of luxuries of High-End Officials of pakistan before they ask for aid,seems to be right and just, but its not what you want to read.

We agree with her. Also agree with Mrs Clinton. Our richies should dig their own pockets
Just check the passports of Gillani's siblings and see by your self how much they have traveled around the globe in last 3 years.

Some of my close acquaintice met his siblings in Phuket last summer... in a five star hotel.... you know what i mean.
The American perspective - Hollywood and its own elite take themselves FAR too seriously. Because Jolie can act, does that somehow make her a qualified diplomat, let alone an expert in humanitarian aid? Same deal with Bono - shut up and sing.

I love watching a good movie. They are great entertainment. But sometimes I wish Hollywood was not our most famous export, after maybe Coke or Pepsi.

I will admit that celebrities can be very good about raising money, but I think that's about as far as it should go.
How can Anjelina Jolie even be an alternative to Zaid Hamid?
She is far better looking.
She speaks much less, but much more sense.
Most of all; She does'nt wear a "funny red cap".:partay:

This post still makes me laugh.
:rofl::rofl: :D

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