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Arabs slam Pak stand on Yemen and Call on Pakistani Parliament to Fall in Line

il give you 1000 dollars if you define wahhabi first and show me a person who says i am a wahhabi.
now dont go to the street and get a crackhead to say im wahhabi. show me a well known scholar

Wahabi=Follower of Abdul Wahab. I will not refer to all Salafis as Wahabi, because that's not correct. Salafis are people who follow the Sunnah where as Wahabis are blood thirsty killers masquerading as Sunnis.

He is a Qadiani. What do you expect from them? At the same time he is also obsessed about Arabs. Nice combination.:lol:

Hello Al-Hasni, where have you been kid? Obsessed with Arabs? LOL could't give a **** about you people, if only your government didn't fund terrorism in Pakistan I wouldn't even mention you people.
I think the problem here is two fold:
1-GCC have all the firepower in the world, but they realize that F-15s, Tornados, F-16s can only do so much. Just like USA learnt in the Iraq/Afghan wars, you can bomb big stuff easily. But then comes the time to put boots on the ground to hunt those rebels hiding among the civilians. And that is long and arduous task. USA failed miserably, and that is what the GCCs are afraid of. In their immediate neighborhood, only Egypt, Turkey and Pakistan have COIN experience, Pakistan having the most of it. So While they were expecting Pakistan to jump in, they are left in doldrums since both Pakistan and Turkey have refused. Ground war in Yemen is going to take a seriously long time and GCCs are woefully ill-experienced in that regard.

2-GCC is now assuming that Pakistan is pro-Iran, and in the immediate aftermath of the Iran-G5 nuclear talks, they are even more scared that how would an Iran without sanctions be like. Yemen has had a bit of internal problems for a while, is it a coincidence that GCC coalition comes in right when Iran is expected to reach a landmark deal with the western powers? USA seems to have forgotten the GCC reservations on that regard. Meanwhile, the Israeli-Arab-Palestinian conflict still rages on, and with another front open, there is no end to fighting in the middle-east. Not good.
il give you 1000 dollars if you define wahhabi first and show me a person who says i am a wahhabi.
now dont go to the street and get a crackhead to say im wahhabi. show me a well known scholar

He is a Qadiani. What do you expect from them? At the same time he is also obsessed about Arabs. Nice combination.:lol:

He has no clue about the fact that KSA unlike any other country on the planet is home to indigenous Sunni (Hanbali, Shafi'i, Maliki, Hanafi), Sufi, "Salafi", Shia (Zaydi, Ismaili and Twelver) communities since they all originate in KSA basically. Let him live in ignorance and with his little obsession. Waste of time.
i think you just answered yourself. why would iran think that if its a peaceful nation and has nothing to do in the arab world or yemen lol

See we are not here to take sides. As of yet, no credible threat against any of the GCC nations has emerged. Iranians themselves know that they cannot be that stupid to directly attack any GCC members, so i don't understand where Pakistan needs to go when there is no where to go. Why should we be labelled anti-Iran by Iranians or anti-Arab by the GCC? We are not siding with anyone, and but we have said it, if there is credible threat to GCC, Pakistan will no doubt side with GCC.
about Yemen Pakistan should have been quiet
the gov make some drum beats so it is a bad for the looks in Saudi and UAE that now the Pakistan said no
so anyway i am still happy Pakistan is not joining the war
maybe the military generals thought they could sale some weapons as a pretext
UAE can kick out all workers and stop oil to Pakistan (dont get in wrong way) this will effect a lot

any way i wish Yemen situation finish peaceful ways and wish UAE dont take revenge
Wahabi=Follower of Abdul Wahab. I will not refer to all Salafis as Wahabi, because that's not correct. Salafis are people who follow the Sunnah where as Wahabis are blood thirsty killers masquerading as Sunnis.

Hello Al-Hasni, where have you been kid?
nice.. now take it one step futher and show me one line. just one simple line of innovation mohammed bin abdulwahhab came up with.
if i am a wahhabi then that means he came with something new. and he has a book where he wrote all his innovations in islam so his followers can learn his teachings and spread his word.
now give me a book name and in what page i can find this innovation. do that and il give you 2000 dollars.
again a book that was wrote by him not about him.
im waiting. im sure you are a smart person and finding such a thing wont be hard for you
And British India was larger in size and population in comparison to mainland Britain but that didn't prevent the Brits from ruling over us for a century.

In any case, I think UAEs threat is most likely linked to oil, not warfare.

You are not making sense, we are talking about today.

At that time Indian population were under British Empire control. Don't compare old days.
this war is nothing like syria iraq or afghanistan. for many reasons il give you few
1 yemen is isolated unlike the other 3 countries. meaning nothing goes in or out no fighter no weapons. this alone makes all the difference
2 we are not the US. we have blood relation with yemen. they are part of us we are part of them.
3 all yemenies from all sects and backgrounds are with us. except ali saleh and houthies.
ali saleh men are already leaving him. and the houthies are lost unorganized. each group now is acting on its own.


What do you mean isolated? Geographically? So was Iraq, Iranian and allies to one side, US allies and KSA on the other. You remember what happened in the early days on the invasion?

The US rolled in, met little resistance anywhere except for a few one off cities like Fallujah, the Ba'athists disappeared, Saddam like Houdini, made himself, his affiliates, disappear and dissolve into the locals, most notably the locals belonging to certain sects.

The US invaded with no immediate plan for reconciliation, no form of control or set up of government. If I recall correctly, in April of that first year. Baghdad and many major cities were taken. For a few weeks or months at least. The ENTIRE country of Iraq, a country of 17 million people, had some 300-400 civil servants, government employees, I don't mean PM, secretaries, I mean teachers, doctors, nurses, ambulance drivers, local councillors.

The US then made the mistake of favouring one sect of people, empowering them, and then going after the other sect that Ba'athists dissolved into. They directly drove an already torn country into an all out civil war that was well out of their control. And Iraqis are still paying for this today. The Shia majority and majority representative government of Iraq in 2012 made some bonehead mistakes on top of almost a decade of unfair treatment, and from it rose ISIS, which you know hw much of a threat they are. And what makes ISIS so potent? You guessed it, the Ba'athists and their disaffected sects.

-A side note on ISIS-

One of the big reasons why ISIS scares the hell out of the world more than Al Qaeda or any other rag tag militant group. Is that they declared a STATE. Not a militancy, not a land grab, but a state. And to the shock of all, they pulled it off, they have a state, they govern, rules, tax and make income off and for their state. How did this rag tag group pull off such a task? Ba'athists, people who were in governance for Saddam for decades, people with experience in the Iraqi system and army before 2003. They were experienced and they knew what they were doing, they took ISIS from being a simple militancy to a successful militancy and eventual state.

So, in short, the errors of the US, the most powerful nation on earth, backed by the most powerful and richest allies on earth, lost their war and destroyed those whom they came to free. And please recall, in February of 2002, Bush said that the Taliban were defeated, they were isolated and they had no hold anymore, and lo and behold, 2003-2004 saw renewed insurgency and the greatest military comeback of the 21st century.

So, I do not know or care much for what you define as 'isolated', insurgencies exist for a reason, if the reason isn't rid of the insurgency will emerge again with twice the potency. And I'm sorry to say, I do not view the GCC as competent in fighting wars, due to lack of experience in the modern era. Let alone fight an insurgency in another country.

This is partly why you needed Pakistan, only the thing is, we understand what these wars mean, and that is precisely why we said no.


You may not be the US, but you are falling for the exact same mistakes they did, trying to take on an insurgency that belongs to a sect by backing other sects and meddling with pro/antistate entities, all while other elements seek to outdo you.

In fact, you're saying you're not the US, and I agree. You do not have the world's greatest military machine, and the most experienced. You saw them fail twice, and you learned nothing.

Take a good look, the US/NATO usually loves this sort of war, if it's to beat their enemy Gaddafi, they tear Libya to the ground, if it's to remove the Muslim Brotherhood, they back dictatorship, if it's to remove Saddam and the taliban, they invaded. Why is it, that this country, most capable in these matters, most experienced and usually the most willing has not offered to become involved openly? Only support you from the outside?

They know that it is not worth it, they know that involving themselves will cost them, and that it will be unsuccessful. It is FAR easier to trick the Arabs into doing it for you, you help them, they do your work for you, and then if it goes sour (which it will), you won't be harmed.


Here you are talking about sects.

May I ask, how much have you studied Middle East conflicts from the 1980's till today? Name me one successful war with sectarian colours, in which foreign intervention helped rather than worsened.

In summary, you guys have no idea what you're letting yourselves in for.
Kindly keep us out of that hell.
UAE can kick out all workers and stop oil to Pakistan (dont get in wrong way

Well, damn.."kick out all workers and stop oil to Pakistan" and "dont get in wrong way" just don't belong in the same sentence.
LOL UAE threatening Pakistan of consequences because of Pakistan Military and the people of Pakistan not interested to become mercenary force and a country like NS want and committed with Saudiz and UAE kings..... big LOL... I think hardly 10 mins required to wipe-out UAE from face of the earth kid... this is Pakistan not your Saudi masters damn it Mercenary colony of west "UAE" and the shity OH I SEE!
Pakistanis should leave Gulf Countries and come home to develop Karachi and Gwadar. Its time we show them we can become a nation of our own. If they think they can stop Oil and Gas supply so be it. Let us extract our own massive Shale reserves and look at the possibility of building pipelines from our neighboring Iran, which will soon come out of sanctions and become the next big thing.
I think the problem here is two fold:
1-GCC have all the firepower in the world, but they realize that F-15s, Tornados, F-16s can only do so much. Just like USA learnt in the Iraq/Afghan wars, you can bomb big stuff easily. But then comes the time to put boots on the ground to hunt those rebels hiding among the civilians. And that is long and arduous task. USA failed miserably, and that is what the GCCs are afraid of. In their immediate neighborhood, only Egypt, Turkey and Pakistan have COIN experience, Pakistan having the most of it. So While they were expecting Pakistan to jump in, they are left in doldrums since both Pakistan and Turkey have refused. Ground war in Yemen is going to take a seriously long time and GCCs are woefully ill-experienced in that regard.

2-GCC is now assuming that Pakistan is pro-Iran, and in the immediate aftermath of the Iran-G5 nuclear talks, they are even more scared that how would an Iran without sanctions be like. Yemen has had a bit of internal problems for a while, is it a coincidence that GCC coalition comes in right when Iran is expected to reach a landmark deal with the western powers? USA seems to have forgotten the GCC reservations on that regard. Meanwhile, the Israeli-Arab-Palestinian conflict still rages on, and with another front open, there is no end to fighting in the middle-east. Not good.
sorry but you are mistaken here. i said many times before. the coalition have enough fire power and men. pakistan is experienced and always needed. but the role and the message here is a political one.


What do you mean isolated? Geographically? So was Iraq, Iranian and allies to one side, US allies and KSA on the other. You remember what happened in the early days on the invasion?

The US rolled in, met little resistance anywhere except for a few one off cities like Fallujah, the Ba'athists disappeared, Saddam like Houdini, made himself, his affiliates, disappear and dissolve into the locals, most notably the locals belonging to certain sects.

The US invaded with no immediate plan for reconciliation, no form of control or set up of government. If I recall correctly, in April of that first year. Baghdad and many major cities were taken. For a few weeks or months at least. The ENTIRE country of Iraq, a country of 17 million people, had some 300-400 civil servants, government employees, I don't mean PM, secretaries, I mean teachers, doctors, nurses, ambulance drivers, local councillors.

The US then made the mistake of favouring one sect of people, empowering them, and then going after the other sect that Ba'athists dissolved into. They directly drove an already torn country into an all out civil war that was well out of their control. And Iraqis are still paying for this today. The Shia majority and majority representative government of Iraq in 2012 made some bonehead mistakes on top of almost a decade of unfair treatment, and from it rose ISIS, which you know hw much of a threat they are. And what makes ISIS so potent? You guessed it, the Ba'athists and their disaffected sects.

-A side note on ISIS-

One of the big reasons why ISIS scares the hell out of the world more than Al Qaeda or any other rag tag militant group. Is that they declared a STATE. Not a militancy, not a land grab, but a state. And to the shock of all, they pulled it off, they have a state, they govern, rules, tax and make income off and for their state. How did this rag tag group pull off such a task? Ba'athists, people who were in governance for Saddam for decades, people with experience in the Iraqi system and army before 2003. They were experienced and they knew what they were doing, they took ISIS from being a simple militancy to a successful militancy and eventual state.

So, in short, the errors of the US, the most powerful nation on earth, backed by the most powerful and richest allies on earth, lost their war and destroyed those whom they came to free. And please recall, in February of 2002, Bush said that the Taliban were defeated, they were isolated and they had no hold anymore, and lo and behold, 2003-2004 saw renewed insurgency and the greatest military comeback of the 21st century.

So, I do not know or care much for what you define as 'isolated', insurgencies exist for a reason, if the reason isn't rid of the insurgency will emerge again with twice the potency. And I'm sorry to say, I do not view the GCC as competent in fighting wars, due to lack of experience in the modern era. Let alone fight an insurgency in another country.

This is partly why you needed Pakistan, only the thing is, we understand what these wars mean, and that is precisely why we said no.


You may not be the US, but you are falling for the exact same mistakes they did, trying to take on an insurgency that belongs to a sect by backing other sects and meddling with pro/antistate entities, all while other elements seek to outdo you.

In fact, you're saying you're not the US, and I agree. You do not have the world's greatest military machine, and the most experienced. You saw them fail twice, and you learned nothing.

Take a good look, the US/NATO usually loves this sort of war, if it's to beat their enemy Gaddafi, they tear Libya to the ground, if it's to remove the Muslim Brotherhood, they back dictatorship, if it's to remove Saddam and the taliban, they invaded. Why is it, that this country, most capable in these matters, most experienced and usually the most willing has not offered to become involved openly? Only support you from the outside?

They know that it is not worth it, they know that involving themselves will cost them, and that it will be unsuccessful. It is FAR easier to trick the Arabs into doing it for you, you help them, they do your work for you, and then if it goes sour (which it will), you won't be harmed.


Here you are talking about sects.

May I ask, how much have you studied Middle East conflicts from the 1980's till today? Name me one successful war with sectarian colours, in which foreign intervention helped rather than worsened.

In summary, you guys have no idea what you're letting yourselves in for.
Kindly keep us out of that hell.
my words were very clear.
again NOTHING will go in or out. iraq had an open border with iran. iran let all ppl in incluiding alqaeda from afghanistan. its official.
anyway lets agree to disagree. but in shaa Allah il come back soon and il tell you i told you so.
just give it some time and you will see for yourself.
16 days is nothing in war time.
LOL UAE threatening Pakistan of consequences because of Pakistan Military and the people of Pakistan not interested to become mercenary force and a country like NS want and committed with Saudiz and UAE kings..... big LOL... I think hardly 10 mins required to wipe-out UAE from face of the earth kid... this is Pakistan not your Saudi masters damn it Mercenary colony of west "UAE" and the shity OH I SEE!
Actually, it would take 2 weeks minimum to occupy UAE. However, if you're explicitly referring to "wipe-out UAE from face of the earth" which I'd assume is a reference to nuclear weapons... Well, that would take about a minute.

Pakistanis should leave Gulf Countries and come home to develop Karachi and Gwadar. Its time we show them we can become a nation of our own. If they think they can stop Oil and Gas supply so be it. Let us extract our own Shale reserves and build pipelines from our neighboring Iran, which will soon come out of sanctions and become the next big thing.
It's not that easy for one to just leave their home.

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