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Attack on Pak will be attack on China: report

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Some Indians here probably false flag because a lot of Pakistani posters are so hostile towards Indians that they won't even consider posts if they come from an Indian.
That is at least the sense that I, as an "outsider" get. It is no excuse but an attempt at an explanation.

Mate , what he meant is that you are a false flagger, an Indian hiding behind German flags - because your last post was not Pakistan-friendly.
Mate , what he meant is that you are a false flagger, an Indian hiding behind German flags - because your last post was not Pakistan-friendly.

I am not making a statement about any specific person. It's a general observation that the vast majority of false flaggers end up being Indian. In case you missed it, the issue of false flags was brought up by Unbeliever.

Anyway, like I said, it is far more enjoyable to watch the false flaggers out themselves.
He is most probably some Shiri Dhoti Lal masquarding as Herr Fischer.

You do realize that some pretty colorful vocabulary can be used for you, if only one feels the need. ;)
all talk from China again.. :rolleyes:

I have the strong feeling that over the last couple of month this forum has been almost taken over by Chinese propaganda agents, even if they are not professionals. There are dozens of threads on this issue and the Chinese posters suck up to the Pakistanis in such an obvious fashion (even in unrelated threads) it is almost funny.

Remember who really came to your aid when tens of thousands of Pakistanis were about to starve to death after the flood. The US and EU send you billions in humanitarian aid, the US flew rescue missions etc.
The US is paying your military bills.

What has China done, except for talking?

I mean if you are so keen on being China's canon-fodder go ahead, but don't kid yourself and think the Chinese want to do anything else but use you.

What has China done? Tech transfer for a modern fighter plane for one. Infrastructure for 2.

It takes some sort of huge arrogance to suggest that charity of direct giving is somehow superior to the charity of teaching someone how to help themselves.

China is a strong nation but with peaceful ambitions. It is not in to WORLD DOMINATION like USA.

Here are details about Chinese strategic forces:



In comparison, US has overwhelming offensive options:

Federation of American Scientists :: Status of World Nuclear Forces

Furthermore, US has most efficient delivery systems.

Also, China has adopted no-first-use policy in case of nuclear weapons.

So even if a military confrontation occurs between US and China, it is unlikely to go nuclear.


Regardless, we (Pakistani) are thankful to China for its assistance, cooperation, and friendship.

And this visit by PM Gilani to China was a good strategic move by Pak administration in the light of increase in toughness of attitude of US towards Pakistan.

May Pak-China friendship last long. :china::pakistan:

Measured by tonnage, China has 268 MT while US has 530 MT. Russia has 1000 MT. Clearly, we can still end the US, just using fewer missiles.
I am not making a statement about any specific person. It's a general observation that the vast majority of false flaggers end up being Indian. In case you missed it, the issue of false flags was brought up by Unbeliever.

Anyway, like I said, it is far more enjoyable to watch the false flaggers out themselves.

BS , you are making claims today with no basis .Most of them turn out to be Pakistanis . At the end of it it is your word against mine . lets not get into that which cant be proven.
India-Pakistan Relations post 26/11 Mumbai Terror Attack

More than once did the government hint at “all options being open” if Pakistan did not take immediate action against the perpetrators of the ghastly crime. External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee said India could contemplate military precision attacks on terror camps in and Pakistan territory. It was rage on leash.

The language of "hint" doesn't seem very assertive.

Anyway, the options are always open. The government makes a choice from the possible menu of choices looking at all consequences.

You have not been able to prove your assertion that India threatened a 9/11 like response. It never did. It kept all options open and decided to go for the diplomatic option. We all know that.

So, pointing out that Buddhism was almost entirely eradicated from ancient India is a "failure"?

No, its the not pointing out of the Islamic brutalities against the peaceful and non violent Buddhists!

Actually the failure (or I should say deliberate lie) was in the claim that Buddhism spread because it was eradicated from India! It is lunacy of the highest order.

Buddhism found a strong base and state support in India and spread outwards when it was still very strong in India.

Sure, if that's the way you want to remember it...
Like I said, sleep tight, Nancy! ;)

As I said, try the truth for a change.

It won't bite. Promise.

We'll see, For now, our relationship is doing just fine.

I am glad for you.
I am not making a statement about any specific person. It's a general observation that the vast majority of false flaggers end up being Indian. In case you missed it, the issue of false flags was brought up by Unbeliever.

Is it a case of taqiyya?

Where did he raise false flags before this post?

At least they don't hide being false flags like so many Indians around here. ;)

Anyway, like I said, it is far more enjoyable to watch the false flaggers out themselves.

Seems you never considered the possibility that it could just be hallucination!

After 26/11, India was claiming that it was India's 9/11 and it would react similarly.
All the chest thumping fizzled out when reality sank in.
And now Indians are living vicariously through America because India's cold start is in cold storage.

So you are upset that I pointed out historical facts to set the record straight in the face of Indian propaganda? If facts make you insecure, then I have no cure, sorry...

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...

I made my point with the last post where I showed all the puerile posts by some Indian members.

You did no such thing. The article in question, which you have quoted before, claims that majority of people in both China and India have a negative opinion of Muslims.

- There no mention of Pakistan.
- It opens up a whole different debate about secularism and the status of Muslims in India. Let's not even go there...

Not about the event itself. I am happy about the fact that India realized it cannot bully Pakistan militarily.

Nobody is happy about terrorism. The fact is that India wanted to do a American-style response to 26/11 but it is not capable.

That was my point -- about the gap in military capabilities between India and Pakistan. It is not big enough to satisfy many jingoistic Indians, so they never miss an opportunity to thump their chest about American attacks on Pakistan.

Dude no matter how many times you yell " fact is" you will not turn fiction into reality .

India never wanted to react like USA did ,we were talking about surgical strikes on Pakistani terror camps in Azad kashmir particularly the one at muridke, and yes we didn't do it because at that point of time our airforces were not ready for such a mission and ofcourse your nucelar weapons thats it.

That is fact , your nuclear weapons , Nothing else

I hope you do understand the difference between what US did in afghanistan and surgical strikes is.

But if you want to keep yourself happy by saying again and again "Fact is fact is" please go ahead but i get a feeling this is a version you are having a hard time convincing even yourself of .
No problem.India didn't care even when USS Enterprise & it's Battle Group moved in during 1971 War.

BTW PLAAN is a joke in front of the USN.

Remember uncle USSR sending nuk sub etc........ This time no ussr or anybdy else.
The language of "hint" doesn't seem very assertive.

Anyway, the options are always open. The government makes a choice from the possible menu of choices looking at all consequences.

You have not been able to prove your assertion that India threatened a 9/11 like response. It never did. It kept all options open and decided to go for the diplomatic option. We all know that.

And the dance continues....
The statement from your foreign minister is pretty clear. You can play your word games if you like.

No, its the not pointing out of the Islamic brutalities against the peaceful and non violent Buddhists!

The issue was the spread of Buddhism in ancient times. It happened long before Islam came to India, therefore Islam is irrelevant to the topic.

Actually the failure (or I should say deliberate lie) was in the claim that Buddhism spread because it was eradicated from India! It is lunacy of the highest order.

Buddhism found a strong base and state support in India and spread outwards when it was still very strong in India.

So, let's see this now...

India was predominantly Hindu with a minority of Buddhists. And as Indian culture spread outwards, it was the minority Buddhist religion, not the majority Hindu religion that permeated the rest of Asia?

The logical explanation is that the cultural spread was spearheaded by the minority Buddhists, not the majority Hindus. Reason being the Buddhists were fleeing persecution in India.
Dude no matter how many times you yell " fact is" you will not turn fiction into reality .

India never wanted to react like USA did ,we were talking about surgical strikes on Pakistani terror camps in Azad kashmir particularly the one at muridke, and yes we didn't do it because at that point of time our airforces were not ready for such a mission and ofcourse your nucelar weapons thats it.

also add timely intervention of U.S at that time they wanted pak forces to focus on eastern border with afganistan
Vinod2070, I know your self-esteem is cheaper than your satisfaction from words game. I originally wanted to continue playing the game and you, so we can find where is your lowest line of self-esteem. It is a more interesting game. But I decided to say something of more valuable, listen or not listen, you decide.

I have had a frank attitude to Indian members, because I think we may have a deep misunderstanding, so I always answered all the problems of members of India with patiently and carefully attitude, as long as your attitude also is real. As I said , use objective approachcan allow us to find more common, can better solve the differences. In particular, those differences is not a true story, just because some people misunderstand or even know, but letting our differences. it is not worth it, we certainly will pay more prices for our problem.

Game can not get any real thing, a good example. See the situation in Central and South Asia, too much game feels, it is one of the important reasons for not curb extremism. A game just to take another game, but who concerned about true story? If we did all just for the games, there would be no good future. For example, Vinod2070 too overestimating the role of the game, I am sure, China members and other members will not a good impression on him, not to go agreed to provide his view. I have a good feeling in PDF, so I have higher expectations, this is a good place for the exchange. not just a spread game place. I might expect too high, without any coercion, all free will , I hope to get more value discussion, it certainly allows us to find some real things than just just addicted to games.

That is all, may only be a fantasy.
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