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Baloch state of Farrukhnagar (1732-1857)


Sep 9, 2014
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Farrukhnagar state was founded by Dalil Khan Baloch, surnamed Faujdar Khan in the time of Farrukhser. He called his place Farrukhnagar after the Emperor, and populated it with his own people in 1150 H.
Indian Notes and Queries - Volume 1 - Page 31

Dalil Khan assumed the title of Nawab in 1732, and the Nawabs' of Farrukhnagar played an important part in the history of the tract for the next seventy years. Farrukhriagar was captured by the Jats of Bharatpur in 1757, but recovered in 1764. On annexation the Nawabs were confirmed in -their principality, but it was confiscated in 1858 for the complicity of the reigning chief in the Mutiny.
Imperial Gazetteer of India, v. 12, p. 73.

According to GURGAON DISTRICT GAZETTEER - 1883-84 page 21,
"The Emperor Farrukhsiar (1712 to 1718 A.D.) granted. Biloch named Dalel Khan, but who afterwards earned the title of Faujdar Khan, the son of zamindar of Khurrampur in this district , several large jagirs and the site of the present town of Farrukhnagar, which was founded by him. His four eldest sons were killed in battle, and he was succeeded by his youngest son, Kamgar Khan,whose son, Muse Khan, was the ruler of Farrukhnagar at the time of Suraj Mal's invasion. Suraj Mal captured Farrukhnagar and took away Muse Khan with him to Bhartpur, where he was kept prisoner until Suraj Mal's death in 1764 A.D., when he escaped by the connivance of the jailor and regained possession of Farrukhnagar, which continued to be ruled by this Biloch fsmil y until the Mutiny of 1857."

According to Dr.K.R.Qanungo, History of Jats page 87,

"Suraj Mal having failed to capture Farrukhnagar, , held by a powerful Baloch chief, Musavi Khan, himself came with all his forces and big artillery and laid siege to it. Two months passed away and Musavi Khan being hard pressed, consented to surrender it "if Suraj Mal would take an oath on the Ganges water not to hinder his departure:" But the Jat on this occasion made the same unscrupulous use of the sanctity of the Ganges as that of the Quran by some Muslim rulers.
The Baloch chief was made a prisoner and sent to Bharatpur. Sin prospered for a while only to make the retribution more terrible and shocking. Rewari, Garhi Harsaru and Rohtak had already fallen into the hands of Suraj Mal. He now turned his arms against Bahadurgarh, about 12 kos to the west of Delhi, the strong-hold of another powerful Baloch chief Bahadur Khan."

Baloch rule over Hisar district
In the early years of the 18th century, we find Hisar under the rule of Nawab Shahdad Khan of Kasur (1707-1737).Then Biloches of Farrukhnagar (Gurgaon), ruled upto 1760 successively. During the Biloch rule, the district became the scene of a sort of triangular duel between the sturdy Sikhs of the north-east, the marauding Bhattis of the north and north-west and the Muslim chiefs of the south.

Baloch rule over Bhadurgarh (Rohtak district)
Bhadurgarh was given in jagir to Bahadur Khan and Taj Muhammad , Baloch chiefs of farrukhnagar, named after former.
Haryana: Past and Present By Suresh K Sharma

1857 uprising
Ahmad Ali Khan, Nawab of Farrukhnagar, was executed and his jagir confiscated for his role in 1867 war of independence.

Sheesh Mahal
The Sheesh Mahal of Farrukhnagar was built by Faujdar Khan Baloch in 1733 A.D
Encyclopaedia of Tourism Resources in India, Volume 1 page 85 By Manohar Sajnani




Jamia Masjid of Farrukhnagar
Built of Agra Red-stones, Jamia Masjid was also constructed by Faujdar Khan Baloch.


Balochs of Farrukhnagar
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Samandari brother thank you for this post
Somehow I don't believe the allegations this guy put on the jats of being treacherous .

I did not knew this nawab was a baloch always thought all the nawabs of these areas were afghans
These were very small states I think the last strong ruler of these areas was firoz shah tughlaq

the nawabs of pataudi, jhajjar were afghans ?

all these nawabs and the jat raja nahar singh of ballabhgarh fought against the British together .
And either this nawab or jhajjar nawab had yusufzai in his army.
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because we dont put enough VALUE on history.....prefer to watch news channels and bullshit talk shows instead

There is also the tale of Mir Chakar Rind and Mir Gwaharam Lashari. Wonder if our brother @DESERT FIGHTER or @Irfan Baloch know about it. There is an entire poem based on a love story.

True sir. It is a big failure on the part of our govt that they never bother to show our multi culture diversity to rest of the people
And another thing. Heritage sites are lying in ruin without any money being spent to renovate them. Good post by Samandri and am happy he is spreading such posts on the forum now.
some interesting History of Baloch i find interesting

Balouch is a nation consisting of 500 tribes, their tradition and commonly values are similar. They have united civilaizal society and they speak common language which is called Balouchi. nited civilaizal society and they speak common language which is called Balouchi. This language was driven from ancient Indo-Iranian language. Balouchi language also known as an ancient spoken language. It is pronounceless language spoken in accordance with tribes areas.

This nation lives in a vast land called Balouchistan located in easter part of Asia north of Gulf penisala occupied by three modern countries Iran, Pakistan and Afghanstan. The part which is taken by Iran Known as Iranian Balouchisatan. Zaidan is capital of it measuring in miles 69,487 sq miles.The second is located in west of Pakistan is known as Balouchistan. The capital is Quetta and it has 34,000 sq miles. The population of Balouchistan lacks specified record here by give the approximate figure which is 1,50,000.

"The history of the Baloch is, however, still in dark. Research scholars have different opinions. Some say they belong to the northern regions of Elburz, now inhabited by Ashkanis, originally Aryans. Some historians maintain that they came from Halab, Allepe, and are Semites. It is also believed that they from the old stock of Sumerians of Mesopotamia, while others regard the Baloch as the remnants of indigenous population of the area. The historians, however, mostly concern themselves in tracing the Baloch racical origin either from among the Indo-Europeans or the Semites. Neither should one object on these methods for historical research, nor doubt the fact that there had been an admixture of various people with Baloch like the Scythians, Pathians, Ashkanis, Sakas, Kushans, Huns, Turks and many others; nor contest the proposition that Baloch, culturally, were greatly influenced by Tigris-Euphrates civilization at different stages of history. " {Janmahmad}

"The origin of the word 'Baloch' is still unknown. E. Herzefeld believes that it is derived from brza-vaciya, which came from brza-vak, a Median word meaning a loud cry, in contrast to namravak, quiet, polite way of talking. Some writers maintain that the Baloch owe their name to Babyloian King 'Belus', also the name of their God. It is also believed that the word is anick-name meaning a `cock's comg`. As the Baloch forces who fought against Astyages (585-550 B.C.) wore distinctive helmets decorated with a cock's comb, the name `Baloch' is said to have been derived from the token of cock. Some writers believe that etymologically it is made of two Sankrit words, `Bal` and `Och`. `Bal` means strength or power, and `Och`, high or magnificent. The word `Baloch' therefore, means very powerful and magnificent. Yet another erroneous version is that Baloch mean `nomad` or `wanderer`. This has been presumed perhaps due to the innocent use of the word for nomadic people, and may be because of the fact that the term may be used by indigenous settlers for the Baloch nomads.

The first Baloch migration from the Caspian See region, most probably around 1200 B.C., must have been motivated by this general historical phenomenon. They first settled in northern Persia. We have the authority of Persion poet, Firdousi (935-1020 A.D.) and also strong historical evidences that the Baloch were a political and military force during the times of Cyrus and Combyses.

However, the Baloch movement from Kirman and Seisran to Makkuran and then Eastern Balochistan was not the only result of the lack of sufficient productive forces to meet their demands, or insufficient grazing fields for their flocks, because the area they migrated to was no better in natural resources than the area in which they had been settled for centuries. The main reason was their conflict with rulers and their own internal enmity which resulted in a weakening of their political position. yet another factor most probably was the Mongolian invasion of Central Asia and the subsequent political anarchy in the whole region.

From the evidences available, it is established that by the beginning of the Christian era, the Baloch were one of the major people inhabiting Iranian Balochistan, Seistan and Kirman. Their migration further east into Makkuran must also be the result of Anushervan's (531-578 A.D.) attack on them. But according to some Iegends, it was at a later stage and was the result of a quarrel between the Kirman ruler and the Baloch Chief who was the successor to the most powerful leader, Ismael Romi. The former demanded forty-four girls, one from each Baloch tribe, for his harem. The Baloch dressed up boys in girls' disguise and, fearing the wrath of the ruler, migrated from Kirman and took refuge in Makkuran.:whistle::whistle:

The Kurds

The Baloch have always been referred by the ancient chroniclers with Koch who appear to be the original inhabitants of Balochistan before the Baloch arrival and also with Kurds. Many ethnologists believe that the Kurds belong to the Median branch of Aryan tribes who were mixed up with many people of indigenous origin and later invaders including Semites, Armenians and Turkomans.

The Kurds have been living in Kurdish region and Zagros area since the Semitic conquest of Assyria. They are said to have posed a permanent nuisance for the weak rulers of Assyria by organizing raids on Tigris mainland. In a Sumerian inscription dated 2000 B.C. a country known as Kardala is mentioned; and afterwards the Assyrian King, Tiglath Pileser, (circa 745-724 B.C.) appears to have fought a tribe referred as Kur-ti-e. Xenophon (circa 434-355 B.C.) also speaks of Kardukai, a mountain-folk who harassed his march towards the sea. Some archaeological evidences tend to show a Kurdish kingdom which flourished in the second millennium B.C. on the borders of the Semitic empire in Babylonia. In a later period, the Kurds cavalry seved as the vanguard of Cyrus army in capturing Babylonia in 539 B.C.

The Kurds are from the same origin as that of Baloch. The period of their migration from the Caspian region may be a few centuries earlier than the Baloch who followed at a later period; but instead of going to their people in Zagros mountainous region, outskirts of Mesopotamia, they headed towards east. Linguistically and culturally they must have been from the same stock." [ Janmahmad; The Baloch Cultural Heritage, 1982]
some interesting History of Baloch i find interesting

Balouch is a nation consisting of 500 tribes, their tradition and commonly values are similar. They have united civilaizal society and they speak common language which is called Balouchi. nited civilaizal society and they speak common language which is called Balouchi. This language was driven from ancient Indo-Iranian language. Balouchi language also known as an ancient spoken language. It is pronounceless language spoken in accordance with tribes areas.

This nation lives in a vast land called Balouchistan located in easter part of Asia north of Gulf penisala occupied by three modern countries Iran, Pakistan and Afghanstan. The part which is taken by Iran Known as Iranian Balouchisatan. Zaidan is capital of it measuring in miles 69,487 sq miles.The second is located in west of Pakistan is known as Balouchistan. The capital is Quetta and it has 34,000 sq miles. The population of Balouchistan lacks specified record here by give the approximate figure which is 1,50,000.

"The history of the Baloch is, however, still in dark. Research scholars have different opinions. Some say they belong to the northern regions of Elburz, now inhabited by Ashkanis, originally Aryans. Some historians maintain that they came from Halab, Allepe, and are Semites. It is also believed that they from the old stock of Sumerians of Mesopotamia, while others regard the Baloch as the remnants of indigenous population of the area. The historians, however, mostly concern themselves in tracing the Baloch racical origin either from among the Indo-Europeans or the Semites. Neither should one object on these methods for historical research, nor doubt the fact that there had been an admixture of various people with Baloch like the Scythians, Pathians, Ashkanis, Sakas, Kushans, Huns, Turks and many others; nor contest the proposition that Baloch, culturally, were greatly influenced by Tigris-Euphrates civilization at different stages of history. " {Janmahmad}

"The origin of the word 'Baloch' is still unknown. E. Herzefeld believes that it is derived from brza-vaciya, which came from brza-vak, a Median word meaning a loud cry, in contrast to namravak, quiet, polite way of talking. Some writers maintain that the Baloch owe their name to Babyloian King 'Belus', also the name of their God. It is also believed that the word is anick-name meaning a `cock's comg`. As the Baloch forces who fought against Astyages (585-550 B.C.) wore distinctive helmets decorated with a cock's comb, the name `Baloch' is said to have been derived from the token of cock. Some writers believe that etymologically it is made of two Sankrit words, `Bal` and `Och`. `Bal` means strength or power, and `Och`, high or magnificent. The word `Baloch' therefore, means very powerful and magnificent. Yet another erroneous version is that Baloch mean `nomad` or `wanderer`. This has been presumed perhaps due to the innocent use of the word for nomadic people, and may be because of the fact that the term may be used by indigenous settlers for the Baloch nomads.

The first Baloch migration from the Caspian See region, most probably around 1200 B.C., must have been motivated by this general historical phenomenon. They first settled in northern Persia. We have the authority of Persion poet, Firdousi (935-1020 A.D.) and also strong historical evidences that the Baloch were a political and military force during the times of Cyrus and Combyses.

However, the Baloch movement from Kirman and Seisran to Makkuran and then Eastern Balochistan was not the only result of the lack of sufficient productive forces to meet their demands, or insufficient grazing fields for their flocks, because the area they migrated to was no better in natural resources than the area in which they had been settled for centuries. The main reason was their conflict with rulers and their own internal enmity which resulted in a weakening of their political position. yet another factor most probably was the Mongolian invasion of Central Asia and the subsequent political anarchy in the whole region.

From the evidences available, it is established that by the beginning of the Christian era, the Baloch were one of the major people inhabiting Iranian Balochistan, Seistan and Kirman. Their migration further east into Makkuran must also be the result of Anushervan's (531-578 A.D.) attack on them. But according to some Iegends, it was at a later stage and was the result of a quarrel between the Kirman ruler and the Baloch Chief who was the successor to the most powerful leader, Ismael Romi. The former demanded forty-four girls, one from each Baloch tribe, for his harem. The Baloch dressed up boys in girls' disguise and, fearing the wrath of the ruler, migrated from Kirman and took refuge in Makkuran.:whistle::whistle:

The Kurds

The Baloch have always been referred by the ancient chroniclers with Koch who appear to be the original inhabitants of Balochistan before the Baloch arrival and also with Kurds. Many ethnologists believe that the Kurds belong to the Median branch of Aryan tribes who were mixed up with many people of indigenous origin and later invaders including Semites, Armenians and Turkomans.

The Kurds have been living in Kurdish region and Zagros area since the Semitic conquest of Assyria. They are said to have posed a permanent nuisance for the weak rulers of Assyria by organizing raids on Tigris mainland. In a Sumerian inscription dated 2000 B.C. a country known as Kardala is mentioned; and afterwards the Assyrian King, Tiglath Pileser, (circa 745-724 B.C.) appears to have fought a tribe referred as Kur-ti-e. Xenophon (circa 434-355 B.C.) also speaks of Kardukai, a mountain-folk who harassed his march towards the sea. Some archaeological evidences tend to show a Kurdish kingdom which flourished in the second millennium B.C. on the borders of the Semitic empire in Babylonia. In a later period, the Kurds cavalry seved as the vanguard of Cyrus army in capturing Babylonia in 539 B.C.

The Kurds are from the same origin as that of Baloch. The period of their migration from the Caspian region may be a few centuries earlier than the Baloch who followed at a later period; but instead of going to their people in Zagros mountainous region, outskirts of Mesopotamia, they headed towards east. Linguistically and culturally they must have been from the same stock." [ Janmahmad; The Baloch Cultural Heritage, 1982]
They sent boys dressed as girls who attacked the Persians .. Dumb troll..(can't take your bs anymore).
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I wonder if anyone here has played crusador kings 2. It features so many ancient nations. I believe the Soomra Kingdom too along with the Ghaznavids is included in the game. Only problem is I am still trying to learn how to play the goddamn game ever since I downloaded it. I love strategy games especially those based on history. They give so much knowledge.

They sent boys dressed as girls who attacked the Persians .. Dumbass bhaiye ..(can't take your bs anymore).

His post was actually knowledgeable but his condescending tone is inappropriate. He is still making fun of Baloch and Pashtuns.

I wonder if anyone here has played crusador kings 2. It features so many ancient nations. I believe the Soomra Kingdom too along with the Ghaznavids is included in the game. Only problem is I am still trying to learn how to play the goddamn game ever since I downloaded it. I love strategy games especially those based on history. They give so much knowledge.

His post was actually knowledgeable but his condescending tone is inappropriate. He is still making fun of Baloch and Pashtuns.
His behind gets on fire for no reason .. He trolls on every other thread which doesn't concern his ***... He insults all ethnicities of this country for no reason .. While we call him brother!

There is also the tale of Mir Chakar Rind and Mir Gwaharam Lashari. Wonder if our brother @DESERT FIGHTER or @Irfan Baloch know about it. There is an entire poem based on a love story.

And another thing. Heritage sites are lying in ruin without any money being spent to renovate them. Good post by Samandri and am happy he is spreading such posts on the forum now.
The one associated with Chakar Khan (shah murred) is rather tragic .. Haven't read Lasharis though .. Another is that of Shreen Farhad . Both were buried in 1 gave ..
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His behind gets on fire for no reason .. He trolls on every other thread which doesn't concern his ***... He insults all ethnicities of this country for no reason .. While we call him brother!

Its a poisonous mentality which I also noticed within our family and in Pakistan in general. We guys moved from Lucknow which should have gone to Pakistan. My biggest beef with my own muhajir community has always been that we failed to build unity and failed to think of our brotherhood-the brotherhood between all of Pakistan's race. Instead we became a part of the bigotry.

There is evidence Quaid e azam wanted us to merge within the national fabric. We defeated the purpose of having urdu as the national language and its neutrality by establishing an ethnic group for ourselves. The tragedy began from there. I am so frustrated I do not believe in the muhajir identity anymore. But there are some other good members like @Secur and @Oscar. I can only apologize for his behavior.

My biggest issue is Altaf Hussain's speech on partition.

The one associated with Chakar Khan (shah murred) is rather tragic .. Haven't read Lasharis though .. Another is that of Shreen Farhad . Both were buried in 1 gave ..

Yes, the Hani and Shah Mureed story. That is a classic part of Baloch culture. There was even a Pashto story known as Yusuf Khan and Sher Bano. It has a tragic ending as well. Shah Mureed story is the same with a tragic ending. Shah mureed stops caring about the world and his loved woman in the end.
Samandari brother thank you for this post
Somehow I don't believe the allegations this guy put on the jats of being treacherous .

I did not knew this nawab was a baloch always thought all the nawabs of these areas were afghans
These were very small states I think the last strong ruler of these areas was firoz shah tughlaq

the nawabs of pataudi, jhajjar were afghans ?

all these nawabs and the jat raja nahar singh of ballabhgarh fought against the British together .
And either this nawab or jhajjar nawab had yusufzai in his army.
The power of Balochs in this region dwindled in late 18th century and early 19th century, but in the times of Faujdar Khan, a very large portion of Hariyana was under rule of Farrrukhnagar........
Nawabs of Jhajjar were indeed Afghans/Pashtuns of Barech tribe , nawabs of pataudi belonged to the same family. There was a settlement of yousafzais in Jhajjar , who fought for nawab of jhajjar in 1857 war of independence. Nawab of jhajjar was also tried and hanged for his role in uprising.
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The power of Balochs in this region dwindled in late 18th century and early 19th century, but in the times of Faujdar Khan, a very large portion of Hariyana was under rule of Farrrukhnagar........
Nawabs of Jhajjar were indeed Afghans/Pashtuns of Barech tribe , nawabs of pataudi belonged to the same family. There was large settlement of yousafzais in Jhajjar , who fought for nawab of jhajjar in 1857 war of independence. Nawab of jhajjar was also tried and hanged for his role in uprising.

My state UP also has heavy links with Pashtuns. Do you know about RohillaKhand, a region named after the Rohilla tribe? It was ruled by the Rohillas and the state is named after them. They don't know pashto language but are proficient in urdu. When partition occurred many moved to the newly created Pakistan and are known to be urdu speakers because they could not speak Pashto. Many Yousufzais and Dilazaks settled in UP too.
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