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BBC: China claims victory over India in Himalayan border row

Who should I trust? Indian media or BBC? :lol:

I will trust BBC :D

You can trust whoever you want, does not make the slightest bit to difference to us.

But you realize that the BBC is just quoting the chinese claims and not making any claims of their own. :lol:

I am still waiting for the Road construction start date since the chinese has claimed "victory".

I have been asking for quite some time, but they still have not told me. Have they told you the start date of resumption of Road construction ? :D

did they gave indian last time before building it?

did they give indian last.time?

LOL..... yes they did. (As per their own claim)


In the statement, Beijing claimed it had "notified India in advance" of its plans to build a road in Doklam, which sparked the stand-off on June 18 "

So why are they scared to give you a date of resuming the road construction now ? :P
hmm what to trust

the BBC or indian clown newso_O
Indian clown news (ICN)obviously. Their vedic powers of communication and news are enshrined in the book 50000 year before the BBC was even a twinkling in the eye of the British. ICN brought to you by cow-cola.
You can trust whoever you want, does not make the slightest bit to difference to us.

But you realize that the BBC is just quoting the chinese claims and not making any claims of their own. :lol:

I am still waiting for the Road construction start date since the chinese has claimed "victory".

I have been asking for quite some time, but they still have not told me. Have they told you the start date of resumption of Road construction ? :D

LOL..... yes they did. (As per their own claim)


In the statement, Beijing claimed it had "notified India in advance" of its plans to build a road in Doklam, which sparked the stand-off on June 18 "

So why are they scared to give you a date of resuming the road construction now ? :P
so you can expecy it again they will surely notify why itching in the.lower back?
Indian clown news (ICN)obviously. Their vedic powers of communication and news are enshrined in the book 50000 year before the BBC was even a twinkling in the eye of the British. ICN brought to you by cow-cola.

Can you tell me the difference between Global Times and BBC ? Both are state owned Media channel :lol:

so you can expecy it again they will surely notify why itching in the.lower back?

SO what kind of "victory" is this ? :cheesy:

They are not going to start building the road now. LOL. Isn't that what India Wanted ? :lol:

So is the definition of chinese victory is a situation where India gets what it wants. Cool.
Can you tell me the difference between Global Times and BBC ? Both are state owned Media channel :lol:

SO what kind of "victory" is this ? :cheesy:

They are not going to start building the road now. LOL. Isn't that what India Wanted ? :lol:

So is the definition of chinese victory is a situation where India gets what it wants. Cool.
indian claim that they have stopped the construction of road from 2-3.month from the date when indian troops step.in. So, now after 2-3 months indian troop left the area and chinese still there so how come this is indian victory ? Indian troop left the area leaving their ally bhutan which has defence agreement on mercy of china wow india bhutam friendship and defrnce agreement lol.
According to a neutral source the exercise in the India ocean threatened incursion into India from the Southern border and Indians started wetting their pants as China was ready to repeat 1962 and India's rear side was to become the point engagement and not the north as Indians intended.
China says India has withdrawn troops from a disputed Himalayan border area, ending a tense stand-off lasting weeks.

The foreign ministry in Beijing said it was pleased that "trespassing Indian personnel have all pulled back to the Indian side of the boundary".

India's foreign ministry confirmed troops were "disengaging" at Doklam after agreement between the countries.

The row began in mid-June when India said it opposed a Chinese attempt to extend a border road on the plateau.

The area is known as Doklam in India and Donglang in China.

The news comes a week before a visit to China by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

The plateau, which lies at a junction between China, the north-eastern Indian state of Sikkim and the Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan, is disputed between Beijing and Bhutan. India supports Bhutan's claim over it.

Earlier on Monday China made clear it would "continue its sovereignty rights" in the area.

Foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said Chinese troops had verified on ground that Indian personnel had withdrawn in the morning.

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A senior Indian government source told the BBC that both sides had pulled out "personnel and equipment" from the area.

'Win for China' ahead of summit
Robin Brant, BBC News, Shanghai

China's president is about to host India's prime minister, among others, at a summit this weekend. No-one likes a reignited border dispute to spoil a showpiece event, especially the Chinese.

But state media here see this as a clear win, referring to Indian troops as "trespassing".

One of the most eye-catching things about this latest stand-off is how it started - road building. China has a vast infrastructure strategy unfurling beyond its western borders but some critics say the One Belt, One Road plan isn't just about economics.

To some the Doklam dispute looked like it fitted this analysis; the army builds a road to establish a physical presence to justify a historical claim. Not dissimilar to the highly controversial island-building China has engaged in for years now in the South China Sea, some said.

Then there's Pakistan, India's arch enemy. It's currently the second biggest recipient of Chinese infrastructure investment. Evidence of a strategy aimed at expanding China's influence around the Indian Ocean, as well as around India.

India will be relieved it's over
Sanjoy Majumder, BBC News, Delhi

It might appear as a major victory for China and a climbdown for India - but that is not how Delhi sees it.

The Indian foreign ministry says the troop pullout is a result of sustained diplomatic efforts behind closed doors over weeks and a senior government official described it as "an honourable draw".

There's no way of verifying what's happening on the ground - and little detail of any concessions that either side may have made. But few doubt that the Indian government will be relieved the stand-off is over without it escalating into a major military confrontation, given China's overall superiority.

One question remains - will the road that started this dispute now be built or abandoned?

In the weeks since the row broke out in June, both countries increased troop numbers and even engaged in several minor confrontations in the area.

Both countries also called on each other to back down, with China in particular warning of "serious consequences".

Atul Bhardwaj, adjunct fellow at the Institute of Chinese Studies in Delhi, told BBC News that an agreement was the "only alternative" since a confrontation between the two Asian giants "could not have gone on".


He added that the resolution showed "India had initially given primacy to its relationship and commitments to Bhutan" but officials had clearly changed their mind.

"India needs Chinese markets and Chinese investments," he said, adding it would be interesting to see the political fallout of the decision in India, given that Delhi had said it would not back down.

India and China fought a war over the 3,500km (2,174-mile) shared border in 1962, and disputes remain unresolved in several areas, causing tensions to rise from time to time.

The big question is whether the road construction has been abandoned by the Chinese or not. If yes, then this is a victory for India and a big diplomatic defeat for China. It will show that India has made China bow to its demands and it has even crossed their borders to get it done.

Now it is imperative that China should counter this narrative. Otherwise, it will lose a lot of stature and India will emerge as an actual counterweight to China.

indian claim that they have stopped the construction of road from 2-3.month from the date when indian troops step.in. So, now after 2-3 months indian troop left the area and chinese still there so how come this is indian victory ? Indian troop left the area leaving their ally bhutan which has defence agreement on mercy of china wow india bhutam friendship and defrnce agreement lol.

It will be an Indian victory if China agreed to stop the road construction. I am quite surprised that China has allowed such an impression to have emerged but unless China does something to change it, this is what it looks like at the moment.

Can you tell me the difference between Global Times and BBC ? Both are state owned Media channel :lol:

SO what kind of "victory" is this ? :cheesy:

They are not going to start building the road now. LOL. Isn't that what India Wanted ? :lol:

So is the definition of chinese victory is a situation where India gets what it wants. Cool.

The Chinese version is still not clear. I don't think China would give up so easily now that the stakes had been raised so high. We have to wait for the real version, but yes, if the Indian version is true, then China has lost.
OK. Then why did you not build the road that you had planned. Why did you remove all the equipment ?

Face-saving exit or end to illegal crossing? Chinese and Indian media spin border withdrawal

China Miscalculated How To Handle India, Allowed Face-Saving Exit

India gives China face-saver, doesn't contest its version of terms for peace

The big question is whether the road construction has been abandoned by the Chinese or not. If yes, then this is a victory for India and a big diplomatic defeat for China. It will show that India has made China bow to its demands and it has even crossed their borders to get it done.

Now it is imperative that China should counter this narrative. Otherwise, it will lose a lot of stature and India will emerge as an actual counterweight to China.

It will be an Indian victory if China agreed to stop the road construction. I am quite surprised that China has allowed such an impression to have emerged but unless China does something to change it, this is what it looks like at the moment.

The Chinese version is still not clear. I don't think China would give up so easily now that the stakes had been raised so high. We have to wait for the real version, but yes, if the Indian version is true, then China has lost.
i still stand on the same thing they were not building it from 2 month as per indian claim but never left. What changed now only one thing indian troop left but they are still there. All other are assumption fact is fact.
indian claim that they have stopped the construction of road from 2-3.month from the date when indian troops step.in. So, now after 2-3 months indian troop left the area and chinese still there so how come this is indian victory ? Indian troop left the area leaving their ally bhutan which has defence agreement on mercy of china wow india bhutam friendship and defrnce agreement lol.

1. That is not Indian land anyway, so we have no legal right to be there. Its Bhutanese land and chinese land.
2. The withdrawal is MUTUAL, both India and china has withdrawn, though china cannot openly admit it because it is hugely embarrassing for them.
3. Road construction has halted.

Just because chinese claim to be there, does not make it true. If India wanted to withdraw unilaterally then there was no need to wait for 2 months :lol:

Its simple common sense

The Chinese version is still not clear. I don't think China would give up so easily now that the stakes had been raised so high. We have to wait for the real version, but yes, if the Indian version is true, then China has lost.

The chinese are keeping it ambiguous to avoid embarrassment. That should be obvious.

China had nothing to gain from this stand off, and everything to loose. India had everything to gain from this stand off and nothing to loose.

So common sense dictates that it was in Chinese best interest to defuse this situation and ensure that global media will soon forget it.
The chinese are keeping it ambiguous to avoid embarrassment. That should be obvious.

China had nothing to gain from this stand off, and everything to loose. India had everything to gain from this stand off and nothing to loose.

So common sense dictates that it was in Chinese best interest to defuse this situation and ensure that global media will soon forget it.

Leaving it ambiguous allows India to take political mileage, which is happening already and so China looses a lot in terms of international politics. At the moment, it is all about who is the boss in Asia, and China has a lot to lose if India successfully challenges that. This is why I find it absolutely surprising that China would've allowed India to gain such a strong position so easily. I am waiting for the Chinese reaction. Nothing is confirmed until the Chinese side is clear.
Leaving it ambiguous allows India to take political mileage, which is happening already and so China looses a lot in terms of international politics. At the moment, it is all about who is the boss in Asia, and China has a lot to lose if India successfully challenges that. This is why I find it absolutely surprising that China would've allowed India to gain such a strong position so easily. I am waiting for the Chinese reaction. Nothing is confirmed until the Chinese side is clear.

Leaving it ambiguous gives India LESS political mileage that a clear statement that gave no opportunity fora face saving excercise.

Besides the India govt. has chosen to be cryptic and has limited its statements to a few lines. Indian govt. did not even contest chinese boasts.

Its the foolish chinese govt. who attempted to boast and the whole thing backfired. If China too had chosen to keep it cryptic, people would have lost interest.

China is too conceited and has started to believe its own propaganda. That is why they are surprised at Indian reaction.

As usual, China demonstrated low EQ and has no clue how to handle media and public in a free world. They are used to issuing propaganda statements in an controlled environment.
OK you can pat your own back. Its your own hand its your back. We have no problem......but don't start road construction because we will go there again to offer you beedies. No, we can't offer you more escape routes.
congrats to china :china::cheers:, China already made clear, it would "continue its sovereignty rights" in the area therefore it is expected they will do what they have said.... however as usual Indians posters will deny everything by saying chines will never built the road ... once the road will complete they will say no vehicle is traveling at that road and excuses will keep going on and on ... :D

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