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Big Discussion - SINGAM LEAVES FOR CHINA: What are your expectations ?

Two Ancient Economic Powerhouse shaped world's future in the past. Can we repeat the same for the fu

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definitely we need Pakistan, India is important as well. two in different ways.

India is important, becasue of its market like for the rest of the world, no point in having another hostile neighbor at borders for India and China both. Trade will ultimately benefit both. Trust issue are mainly because of 1962, because of of the then Nehru's Misadventures, asshole he was, 1962 was an avoidable war but its history I guess.

China needs Pakistan for increasing its sphere of influence in The AF-PAK-IRAN-Arabian Sea region. your own pet country, as you said like Israel is to America. and not to throw bombs at India, it is usually like that spoilt friend of yours in College who picks up fights and wants its good sane friend (China) to be his body guard. Bbut the point you don't realize is Pakistan exists as the negation of India, and its doctrine of establishment is the Two nation theory, that Hindus and Muslims are two Civilizations which cannot exist together, It sees itself as the 'Muslim' rulers of the subcontinent. India Pakistan conflict is not over a territorial dispute, the conflict of two ideas upon which my country and their was established on.

Pakistan, as has been its history, will continue to be hostile to India as it is actually an ideological state. The Kashmir issue is not causal, it's symptomatic. Pakistan is not a security seeking state in which we can satisfy their insecurities. Instead it's an ideological state. They don't view defeat or victory in terms of territory lost or value of territory or number of lives lost. They view defeat as that moment when they can no longer resist India, the very existence of India is a threat to their ideology. They are like an international insurgent.
when I see the relationship between India and Pakistan like shit, I somehow feel really helpless. hope it could improve.
Did they help in 1971 when pakistan was split in two ? US sent its fleet, what did China do ?
True that.....
but this time,they will support because conditions are different now
I am not saying they will start a second front but support will be there

when I see the relationship between India and Pakistan like shit, I somehow feel really helpless. hope it could improve.
It won't
but there is enough things on which India China can certainly work on.....improving conditions will be beneficial for both the countries

Yes you are right, sadly we have been late in understanding this. We have lost the Saudis by refusing to help them in the Yemen conflict because China supports Iran. We have given our 100% in our Pak-China friendship. The return has not been satisfactory. We are billions in debt to China, and China has used Pakistan for Economic and Geopolitical advantage.

This is the problem guys, wake up. The moment someone says something not inline with what the authorities want you to say, you are then silenced. Has Pakistan also become a dictatorship under Chinese rule?
You are bold....you're among the one percent Pakistanis who is speaking against China
soon you will be banned .. :enjoy:
Massively important discussion.

Singam sir will establish a vedic dynasty in China.

Vedic culture already established in 640 AD

China and Pakstan is ally and China India are trading parterners. China cant ignore India same as USA cant ignore China .PAKISTAN is China's 'Israel' means our core interets.

Yeah .We can do business for mutual benefits .

Some of them are not chinese members but false flaggers from our west

RIP Prajapathi ... You got banned ?

Very nice effort to post pictures .Thank You .Waiting for your next release :-)
Breaking News : Deals worth 22 billion USD to be signed today at shanghai , China .Last leg of three day China tour. And very huge break thruat all front
Nine things you did not know about #ModiInChina

Worried about big takeaways

In the days leading up to PM Modi's China visit, senior officials in the government were concerned about the lack of a major, tangible outcome that Modi could show case back home. The MEA officials were hoping that China would agree to the river water data sharing agreement during the PM's visit. Despite hectic parleys, efforts fell through. The Chinese are concerned that if they agree to share data about the Brahmaputra river with India it would be a tacit acceptance of Delhi's claim that Arunachal Pradesh is a part of India.

Let's do it at prime time

The original schedule sent by the Chinese officials to Delhi suggested that the Yoga-Taichi performance take place early in the morning, which is usually when people exercise. But that would have meant that the event would have happened at 4.30am in India when most people would be fast asleep. The Indian side requested the Chinese to schedule the performance in the afternoon so that people back home could view the live coverage from Beijing. Officials are hoping that the powerful visual imagery will make up for the lack of a substantial outcome.

Show more of Xi

CCTV News is the English propaganda arm of the Chinese state broadcaster. Even though the channel has hired many international journalists and has bureaus across the world, its sole agenda is to propagate the Chinese government's world view. Before coming back to meet PM Modi, Chinese President Xi Jinping travelled to Belarus. On the day he arrived, the 8pm prime time broadcast led with a story on the Chinese President's day in Minsk. The second story too was about Xi in Minsk. In fact, it was word for word the same story as the one that ran first. Initially, it seemed like there had been a production mistake. But later a CCTV hand let the cat out of the bag. The rundown team at CCTV English has explicit instructions from the channel's management to show as much of Xi as possible. Often, they are told to run the same story, back to back, to showcase what the president has been up to.

Breaking through Great Firewall of China

Modern day Chinese leaders are as obsessed with the Great Internet Firewall as ancient emperors were about the Great Wall Of China. The Great Wall couldn't prevent Mongolian invasions and the Great Firewall cannot stop those determined to sneak into the dark side of the online world. Virtual Private Network (VPN) servers are in demand in China. Services like Express VPN, Hide My ***, VPN.AC help those interested break through the Chinese firewall for a nominal monthly charge. The VPN servers are based across the world, often in the United States; those providing VPN services and the Chinese internet slayers are constantly playing cat and mouse. People usually subscribe to such services for a short period, because sooner than later, the government pulls them down. But they soon reappear under a new name.

Young China's latest fad

The new generation of China seems to find Tai-Chi old-fashioned and slow and is taking to yoga in a big way. More than 1,000 big and small yoga centres have opened up in Beijing alone and according to conservative estimates, there are more than three lakh active Chinese yoga practitioners in the capital. Classes run through the day and yoga centres are packed with students. Yoga has also penetrated the countryside and now there are yoga centres even in small towns in remote parts of China. Like Indian culture, the Chinese too lay a lot of emphasis on the coming together of the mind, body and soul. The Chinese youth are fascinated by the deeper meaning of yoga and some of the youngsters this reporter spoke to said doing yoga had been a life-altering experience for them.


"Indians obsess about the border"

Upon speaking to a cross-section of Chinese officials, experts and citizens, one gets the feeling that the Chinese feel that Indians are obsessed with the border dispute. Some Chinese citizens told this reporter that India and China should freeze the issue of the disputed boundary and focus on areas of convergence. The border dispute is the last thing that comes up for discussion when you are chatting with an ordinary Chinese people about India. Trade and Bollywood are usually amongst the first. While in India, the fissures over the border take up a lot of national bandwidth and air time, the Chinese seem most oblivious to the problems along the Line of Actual Control (LAC).

Less freedom is OK

There's been a lot of talk in the international media about how dissent in China is growing and the country could be on the cusp of an implosion. But most young people we encountered in Beijing and Xian are quite at ease with the restrictions the Chinese system imposes on their freedom. When asked about curbs on internet and political freedom, a young citizen at Beijing's Communications University said, "Freedom has two coins, look at what China has been able to achieve in the past few years because dissent is not tolerated. In India, you keep fighting among yourselves and little gets done".

Beijing is no Moscow

In Moscow, the Russian authorities impound the cameras of journalists who film without permission. Despite being a communist nation, the Chinese police are far more considerate. Officers politely tell journalists not to shoot in areas where they don't have the necessary permission and then keep an eye to ensure that their instructions are not being violated. There are no heavy-handed tactics used against journalists. The Chinese state seems less paranoid about what might appear in the press than it was a few years ago.

Selfies with fake terracotta warriors

When the Indian media delegation landed at the Terracotta Museum on Thursday morning, they were in for a rude shock. Despite being accompanied by officials from the ministry of external affairs, private media was not allowed to enter the complex. The MEA officials tried to explain that the journalists had accreditation passes issued by Beijing. But given the language barrier they made no headway and the media delegation was forced to stay out while PM Modi surveyed the terracotta army. To kill time the Indian journalists got selfies clicked with the fake terracotta warriors at the small shops outside the museum. Some carpers complained that it was a conspiracy by the PM to keep nosy journalists at bay.










Jack Ma of Alibaba - We are excited about India. We are excited about Make in India and Digital India.
Nine things you did not know about #ModiInChina

Worried about big takeaways

In the days leading up to PM Modi's China visit, senior officials in the government were concerned about the lack of a major, tangible outcome that Modi could show case back home. The MEA officials were hoping that China would agree to the river water data sharing agreement during the PM's visit. Despite hectic parleys, efforts fell through. The Chinese are concerned that if they agree to share data about the Brahmaputra river with India it would be a tacit acceptance of Delhi's claim that Arunachal Pradesh is a part of India.

Let's do it at prime time

The original schedule sent by the Chinese officials to Delhi suggested that the Yoga-Taichi performance take place early in the morning, which is usually when people exercise. But that would have meant that the event would have happened at 4.30am in India when most people would be fast asleep. The Indian side requested the Chinese to schedule the performance in the afternoon so that people back home could view the live coverage from Beijing. Officials are hoping that the powerful visual imagery will make up for the lack of a substantial outcome.

Show more of Xi

CCTV News is the English propaganda arm of the Chinese state broadcaster. Even though the channel has hired many international journalists and has bureaus across the world, its sole agenda is to propagate the Chinese government's world view. Before coming back to meet PM Modi, Chinese President Xi Jinping travelled to Belarus. On the day he arrived, the 8pm prime time broadcast led with a story on the Chinese President's day in Minsk. The second story too was about Xi in Minsk. In fact, it was word for word the same story as the one that ran first. Initially, it seemed like there had been a production mistake. But later a CCTV hand let the cat out of the bag. The rundown team at CCTV English has explicit instructions from the channel's management to show as much of Xi as possible. Often, they are told to run the same story, back to back, to showcase what the president has been up to.

Breaking through Great Firewall of China

Modern day Chinese leaders are as obsessed with the Great Internet Firewall as ancient emperors were about the Great Wall Of China. The Great Wall couldn't prevent Mongolian invasions and the Great Firewall cannot stop those determined to sneak into the dark side of the online world. Virtual Private Network (VPN) servers are in demand in China. Services like Express VPN, Hide My ***, VPN.AC help those interested break through the Chinese firewall for a nominal monthly charge. The VPN servers are based across the world, often in the United States; those providing VPN services and the Chinese internet slayers are constantly playing cat and mouse. People usually subscribe to such services for a short period, because sooner than later, the government pulls them down. But they soon reappear under a new name.

Young China's latest fad

The new generation of China seems to find Tai-Chi old-fashioned and slow and is taking to yoga in a big way. More than 1,000 big and small yoga centres have opened up in Beijing alone and according to conservative estimates, there are more than three lakh active Chinese yoga practitioners in the capital. Classes run through the day and yoga centres are packed with students. Yoga has also penetrated the countryside and now there are yoga centres even in small towns in remote parts of China. Like Indian culture, the Chinese too lay a lot of emphasis on the coming together of the mind, body and soul. The Chinese youth are fascinated by the deeper meaning of yoga and some of the youngsters this reporter spoke to said doing yoga had been a life-altering experience for them.


"Indians obsess about the border"

Upon speaking to a cross-section of Chinese officials, experts and citizens, one gets the feeling that the Chinese feel that Indians are obsessed with the border dispute. Some Chinese citizens told this reporter that India and China should freeze the issue of the disputed boundary and focus on areas of convergence. The border dispute is the last thing that comes up for discussion when you are chatting with an ordinary Chinese people about India. Trade and Bollywood are usually amongst the first. While in India, the fissures over the border take up a lot of national bandwidth and air time, the Chinese seem most oblivious to the problems along the Line of Actual Control (LAC).

Less freedom is OK

There's been a lot of talk in the international media about how dissent in China is growing and the country could be on the cusp of an implosion. But most young people we encountered in Beijing and Xian are quite at ease with the restrictions the Chinese system imposes on their freedom. When asked about curbs on internet and political freedom, a young citizen at Beijing's Communications University said, "Freedom has two coins, look at what China has been able to achieve in the past few years because dissent is not tolerated. In India, you keep fighting among yourselves and little gets done".

Beijing is no Moscow

In Moscow, the Russian authorities impound the cameras of journalists who film without permission. Despite being a communist nation, the Chinese police are far more considerate. Officers politely tell journalists not to shoot in areas where they don't have the necessary permission and then keep an eye to ensure that their instructions are not being violated. There are no heavy-handed tactics used against journalists. The Chinese state seems less paranoid about what might appear in the press than it was a few years ago.

Selfies with fake terracotta warriors

When the Indian media delegation landed at the Terracotta Museum on Thursday morning, they were in for a rude shock. Despite being accompanied by officials from the ministry of external affairs, private media was not allowed to enter the complex. The MEA officials tried to explain that the journalists had accreditation passes issued by Beijing. But given the language barrier they made no headway and the media delegation was forced to stay out while PM Modi surveyed the terracotta army. To kill time the Indian journalists got selfies clicked with the fake terracotta warriors at the small shops outside the museum. Some carpers complained that it was a conspiracy by the PM to keep nosy journalists at bay.




We must be happy about freedom given to Indian policies like media coverage and ceremonial welcome of Indian prime minister etc was really kind of China. XI is same like Modi .Came from modest beginnings to become one of the world's most powerful leader . How ever he waited patiently to let Modi to make forward steps . It was very pleasing and show the intention and change of mindset . China has understood the power of proactive India and its influence . China respect power . Only power until unless India grow at faster rate economically and militarily for the next 10 yeas at least our border disputes won't be done . Once we proved our power , improve trust we won't see any major shift in our relationship other than business deals . China learned to do business with its enemies in recent times . Because Chinese economy is based on exports . Once wage is increase for its labors product will become costly . So they need to shift some of there manufacturing sector to other cheap labor countries. Which country is better for this ? With 65% in 1.25 billions is under 35 in India .Highly talented mostly skilled .Chinese or anyone can train these born winners for any kind of jobs .

India is the next destination for business in 21st century . Even by 2050 India will have same more young generation in % than anuy other countries .
We must be happy about freedom given to Indian policies like media coverage and ceremonial welcome of Indian prime minister etc was really kind of China. XI is same like Modi .Came from modest beginnings to become one of the world's most powerful leader . How ever he waited patiently to let Modi to make forward steps . It was very pleasing and show the intention and change of mindset . China has understood the power of proactive India and its influence . China respect power . Only power until unless India grow at faster rate economically and militarily for the next 10 yeas at least our border disputes won't be done . Once we proved our power , improve trust we won't see any major shift in our relationship other than business deals . China learned to do business with its enemies in recent times . Because Chinese economy is based on exports . Once wage is increase for its labors product will become costly . So they need to shift some of there manufacturing sector to other cheap labor countries. Which country is better for this ? With 65% in 1.25 billions is under 35 in India .Highly talented mostly skilled .Chinese or anyone can train these born winners for any kind of jobs .

India is the next destination for business in 21st century . Even by 2050 India will have same more young generation in % than anuy other countries .

Xi is the opposite of Modi. He comes from a very power and Rich family. He is the Indira Gandhi of China.

So far all I have seen is a huge Show put up as a Honey Pot. There has been NO resolution on ANY of our concerns.

No agreement on Border, No agreement on water sharing details, no agreement on stapled visas, No agreement on putting pressure on pakistan to stop terrorism,

OTOH Modi has provided the Chinese with E-Visa.

All those investment are because China needs somewhere to invest its capital rather than letting them rot in US treasury Bills. China today has excess capacity in building trains, power stations and transmission stations and most other things and needs to dump them in other markets.

China needs the deals as much as India, so that is not really any diplomatic offer to India.

Its too early to draw conclusions about the visit, but I will reserve my enthusiasm till the end and then we can draw conclusion.

Modi meets Shanghai Party Secretary Han Zheng. What's with the massive paintings or wallpaper on all of Chinas meetings? :P


High praise from Dr. Swamy,



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