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Blast in Pune

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Right where SRK is, very rich and in their super safe bedrooms, sleeping.

Whats ur point dude?

Sorry if I have hurt your feelings. But my intention was to check out nationalism. They were silent after 26/11, they are silent now. I am a Hindu, but I hate Shiv Sena, MNS, RSS and all other groups claiming to be the savior of Hinduism.

India is a secular country, ain't it?

One more thing, next time you jump with excitement while pointing a finger, atleast try to understand the post.
Sorry if I have hurt your feelings. But my intention was to check out nationalism. They were silent after 26/11, they are silent now. I am a Hindu, but I hate Shiv Sena, MNS, RSS and all other groups claiming to be the savior of Hinduism.

India is a secular country, ain't it?

One more thing, next time you jump with excitement while pointing a finger, atleast try to understand the post.

I AM trying to understand your post, in times of attacks on india, you are worried about parochial politics, you are being partisan, you could have also asked where is SRK now telling us how great our neighbors are, but you are only venting your anger at thakreys at the cost of unity in the face of external enemy.

I hate many politicians too, but what the duck is the relevance here??
The BJP, on the other hand, said that “(Pakistan-sponsored) terror and talks (with Pakistan) cannot go hand in hand”. Said BJP spokesperson Prakash Javadekar: “This only shows our (lack of) preparedness to tackle threats posed by terror outfits.

Now why the hell some warmongers in India love to scapegoat Pakistan by accusing it with almost every unfortunate event just to score points in among the public ..! If theres any involvement of Pakistan in it , then proove it with evidence .. or else its just a mere bullshit .
The best way to defeat terrorism is to defeat it on ground ..not by merely blaming others ..!
RIP to those who suffered .
I AM trying to understand your post, in times of attacks on india, you are worried about parochial politics, you are being partisan, you could have also asked where is SRK now telling us how great our neighbors are, but you are only venting your anger at thakreys at the cost of unity in the face of external enemy.

I hate many politicians too, but what the duck is the relevance here??

Charity begins at home.

So stop cheering yourself!!!
Now why the hell some warmongers in India love to scapegoat Pakistan by accusing it with almost every unfortunate event just to score points in among the public ..! If theres any involvement of Pakistan in it , then proove it with evidence .. or else its just a mere bullshit .
The best way to defeat terrorism is to defeat it on ground ..not by merely blaming others ..!
RIP to those who suffered .

These are not warmongers but politicians. Being in opposition, they are just attacking the government's stand of going ahead with talks.. Just using the attack on Pakistan as a proxy to really go after the Congress Party. Had they been in power and congress in Opposition, we would've seen the same comments but by different party...
These are not warmongers but politicians. Being in opposition, they are just attacking the government's stand of going ahead with talks.. Just using the attack on Pakistan as a proxy to really go after the Congress Party. Had they been in power and congress in Opposition, we would've seen the same comments but by different party...

dirty politics ... The opposition just cant see the Gov in power make the right steps .. Happens everywhere ..!
Actually BJP has a valid point. If you wanted to talk - then talk right after the Bombay attacks. Why choose to do a u-turn on your policy when the desired results on the Pakistani side have not been forthcoming?
Why talk now? There may be no better time to talk than now because Pakistan is in a full flush of success against the TTP. Having confronted at least some of its internal demons, the GoP is less fearful of splitting the country and the P.A. at the prospect of a deal with India that could upset large numbers of Pakistanis. That wasn't the case fourteen months ago.

As far as I'm concerned, it's like this: on the Pakistani side, the test is whether Pakistan can separate its national grievances with India to dump confrontation-with-India-is-eternal ideologies. On the Indian side, it's to actually look hard at how India's been blinding itself to these issues for decades, and to consider with Pakistan how to deal jointly with Pakistan's fear of Indian hegemony.

There are power elites on both sides that like the status quo. Getting these people to change, or ignoring them or pushing them out, will be a big effort. Lots of details will have to be hammered out.
be aware peace enemyes are active its blast of finish resent talks.
Well lets put this into a scenario..........

You Parashuram......live in IOK for example, even though this can be in other unrested Indian states where they have their own freedom movements.........

I don't have to know that scenario. My wife is from Indian administered Kashmir , is a respectable doctor here and hails from the famous Kashmiri Pandit community whose sufferings at the hands of Islamist fundamentalists in the year 1989 is well documented worldwide. After all, that is the fateful year where terrorism in Indian Administered Kashmir started isn't it?

However, Indian soldiers, come into your land, where you see them as nothing more then the previous British Occupiers, force open your doors, raid the house, kill members of your family, rape your women and members of your family dissapear.......(which Amnesty International has raised point with these International crimes against humanity with the GoI).......

Owing to my previous answer and the report of Kashmiri pandits living in exile from their homeland, as a researcher let me spread some light on this issue. The Indian Administered Kashmir was peaceful until the time of 1989 when thousands of fundamentalist Islamists ran around in the valleys destroying Hindu homes and burning their belongings. The whole issue was a terrible matte where thousands of Kashmiri Hindus and Sikhs were raped, tortured or killed or exiled from their own homeland.

My wife has lost her uncle, and his daughter in front of her eyes and even today, many Kashmiri pandits live in refugee makeshift camps, unable to return to their home due to religious fundamentalism in Indian administered Kashmir. YOU Imagine this scene on thousands of families now. You talk of atrocities, friend?

What you are seeing today in that part of Kashmir began all with 1989 riots against native Kashmiri pandits, whose plight has been well recorded and documented by members of UN and other agencies of that time (I was only 13 at that time). Now tell me, what justification you have for this Islamist fundamentalism? Is this because of religious intolerance of others by followers of your faith? Well, maybe its only a bunch of fundamentalists who lost their heads and started slaughtering thousands of Kashmiri pandits at the dead of night. You think.

That is why I say that atrocities and terrorism of ANY kind are wrong for any population irrespective of religion or race. Unfortunately, most of your fellow countrymen here are only focused on showing Pakistan as the only victim and the whole wide world as their oppressors.

Freedom Fighters in these territories have every right to then target your populations.........i'm sorry, but killing of civilians is just not right whatever the reason, just doesn't wash, because if it does then please let us know, we will for sure Nuke India and see if India will do the same and kill our civilians.........

Freedom fighters to you as terrorists to the Indians... the same way as your terrorists are freedom fighters to someone else, isn't it? After all, your own fellow Pakistani member has clearly mentioned in bold words in another thread " One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter".

It is not "my populations" it is Indian population and no terrorist has any right to target any innocent civilian and this includes terrorists targeting Pakistani citizens. Don't delude yourself of my country of belonging by my name. If you think you are so apt at discovering identities, for once check your addressee's profile before pointing fingers.

Terrorism of any kind is to be condemned and it is very regrettable that most Pakistani members have soft corners for terrorist organizations like Taliban. And for your Information I am as much an Indian as you are a Saudi Arab. Can't you see my nationality? Please get an eye checkup. Every adherent of Hinduism isn't always an Indian. You should be knowing that considering that you are a non-Arab Muslim.

Just because a neutral person agrees with some aspects of one side in question doesn't mean he is of THAT nationality. Learn to be mature and accept that fact.

Oh and yes, if you are war-mongering again on the thread, go ahead. You people talk about nuclear weapons like they are bullets of a Berretta 92 pistol.

How old are you? 10? 11? Listen son, first leave the lovely comforts of your home in Britain and for ONCE attend a soldier's training. From my experience in service, I can tell that saber-rattling kids like you will be the first one to wet your trousers and run away when coming to a full-blown war. You have absolutely NO idea of what war means.

Tell me, do you know what is the meaning of a .. forget war, a small skirmish? Have you ever been through even a mock drill? I am not talking about the paintball games that you play with your buddies in a park.. I am talking about live fire, where bullets and grenades are hurled at you to simulate real warfare.

Nuclear war.. yes indeed! Only arm-chair generals and internet warriors living in developed countries can talk about "nuking" their enemies. For ONCE, do yourself a favor, get off your chair and ask a Pakistani soldier what is the meaning of a conflict, and then a war and finally, a nuclear war.

India has bought this upon themselves by the action of their own soldiers where recently it became apparant that innocent people were being murdered by Indian soldiers for the sake of being promoted.

India is reaping what is sowed...........this is a region of your making

it is not "My making" Tell that to the Indians. If controlling terrorism be it of whatever form is reaping, then I think that according to your statement your government must have seriously sown something bad for the current situation.

Whether you want to believe what I mentioned about my wife and her family is your call, which I know you won't just as most members here see the world as a "conspiracy of Americans, Westerners, Jews and their Indian slaves".

Good luck with the eye opening
At times I wonder - do Jihadi's realize that Muslims get killed as well in such blasts.
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Your snubs really left me with no option but to take a breather but I wanted to get back on a few points.

Link between the groups sure - supported them in carrying our terrorism. No - there are no claims of that.

Again, nothing in those links directly blaming the ISI or other institutions for terrorism.

I am sure you can figure out from the links provided, and as you have confessed, that the world community is convinced that there are terrorists groups in Pakistan and Pakistan must act on them. That makes one point quite apt that you accept Pakistan's soil was and is being used to launch terrorist activities in India. If you deny that, you would be going against the opinion of world community as relevant in those links.

Secondly, you can fool yourself into believing that they are saying that ISI has links with these organizations, but that they do not mean to say that Pakistan is involved. But to any of us or any neutral observer it is quite obvious what they mean when they say that there is a clear link. It is explicit from the context in which it is being spoken.

Since you so conveniently jumped to your conclusion without bothering to go through the links, let me spoon-feed you with what exactly they meant-

Quoting Jack Straw:

India has long charged that such terrorism has had the covert support of successive Pakistani Governments, and in particular the Inter-services Intelligence Directorate (ISID) the main intelligence agency in Pakistan. Her Majesty's Government accepts that there is a clear link between ISID and these groups.

Towards the end of last year India suffered two serious terrorist outrages. On 1 October more than 40 people died in an assault on the State Assembly in Srinagar. On 13 December the Indian Parliament building itself in New Delhi was attacked, leaving 14 dead.

In response to intensive diplomatic pressure, including the visit to the region by my Right Honourable Friend the Prime Minister, President Musharraf delivered a speech on 12 January in which he pledged that 'No organisation will be allowed to indulge in terrorism in the name of Kashmir'.

Quoting Gordon Brown:

International pressure on Pakistan increased further on Sunday with British Prime Minister Gordon Brown asserting that the outrageous attacks in Mumbai were carried out by Lashkar-e-Taiba and made it clear that Islamabad will have a "great deal to answer for".

Quoting from the article that mentions US asking Pakistan to act on 26/11:

For the first time in a terror trial in India, an agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) was deposed before the Special Court in Mumbai. The agent's testimony is crucial in the 26/11 trial on Wednesday when the FBI reinforced the Pakistani link when they said the GPS system used by the terrorists confirmed they came from Karachi.

The agent was a forensic expert and his name was kept secret, but the evidence he gave on the 26/11 attack was damning.

The agent told the court he had examined five GPS devices and a satellite phone recovered from the terrorists. Three of the devices clearly showed the route from Karachi to Mumbai. The data from two other devices could not be retrieved as their batteries were dead.

One more FBI agent will be deposed on Thursday and three US citizens through a video-conference are being arranged by the court .

Meanwhile, newly appointed US Ambassador Timothy Roemer applauded Indo-US cooperation in fighting terrorism.

"FBI deposition shows that the US is a partner of India in countering terror. We are pressing Pakistan hard on the Mumbai suspects," said Roemer.

Now to you ISI may just have a link, but for us it is more than obvious that Pakistani establishment at one level or another is involved in sponsoring terrorism in India. This we say by taking taking into account

- your practice to ignore the consistent demands of India over acting on the persons named in the terror attacks over the years in India

- the fact that these terrorists cannot continue such terrorists attack without help from Pakistani establishment

- your consistent denial (then eventual acceptance) of even as explicit a case as of 26/11

- the fact that even USA has asked that Pakistan must not use state as terror policy

And guess what? Zardari admits terrorism nurtured by govt for tactical use.

In an astonishingly candid admission - a first by any Pakistani head of state - president Asif Ali Zardari has admitted militants and terrorists were wilfully created by past Pakistani governments and nurtured as a policy to achieve tactical objectives. "Militants and extremists emerged on the national scene and challenged the state not because the civil bureaucracy was weakened and demoralized but because they were deliberately created and nurtured as a policy to achieve short-term tactical objectives. Let's be truthful and make a candid admission of the reality,'' he said at a gathering of civil servants in Islamabad on Tuesday night. The terrorists of today were heroes of yesteryear until 9/11 occurred and they began to haunt us as well,'' Zardari said, emphasising that Pakistan can't be left alone at this stage of the war on terror. He also pointedly said that the future generations won't forgive the current leadership if it does not take corrective measures.

I think it is high time that you start taking into account the perspective of the other side before calling them brainwashed based on your own baseless perceptions, and I hope you would do that for the better.
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