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Blonde mullahs of Europe & the "Israel" connection

Git Wilders? :rofl:

Why are you fools worrying so much? See, it's these emotional statements that make us look bad :lol:

Okay, let's look at some facts here.

The number of such far right wing groups have risen to such a level at present, that such a number haven't been seen ever since Nazi-era Germany. This is a fact!

Yes, they are very anti-immigrant, anti-Russian (or anyone from Eastern Europe), and most certainly anti-Muslim (grabs more attention and in style nowadays).

See, most of these far right groups mostly consist of blue collar people, not very educated and understand and experienced very little of other cultures. They do generally fear of losing their jobs to migrants. Usually, this fear is often masked by "cultural identity". What does it mean? Nothing...bashing Islam just increases their credibility :lol:

But what is the reality in the EU right now? Or any European nation? What are the future ramifications given the present reality in Europe?
Control: How a Fear of Foreigners Is Gripping Europe When Its Economy Needs Them Most - TIME

Reading some facts doesn't hurt either.

The fact is that with Europe's declining and aging population, they will always be needing skilled immigrants. This is the reality now, and would be so into the future.

That is: Given that the European axis of leadership still intends to maintain Europe's advanced status. Of-course, if the likes of Git Wilders want to reduce Europe's competency in the real world against China, India (pretty much Asia) and even North America (still and always would be very formidable) and probably send Europe back to the dark ages, then it's their choice :lol:

I'd suggest they choose carefully :angel:

I am not saying so because he is against my religion. But the sheer hypocrisy coming from that man is just astounding.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge, but imagination without knowledge is called smoking weed"

Now, as far as Muslims creating problems are concerned....if they do....enforce against them according to the law.

And seriously, stop bringing in random nobodies. Bring in the ones who can contribute to your existence, Europe!
^^ did they bomb anything?

it's no different then sharia4uk head man who lives out on welfare and is giving hate speeches in London's main square.

Yes they turned Baghdad into stone age, i guess you can call that bombing
Yes they turned Baghdad into stone age, i guess you can call that bombing

You forgot something...

Whoever was too ignorant toward the AQ fanboys acquiring Saddam's massive arsenal of explosives should be liable for aiding mass murder.

Yes, including against their own troops! :rofl:

I mean, just think about it. In any warfare, they need resources to sustain their campaign. Even now, there are bombings in Iraq.

Just where and how the hell did they gain so many explosives that were also responsible for killing thousands of US troops in Iraq?

As I said, the person(s) who were negligent of their responsibilities should be liable for that. Or maybe, they simply had no idea what they were getting into.
Blonde mullahs of Europe & the "Israel" connection.
Why depicting a hateful 'Blonde Christian' as 'Blonde Mullah' but not Blonde Advani/ Modi/Rabbi/Priest? How does that Blonde's action equate a Mullah's one but not Advani/Modi/Netanyahu’s one? The wordily meaning of 'Mullah' is the friend of Allah/Almighty. So, why painting a beautiful word of that magnitude as the 'Meanest of the mean' one? Do Mullahs break worshipping place or kill/maim minorities through communal riots or snatch oppresses properties? So, why picking on them but not the real culprits?
When multiculti starts impeding on the life and culture of the original inhabitants then there's a problem, no use of denying it. Immigrant crime stats come to mind....in countries like UK undereported because of fear of being accused racist.

And no, its not only Arabs from the desert.....

Same goes for American Indians, Aborigines of OZ, locals of Central America and S. America when the whites came, right? Or was that different?
Same goes for American Indians, Aborigines of OZ, locals of Central America and S. America when the whites came, right? Or was that different?
White missionaries came, they were absolved of all the sins from the get-go! :D
Why are the Mullahs(the normal kind) getting their Hijabs in a bunch?

Represented by Dutch criminal lawyer Bram Moscowitz, Wilders successfully defended himself against the charges, which were brought by prosecutors in Amsterdam on behalf of groups representing minorities from Turkey, Morocco and other countries with Muslim populations. The case heard in October 2010 was filed in response to Wilders' comments in the Dutch media about Muslims and his film "Fitna", which interlays images of terrorist attacks with quotations from the Koran and prompted protests by Muslims in Islamic countries worldwide.

How about a probe on the possible sources of foreign funds that were used to prosecute Mr. Wilders, eh? 'Tis only fair.....
Before even they started. Like pre-emptive "forgiveness".

@Talon yara, change the avatar. It's so 1850's :undecided:

Ummm..actually I haven't ventured into that bit...let me check :P

How about now? Lolz!! Some people might get a heart attack! :P
If those are your views, awesome! Why not throw in a few anti-semitic remarks in there as well, and then see you being sanctioned and sent to prison. Or do you all of a sudden feel that the Jews are more entitled to Europe than Muslims, if that's the case I can counter it the other way around.

Oh, PLEAAASSEEE spare me the righteous speech that is brewing in your mind at the moment. :smokin:

Hmmm in a way yeah. Their civilization,culture is based on Judeo-Christian values and not on Islamic values..just like the Arab culture is based on Islamic values and not on anything else.

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