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Blonde mullahs of Europe & the "Israel" connection

Off topic: Are you from AMC? :)

On topic: Let's stay on topic and keep personal issues to zero!

Cheers! :cheers:

Yeah cheers and I am not AMC.

In Musalmanon ki m**n ko.

They just bend down and drop their pants at the first instance.

What I was talking was a real-politik response in geopolitical environment.

If you google it, you won't see this in any medical dictionary.

anladi misiniz

now take it personal or scat.
Trust me parents want nothing but the best for their children. It is the culture here nobody is interested in school they rather cut and chill because they do not know what it is like to not have an education.

I will use Mexicans as an example because America has/ use to have a huge problem with their illegal immigration. You think the Mexican Parents who come here and have their kids want their kids to be involved in the same sh*t that goes on in Mexico?? No, they do not but often Mexican kids here grow up and join various gangs especially in LA/NY region and terrorize the public while ditching the freely provided education for the streets?? Who is at fault here then? The parents would not have come here in the first place if they wanted their kids to join gangs, there are plenty of those in Mexico. The real question is why is the education system here so unattractive to kids that it makes them all want to cut even though education is free?

Because living like a thug doesnt require much work and you get to be cool and living large with grandes cojones for a while until you die or are sent to prison. If there would be a singular reason it would be this.

I believe the answer has to do with two things. One, the kids are ungrateful and have grown up in a country that provides their parents with countless benefits just for having their kids on this side of the border (wic/ welfare/ social security) and the second is that the education system here is not given much attention (not enough money is pumped into the system). Horrible teachers are usually kept on longer just because they are veterans and new younger more modern teachers are usually the first to be let go. The textbooks are old as hell, the method of teaching is outdated, and the teachers do not even want to be there as by that point most are just there to collect a paycheck. The younger teachers who actually have a desire/ passion to educate are never really given a chance and things are only going to get worse what with all the additional education cuts.

Primary education in Europe is very very good, it's totally free, in some cases even subsidized with food coupons, free books, bus tickets etc.....i dont know how the system can screw you up here short of sending you to jail for doing nothing.
And yes, i agree, spoiled brat mentality has a lot to do with everything. Also, when immigrant A sees immigrant B living quite nicely on social funds (legitimately or not) it doesnt really give a thorough motivation to do your best and try harder.

One request: Kindly try to keep the thread on track!

I actually spent too much time here today, am behind schedule on some work project, lol. Chi-bots and this thread kept me "busy".
I actually spent too much time here today, am behind schedule on some work project, lol. Chi-bots and this thread kept me "busy".
LOL - Same here, did nothing. Though had a good time!
If you want to get rid of the blasphemy law yoke you have to get used to defending blasphemers and prosecuting those who attempt to do them harm. You don't have to agree with them, just let them mouth off in peace and point out they are "arseholes" afterward.

Joos r stoopid. and smelly.
NOw go ahead, defend my freedom of speech
All these so called experts on Europe need to get it into their thick skulls that not all immigrants rely on the welfare state. They only aim to bring in stats that show immigrants in a negative light stipulating they bring nothing or contribute anything to their new homes.

The vast majority work hard, pay their taxes and get on with their lives as law abiding citizens. Those talking of our culture is this and that and no integration etc, Europe has evolved over centuries and assimilated many cultures and ideas so stop this gibberish. Not one of you can clearly define how one is integrated or not so quit this nonsense. If you can clearly define integration then give me a full list to see if I have integrated or not.

But how would I integrate if i was born and bred here, surely i don't require integration.

The majority on welfare benefits come from deprived areas etc, there are 0000's more "INDIGENOUS" on such benefits.

Muslims have created various jobs, industries they have also contributed more than their fair share in gdp, policies etc

We probably put more money into the country than we take out, my taxes fund the welfare state for INDIGENOUS people as well.

The simple fact is that the zionist lobby understand that a muslim lobby is being created in Europe that could be similar to AIPAC in directing European foreign affairs in favour of muslim nations and in order to counteract this they are trying to demonise islam through such individuals/entities and the media. They are trying to nip it in the bud, but my message is this we are growing, gaining more influence, joining the highest echelons of various organisations and there is jack you can do about it. In fact they are bringing more people to islam.

We will be here for centuries whether you like it or not. Will you try another holocaust Islamophobes? I doubt it.
you guys are funding Non-Muslim bigots which is dangerous in the long run


Anders Breivik the Norway shooter who shot dead 69 people said that major part of his actions was stop the 'Islamisation of Europe'. He included several citations on various anti-Islam media outlets.

Including idiots like Robert Spencer and Pam Geller (the ground zero mosque) loonies.
If those are your views, awesome! Why not throw in a few anti-semitic remarks in there as well, and then see you being sanctioned and sent to prison. Or do you all of a sudden feel that the Jews are more entitled to Europe than Muslims, if that's the case I can counter it the other way around.

Oh, PLEAAASSEEE spare me the righteous speech that is brewing in your mind at the moment. :smokin:

Those 2 things are different. Anti-semitic is racial abuse. Racial abuse of anyone isn't tolerated anywhere in Europe.
It is so unfortunate to see the Pakistanis quarreling with Israelies and Jews all thanks to a nut case Geert Wilders.

And guess what? you both are doing HIS work of spreading hatred. Congrats to you both. Keep up his "good work".

While you guys drag each other in the mud, check out your hero Geert and his latest "fashion".

He has moved on from being anti-immigrant, to being anti-EU.

Right-wing populist Geert Wilders, who is known for his anti-Islam stance, is also fighting against Europe. He opposes the euro and wants the country to withdraw from the European Union. He even says that one of the 12 gold stars should be removed from the European flag if the Netherlands were to leave the EU.

Left-Wing Socialists Are Favorites in Upcoming Dutch Election - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Those 2 things are different. Anti-semitic is racial abuse. Racial abuse of anyone isn't tolerated anywhere in Europe.

So Wilders freely spouting anti-Islamic remarks is not hurtful to Muslims ??

His words, opinion and statements are hateful and ignorant just as anti-Jewish remarks are.

Either protection against racial abuse extends to all communities or to none. Be fair.

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