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Breaking: Qassem Soleimani Confirmed Dead by Iraqi State Media

I wonder why the news become so big, I doubt this US strike will lead to any war between the two nations. News about Turkish troops deployment approval by parliament is more bigger in weight than this new development. The reason it gets huge coverage by CNN is because this action is made by their own country.

If Iran is rational they should not do any revenge what so ever. This current US administration is a hard core Tea Party movement believer which is clear how it scrap the deal made by Obama over Iran nuclear and set up embassy in Jerusalem.

Having a war with Iran will be a present for this US administration so better not giving what they really want by acting foolishly.

who gives a rats *** that Turkey is sending some troops to a failed state? NOBODY besides Turks and other Arabs fighting in said failed state.

Solemani was the single biggest actor in the Middle East in last quarter of century.
There wont be any war all those idiots who are dreaming of one will keep dreaming. Iran doesn't have the capacity to launch a full scale war against US it is just that simple. At most expect missile strikes on US proXies in Iraq and syria. Also likely expect terror attacks against US or saudis via likes of Houthis.
This wasn't just some random Iranian general, he was Khamenie's right hand man and most important asset for Iran's extra-terroritorial operations.

Such an act will warrant a severe response as inaction will only work to Iran's detriment.

What I cant comprehend is why such an important asset were allowed to move around in Iraq with 0 security
And lessons for Pakistan in here as well - the US simply cannot be trusted to comply with any international or bilateral treaties/agreements etc.

The only thing that will work with the US is deterrence.
From a strictly neutral standpoint; both US and Iran have significant investments and commitments in the ME. However, Iranian Mullah regime is into spreading its sectarian tentacles across the ME.

1. Bahrain: KSA felt compelled to invade and shield government of Bahrain from being toppled by Iran-funded Shia sectarian movement in 2011.

For reference: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saudi-led_intervention_in_Bahrain

2. Yemen: Iran-funded Houthi rebels toppled government of Yemen in 2015, and the latter felt compelled to invite KSA to take on Houthi rebels in addition to providing security cover to it.

For reference: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Houthi_insurgency_in_Yemen

3. Lebanon: Iran-funded Hezbollah started a war with Israel in 2006 which led to loss of innocent lives and destruction of infrastructure in Lebanon. Government of Lebanon had nothing to do with this shit, and I personally recall Lebanese PM weeping in UN.

4. Iraq: when US-led forces toppled Saddam regime in 2003 (a regime which kept Iran at bay), Iran saw an opening to bring Iraqi shia under its fold and use Iraqi Shia groups to advance its own goals inside Iraq and beyond. This form of intervention fueled sectarian strife inside Iraq and resultant Iraqi Civil War (2006 - 2008) as well as subsequent emergence of ISIS movement to counter Shia groups in the region (2013 - 2019). Meanwhile Iran created PMUs in Iraq to counter-challenge ISIS movement to give an impression that Iran was resisting imaginary Zionist plans to take over ME with ISIS fags and such - this propaganda was in the air even on PDF.

5. Syria: when Assad regime faced country-wide protests for its oppressive practices back in 2011, it ordered a military crackdown on Syrian protestors and Syrian Civil War materialized subsequently. Iran being an ally of Assad regime, saw an opportunity to advance its goals inside Syria including its long-term desire to encircle Israel; Iran brought IRGC and Hezbollah to Syria in order to prevent collapse of Assad regime, counter Syrian rebels, and encircle Israel via Syria and Lebanon. This is clearly one of the worst and most provocative of decisions of Iranian Mullah regime since the 1970s.

I have a valid question: how is Iran being a force of stability in the ME? All I see is that Iranian Mullah regime is using the Zionist card to advance its controversial goals for the ME and it is directly and indirectly responsible for ruining the lives of millions in the process.

While GCC is not a saint in the matters of geopolitics, it is at least a conglomeration of 'progressive countries' in the ME as well as the FACE of prosperity in the ME. But based on the aforementioned history, GCC and Iran are unable to establish a mutually beneficial relationship. SHAME.

And because GCC and US are close (economic + military + geopolitics), US have little choice but to respond to Iranian moves in the ME.

The recent exchange between US and Iran was due to Iran motivating one of its PMUs to throw mortars at an Iraqi military base in which an American perished and more.

I recall this big bad Qassem Soleimani guy making tall claims about what he would do to US in the ME, and his supporters here on PDF rooting for him at every turn; so where he is now? It does not take a genius to figure out that openly challenging a superpower will end badly for anybody.
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Arabs have nothing to do with Hinduism unlike your ancestors who were Hindus. We always believed in our own religions whether it be the 3 main Abrahamic (Semitic) religions (Islam, Christianity and Judaism) or ancient pre-Abrahamic Semitic religions (oldest recorded religions in the world).

Monotheism was invented/first followed in the Arab world (Arabia) as well. Ever heard about Prophet Ibrahim (as) and Hanif followers which even existed at the time of Prophet Muhammad (saws) as did large Christian and Jewish communities.

With all due respect, your country is 72 years old. You were never a part of any historical conflicts nor are you needed today. Don't have delusions, you are many times more dependent on a few small GCC states than the Arab world ever was/will be on you. In fact 90% of the Arab world barely has any relationships with you but since this is a Pakistani forum there is a lot of delusion here and lately anti-Arab inferiority complex nonsense at full swing even though the same Arabs have kept you afloat for decades and are not hostile against you (the people). Outside of us Arabs and China who are your friends that have helped you historically and can help you against the many times larger/richer/more populous India? Don't bite the hand that feeds you.

Oh gosh, I didn't know we were in the company of a "Giant Douch" on this Forum ... a freaking "Giant Douch". :omghaha:

Waseem Soleimani response after MBS visit to Pakistan.

"We have always offered Pakistan help in the region, but I have this question from the Pakistani government: where are you heading to? You have caused unrest along borders with all your neighbors and do you have any other neighbor left that you want to stir insecurity for," General Soleimani said on Thursday, addressing a ceremony in the Northern Iranian city of Babol in Mazandaran province.


Alhamdulilah for his death, he is no hero. Ally of India and enemy of Pakistan.
What I cant comprehend is why such an important asset were allowed to move around in Iraq with 0 security

Putting 20 security guards around him wasn’t going to stop the missile from killing him.

It was a coward Mafia hit style assassination. Unless Iranians intelligence picked up chatter or Russians/Chinese picked up that trump had ordered a strike on Solemani there was nothing that would stop the events from occurring.

He was routinely in the green zone, he had no reason to believe that US would target him under dubious reasons.
Waseem Soleimani response after MBS visit to Pakistan.

"We have always offered Pakistan help in the region, but I have this question from the Pakistani government: where are you heading to? You have caused unrest along borders with all your neighbors and do you have any other neighbor left that you want to stir insecurity for," General Soleimani said on Thursday, addressing a ceremony in the Northern Iranian city of Babol in Mazandaran province.


Alhamdulilah for his death, he is no hero. Ally of India and enemy of Pakistan.

That does not mean Pakistan should jump in and fight a war for these good for nothing, incompetent obese arabs.
With Iran or With US aside.
Can you simply Directly Attack a Serving General of the Armed Forces of a UN member State like that?
I mean Covert ops is one thing but this? Where will US stop? Who is secure now? Next day we will see a Russian Chinese or Pakistani General Being Targeted like that and Its a self defense?
And the next step would be partially Neutral Countries like Brazil, India, Argentine, Indonesia targetted?
You should either be US ally or you should be crushed and Subdued?

I am not a big fan of Iran and Its Policies. In fact Iran is pretty much hostile country to Pakistan. But you cannot simply take out a Serving General of any country without being in a state of war in a direct strike.
Qasim Sulemani Threatened Pakistan once. And i never liked that man from that day onward. But Leaving aside all the political BS of Arabs and Farsis, being a neutral person, Indeed he was a great soldier to his end and Served hi homeland well, Lived a soldier and died a soldier's Death. Rest in Peace.
10000% right and US needs to be stopped
raqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi condemned on Friday the "assassination" of Iranian Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani and Iraqi militia commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis in a U.S. airstrike in Baghdad.

The airstrike on Baghdad airport is an act of aggression on Iraq and breach of its sovereignty that will lead to war in Iraq, the region, and the world, he said in a statement.

Abdul-Mahdi called the airstrike a "massive breach of sovereignty," saying "the two martyrs were huge symbols of the victory" against the Daesh terror group.
There wont be any war all those idiots who are dreaming of one will keep dreaming. Iran doesn't have the capacity to launch a full scale war against US it is just that simple. At most expect missile strikes on US proXies in Iraq and syria. Also likely expect terror attacks against US or saudis via likes of Houthis.
imagine if Imran Khan would send his top military commander to another country, and the next day he would get assasinated & Modi would say "ha in your face, we killed him", this is what just happened between Iran & the US.
those who think this was not an American declaration of war are the real idiots, it's not about wether Iran has the capacity for war or not, but it's about wether the US has the capacity for that, the US has it & they already declared it.

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