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Breaking: Qassem Soleimani Confirmed Dead by Iraqi State Media

and that was a big mistake the shia in the south were kept backward and isolated that's how they became puppets in their clerics hands.

mohsin al hakim the grandfather of ammar the cuck gave fatwa to kill communists this fatwa lead to the rise of Baath and the islamists because most of the communists were from the educated shias of the south with them gone it opened the door to islamists and the cleric thieves to take the shia population hostage since the shia loyalty was still divided between the tribe and the religion and natioalism was week among them unlike sunnis who were educated in europe, istanbul, beirut, cairo, damascus and aleppo who were exposed to nationalism and modernizations.

Yes, indeed. To this day the Iraqi Shia Arab political elite (Islamist version) wants to keep their people and region backward economically, politically and development wise so they can retain their hold on the society. Religion is a business for them. All those Shia clerics have their own blind followers, militias who operate like mafias. They kill critics etc. that is why you often hear about assassinations within them. Those are internal power fights.

Look at the monkey like Al-Sadr and how many followers he has. Just because of his name. I say that despite him not being hostile against KSA. It is just a fact. He has millions of blind followers while he is barely literate.

Yes, the reason why communism was popular among Iraqi Shia Arabs was because it went against all the traditions of Shia Islam and because it wanted to end the hierarchical system of the South. That is why largely the educated Shias voted for communist parties and were mostly secular.

Yes, indeed, this is also a part of the Ottoman legacy which preferred Sunnis to remain in power so not really the fault of Iraqi Shia Arabs.

Many of the Iraqi Shia Arabs were also tribes and clans who were escaping infighting/lost wars in what is modern-day KSA and later found sanctity in Southern Iraq and to further integrate they adopted Shia Islam which was prevalent in and around Karbala and Najaf.

As usual the most accomplished Iraqi historian, Ali Al-Wardi, is to be studied to understand the historical dynamics more and to understand why things are like they are today.
ISIS were crushed by Sunnis in 2006-2007 thanks to Qori Al-Haliki that they made comback and not forgeting he and Bashar Al Assad let many al qaeda out of jail in 2011 and 2013.
Assad was acting like swiss in that time, not thinking in regional cooperation.
ISIS became active because of US backed propaganda and neo-baathists crying about saddam while being encouraged by US to reclaim their rights.
Your'e wishing for American bombs to drop on Iranians. If given the opportunity, you would not hesitate killing Iranians just for the sake of Americans. MEK sided with Saddam, you are siding with the Americans. You are essentially the same. Traitors, both of you. You cheer when US sanctions Iran, blocks humanitarian aid, and as a result, poor Iranians suffers, meanwhile you brag about how much money US has, and how good life in US is.

I don't consider islamists as Iranians. They have no care, loyalty or allegiance to Iran. They are an occupying force. They have been destroying Iran for 40 years. They should be exterminated with prejudice. Just like Nazis were. Germany was much better for it afterward. Today Germany and Japan are strong, free and democratic countries. So it didn't turn out so bad for them after all. I don't support American occupation of Iran. And there is almost no chance that it will happen. But if they help kill a few Islamists I will be thankful to them. Just like your filthy islamists have been killing Iranians in thousands for a long time...
a huge strike have been dealt to Iran no doubt, I do wonder what will be the response from Iran! I highly doubt they would just fold & do nothing, knowing how active & bold they are there will be a response, now there are three days of mourning so we will have to wait for three days before anything happens.
The only thing that will work with the US is deterrence
Exactly! Many times before i have advocated about acquiring the capability of ICBM even when made fun and told repeatedly we do not have the know how. Point is nuclear weapons alone wont save you if the other party knows you cant hit them back. And deterrence is the only thing US respects.
ISIS were crushed by Sunnis in 2006-2007 thanks to Qori Al-Haliki that they made comback and not forgeting he and Bashar Al Assad let many al qaeda out of jail in 2011 and 2013.

Actually it were traditional Arab clans and tribes of Anbar (the awakening) that defeated Al-Qaeda in Iraq. Without them this would have been impossible, even the Americans admitted it.

As you correctly wrote, which I as a kid was even writing long before the protests in Anbar back in late 2011/early 2012, was that the Farsi drone/fifth column/Mullah drone/Wilayat al-Faqih/traitor, Al-Maliki was targeting the Sunnis of Iraq using corrupt officials and Shia armed wings to spread chaos. Distant relatives of mine experienced this interference first hand and were harassed for no reason. That is why I genuinely hate those traitors such as Al-Amiri, the now dead Al-Muhandis, Al-Maliki and the many other monkeys.

Unfortunately Iraqi Shia Arabs have been defenseless and unable to defeat the Wilayat al-Faqih and terrorist militias led by corrupt and power hungry Shia clerics who use Islam as a business and a political tool. Hopefully the recent mass protests and events like this will encourage them to gain freedom.

Al-Qaeda/ISIS was largely defeated/rejected by local Iraqi Sunni Arabs, now it is the turn of our Iraqi Shia Arab brethren to reject the terrorist militias/fifth columns/traitors and their terrorism and destruction of Iraq.

They are flooding on oil and gas in the south but look at their living standards, all under the watch of their so-called "leaders" (vultures).

KSA has many insiders within Iraq. Hopefully we provided some intelligence when the terrorists were killed.
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a huge strike have been dealt to Iran no doubt, I do wonder what will be the response from Iran! I highly doubt they would just fold & do nothing, knowing how active & bold they are there will be a response, now there are three days of mourning so we will have to wait for three days before anything happens.

The Islamofascist regime occupying Iran has just killed 1500 of its own citizens all over the country for protesting against their rule. They are too paranoid turn their back to their own people. They have destroyed the economy. People have lost their savings. The currency has gone from 65R:1USD to 140000R:1USD during their rule. People have become much poorer. They are starting to have trouble feeding themselves. They are seeing that they have nothing to lose anymore. The government is keeping its power by killing and jailing people. If the Islamofascists take their eyes off of the people they might lose their heads real quickly. So I don't believe they are going to want escalate this very much.
Nobody is irreplaceable in the Republic. Iran does not allow it. Also Solemani was 62 years old he would likely be retiring by 65-67 anyway. It’s not like he was gonna command till he was 90 years old. There was talk he could leave as soon as this upcoming presidential election.

Furthermore, Solemani had his flaws. Which meant he was way too comfortable with the embracement of martyrdom in his operations. That lead to the deaths of countless soldiers/militiamen a tactic that belongs to the Iran/Iraq war era.

After leading Quds force since 1998, someone else will replace him and carry the torch and possibly introduce newer ideas and strategies.

Passing of the guard was going to happen sooner or later.

I hope you are right. But he is the face of IRGC, proxies and pro-Iran militant groups, from PMU factions to Hezbollah in Lebanon. His death will cause a power struggle and instability internally in IRGC and possibly even the militant groups and in our proxies.

Militants turn to Iran because Iranian proxies are successful. If you are an Arab in Iraq or Lebanon and you want money and protection, you are going to turn to Iran. Why would any non-Iranian want to turn to Iran when their most powerful commander, together with the most powerful non-Iranian commander (Muhandis) recently were assassinated? It sends the message that we cant provide protection to even our two most important commanders in Iraq. I feel Soleimanis death will cause us to lose influence over our proxies.

In terms of a famous political figure Gen. Soleimani was one of a kind and irreplaceable but in terms of a military strategist and planer we have many more like him far more than you may think.
Yeah I agree with this, thats what I meant.
I hope you are right. But he is the face of IRGC, proxies and pro-Iran militant groups, from PMU factions to Hezbollah in Lebanon. His death will cause a power struggle and instability internally in IRGC and possibly even the militant groups and in our proxies.

Militants turn to Iran because Iranian proxies are successful. If you are an Arab in Iraq or Lebanon and you want money and protection, you are going to turn to Iran. Why would any non-Iranian want to turn to Iran when their most powerful commander, together with the most powerful non-Iranian commander (Muhandis) recently were assassinated? It sends the message that we cant provide protection to even our two most important commanders in Iran. I feel Soleimanis death will cause us to lose influence over our proxies.

This is why a successful reaction is to get the US out of Iraq by political means. And to agree to a set up of air defenses in Iraq until they can purchase them from Russia, Turkey and Iran.
This is why a successful reaction is to get the US out of Iraq by political means. And to agree to a set up of air defenses in Iraq until they can purchase them from Russia, Turkey and Iran.
It is impossible to kick out US from Iraq, unless the people themselves rise up. Iran cant do anything about it. US is an occupier, the only way to get rid of them is by having a "revolution" US cant fight an entire nation, but they can easily defeat any Iraqi army. If we try to set up AD, US will just bomb them.

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