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British Pakistani Youth Association


Nov 4, 2009
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This thread is started for mainly the British Pakistanis but will appreciate comments and support from others also.

I am currently in the process of starting a Youth Association whereby British Pakistani Youth will play the pivitol role as described below.

We are all aware of the current flood disaster which the 2004 Tsunami, 2005 Pakistan earthquake and Haiti earthquake put together does not come near to the sheer damage and volume of work required in Pakistan being of epic proportions in the short and long term.

Not just lives lost and the fact that 20 million people are homeless, the main issue arising out of all of this is that the infrastructure has been destroyed. To some that may not mean much, so let me put it into perpective.........there are no roads (estimates are that 5000 km has been destroyed), almost all bridges destroyed, no schools, no hospitals, no institutions/departments, no electricity pylons, no telephone masts (landline or mobile)......it is fair to say there is a complete loss. Pakistan may well have been sent back to pre 1947.

With this in light and the above daunting task ahead, I recall something my father used to say to me, mainly with regards to the racism in the UK we used to suffer.....you can either moan all your life about it, or make a change and get on with it....

I prefer the latter, hence here goes...........

British Pakistanis in the UK number 1.2 million....the largest population of us is here in the West Midlands of 172,000 and 164,000 in the London Boroughs. We make up 11% of Birmingham's population.

The plan put forward by Youths here is that an Association is put together whereby British Pakistani Youth are encouraged to put forward £5 a month in direct debit. Now £5 a month is only a mere £1.25 a week (a chocolate bar and packet of crisps). Although the asking number is small, this is the whole point. It is small enough to not put anyone out of pocket, and we make even the odds as we have strength in numbers. If out of our community we can get 10,000 persons to sign up, that is £50,000 a month. The Government gift aid scheme fro UK tax payers of 28% will push this amount to £60,000, converted to Pakistani rupee at the current going rate of 133.31, that is 80 lakhs.

I have made enquiries and confirmed that at a cost of 70-90 lakhs a small bridge can be built. I have also liaised with Mabey Bridge and Shore inc. with regards to larger "lego" type of bridges and I believe that with the right number of people and investment, if this group set up and liaises with other groups like the Pakistan Youth Alliance in Pakistan, and co-ordinate our efforts, we can make a practical difference on the ground.

I have raised the point of requesting Pakistani Miliatry Engineers for the construction of roads and bridges rather then having to fork out large sums of money to western engineers or domestic. This will give best value for money.


I would firstly like to know peoples views and furthermore, I am setting up leafleting and awareness of our campaign and drive towards this work whilst our fellow agencies continue with rehabilitation work. We have set up a standard of each person getting 5 persons to join up and those 5 persons get a further 5 persons. This way, numbers grow, awareness grows and also instead of putting up something daft like 20 persons, 5 is a much more realistic figure and achievable.

Would anyone of Pakistani origin in the UK, on this forum please give their time and effort in assisting us to launch and grow. We have set up numerous ideas about website, donations (e-commerce) or otherwise, amzan appeals, television ads, newspaper ads, T-shirt sales of BPYA logos etc etc..............

Please submit some further ideas and any requests for help to the following e-mail:


I look forward to your responses.

I would also request any logo ideas and full back page pictures which we will be adding to the leaflets......

bit like this from the PYA website:

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exactly initiative, funnily enough i have been thinking along similar lines myself.

the question is whats the best way to get the attention of the youth in gb, just off the back of my head my simple mind comes up with looking at

-one could start a face book campaign

-target mosques with publicity

-target universities for publicity

-target shopping malls

encourage sympathetic friends to join this as well, the more the merrier.
exactly initiative, funnily enough i have been thinking along similar lines myself.

the question is whats the best way to get the attention of the youth in gb, just off the back of my head my simple mind comes up with looking at

-one could start a face book campaign

-target mosques with publicity

-target universities for publicity

-target shopping malls

encourage sympathetic friends to join this as well, the more the merrier.

Thanks for your reply Brother.......

I am organising targetting many facebook account, twitter, myspace, Noor TV, DM Digital, Iqra, The News, and advertise on Unity FM and others. This will also include leaflets at Mosques, associations like cricket teams on Saturday and Sunday in park leagues where over 500 Pakistanis attend at a time here in Birmingham. Also put up notice boards in the local areas, which is liaised through Birmingham City Council and other Councils.

Everyone youth I have spoken to is fed up of the Governemnt in Pakistan and mny are taking the initiative themselves. They have all welcomed greatly this idea and are waiting for an outcome/launch.

I am however getting my head around website, with a Paypal access donation point as an E-Commerce will cost a hell of a lot more at this stage, I am also looking to move across the field out of Birmingham and West Midlands altogether.

r3alist - What were your plans and do you wish to discuss the matter further, like I said, there is strength in numbers, and numbers is one thing we most definately have, its just a matter of sparking that emotion which we all have but dont know where to turn.....
Thanks for your reply Brother.......

I am organising targetting many facebook account, twitter, myspace, Noor TV, DM Digital, Iqra, The News, and advertise on Unity FM and others. This will also include leaflets at Mosques, associations like cricket teams on Saturday and Sunday in park leagues where over 500 Pakistanis attend at a time here in Birmingham. Also put up notice boards in the local areas, which is liaised through Birmingham City Council and other Councils.

Everyone youth I have spoken to is fed up of the Governemnt in Pakistan and mny are taking the initiative themselves. They have all welcomed greatly this idea and are waiting for an outcome/launch.

I am however getting my head around website, with a Paypal access donation point as an E-Commerce will cost a hell of a lot more at this stage, I am also looking to move across the field out of Birmingham and West Midlands altogether.

r3alist - What were your plans and do you wish to discuss the matter further

sure, i am happy to help

so much more can be done as a unit rather than scattered individuals

so some time should be spent into co-opting other like minded people into this, or perhaps just support something else that is going on, but really the ultimate goal is getting a large number of people pulling in the same direction

from my experience i think its important to declare who we are and what we are about, just so people feel comfortable about what we want to do, also keep it strictly about the issue, nothing to do with religion, caste or creed - just getting the help where its needed

but then again i could be talking garbage because i have no proper experience in this and am talking completely off the cuff - some people who have experience in this as well as some ideas on how to organize and plan can be valuable.....

perhaps the mods should make this a sticky?
I can see your point also......I have discussed the matter with some Pakistani Youths here and they are currently onthere way to Pakistan for 2 weeks as part of a short term plan. They had to leave immediately as they had managed to secure the delivery of powder based cholera vaccinations in large amounts which was not an easy task as all cholera vaccinations wre in diluted form and with no storage available in the flood effected areas, the vaccine would have become waste......Praise be to Allah, that they managed to secure this and they are leaving to get the distribution to other agencies on the ground already to become more effective.


Upon there return the matter will be hopefully put into some sort of motion and they can help with fine tuning the organisation to be set up.

I am in the mean time, setting up a Community account with HSBC for use in Direct Debit payments of brothers joining the cause. Thankfully, many youngsters are aware that the infrastructure needs to be buiklt back up again somehow, anyhow and more then willing to help in ways they can also.

Although alot of mentioned £5 needs tobe increased to £10....but that will add to woes and a small figure with a large and growing group and make up for any shortfalls.

r3alist, please send me an e-mail and we can discuss our views and proposals further ifyou are geniunely interested.
no problem, i have pm'ed you

if anyone reading this either has some valuable expertise, or knows somebody who has some knowledge and expertise that would help make this bigger and more efficient then please share this

and ofcourse this is open to anyone, not just pakistani's
btw, there are plenty of british guys here, they need to get on this thread....
Yeh, I was trying to get messages sent to all members with a British Pakistani flag and narrow the search down from 33,000 members but I do not have the priviledges to do such a search, hence, help from Mods will be greatly appreciated to spread the word
I think a great initiative - while the bridges and dams are gov's reponsibilities , I am sure that the funds your youth organizations can collect can be used to purchase ambulances or medical equipment for poor

Good initiative I say keep the youth out of trouble and focused on developing country

My recommendation would be to make sure

a) You have the oraganization , registered as charitable organization or something
b) Get a good accounting firm for audits
c) Get a lawyer in UK/Pakistan for any legal matter

Rest i think you guys are doing wonderful , good imagination 10/10

While collecting user's private information from PDF is not idea , perhaps you should approach local schools and address the situation.

No pain no gain ... also facebook is another approach
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All British pakistani.............
Must visit london.pk
its very interesting
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