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Britons afraid to challenge radical Islam, says former Obama adviser


Aug 27, 2010
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Britons afraid to challenge radical Islam, says former Obama adviser - Telegraph

British people are too afraid to offend a "vocal and aggressive" section of the Muslim community who demand that their cultural values are accepted by wider society, according to a former adviser to Barack Obama.

Professor Lawrence Krauss said he had been shocked when taking part at a debate hosted by an Islamic group at a leading British university to find that men and women were segregated.
The professor, a leading physicist and prominent atheist, threatened to walk out unless organisers agreed to let men and women sit together, which was eventually agreed - but was then astonished to find himself being accused of intolerance by angry members of the audience.

He said there had been no such problems when he recently took part in a similar debate in Australia.

But he suggested in Britain people were often too polite to object to such practices as well as being cowed by those eager to protest whenever they felt "their cultural norms are not being met".
He said: "People are not only afraid to offend, but afraid to offend a vocal and aggressive group of people.

"There is a segment of the Islamic community that is very vocal about this."
The professor said: "I think the notion that these cultural norms should be carried out within a broader society that not only doesn't share them but that is free and open is a very serious problem."

Authorities at University College London have launched an investigation into the event last Saturday, at which people who attended were separated into men, women and coupled seating areas - with women at the back.

Professor Krauss said he was later told by one woman who attended that she went into the lecture theatre holding hands with a male friend and pretending he was her boyfriend to be able to sit in the mixed section.

Richard Dawkins, the prominent British atheist, has claimed that the university allowed "sexual apartheid" to take place and said "heads should roll".

The event was organised by a group called the Islamic Education and Research Academy, which has now been banned from holding events on the UCL campus.

Professor Krauss, who served on Mr Obama's science policy committee during his 2008 election campaign, was taking part in a debate entitled: "Islam or Atheism: Which Makes More Sense?"

Footage posted online showed him saying "quit the segregation or I'm out of here" after security staff tried to throw out three men who had gone to sit in the women's section of the audience.
Eventually his request was met and the event continued but some members of the audience were upset with him. One even shouted "intolerant" as he left, which he found "remarkable".

A woman who spoke in the debate said she was uncomfortable sitting among men.
Professor Krauss said he told her that he respected her feelings but added: "You are in a public arena and not in a mosque, not in a private event."

He told the Daily Telegraph: "The notion that because these cultural norms make some people feel uncomfortable in broader society, that broader society should accommodate that discomfort, is complete nonsense."

It was "vitally important" that institutions such as universities were secular and avoided segregation of any kind, he added.

"It is the obligation of people who don't feel comfortable with that to decide how they are going to mesh with broader society, not the other way around.

"It is not cultural racism. For better or worse, we live in a free society, and we live in a secular, open society."

Professor Krauss said it was the first time he had experienced such segregation.
"I did a debate with an Islamic group in Australia which worked out fine. There were no issues and there was certainly not even the proposal that there should be segregation."

The IERA has admitted seating areas were separated by gender at the UCL debate but said that it did not enforce segregation and had launched a "thorough internal investigation" into what took place.

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Who do these Islamic extremist groups create issues out of everything?
Well for starters, kill/jail that sh*t face named anjem chaudhry.
He is Product of Pakistan ......and Has very good support from your Muslim brothers.
Product of Pakistan LOL, the guy came last year to Islamabad to spread propaganda against Qaid, Army, current government and the whole Pakistani nation itself.
He is Product of Pakistan ......and Has very good support from your Muslim brothers.

What possible point do you have..
other than a need to diss Pakistan..

What is your contribution here?

Saddam was danced with by Rumsfield.. would you care to comment on that?
Rajiv was killed by the LTTE which the Indian intellectuals now show sympathy to..what is your idea of them?
The fact is that if you come across a radical Muslim in the UK, chances are he is born and bred in the UK itself and is a British citizen. Most immigrants to UK come from poorer countries and knowing the conditions back in their country relative to UK, they assimilate easily to British way of life. Problem is with Muslims who grow up in the UK - often they are couch potatoes who are easily seduced by Jihadist and Islamist propaganda disseminated in many mosques and certain radical websites.
Product of Pakistan LOL, the guy came last year to Islamabad to spread propaganda against Qaid, Army, current government and the whole Pakistani nation itself.

Your Country Mullahs all time do that Whats New ? even they don't hesitate to kill each other . you have very deep roots of extremism...support from huge people from your country....there are tons of example of such Pakistanis in west .

one example , there was a news one Pakistani guy in USA who had his own TV channel for creating awareness about Islam " How Peaceful it is !! " and how West misunderstood it. one day he took Axe and cut down head of his wife.....!!! :lol:

watch this....

A true American "moderate" Muslim beheads wife - YouTube
All I see is a fascist athetist bitching about religion as usual while trying to enforce his "liberalism" on others.
What possible point do you have..
other than a need to diss Pakistan..

What is your contribution here?

Saddam was danced with by Rumsfield.. would you care to comment on that?
Rajiv was killed by the LTTE which the Indian intellectuals now show sympathy to..what is your idea of them?

To show How much Pakistan Contributed in World Terrorism , When some Bomb explode in Europe , America how threads comes to Pakistan and Pakistanis ..... But still they are Stubborn about it.
nothing will happen if he is jailed.
Problem is he has not violated any law, and is not involved in any form of terrorism.

He Actually Violated American law He declared Open Support to OSAMA BIN LANDEN , USA demanding many Muslims radicals from Briton but it didn't handover them...

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