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Cameras installed in domestic UAVs too heavy

On the other hand when Boeing delayed its AWACS for same period (which, unlike Heron had alternatives - Phalcon, Erieye, KJ-200), there were very little complains. Looks like these complains were politically motivated.

Could be, but no. You have to understand, Airforce could wait for Anka, Heron was chosen as a stop-gap measure. For a country that is fighting with terror and constantly giving casualities, UAVs are extremely important life-saving equipment. Suffice to say, "not the same thing".

And just an advice: Do not compare Peace Eagle to Erieye or KJ-200 :D There's still no emergency, there never was. So going for an inferior system just to have the deliveries quickly. Wouldn't make any sense.
Turkey had no any alternatives beside Israel. Americans refused to integrate heavy payload into Predator.

I think The refusal of USA to sell their Predators has nothing to do with the weight of FLIR Turkey wants to integrate but about other factors. USA always wanted to sell their weapon systems under a contact containing a full weapon package and always reject the Turkey's national contribution to keep the integrity/secrecy of their toys and defence institutes. That's the USA style When It comes to make defence trades with Turkey. It was OK with the partners such as Israel and S. Korea but never accepted such offsets with Turkey...

Under the result of this policy of some countries,

-AH-1Z had won the Turkey's tender and Bell would have supplied 145 King Cobra helicopters with Turkish mission computer and FLIRs but the program is cancelled cause of USA refusal.

-Leopard 2A6EX had won the Turkish MBT tender and KMW would have supplied 1000 Leopard2A6 but cancelled cause of German government refusal.

Thanks Allah that Turkey is developing both own attack helicopter and MBT at present and preparing to manufacture However army wants. All those industrial activities of Turkish institutes are commenced with the lessons taken with painfull activities of our Western "friends" issues embargoes, While never stepo back supplying gun to some illegal organisations.
Could be, but no. You have to understand, Airforce could wait for Anka, Heron was chosen as a stop-gap measure. For a country that is fighting with terror and constantly giving casualities, UAVs are extremely important life-saving equipment. Suffice to say, "not the same thing".
As I said, leased Herons were used. Lease price came from delay compensation.

Besides, when u have AEW&C, you can send less planes for border patrol and more to COIN missions.
I think The refusal of USA to sell their Predators has nothing to do with the weight of FLIR Turkey wants to integrate but about other factors. USA always wanted to sell their weapon systems under a contact containing a full weapon package and always reject the Turkey's national contribution to keep the integrity/secrecy of their toys and defence institutes. That's the USA style When It comes to make defence trades with Turkey. It was OK with the partners such as Israel and S. Korea but never accepted such offsets with Turkey...
That's true. But I think weight was also an issue.

AselFlir-300T - 116 kg
AN/AAS-52 - 58 kg

Two times heavier. Its a huge headache to adopt it. Anyhow, for whatever reason fact is that Turkey had no alternatives.
Any way turkey is doing very good in research and development and as any new thing it takes time and some time failure too.
but it is still better to make your own industry then buying from somebody.
Anka is very beautifull UAV and its advance and nothing wrong if it takes sometime .
once the ANkA is Ready and serving in Turkish Arm-forces it will break western monopoly in UAV market and will make good money exporting it. GOOD LUCK
Any way turkey is doing very good in research and development and as any new thing it takes time and some time failure too.
but it is still better to make your own industry then buying from somebody.
Anka is very beautifull UAV and its advance and nothing wrong if it takes sometime .
once the ANkA is Ready and serving in Turkish Arm-forces it will break western monopoly in UAV market and will make good money exporting it. GOOD LUCK
Nicely said, btw nice quote!
Hahaha.. Zaman and it's bullschit if we were to believe that farce of an news agency Turkey would be flying Russian attack helicopters..

Here's what is wrong with Anka, it's engine. The engine as is losses power at altitudes beyond 20,000ft, to remedy the problem TEI has been tasked to modify the engine for prolonged high altitude operation.

You are pissed off to Today`s Zaman and cursing them, but you are accepting what they are saying.

I think we have right to know why this delay occurred since we are tax payers and TSK is our army. I remember the latest news about ANKA was saying that ANKA would to be delivered to TSK in June 2012. But it did not happen and this is normal as I said before. However, because of your belief and ideology you curse them because they think and live differently than you. This is our problem, there is no tolerance and empathy for those who think and live differently than us. Why do not you pay attention the news whether it is true or not instead of whoever wrote that news.
How can we have tolerance againts people who are not tolerating anybody and wants to supress every different view, belief, ideology.
Hahaha.. Zaman and it's bullschit if we were to believe that farce of an news agency Turkey would be flying Russian attack helicopters..

Here's what is wrong with Anka, it's engine. The engine as is losses power at altitudes beyond 20,000ft, to remedy the problem TEI has been tasked to modify the engine for prolonged high altitude operation.


It is Zaman's BS as always. Take a look what same Zaman claimed about ANKA in 07.2012.

Örgütün halkla devleti karşı karşıya getirme girişimi, güvenlik güçlerinin dikkati sayesinde engellendi. Bir grup PKK'lı, Kuzey Irak'tan ağır silahlarla birlikte Şemdinli çevresindeki dağlık alana geldi. Grup, insansız hava aracı ANKA tarafından tespit edilerek büyük bir facianın önüne geçildi. Belirlenen hedefler helikopter ve F-16'larla etkisiz hale getirilince PKK'nın baskın ve ele geçirme planı akamete uğradı.
Gündem PKKn

but Now,
if the TSK accepts the fact that the Anka will only be able to fly at a maximum altitude of 20,000 feet, mass production of the UAV will soon begin. If the TSK insists on the planned altitude of 30,000 feet, the completion of the project will be delayed by two more years.

Those Zaman, Taraf like sources are motivated by many inner-outer factors instead of the truths taken by first hands.
On the other hand when Boeing delayed its AWACS for same period (which, unlike Heron had alternatives - Phalcon, Erieye, KJ-200), there were very little complains. Looks like these complains were politically motivated.

Israeli companies were sub-contractors on the AWACS if I am not wrong, and they refused to supply because it was for Turkey. I was kinda hoping Boeing would make contract with TEI or something as sub-contractor.

If the camera weights too much, then that means it can be smaller, and they'll R&D a smaller camera with same or better performance. You only learn to overcome an obstacle when you face one.
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