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Capt Romail Akram - Kargil Conflict (1999)

so here starts one more thread for kargil war................. great..
Really brave....Salute u man....wanted to hear more. Specially what happend after that...n how u survived.
So they are just praising a war hero. What's wrong with that?


i didnt mean like that dude , one of the indian member posted the IN and AF role in kargil war then it turns to a flame war and i thought this is something similiar.....

any way thanks to sharing the video and salute to that soldier
Salute... Soldiers or all countries are to be respected. They stand on the line so you and I can rest easy... Request to all.. Dont make this a India vs Pakistan thread..
Just wish Musharaff had the courage and integrity of character to properly plan operations and, failing that, not abandon our men in their hour of need.

And to those who might claim it was NS, remember, he had no hesitation to grab power when he felt he needed to.
Salute to the soldier - I doubt any internet warrior here and stand a bullet in the face with face bones broken and still trying to fight.
Salute to the valiant men and women, who put their lives on the line - everday 24/7, 365 days a year, so millions of their countrymen can sleep soundly at night. :pakistan: :pakistan::pakistan:
so now u guys admit that the "insurgents" who crossed the loc , entered and occupied indian land at a time when the both the countries withdraw troops from particular areas were ur regular army personnel and not terrorists.......

and u guys call this bravery......
No, we call what you are doing "trolling". :)

I know for a fact that the Kashmiri Mujahideen were the one to initially take advantage of the indian armed forces, lax and frankly negligent, attitude to their national security.

Once the injuns started threatening the LOC, then PA and NLI units started what is known in the Army as "aggressive patrolling" ie ambushes and skirmishes into hostile territory. These were so successful, that a number of indian units and formations were annihilated, and PA NLI had occupied quite a large area.

After the ceasefire they were still in possession of the vast majority of posts, and still possess a significant number to this day, including the infamous Peak 5353 a prime piece of real estate. :)
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