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Captured CST Terrorist

give me till tomorrow ill give you the detailed report. without any bias.with proof. i have nothing against anyone . terrorist have no religion.but if you deny that they were not pakistanis i think deep down even you know the truth.ill give you the detailed proof even you wont be able to refute. i am still compiling it.thanks.
I'm not exactly sure that the terrorists would be making long speeches with huge vocabularies. They'd be speaking in short sentences or instructions, which would probably use the same words in both languages.

if that were the case, they wouldnt be able to identify the Hindi as a North Indian, Punjabi accent.

This is all assumptions though. We have it identified as chaste Hindi and Hindi with a heavy punjabi accent. That's very specific.

The orange Kalava, well what can you say. The thought of an Islamic radical walking around with something as "impure" as a Kalava on his last moments sounds too far fetched.
This whole display by India is quickly degenerating into a farce.

I have been avidly reading most of these posts and at am a loss to understand the lack of common sense being portrayed by our neighbours. Indeed its a great shame what happened but one must not just throw ones toys out of their pram like a child.

The simple but incrimative facts are that the police officer himself said the terrorist was speaking hindi/punjabi. Its foolish to assume an ulterior motive on his part because if he really wanted to malign Pakistan then he would have stated that the baddies spoke in the finest poetic Urdu.

Then ofcourse you have the guys picture. As much as people from both nations say they have so much in common, the fact remains that the terrorist in the pic is short, fat and dark. This is more consistant with an indian than a pakistani. Let the apologists also not state that the orange band just miraculously appeared on the guys wrist. Its there for a reason.

Lastly, the factor that is most perturbing is how the anti-terrorist police officer who was investigating the rogue terrorist elements of the indian police and military, was one of the first to get killed. Infact the details of his killing suggest a professional hit!

As a british born pakistani, I and many others like me were waiting with abaited breath about the implication of my fellow brethren in Bradford/Leeds/etc. Ofcourse this too just turned out to be spurious nonsense by the ever irresponsible Indian media desperate for anti-state propaganda. This allegation seems to be convieniently omitted from most publications as of today. For a nation that aspires to such heights of greatness, this is the most irresponsible and amatuerish behaviour.

Its all very well being emotional at what happened and indeed may the dead RIP, but from an outside perspective, I along with others, are quickly seeing the Indian media and govt becoming a laughing stock as their threats become allegations become suggestions. Then within hours change completely.

My two bits worth.
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It might be useful to add that when the siege was on, the terrorist claimed to be from Hyderabad. Now that he's in custody of Indian MI, and probably being tortured, he's retracting all that and claiming he's a Pakistani. I don't think anybody in the world will take confessions under durress seriously, without a neutral admission.

For those that care to think out of the box and with emotions subdued, it quite evidently transpires that India really does need to put its own house in order before pointing to others.
Further more, the discerning among us will also realise that this knee jerk reaction stems from the incessant fear by India of all that is wrong with them as a state. Rife with the greatest number of insurgencies of any nation coupled with the subjugation of muslims/others will only ensure such attacks continue.

Its an age old trick to unite a nation under times of duress by irrationally accusing others. This may work temporarily but then surely comes a time when the public will expect India to do something. When they don't, as will be the case here, the loss of face of the Indian govt. will be substantial.
This will in turn freeze Indo-Pak relations undoing all the good work done so far.
Well said Salk and welcome aboard!
Please don't forget to introduce yourself, thx.

For those that care to think out of the box and with emotions subdued, it quite evidently transpires that India really does need to put its own house in order before pointing to others.
Further more, the discerning among us will also realise that this knee jerk reaction stems from the incessant fear by India of all that is wrong with them as a state. Rife with the greatest number of insurgencies of any nation coupled with the subjugation of muslims/others will only ensure such attacks continue.

Its an age old trick to unite a nation under times of duress by irrationally accusing others. This may work temporarily but then surely comes a time when the public will expect India to do something. When they don't, as will be the case here, the loss of face of the Indian govt. will be substantial.
This will in turn freeze Indo-Pak relations undoing all the good work done so far.

When bombs exploded in London, didn't british found link to pakistan with homegrown pakistanies. When did finger pointing go to British that they had to fix there own house first, like you are suggesting. The first priority was how they did it, and what links they had.

Some blame does go to India because of security lapse, but not all like you have suggested.
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Mumbai Investigation Focuses on Local Links

Evidence of Pakistani Roots of Terror Plot Abounds; Indian Officials Demand Islamabad Turn Over Most-Wanted Suspects

MUMBAI -- Indian officials investigating last week's terror attacks on Mumbai say all 10 gunman they killed or captured appeared to be Pakistanis, but they are focusing on whether the attackers received local assistance in the city they targeted.

"They had good knowledge of the place," Mumbai Police joint commissioner for crime, Rakesh Maria, said in an interview, adding that the militants "were so well-aware of the general layout" of their targets. "We are looking at who helped them gain this knowledge," he said.

Investigators also are probing whether the militants carried out an earlier reconnaissance mission from abroad to scope out targets and prepare the attacks. The examination of possible insider help is significant. Indian officials have increasingly focused on groups within Pakistan as responsible. Officials demanded Monday that Islamabad hand over two key terror suspects and warned that relations between the nuclear-armed rivals would suffer if swift action isn't taken.

Diplomats and political analysts say the demands suggest that India is using the international outrage over the carnage in Mumbai to pressure Pakistan into a broader crackdown against Islamist militant groups believed to be targeting India, which has suffered more than a dozen terror bombings in the past three years.

The Bush administration is pushing for Pakistan's cooperation in the investigation of last week's attacks, hoping to avoid a repeat of tensions that nearly set off a war between Pakistan and India in 2002.

U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is traveling to New Delhi on Wednesday. "What we are emphasizing to the Pakistani government is the need to follow the evidence wherever it leads," Ms. Rice told reporters in London.

The terrorists killed at least 172 people, holding off security forces for three days of pitched battles at two luxury hotels and a Jewish center that ended Saturday. The one terrorist in police custody, identified by Commissioner Maria as 21-year-old Mohammed Ajmal Mohammed Ameer Kasab, told investigators he and his cohorts were members of Pakistan-based terror group Lashkar-e-Taiba. He also said he had never been to Mumbai before, the commissioner said.

The terrorists tried to give an impression of being a homegrown Indian Muslim radical movement rather than a group of Pakistani infiltrators. A previously unheard-of movement, Deccan Mujahideen, claimed responsibility for the attacks, and, according to Commissioner Maria, the gunmen carried on their bodies fake student cards from several Indian universities -- and no other identity documents.

Some 150 million Muslims live in India, and, while radicals represent only a small minority, there have been numerous cases of Indian Muslim involvement in terrorism. After a series of bombings in 1993 -- the deadliest previous terror attacks in Mumbai -- India named as the main culprit the local Muslim organized-crime kingpin, Dawood Ibrahim, who is believed to now be in Karachi, Pakistan, where he is said to run businesses and own property.

On Monday, India demanded that Pakistan turn over Mr. Ibrahim and another top fugitive, cleric Maulana Masood Azhar. The leader of the banned Pakistani militant group Jaish-e-Mohammed, Mr. Azhar was once jailed in India. He was freed in 1999 as part of a deal that ended the hostage standoff over an Indian plane hijacked to Taliban-ruled Afghanistan. Neither man has been directly implicated with last week's Mumbai outrage.

Indian officials told Pakistan's senior envoy to New Delhi of the demands after summoning him to the foreign ministry, said an official familiar with the meeting.

"He was informed that the recent terrorist attack on Mumbai was carried out by elements from Pakistan," the Indian foreign ministry said in a statement after the meeting. India "expects that strong action would be taken against those elements, whosoever they may be, responsible for this outrage."

The U.S. fears tough talk from New Delhi could put Pakistan's 10-month-old civilian government, its first in almost a decade, on the defensive, a situation that could easily spiral out of control. India and Pakistan have fought three wars since they won independence from Britain in 1947, and almost had a fourth confrontation after a 2001 terrorist attack on the Indian Parliament killed 15 people.

Nothing among the Mumbai terrorists' possessions pointed to a direct link with Pakistan: In addition to guns, bullets and Chinese-made grenades, the militants carried bundles of Indian rupees, packets of raisins and nuts to keep their energy high, and roaming cellphones with numbers that were neither Indian nor Pakistani, Mumbai's Commissioner Maria said.

The Pakistani connection would have been almost impossible to prove if not for the capture of Mr. Kasab, at a roadblock on Mumbai's Chowpatty beach after a long shooting spree Wednesday night. Mr. Kasab, who is cooperating with the investigators, is providing leads for the additional main directions of inquiry, such as how bombs got onto two Mumbai taxis that exploded that night, and what additional attacks may be planned against the city, Commissioner Maria said.

Most of what Mr. Kasab has said so far has proven accurate, the commissioner said. After his capture, the young man had become resigned to helping the Indian police, said Commissioner Maria: "He knows the game is up for him." The key piece of evidence he provided is information about the hijacked fishing vessel that ferried terrorists from near Pakistan to waters off Mumbai.

On the fishing trawler, investigators discovered -- just as Mr. Kasab said they would -- the slain lead crewman who had been thrown in the engine room, a satellite phone, and a global positioning device for navigating. Another GPS unit recovered in Mumbai suggested that the terrorists planned to return to the vessel if they survived the attacks, Commissioner Maria said.

Mr. Kasab was part of the pair that entered Mumbai's main railway station to start a murderous rampage through the city.

On Monday, R.R. Patil, the man in charge of security in Maharashtra state where Mumbai is located, resigned over security failures, following the lead of federal Home Minister Shivraj Patil, India's top internal security official, who resigned on Sunday.

Mumbai Investigation Focuses on Local Links - WSJ.com
When bombs exploded in London, didn't british found link to pakistan with homegrown pakistanies. When did finger pointing go to British that they had to fix there own house first, like your are suggesting. The first priority was how they did it, and what links they had.

As a matter of fact thats exacatly what Musharraf told them, to put their own house in order since the terrorist were British nationals....homegrown terrorists!
give me till tomorrow ill give you the detailed report. without any bias.with proof. i have nothing against anyone . terrorist have no religion.but if you deny that they were not pakistanis i think deep down even you know the truth.ill give you the detailed proof even you wont be able to refute. i am still compiling it.thanks.

Please start a new thread once you have this available as this will deserve our scrutinizing glances.

Regards and best wishes for your evidence hunt.
The Pakistani connection would have been almost impossible to prove if not for the capture of Mr. Kasab

Lol, Jokes. Translation: there's no proof connecting them to Pakistan, except what they revealed while having their fingernails torn out.

Wonder in what way they faked Indian university passes and why?
Lol, Jokes. Translation: there's no proof connecting them to Pakistan, except what they revealed while having their fingernails torn out.

And being beaten by a defenseless crowd while armed with grenades and assault rifles...yep everything makes perfect sense so far. :cheesy:
As a matter of fact thats exacatly what Musharraf told them, to put their own house in order since the terrorist were British nationals....homegrown terrorists!

I do agree with you Neo, that India did have it's house in order, it could have prevented this whole incedent, but a terrorist is terrorist and constant maucking the water with "it is a inside job is completly false." There are clearly links that prove otherwise. And no matter anyone says it is very diffucult for any leader including the British Prime minister to digest that all of it was completly our faulth.
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What ever happened in Mumbai was very Tragic.
BUT the question is what made them do this!!!!!
The only way to fight terrorism is by uniting against it, not by putting blame on eash other.
When bombs exploded in London, didn't british found link to pakistan with homegrown pakistanies. When did finger pointing go to British that they had to fix there own house first, like your are suggesting. The first priority was how they did it, and what links they had.

Some blame does go to India because of security lapse, but not all like you have suggested.

Are you suggesting a precedent be set that when ever and where ever a bomb explodes in the world, it should without reservation and immediately be blamed on British Pakistanis?
That doesn't sound too smart to me.

My second post was a reference to the generic Indo/Pak scenario. Hence I did not imply India suggest Britain get its house in order. Mind you, that wouldn't be a bad idea.

As for how the terrorists did it, maybe I am being a simpleton but I just saw some determined guys with guns and grenades wreak havoc in some hotels. Its not as if they walked in there with some Raad or Hatf missiles or something.

Is it too outlandish to suggest that the extremely poor response and abilities of the Indian forces perhaps makes the baddies look better than they actually were? This is ofcourse with reference to the statements circulating in the Indian media that these guys had military training.
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