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China a bigger threat than Pakistan: IAF chief

This is called a peaceful nation.:rofl:

The best way to get more funding is to scare the **** out of your people, especially the politicians, thats what the Pentagon does, and that is what Mr. airchief here is doing.:cheesy:

Well, this reminds me about Indian boost in their defence budgets, always after some terrorist attack, take for instance first in the attack on Indian parliament, it was responded by a hike in defence budget, then last year after the mumbai attacks again a hike in the defence budget, makes me think who would have carried out these attacks on india, so the defence budget could be increased.:what:

Yeah, Mr. airchief you better live in peace, no matter how much military muscle you built up, you always have the threat of nukes, either be it China or Pakistan.

I hope the world can really see, who starts a new arms race in South-east Asia always, and they blame us.:crazy:

Goodluck with your new toys, be it f-18's or typhoons, or lca, pak-fa!

Using nukes is a sign of defeat and weakness. It means you have nothing left to defend yourself with, and you choose to kill 400 million, render the subcontinent inhospitable for centuries, destry a part of earth JUST to save your ***. Thats disgusting.

All of the worlds strongest armed forces have nukes. But none talk about it the way Pakistan does. Ever heard China cringe about using nukes during th e korean war? Ever heard the Americans theatning nukes druring veitnam war, ever heard Russians threaten nukes during Georgian war?. Ever heard India threaten nuke to China? What about Pakistan? They honk 'we will
nuke you' in every India-Pakistan thread. How pathetic. As if India will spare you.
Using nukes is a sign of defeat and weakness. It means you have nothing left to defend yourself with, and you choose to kill 400 million, render the subcontinent inhospitable for centuries, destry a part of earth JUST to save your ***. Thats disgusting.

All of the worlds strongest armed forces have nukes. But none talk about it the way Pakistan does. Ever heard China cringe about using nukes during th e korean war? Ever heard the Americans theatning nukes druring veitnam war, ever heard Russians threaten nukes during Georgian war?. Ever heard India threaten nuke to China? What about Pakistan? They honk 'we will
nuke you' in every India-Pakistan thread. How pathetic. As if India will spare you.

how many a bombs did we use in 49 and 65 and 71 and 99 and remember 49 65 were victories 71 was a kick in the groins and a coward act and 99 was a limited small scale war
Thats a good point of view by Mr. Fali. I think we should look to match somone of our OWN size and not the small naught boy who we beat all the time unwillingly.

I am strongly in favour of strengthning the IAF the most.It should be around 300,000 personals with at least 2000+ fighter aircraft.
Something we should keep in mind to achieve.

What do you say Indians?

did u just get the dictionary and quote what it says for wet dream
how many a bombs did we use in 49 and 65 and 71 and 99 and remember 49 65 were victories 71 was a kick in the groins and a coward act and 99 was a limited small scale war

Is that what they really teach you in you 'educational' institutions?
Using nukes is a sign of defeat and weakness. It means you have nothing left to defend yourself with, and you choose to kill 400 million, render the subcontinent inhospitable for centuries, destry a part of earth JUST to save your ***. Thats disgusting.

All of the worlds strongest armed forces have nukes. But none talk about it the way Pakistan does. Ever heard China cringe about using nukes during th e korean war? Ever heard the Americans theatning nukes druring veitnam war, ever heard Russians threaten nukes during Georgian war?. Ever heard India threaten nuke to China? What about Pakistan? They honk 'we will
nuke you' in every India-Pakistan thread. How pathetic. As if India will spare you.

You seem to not get my point in my post, i recommend reading it again, the point was made very clear, but you show typical indian behaviour!:rofl:

Also, you think that we are afraid of indie's, ohhh common now, you think you will scare us with ur nukies, and all that military build-up, well, we are not scared at all, it is the opposite, if we acquire something the first one to cry out is your government who is scared and shitless, all the time when ever we buy something for our defence! (Just recall the Canada issue last week, and recall your government actions!)

So, you might wana change your mind on that bit!
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Beside all the baby talks that happen in these threads, importance is also if India start spending money on defense spending, what happens that the neighbors correlate equally in there powers. Then the game becomes more of financial, which becomes advantages on the primary doer. A case in point when the US, under Ronald Reagan, started the star wars program, which led the Russiansian to ensue. And you know what happen after.

Donot forget that in this baby talk you are also taking part which very well means that you are a part of it.

SO, yes you have a strong economy and you should start building up defensive capabilities, best of luck with them, till now I have only seen a growth in offensive ones!
Using nukes is a sign of defeat and weakness. It means you have nothing left to defend yourself with, and you choose to kill 400 million, render the subcontinent inhospitable for centuries, destry a part of earth JUST to save your ***. Thats disgusting.

All of the worlds strongest armed forces have nukes. But none talk about it the way Pakistan does. Ever heard China cringe about using nukes during th e korean war? Ever heard the Americans theatning nukes druring veitnam war, ever heard Russians threaten nukes during Georgian war?. Ever heard India threaten nuke to China? What about Pakistan? They honk 'we will
nuke you' in every India-Pakistan thread. How pathetic. As if India will spare you.

Yes we do it because we are threatened by India. No other Nuclear country is threatened the way Pakistan is, thus the appropriate response. When you talk about unilateral strikes and teaching Pakistan a lesson then be prepared for facing whatever we have in our arsenal which includes conventional and non-conventional weapons.

Also refrain from bacchon walay comparisons. Before going off on illogical tangents, realize that Russia will not threaten Georgia because they have enough of a conventional capability to handle Georgia and to mention nuclear weapons is an overkill. India and Pakistan are two nuclear states. Pakistan's credible deterrence includes the nuclear weapons to counter Indian threat. Secondly, Pakistan is not the only country which has done so, Israel does so tacitly against its arab neighbors and lastly, the US has threatened the USSR during the Cuban missile crises. So you do so as and when the need arises.

Get over your self-righteousness.

May 27th, 2009

New Delhi, May 27 (ANI): Outgoing Indian Air Force Chief, Air Chief Marshal Fali Homi Major, on Wednesday, appeared to retract on a widely reported remark in which he said India’s biggest threat was from China and not Pakistan.

Addressing his last press conference before superannuating on May 31, Air Chief Marshal said he never made comments to the effect that China was a greater threat to India than Pakistan.

The u-turn suggested that the Air Chief may have been pressurized by the Indian Government to distance himself from the remarks keeping in mind diplomatic sensitivities. He also said there is no escalation of threat from China and that the Indian Air Force has eliminated that danger.

“There has been no escalation in threat from China. What I meant was that we knew very little about air power of China, We don’t want our Air Force to be threat centric. The IAF should be capability centric to deal in all spectrum of warfare and we have a long way to go,” Air Chief Marshal Major said.

He further went on to say that very little is known about China’s “actual capability” in the defence sector.

“I meant to say that we know very little about the actual capability of the country… You do not want to be threat-centric, you want to be capability-based,” Air Chief Marshal Major said here.

While asserting that IAF was placed “very well” vis-a-vis China, the IAF chief said: “We need to improve our combat edge.
We certainly have plans to improve infrastructure in the northeastern region. We are in the process of developing four-five airfields and advance landing grounds and put our assets there. Soon, we will be moving our one squadron of Sukhois (combat jets) to the northeast,”
Air Chief Marshal Major added.

In an interview to a newspaper, the IAF chief had said earlier this week that in the wake of its military expansion, China is a “bigger threat” than Pakistan.

Defence Minister A K Antony said on Monday that his ministry has taken note of the rapid development of infrastructure by China on its side of the border.

“Infrastructure development in the northeast and other border areas (and) modern equipment in coastal areas is more important and will require fast track procurement,” he said.

“India wants to have friendly relations with all its neighbours. We have to not only maintain but improve relations with China. At the same time, we have to be eternally prepared for any challenges to our security,” he added.

IAF chief forced to retract China threat remark
how many a bombs did we use in 49 and 65 and 71 and 99 and remember 49 65 were victories 71 was a kick in the groins and a coward act and 99 was a limited small scale war

How many bombs did you have in 49, 65, 71? None. And you lost miserably. 99, you had the bomb but no delivery system Get your facts right.
Sure you can start a war with India... but take permission from your master(US).See you can't do anything of your own as your Master wants YOU to kill your own muslim brothers.US has to do nothing but just pass orders whenever it wants muslims to kill muslims.
As a matter of fact it was US who kept you from attacking us time after time. So tell me who's the master again...? :smokin:

Yaaaaaawn... this sentence provides intense satisfaction to pak dreams.Pak always has the 'power' to beat India anytime anywhere.

Though practically its the other way around.
Thats why your leaders try to stop every single bullet to be delivered to Pakistan. Naughty bad boy Pakistan is all over you, we give you really baaad dreams! :lol:
Is that what they really teach you in you 'educational' institutions?

care to prove me wrong 65 was a military victory for pakistan 71 was a coward act and 99 was a limited small scale war in which pakistan lost its gains because of its political leadership oh yea and 49 we took a chunk of indian territory so please tell me what u think
How many bombs did you have in 49, 65, 71? None. And you lost miserably. 99, you had the bomb but no delivery system Get your facts right.

and u have lost ur mind miserably this is ur indian state of denial u havent won all four wars and im not denying that our military was betrayed by the politicians and during a bloody civil war honorable india stepped in to save the bengalis and we have never used an A bomb so dont whine about us threatening you
for puny india every country in the neighbourhood is a threat. india is lika chikni kuri in the middle of young badmash biys ready to "invade" her.
Well, Americans are obsessed with Cubans, North Koreans. Russians are obsessed with Georgians, Pakistanis are obsessed with India and Afghanistan, Mongolians are obsessed with Chinese, Singaporeans are obsessed with Thai, Balkans are obsessed with each other, Zimbabweans[spelling] are obsessed with Ugandians,Indonesians are obsessed with Phillippines, Venenzualans are obsessed with Columbians. All this in the post cold war era, I am not even gonna mention 'obsessions' into history.

Its all love, brother. :smokin:

Singaporeans are obsessed with Malaysian (Mainly Malay),

Indonesians are obsessed with Malaysian and Singaporeans.
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