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Jan 10, 2011
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This is good. The next step should be to make them jump through hoops. And to dance cheek to cheek with women.

(Muslim) public servants are forced to brandish the slogan that “our income comes from the CKP not from Allah”.


China has forced the imams of Xinjiang to dance in the street, and swear to an oath that they will not teach religion to children as well telling them that prayer is harmful to the soul.

In China, imams are being forced to dans, (sic) at the same time being made to make an oath to keep children away from religion - public servants are forced to brandish the slogan that “our income comes from the CKP not from Allah”.

The imams of the mosques in the Xinjiang have been forerced to gather in a square dancing en masse. State Chinese news have said that in the name of “civilization” the imams have been forced to dance in the town square. At the same time they were forced to chant out slogans such as ‘peace of the country gives peace to the soul”. Many of the imams were forcibly given Chinese flags – the same demonstration also included university students.

During the speeches, young people were told to stay away from mosques, and that the prayer was harmful to ones health and instead were encouraged to dance. Female teachers were instructed to teach children to stay away from religious education and made to swear an oath that they will keep children away from religion.

China forces imams to dance in street | Winds Of Jihad By SheikYerMami

the Chinese government is atheist, and they know well how dangerous religion is especially Islam to toppling governments.

you might make Shiek Yer Mami al islamophobe (lol) angry .. :devil:

Oh that site again. I had a misfortune of visiting that retarded site once, full of mentally slow Hindutvas and other Islamophobes.

in another thread the OP is getting orgasms over hinduvta stuff.. :lol:
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Kia chutia bakwas hai yaar seriously it some times I came here after spending a whole freking hectic day to read something good and there comes a sh!t pot thread Damn my mode goes off!
Lol..relax. Why would I hate you guys!? I have better things to do rather than hating a random guy on the internet.

You have to be "special" to google shitty news.. from a shitty blog... and post it here...:rofl:
You have to be "special" to google shitty news.. from a shitty blog... and post it here...:rofl:
I dont know your fascination for sh!t but if you look at the news, you can see that there is a picture in it. Anything you've got to say regarding that? It's not me who took that pic. Instead of bothering about the link, bother about muslim women not being allowed to wear burqa, muslim children not allowed to read quran and Imams made to dance on steets. lol

Whatever you say is irrelevant since you belong to the special breed of idiots.
If you feel I'm an idiot, what does it make of you to reply to an idiot. lol.
If you've got anything relevant to say, your welcome. If you feel the post is unworthy, dont waste your time. Report and move on.
I hope China's realises the threats of Christian cults soon.

So are you another Hindutvi on that blog too? Then gtfo out of here. If you hate us then don't come to our forums.

Christian cults are small and usually keep to themselves.
Islam is a much bigger threat to China and non-Muslim countries.
the original Chinese source.:coffee:

the picture and the article doesn't match.
this is a 'Little Apple' (Chinese pop song) dancing competition, and the picture is the 'team of religion', there were teams of students, women, employees as well.
the original source is about anti-extremism not anti-religion. the whole story is cooked up.
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The Uyghur issue | Page 34

Read this thread from page 34 onwards. Your own Turkish brothers (including an intl. mod) is posting this news and Chinese members like Genesis is accepting it.....

I mean, is it a rule that whenever anthing is posted by an Indian @StormShadow , it has to be a lie, something to do with Hindutvawadis, etc etc

The Uyghur issue | Page 34

Read this thread from page 34 onwards. Your own Turkish brothers (including an intl. mod) is posting this news and Chinese members like Genesis is accepting it.....

I mean, is it a rule that whenever anthing is posted by an Indian @StormShadow , it has to be a lie, something to do with Hindutvawadis, etc etc
Nailed it bro.

@DESERT FIGHTER. A chinese member accepting it also is not sufficient for you? You were saying something about the link? And @Jaanbaz even resorts to personal attacks. Pass the same comments against the I'ntl mod if you have what it takes.
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