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China has developed its own electromagnetic railgun???

China should build a huge railgun close to the Indian border and Kashmir. Then we can lob shells into New Delhi and all other targets in northern India whenever we please. The high altitude of the Himalayas gives the railgun extra range and power.

my first thought exactly whenever i saw that magic "400kms" ! :D
I've learned a lot about Indian mentality from Indian media and internet forums.

The danger from China between 2011 and 2014

Valid proof of the indian war like mentality towards its neighbors.

We Chinese people must work hard to let other Chinese know the true nature of India. They are not some peace-loving Gandhi. They are not so weak and backward as to be a total joke like some Chinese people think. No, they are the key to USA's strategy of forcing China fight a two-front war!!! We underestimate them at our peril. And they are very cunning and clever... notice how they toned down the rhetoric right after we unveiled the J-20. They instinctively know how to run away from a direct confrontation they cannot win and take cheap shots from behind when you least expect it.

that's a typical indian trait!
USA wants to contain China and dominate Chinese coastline. India wants Tibet.

BOTH outcomes are unacceptable and BOTH are our enemies, thanks.

A bit disgreement here:

Actually USA is not China's enermy IMO. They seem like an enemy to each other though, yet in fact the duo is only locked into sort of #1 Vs. #2 competition, with abundant misunderstanding, envy, ignorance, fear, hawks, neo-nationalism on each camp. Think about it, this level of competition for #1 spot is quite natural though. If China were in the shoes of the US, probably many Chinese would have had become the same kind of defensive as we see now from the USA camp.

I think that everyone here agree that USA and China will never fight a war face-to-face. This logical conclusion shows that USA is only China's "enemy" ( competitor for world's # 1 in my book though) on paper, which will never be materialised.

What really could be materialised, however, is one of USA's foot soilders, India, being one of the most cunning and conny (estupido at the same time) ones, who has made the conscious (with or without USA's "leadership"), long-term , and strategic decision to destabilise China on behave of both the USA AND itself, will one day indeed backstab China with real kinves in the real world, when China becomes careless.

No power has arisen without a drop of bloodshed. China tries hard to avoid so yet sometimes you have to show the clown whom the master is. A dangerous phenomenon here is that many mainland Chinese are too naïve ( might due to, perhaps, CPC's wholesale textbook propaganda that this "India" = peaceful and prosperious ancient Indus Valley Civilisation) to realise the true face of this modern "India".

In this sense, India is infinitely more likely to be China's real enemy in a battlefield than USA. I have argued so in this forum for a long time that Chinese strategists who take Vietnam as an enermy to teach a lesson to are misleading the country! China should assimilate Vietnam (Confucius culture; historically fell into a sub-stream of Chinese civilisation) into China Camp via economic means, but keep a very watchful eye on that double-talking "peaceful" India instead.
India will be a problem during China's peaceful rise. I have seen economic projections and in a few decades, India's GDP will only be second to the United States.
The fact is clear: China and India are competitors, and will stay so for the foreseeable future. ...

Almost completely agree with your thought!

Several thing though:

1. don't ever believe Jew bankers' economic forecast on India "that in a few decades, India's GDP will only be second to the United States" bullshit. It won't. Just look at the aberage IQ!

Furthermore, inflation alone will paralise it, natural & human resources aside. However, a trend is clear that India is increasinly spend much more on its millitary, which is a potential threat to Chinese lives.

2. India and China are competitors, as you said, but only in the sense of securing overseas Natural Resources. That's all.
We should build a small version of the electromagnetic rail gun and install it on our Type 99A2/KM or CSU-152 tanks
Electromagnetic railgun is very useful. It can reduce the logistical burden.

Warship may need electromagnetic railgun. It can be used air defense.
the technology could be applied to many non-militaristic areas. good research.:tup:
i can see it paying off well if the technology is mastered.
And a cheaper way to launch long range ballistic warheads.
Like 1500km range by firing it out of the atmosphere.
2. India and China are competitors, as you said, but only in the sense of securing overseas Natural Resources. That's all.
Replace "overseas" with "Tibetan" and that's the biggest problem!

In this sense, India is infinitely more likely to be China's real enemy in a battlefield than USA. I have argued so in this forum for a long time that Chinese strategists who take Vietnam as an enermy to teach a lesson to are misleading the country!
In fact, India's position in relation to China right now is very similar to the position of Vietnam during the 1979 war. Vietnam back then claimed it was the third strongest army in the world (behind Soviet Union and USA), so stronger than China's PLA. Vietnam wanted to take advantage of the fact that it would be a second front where the primary front is in Northeastern China against the Soviet Union. So China went in and delivered a limited bloody war on Vietnam soil.

China will need to pull off a similar war to 1979 in a two front situation. Most of navy would have to defend the coastal region of China from the US, Japan and South Korea. Most of the air force too would need to defend against potential strikes coming in from Japan, South Korea, Okinawa or Guam. Then a second group of army and air force would have to tackle and take down India's military.
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Lets keep the off topic stuff down folks..

The idea of the railgun also allows for a silent launch.. which would mean.. I suppose..that the DF-21D could be supplemented for the carrier attack role with something alone these lines..
With enough juice in the back.. a rapidly recharging rail gun could land more warheads on a carrier battle group and would be less vulnerable to carrier defenses than a Missile.
Lets keep the off topic stuff down folks..

The idea of the railgun also allows for a silent launch.. which would mean.. I suppose..that the DF-21D could be supplemented for the carrier attack role with something alone these lines..
With enough juice in the back.. a rapidly recharging rail gun could land more warheads on a carrier battle group and would be less vulnerable to carrier defenses than a Missile.

No chance. Railgun is still a gun. Presicion attack is not easy if its target were 1000km away and moving. I doubt if its speed were faster than DF-21D.
No chance. Railgun is still a gun. Presicion attack is not easy if its target were 1000km away and moving. I doubt if its speed were faster than DF-21D.

it is possible with a railgun to shoot guided ammo. since acceleration is spread out over longer time.
it is possible with a railgun to shoot guided ammo. since acceleration is spread out over longer time.

Railguns use EM power, how to protect guidance systems? And are you sure its acceleration is small considering its barrel length and muzzle speed?
Railguns use EM power, how to protect guidance systems? And are you sure its acceleration is small considering its barrel length and muzzle speed?

acceleration in a hypothetical railgun is not small, it is huge...

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