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Well US is exercising her power as what China should do in the future. Start occupy Wu Chi Ming city in Vietnam back up by Chinese consulate.

All of the losers on PDF like @BoQ77 @EastSea @NiceGuy @Viet are champions of "democracy" suporting the criminals in HK but they dare not to whisper "Occupy Ho Chi Min" "Occupy Hanoi" "Occupy Hai Phong" ... against their corrupt government which can only make this aeroplane :cheesy:

Small propeller airplane made in Vietnam still waits for license | Greeting Vietnam
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How come Hong Kongers continuing this agitation for so long? Seems like I underestimated the people's ambitions in the beginning. :)

Occupy wallstreeters hung on for half a year before being brutally dispersed by a "democratic" police assault by American security forces. The "Hong Kongers" you speak of number less than a few thousand, down from hundreds of thousands and the HK police force has behaved with impeccable professionalism. As long as the remnants of the HK occupy movement don't block major roads and don't disrupt business, they're free to flush their educations and future job prospects down the toilet. :D
All of the losers on PDF like @BoQ77 @EastSea @NiceGuy @Viet are champions of "democracy" suporting the criminals in HK but they dare not to whisper "Occupy Ho Chi Min" "Occupy Hanoi" "Occupy Hai Phong" ... against their corrupt government which can only make this aeroplane :cheesy:

Small propeller airplane made in Vietnam still waits for license | Greeting Vietnam

Those Viet losers know that their own government will arrest them and jail them for years if they dare mention anything about the Vietnamese government *or* the Chinese government. I believe NiceGuy was in jail the past month - arrested by his own countrymen - for being too anti-China. :pop:
I just hope they do that. HK police should facilitate the occupation. Invade the consulate, hold the consulate general as hostage, and demand British troops to set anchor in HK. That will be a great service to the cause of China.

Exactly. If the British people actually cared about "freedom" as they often and loudly proclaim, they'd stop hiding like cowards behind their consulate and confront the now "democratic" anti-Chinese and anti-British protesters. But when faced with protesters who aren't violently suppressed by the British police as is often the case in the "free" United Kingdom, the Brits don't know what to do and are wetting themselves in fear and shame.
Occupy wallstreeters hung on for half a year before being brutally dispersed by a "democratic" police assault by American security forces. The "Hong Kongers" you speak of number less than a few thousand, down from hundreds of thousands and the HK police force has behaved with impeccable professionalism. As long as the remnants of the HK occupy movement don't block major roads and don't disrupt business, they're free to flush their educations and future job prospects down the toilet. :D
Please point out to me what the objectives of the Hong Kongers are.
If you've been following the thread, their objectives are protesting the British at this point. :rofl:
All I see are thousands of men, women and children asking for democratic reforms. It remains to be seen if China grants them that, being a responsible power or presses the panic button and does something rash. As of now, China has handled it well but the situation hangs in balance now.
All I see are thousands of men, women and children asking for democratic reforms. It remains to be seen if China grants them that, being a responsible power or presses the panic button and does something rash. As of now, China has handled it well but the situation hangs in balance now.

The balance has swung in China's favor. As I've said, a couple of thousand protesters now, on a good day (most days its a few hundred) down from a peak of hundreds of thousands. Hong Kongers want to make money and they don't want a bunch of spoiled brats hurting business. China won. If people can't accept that, it's their problem. :coffee:
In that case the Hong Kong police would have dealt with the situation long ago. What's stopping them then, may I ask?

Because Hong Kong police have to abide by Hong Kong law. The remaining protesters have complied with HKPD instructions and are no longer blocking major streets and thoroughfares.

The original protest of hundreds of thousands of people petered out on its own because they were hurting business and they managed to turn the average HongKonger against them. Why then, would HK police have to do anything to a movement that was dying on its own?
LMAO, you have no control over them. That's why they're embarrassing you guys in front of your own consulate. If you were truly their puppet master, they'd be awaiting further instructions instead of camping out in front of the British consulate like a bunch of butthurt homeless vagrants. Stop deluding yourself regarding British (non-existent) power. No one here agrees with you and you look foolish when you claim otherwise. :cheers:

LOOL im deluding myself about British non existent power man?:cheesy: Im just making point/stating my point of view, Its not like im the one making our laws/policies.lool Im just a common citizen/civilian just like you, so whether my government gets involves in China's internal affairs like it seemed to have been doing in this case doesnt affects me one bit, nor does it increase my salary or livelihood or whatever.lool So i have no business with politicans from anywhere irrespective of the country, since i(unlike most people on here.lol) know that Politicans are all hypocryties/liars be it in the U.K or wherever, thats what makes them politicians in the first place. So me i dont look at things/focus too much on country perspective(since i know none is an angel/evil per se), i have long moved beyond that, so should you. Thats what enables me to be able to make more rational judgements/comments towards other countries, i do so not based on my feelings/bias, but based on facts/realities. So thats why i dont find anything wrong in saying bad things when my government does something wrong/immoral(unlike most of you on here who hardly ever criticize/say something bad which might be wrong in your countries).

So chill down, i was just making an observation which i thought must have been quite obvious for most of you. You said Britain has a non existent power.lool I thought i already said it on here before(think it was to you or one of your country men). What you say wont change reality. If we were non existent/insignificant as you seem to wish lool then why is an insignificant/non existent country like the U.K able to influence events in a 'super power' internal affairs like China?:cheesy: You should ask yourself that bro. That means your country is not that powerful like you might think then. Judging that you have zero chance/influence/ability to influence our own internal affairs, unlike we do in China. :agree:

So this should make you think really hard. For example we cant get involve in U.S internal affairs ever, even if we wanted, because the U.S is really Powerful and has the most powerful/skilled secret service on planet earth, so that theres no way a foreign country can even get involved on U.S soil to forment trouble/turmoil without the U.S knowing way before that even starts. That's how you know a 'true power'. China still has along way to go. So calm down man, i know China is still a developing country(the largest, most advanced and most powerful one though), but you still need time to complete all your development phase and thereby fill in the holes like we had done decades ago, so its not like i blame your governemnt though, since they still have alots of people to move out of porverty/improve living standards, before focusing more on other less obvious sectors like offensive covert operations like the U.S/west have been doing for a while now. So the day you are able to infleunce our internal affairs/or have the ability to forment unrest/protests/trouble etc in our internal affairs/country the that day i will know you have indeed arrived/match us/surpass us. But until then its not the case, we can still influence/get involved in your internal affairs unlike you, so keep catching up bro. I know our government(just like the U.S)shouldnt be getting involve in other countries internal affairs, but then again i cant really blame them that much, since i know this is geom politics, and thats how it works and thats how it will keep working in future, so they seem to be just doing it better than other countries/regions out there, thats the only difference.:D No hard feelings though, Just making a point/observation.:bounce:
But the problem is that they believe it is not enough, they want you to openly stand up against China.

I have visited the AppleDaily forum, they believe you Brits are still a superpower and want you to declare the war against China.

lool those are youths who have already have a good notion of us as liberators/democracy etc. So of course, they will still rather we rule them(even if they have no say in that as well). So in some way(though ironic as it might seem) some of them still want our colonial era back.:lol: So as i said before, in politics sometimes realities isn't really what matters, perception is more important.:agree: Once you are able to give other poeple a better/good perception of yourself/country (whether fake or real), then of course they are ready to believe in you and act in your interests than even their own country.:D Doesn't matter what method you use, it might be through media, lifestyle/values etc, but as far as you do it, it doesnt matter whether its real/moral/fair or not, as far as others believe you and look up to you then your objectives have already been met even before you start the battle.;) As i said i dont find anything wrong in that(politically that is). Geo politics is never a clean game and dont expect it to be. Every other major power does it(others who dont is simply because they dont have the capabilities to be honest). The only difference is that we in the west/U.S do it wayyy better than anyone out there.:enjoy:

And no we wont support them openly, since that wont be a good PR(perception again as i said). So i guess our leaders will just keep silent or say politically correct stuffs as usual.:sick:
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lool those are youths who have already have a good notion of us as liberators/democracy etc. So of course, they will still rather we rule them(even if they have no say in that as well). So in some way(though ironic as it might seem) some of them still want our colonial era back.:lol: So as i said before, in poltics sometimes realities isnt really what realy matters, perception is more important.:agree: Once you are able to give other poeple a better perception of yourself/country (whether fake or real), thent of course they are ready to believe in you and act in your interests than even their own country.:D Doesnt matter what method you used, it might through media, lifestyle/values etc, but as far as you do it, it doesnt matter whether you all these or not, as far as others believe you and look up to you then your objectives have already been met even before you start the battle.;) As i said i dont find anything wrong in that(politically that is). Geo politics is never a clean game and dont expect it to be. Every other major power does it(others who dont is simply because they dont have the capabilities to be honest). The only difference is that we in the west/U.S do it wayyy better than anyone out there.:enjoy:

And no we wont support them openly, since that wont be a good PR(perception again as i said). So i guess our leaders will just keep silent or say politically correct stuffs as usual.:sick:

I don't like Hong Kong for exactly this reason, we given them way too much, it seems now like we own them something. The fact of the matter is we own them shit.

I'm not mad at the UK, it's a more advanced country, it's a developed country, it's a prestigious country, it's no longer the world's super power, but that prestige doesn't die, at least not until you lose a war, the Falklands didn't help though.

Though UK has no real power here, but whether it does or not, this could be the turning point in Chinese prestige. This could potentially turn into China supressing a color revolution. Now whether it is one is up for debate, but we can certainly spin it that way and there are enough evidence here to paint that picture if not to put you away.

This could be the turning point in Chinese prestige that the West can no longer do as they wish in Chinese territory and thus would destroy any faction that have any illusions on what China is in the world.
All of the losers on PDF like @BoQ77 @EastSea @NiceGuy @Viet are champions of "democracy" suporting the criminals in HK but they dare not to whisper "Occupy Ho Chi Min" "Occupy Hanoi" "Occupy Hai Phong" ... against their corrupt government which can only make this aeroplane :cheesy:

Small propeller airplane made in Vietnam still waits for license | Greeting Vietnam

Let occupy Hanoi. Is there some secret agent to follow me on Internet? Oh no. We always could occupy Hanoi.
Our protest right is approved by Congress.

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