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China, Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, Iraq, Qatar, Syria, Lebanon, Azerbaijan alliance

Young man,

When you had the time to build the alliance with nations that had money to fund a military campaign you rejected and humiliated and degraded those nations---even though those nations helped your very existence in your times of dire need---.

And you want to create alliances with nations that have no common sacrifices in the last 70 years of our existence amongst each other---.

Respectable MastaKhan
Pakistan did fight for the Arabs during the arab Israeli wars and till today is ready to defend the arab nations. But Saudi and UAE forgotten about that. We all know Pakistan will 100% send troops to defend the gulf nations no matter what but should we be sending troops to bomb other arab nations like Yemen or Syria. I disagree. I can clearly see Pakistan saved it self from the Yemeni war, our troops would be coming back in body bags for no reason. Look at Yemen now. They have UAE siding with the South Yemen camp and Saudi Arabia on a different side, Qatar on one side and Iran supporting a different side. In Syria you have Saudi and UAE on one camp and Turkey and Qatar in the other camp. What if Turkey sends troops to fight the rebels. Saudi Arabia supports Kurds in Syria and Turkey hates them and possible war could take place. The big question I ask my self is where would Pakistan fit in to this? Which side will we be fighting against?

The only problem the rich arabs have is why is Pakistan standing on its own 2 feets and making it's own policy. Why is Pakistan not going for the bone we throw. Thats all.

If China wants such an alliance she must create a workable, economic and successful financial transection system parallel to SWIFT to avoid any deadlock in case US put any sanctions like it did with Iran to stop it’s all trade and business. If such a system is in place as Europe is also working on such a system it will end any blackmailing if the alliance is created.China can better protect her allies plus these countries can find more openly new markets for trade and business.
Love your post
These guys will never understand what a follower of school of Ahlul-Bayt can do once the Marja orders. But they must know that a normal follower of school of Ahlul-Bayt is only silent because his Marja orders him to be silent.

As Imam Zain al Abideen said "With death you threaten us, don't you know that death is our legacy and our honor from Allah is martyrdom."

They must know that we are not afraid of death but death should be afraid of us when a follower of Ali Ibn Abi Talib walks in the battlefield.

well this is what we do brother, but i pray PK will never find out and there will be no war between you and India but if there is some day them we will be there to be the first one's to defend PK.
Yes I agree with region being too fluid but 1. Pakistan already has close ties with Turkey and Azerbaijan. China has good relations with all of them. Turkey has good relations with Iran and Qatar. Iran has close relations with Syria, Iraq, Lebanon. It's the perfect time for a change and for a global partnership/alliance

I agree and we have witnessed this very clearly during recent events. But keep in mind. China does need close cooperation with muslim nations as it grows and needs some major muslim nations to be its partner, which is Pakistan. So it's a good opportunity for us. We have already done this before when Turkey and China had issue and Pakistan helped them both to get closer and sort it out. I definitely vouch for this. Pakistan only needs to stand up against the bullies

1. There is no constant relations good or bad, they change with time and interests. We had good relations with Gulf states who in time of need, slapped on our face. For e.g. If tomorrow US tension eases with Iran, it will have better relations with India than us in this part of the world.
2. China needs good relations with large consumer markets with deep pockets...not any Muslim or Christian nation. China looks at it's economic interest ... so at present Pakistan cannot be good option as we don't have money to buy their stuff...and we are more of a liability (asking for money all the time) on our friends than of any help. Besides, China is already concerned about it's deteriorating global image due to it's support to Pakistan on issues like terrorism, money laundering, etc. It is also witnessing impact on it's relations with other consumer markets (India, US, Australia etc.) and thus will be very careful in taking all-out sides.

Unless Pakistan make itself strong internally by focusing on education, effective institutions (becoming welfare state from a security state), foreign policy, international relations and gradually moving towards a strong economy.....no one will help us blindly...not even Allah Almighty!!

well this is what we do brother, but i pray PK will never find out and there will be no war between you and India but if there is some day them we will be there to be the first one's to defend PK.

I don't think your leadership thinks your way..... they will never pitch in between Pak-India war....and I have resons for that.
China, Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, Iraq, Qatar, Syria, Lebanon, Azerbaijan alliance.

What was their response on indian move in Kashmir> did any of them except China (due to its own territorial claims) condemned bharat?

The time has come for Pakistan and Pakistanis to wake up and work towards a better future for our nation. Be an independent country who can choose its alliances instead of being trapped in a slave mentality. Build economic links through Cpec like projects. China is the future super power and needs strategic partnerships and Pakistan through its Muslim link needs to work with those countries who are independent and willing to work with Pakistan and then link them to cpec and China.

China is already among their((the countries you mentioned) top trading partners, and guess what they did it without any Pakistan or non existent Muslim link, if they would have been dependent on Pakistan for their economic activities in ME, they would be same as any subcontinent backward countries sending their population as slave labor. Moreover Iran is offering alternative route for warm water and is in direct competition with your imaginary project, Iran is connecting its own rail road with Central Asian countries, offering routes to China, Russia to access Arabian Sea and allowing India to use its land route to reach Central Asia va North South Corridor or whatever they call, not to forget Chahbahar. Azerbaijan and Turkey are too far to be actually matter in Pakistan's strategy.

We can have trade ties with whole world without involving religion or sentiments, just like rest of the world does.
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There is no such alliance. There is no Muslim Ummah. No one will come to Pakistan's help. We are alone and we need to start walking ourselves and let go of trying to hold other nation's hands.

Listen little tidwid.
The word Ummah is used in the Quran by Allah. We are an Ummah of the Prophet (.S.A.W) and we will be raised on the day of Qayamah as such.

So stop being an ignorant and saying there is no "Muslim Ummah", and openly challenging the word of God in your state of ignorance.

The actions of a few leaders or countries have nothing to do with Ummah or the meaning behind it. The history of Muslims is full of treachery and deceit and internal bloodshed. That has nothing to do with Muslims as a people but the greed and ignorance of their leaders.

Educate yourself before just saying anything.
I understand your point but I disagree. Having a partnership with china does not mean we are slaves. We cannot deny china is the future super power so when it grows bigger and richer it will need to expand it relations with more nations. So we as Pakistan can benefit from this. For example CPEC and our strategic location to connect china to Africa and middle east.

Slavery is how we are towards the west, they bomb us, kill our people, sanction us and we place our heads low. High class slavery is towards the arab nations, they brainwash our children, bribe our leaders, fund terrorist organisations, blackmail us as we wont fight their wars, blackmail us so we dont invest in our seaports, whilst they sleep with our enemies.
O Yes you will be in this alliance... Partnership is between equals and here i don't see even a single country whose economy is bigger then 5% of China's economy and if you exclude turkey which have problems with China then non of you are more then 2% of their economy...In NATO's case you can see atleast 4 to 5 countries(UK,France,Germany, Italy) who are big enough to counter USA but here i don't see anybody who can counter China's ...
How do you propose Pakistan to stand on it's own 2 feets. We cannot do it alone, we need partnerships, business, trade and we are not getting this because the country we follow till today back stab us always. We would obviously need to work hard at home and then build key partnerships and defence agreements with countries like China, Iran, turkey, Qatar in order to make Cpec a success. We have to sell this narrative of a new alliance emerging with Pakistan location being key. I don't know about you but I could not imagine we would become so important with Cpec and our location. We are blessed and need to sell this to the world.
my friend to improve its self pakistan need to make the right policies and their proper implementation, Pakistan's main problem is corrupt system and in this corrupt system no meter how much you put it will drain and thats what is happening through out on the other hand same corrupt system discourage the inverters to invest in pakistan, just put your patriotic feelings away for a few minutes and imagine you are a investor would you like to invest in pakistan under current system ????? while you have lots of other much safer options available ....... we need a total overhaul of this system which is seems to very difficult because there are mafias in every sector, from beggars to industrialist everyone is trying to make money through all the means.

after world war Japan improved its economy by its own self ... it improved its literacy rates made the right policies, implemented them correctly, organized their nation and most important fixed the judicial system and from 1967 to 1971 they were among the top nations and same goes with other countries success stories

now coming back to pakistan, do we have any of this thing in pakistan ???? trust me it pakistan who can change its fortune and no one else can ... spoon feeding helps only in minors if adults should learn how to things pulled out

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That was deliberate. Russia is a world power with its own interests and alliances such as with India, and I dont see Pakistan being very important in that.

I only picked those countries who most likely could become part of this new alliance between China, Pakistan, Iran, Turkey. Also people are forgetting that Pakistan, Iran, Turkey previously had been in an alliance. It was called CENTO.

This is highly possible. It has been mentioned numerous times of a alliance building up between Turkey, Iran and Qatar.

Brexit is UK leaving the EU, they will still have economic, military alliances. They will still fight together to defend themselves.

We have the USA, UK, France and their alliances around the world, and then we have Russia with their alliances and then a new 3rd powerful alliance emerging. China, Pakistan, Iran, Turkey and others. This does not mean we would be anti anybody. It is the world changing fast and new space is being created.

China and Russia are more closer than India and Russia
Our biggest allies in the Muslim countries are Turkey (and Azerbaijan,) Malaysia, and Taliban due to purely ideological and aspirational mindset.

We seek the economic and political freedom of the Muslim world from outside powers, while desiring unity of purpose and a shared destiny.

Egypt under Muhammad Morsi’s was fast becoming a strong ally of Pakistan, but then KSA, UAE, and friends staged a coup and sucked the life from Egypt, turning it into a bankrupt slave state.

Qatar is probably the closest Arab country with us, but relations took a drop when Nawaz went to jail.

KSA, our traditional ally, is becoming more unpredictable and more likely to betray us for master US, and new friends India and Israel.

UAE has gone totally pro-India and anti-Pakistani.

As for Iran, they make nice statements but they won’t leave their alliance with India and they see us as a rival. Same for Oman, which seeks an advantage of a in alliance with India at our expense.

As far as other Arab countries like Syria and Lebanon, do we even have basic ties? I know we have some relations and trade deals with Iraq.
Q: Would GCC be in favour of an oil supplying Pakistan?
China, Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, Iraq, Qatar, Syria, Lebanon, Azerbaijan alliance.

The time has come for Pakistan and Pakistanis to wake up and work towards a better future for our nation. Be an independent country who can choose its alliances instead of being trapped in a slave mentality. Build economic links through Cpec like projects. China is the future super power and needs strategic partnerships and Pakistan through its Muslim link needs to work with those countries who are independent and willing to work with Pakistan and then link them to cpec and China.

This is our time to shine. It could be that in the next decade or so China will replace us with another Muslim nation for a close relationship if we do not get our head straight. We need to think like an asian tiger, not like a asian pussycat.

CPEC needs to be fast tracked and we need to get the fear out if this irritates certain arab nations. We want relation with all nations that will benefit our country.
Start the gas pipelines.

Delusional day dreaming and nothing else. Mostly ppl like u are here to share their low iq dumb day dreams. Do u know the relationship between turkey and syria?? They r about to directly confront each other militarily. How is Pakistan ally of iran when Pakistan takes billions from saudi and UAE and also gets billions of worth deferred payment oil from both??? Did u put ur brain in the fridge before making such threads?? What about the millions of workers in GCC? Iran is an indian ally, all fanboys should get that into their brains if there is any. Also why would china be allied to these countries only? China sees itself as a super power n has relations with every country. China is selling more weapons to UAE n saudi arabia than those countries. Saudi arabia is joining CPEC. Pakistan use its muslim link? Lolz is this the stoneage? Have u ever visited any of thise countries??

Mods should delete such dumb threads rightaway. It lowers the standard of discussion here and makes this forum look like dumb teenage banboy delusional group.
Listen little tidwid.
The word Ummah is used in the Quran by Allah. We are an Ummah of the Prophet (.S.A.W) and we will be raised on the day of Qayamah as such.

So stop being an ignorant and saying there is no "Muslim Ummah", and openly challenging the word of God in your state of ignorance.

The actions of a few leaders or countries have nothing to do with Ummah or the meaning behind it. The history of Muslims is full of treachery and deceit and internal bloodshed. That has nothing to do with Muslims as a people but the greed and ignorance of their leaders.

Educate yourself before just saying anything.

Listen dimwit, i dont need you to educate me about religion. And for future reference before going bonkers on something just because your puny mind cant comprehend whats written, read the whole post to understand the context and don't just cherry pick things to showoff your religiousness in front of others that don't give two hoots about you or your views or your beliefs.
China, Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, Iraq, Qatar, Syria, Lebanon, Azerbaijan alliance.

The time has come for Pakistan and Pakistanis to wake up and work towards a better future for our nation. Be an independent country who can choose its alliances instead of being trapped in a slave mentality. Build economic links through Cpec like projects. China is the future super power and needs strategic partnerships and Pakistan through its Muslim link needs to work with those countries who are independent and willing to work with Pakistan and then link them to cpec and China.

This is our time to shine. It could be that in the next decade or so China will replace us with another Muslim nation for a close relationship if we do not get our head straight. We need to think like an asian tiger, not like a asian pussycat.

CPEC needs to be fast tracked and we need to get the fear out if this irritates certain arab nations. We want relation with all nations that will benefit our country.
Start the gas pipelines.

These countries have nothing in common with each other, or with Pakistan. They have limited temporary benefits. If you want an alliance, you have to work had to build it and maintain it. This is extremely hard given that all muslim alliances collapsed because of competing interests. Also, CENTO was a US anti-communist project, It wasn't a muslim alliance.

Our biggest allies in the Muslim countries are Turkey (and Azerbaijan,) Malaysia, and Taliban due to purely ideological and aspirational mindset.

We seek the economic and political freedom of the Muslim world from outside powers, while desiring unity of purpose and a shared destiny.

Egypt under Muhammad Morsi’s was fast becoming a strong ally of Pakistan, but then KSA, UAE, and friends staged a coup and sucked the life from Egypt, turning it into a bankrupt slave state.

Qatar is probably the closest Arab country with us, but relations took a drop when Nawaz went to jail.

KSA, our traditional ally, is becoming more unpredictable and more likely to betray us for master US, and new friends India and Israel.

UAE has gone totally pro-India and anti-Pakistani.

As for Iran, they make nice statements but they won’t leave their alliance with India and they see us as a rival. Same for Oman, which seeks an advantage of a in alliance with India at our expense.

As far as other Arab countries like Syria and Lebanon, do we even have basic ties? I know we have some relations and trade deals with Iraq.

Sounds to me you want an Islamist alliance, Islamism is dying in the Muslim world because of the catastrophes it brought.

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