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China passes law to make Islam 'compaitable with socialism'

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Sep 2, 2018
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China passes law to make Islam 'compatible with socialism'

New decree seeks to 'guide Islam', as crackdown against Muslims and Islamic symbols continues.

05 Jan 2019 GMT+3
China has passed a new law that seeks to "Sinicize" Islam within the next five years, the latest move by Beijing to rewrite how the religion is practised.

China's main English newspaper, Global Times, reported on Saturday that after a meeting with representatives from eight Islamic associations, government officials "agreed to guide Islam to be compatible with socialism and implement measures to Sinicize the religion."

The newspaper did not provide further details or the names of the associations that agreed to the decree.

China has embarked on an aggressive "Sinification" campaign in recent years with faith groups that were largely tolerated in the past seeing their freedoms shrink under Chinese President Xi Jinping, China's most powerful leader since Mao Zedong.

Practising Islam has been made forbidden in parts of China, with individuals caught praying, fasting, growing a beard or wearing a hijab, a headscarf worn by Muslim women, facing the threat of arrest.

According to the UN, more than one million Uighur Muslims are estimated to be held in internment camps where they are forced to denounce the religion and pledge allegiance to the officially atheist ruling Communist Party.

Rights groups have accused China of engaging in a campaign of ethnic cleansing. In August, a Washington Post editorial said the world "can't ignore" the campaign against Muslims.

Islamic crescents and domes have been stripped from mosques, and according to the Associated Press news agency, religious schools and Arabic classes have been banned and children barred from participating in Muslim activities.

China has rejected the criticism, saying it protects the religion and culture of its minorities.

However, in the past week alone, authorities in China's Yunnan province, which borders Mynamar, have closed three mosques established by the marginalised Hui Muslim ethnic minority, the South China Morning Post has reported.


Reported on 5th January, 2019. 20 days before. This article talks about a new law.

In today's reporting, they're quoting Xinhua News Agency, about China looking to rewrite Quran and Bible.
Mods need to stop exposing their hypocrisy. You don't decide what makes sense and what doesn't. This isn't a monologue, and this thread isn't breaking any rule.

Shhhhh don't you dare speak anything wrong about the Chinese.
They are more sacred and holy than any Muslim anywhere. Let them kill and rape any Muslims they want, who cares, its all good and holy as long as they keep aiding us until they stop an turn their guns on us.
Hypocrisy is quite rampant in our society anyway.

So let's just relax and sing
(This is the only Chooran that sells in Islamic Republic of Pakistan these days)

All countries, including western countries, want their muslims residents to be compatible with local culture. The right wing is rising in European countries because they found muslims refuse to change.
All countries, including western countries, want their muslims residents to be compatible with local culture. The right wing is rising in European countries because they found muslims refuse to change.
Go ahead tell us what change do you want Muslims in China to do?

Come on... It's a report from Chinese newspaper... and even in this thread and others... Chinese members are cheering it or not finding any problem with such "laws"...

In the End, no one ask Pakistan to do anything... We all know that you guys can't do anything... as it's the case for other Muslim countries around the world and their respectively "Muslim" persecuted problems...
So... as long as the truth is out, those who can do something will and those who don't will not.
Islam by its nature is a Socialist movement which desires a welfare state. The Chinese government must study the Islam promoted by such people as Nasser, Gaddafi, Faiz and movements such as the Baath movement.

The Chinese members of PDF should read this thread I had posted in 2016. It is an article by the Pakistani journalist Nadeem Paracha about Modern Socialist activism among Muslims and in Muslim-majority societies, from Indonesia to Somalia and many others, in the last many decades.
Emperor Xi and Commie party are hell bent on making him and party God to be worshiped; they are wanting no religion that competes that a human being worships divine maker.
How long will they suppress muslims; look at Soviet Union - eventually it died; so will the Xi and his party maniacs who are enforcing this cultural genocide like Mao's Gang of Four.
All countries, including western countries, want their muslims residents to be compatible with local culture. The right wing is rising in European countries because they found muslims refuse to change.

Those countries are open for all cultures. Hence, Muslims go and mix.
Unlike China, where being a mindless zombie and devouring everything state controlled is the fashion and people who try to stay free of that brainwashing are labeled trouble creators.

Stop committing terrorism.

Stop being dumb and feeding off manipulative media.
Grow a brain and do some research.
Being a sheeple is not a healthy undertaking.
Those countries are open for all cultures. Hence, Muslims go and mix.
Unlike China, where being a mindless zombie and devouring everything state controlled is the fashion and people who try to stay free of that brainwashing are labeled trouble creators.

Stop being dumb and feeding off manipulative media.
Grow a brain and do some research.
Being a sheeple is not a healthy undertaking.
This forum is overrun with PLA trolls to sanitise and spin facts out.

"They are all learning about the religion of Islam and not learning anything else," he said
"As a result, those who pass in schools are not very conversant with subjects that are useful for them to get jobs, but they are very good ulama (Muslim clerics)."

"And when you have too many ulama, they always differ from each other, and they mislead their followers and they quarrel with each other,"
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