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China removes top leadership contender Bo Xilai from post

The princelings are destructive elites who loot the country's resources in corruption (as all elites do) but with the sin of not investing it back into the country. Sending their children off to high class Western schools is, nationally, a far greater tragedy than if they blew it all at a casino or spent it on an orgy. It is a direct transfer from the collective poor to the collective rich and permanently removes capital from the country.

If they spent it on an orgy, for example, it would be a redistribution of wealth from rich officials to poorer prostitutes, who could then spend this money on cell phones, health checks, gym membership, clothes and makeup to increase their efficiency, which stimulates the electronics, medical, services, textiles and chemical industries, which stimulates the financial sector, which leads to higher tax revenue, which leads to even more revenue for rich officials to steal and spend...

But they spent it on Harvard.

Are we more or less corrupt than indians? they keep google translation busy!
all elites are corrupt, but some are corrupt and helpful but others are corrupt and destructive.

some elites treat the population like sheep: they must grow fat, they must grow wool, so i can sheer their wool off and make money.

some elites treat the population like cows: they must grow fat, they must make milk, and if they get old, i sell their meat.

the worst elites treat the population like pigs: they are meat.

水能载舟 亦能覆舟

I think the princelings are not totally idiots of not understanding this, even Bo did understand it, since he was a princeling as well. :coffee:
India is a caste society. If you were born as a caw, to be slaughtered is your only fate of life.

there are more depraved styles of life than "caste" ! Its only the name "democracy" that they can hold on to! "挂羊头, 卖狗肉" 就是他们的制度!

要了解, 去他们的报网/ utube 等 就可以.
Gold reserves are very important because they stabilize a country's currency value and prevent it from losing value beyond a certain floor. They are the foreign reserves of last resort and are one of the most solid investments in history - a gram of gold has maintained approximately the same purchasing power from 500 BC (by Roman records) to now. In a world where the financial system of all countries has built in inflation, gold is the investment that stays.

The princelings are destructive elites who loot the country's resources in corruption (as all elites do) but with the sin of not investing it back into the country. Sending their children off to high class Western schools is, nationally, a far greater tragedy than if they blew it all at a casino or spent it on an orgy. It is a direct transfer from the collective poor to the collective rich and permanently removes capital from the country.

If they spent it on an orgy, for example, it would be a redistribution of wealth from rich officials to poorer prostitutes, who could then spend this money on cell phones, health checks, gym membership, clothes and makeup to increase their efficiency, which stimulates the electronics, medical, services, textiles and chemical industries, which stimulates the financial sector, which leads to higher tax revenue, which leads to even more revenue for rich officials to steal and spend...

But they spent it on Harvard.

You have a point - only up to a point.

Gold in the hands of the Inca translated into neither wealth nor "power", while coal and iron in the hands of the English led to Empire (though not necessarily "desirable") and victories (for a time anyway).

Now did you ask yourself why the Princelings "transfer wealth" to the US? Why do they feel that "investment" in their own country is "not safe"? Radical wealth redistribution increases neither the welfare of the poor nor, on its own, improves "upward mobility" of the 99% - whether you see them as "wool" or "pork".

Princelings' children landed in LA for the same reason(s) that the older "elites" of the nationalist revolution studied in Japan.

Consider this: the "wealth transfer" of the Lai Changxings and middle officials probably far exceed the princelings', who may yet feel that they owe a duty to the country (which I agree is entirely speculative).

For analogous reasons even Putin is still talking about "economic reform" - there is never absolute privatization or absolute nationalization. When Mao nationalized 600 million people then all 600 million were his property!

Was he corrupt? I guess not because he sent his son to Korea only to get napalmed by the Yanks (grandson the "general" seems to be comporting harmlessly and well enough these days ...)

Should or shouldn't China pay Yanks 400kg of gold for this "act of fate"? Just kidding.

Gold in exchange for industrialization and autarky is gold well-spent. Deng perhaps should have had greater "self-confidence" instead of "forfeiting" the gold. But did or did not the cultural revolution create a situation that left him with no choice?

How much gold and oil did the USSR have? Is it still here?

It is a false choice between the 2 polar opposites of oligarchic looting or the Bolshevik NK style "equalization" whereby any pride of ownership is destroyed intentionally.

Then again, men only have "custody" of material wealth, and never "ownership" anyway. I won't go down this tangent with you for now.
You have a point - only up to a point.

Gold in the hands of the Inca translated into neither wealth nor "power", while coal and iron in the hands of the English led to Empire (though not necessarily "desirable") and victories (for a time anyway).

Now did you ask yourself why the Princelings "transfer wealth" to the US? Why do they feel that "investment" in their own country is "not safe"? Radical wealth redistribution increases neither the welfare of the poor nor, on its own, improves "upward mobility" of the 99% - whether you see them as "wool" or "pork".

Princelings' children landed in LA for the same reason(s) that the older "elites" of the nationalist revolution studied in Japan.

Consider this: the "wealth transfer" of the Lai Changxings and middle officials probably far exceed the princelings', who may yet feel that they owe a duty to the country (which I agree is entirely speculative).

For analogous reasons even Putin is still talking about "economic reform" - there is never absolute privatization or absolute nationalization. When Mao nationalized 600 million people then all 600 million were his property!

Was he corrupt? I guess not because he sent his son to Korea only to get napalmed by the Yanks (grandson the "general" seems to be comporting harmlessly and well enough these days ...)

Should or shouldn't China pay Yanks 400kg of gold for this "act of fate"? Just kidding.

Gold in exchange for industrialization and autarky is gold well-spent. Deng perhaps should have had greater "self-confidence" instead of "forfeiting" the gold. But did or did not the cultural revolution create a situation that left him with no choice?

How much gold and oil did the USSR have? Is it still here?

It is a false choice between the 2 polar opposites of oligarchic looting or the Bolshevik NK style "equalization" whereby any pride of ownership is destroyed intentionally.

Then again, men only have "custody" of material wealth, and never "ownership" anyway. I won't go down this tangent with you for now.

Canada is a far more popular destination for princelings and corrupt people. Xi Jinping's sister and Lai Changxin, for 2.

You're talking philosophy, I'm talking finance. So we are not on the same page.
Canada is a far more popular destination for princelings and corrupt people. Xi Jinping's sister and Lai Changxin, for 2.

Probably. I wouldn't be surprised. Even Ben Ali has families here and Qaddafi's family had connections, too.

You're talking philosophy, I'm talking finance. So we are not on the same page.

Well same page or not, might as well get off your uncalled-for high horse on the "princelings" and shed your unfounded high hopes about "tuanpai".
Probably. I wouldn't be surprised. Even Ben Ali has families here and Qaddafi's family had connections, too.

Well same page or not, might as well get off your uncalled-for high horse on the "princelings" and shed your unfounded high hopes about "tuanpai".

its a simple matter. Who is more corrupt, Kim Jong Il or Obama?
When dear leader died, north koreans everywhere wept. For all his faults he really did believe in juche and so on. Otherwise, he would have been a gorbychev or zhao ziyang wen jiabao.

Read Wen's speech to the NPC in 2005 on the passing of the anti-secession law. Then read Jiang's speech when we got humiliated by US navy. Your irrational hatred of Wen is getting old. Are you dating Xi Jinping's daughter or something?
Canada is a far more popular destination for princelings and corrupt people. Xi Jinping's sister and Lai Changxin, for 2.

You're talking philosophy, I'm talking finance. So we are not on the same page.

Havard is also a popular destination for Guagua, now he has the chance to take a date with Xi Mingze.

Maybe he should date princess Xi, maybe this is the only way that his father would get spared. :lol:


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