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China’s J-10B Advanced Fighters To Pakistan Worries India

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Jul 29, 2011
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It seems illogical for IAF to get all bent out of shape over PAF's measly acquisition of two squadrons (36 aircrafts ) of F-16 block 52 (Fourth Generation aircrafts) and another two squadrons of J-10B by 2014/2015 ( also Fourth Gen. Aircrafts ), when they will have additional 300 more Su-30 MKIs; getting 126 Rafale ( medium multi role combat aircraft ); and upgrading the Mirage 2000s, Jaguars and the MiG-29s. This is in addition to the current inventory of SU-30 MKI's. Their concerns make no sense as rest of PAF inventory comprises of third generation junk, and so I ask the Indian PDF to kindly shed some light on these fears.

China’s J-10B Advanced Fighters To Pakistan Worries India ~ ASIAN DEFENCE NEWS

The recent official offer of the Chinese to raise a squadron of its home-grown advanced multi-role, all-weather fighter aircraft J-10B to Pakistan has worried Indian defence experts. Pakistan will be the only other country apart from China to have this sophisticated fighter aircraft.

Air Commodore (Retd) Jasjit Singh, director, New Delhi-based Centre for Air Power Studies (CAPS), told DNA: “India now not only faces the possibility of a two-front war but has to also deal with a two-front military modernisation programme with China supplying its latest weaponry to Pakistan.”

He said India faces a 10-year window of vulnerability as the Indian Air Force’s (IAF’s) present squadron of 34 is way below the sanctioned strength of 39 squadrons. “It will take 10 years for the IAF to get back to its sanctioned strength of 39 squadrons. While Pakistan at present, with 24 squadrons, is raising its strength rapidly with China’s support,” said Singh, who is also the former director of Institute for Defence Studies and Analysis.

Former Vice Chief of Air Staff, Air Marshal PK Barbora, however, said China’s offering Pakistan a squadron of the J-10s may not threaten India’s air superiority. “China does not have a great record of producing a world-class aircraft. All they do is reverse engineer and manufacture aircraft. Secondly, by raising just one squadron Pakistan may not benefit much,” he said.

However, Pakistani media reports indicate that it is looking at raising two squadrons of the fourth generation aircraft to counter India’s Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) Tejas, which is still under development. Besides, according to US military and defence technology news website, Defense Update, the Chinese designed Joint Fighter (JF)-17 (commonly known as ‘Thunder’) is already under production in Pakistan and is actively being promoted for export in the world market.

Despite his optimism, Air Marshal Barbora warned that the slow pace of India’s defence indigenisation (read LCA Tejas, in particular) is a cause for worry. “We will be adding The same cannot be said of some pathetic status of indigenous programmes like the Light Combat Aircraft, which has been delayed for years now,” he says.
I think indian air force is more worried over china. Anyway they are becoming a gaint so i think they are trying to assert their power in the globe
Indian defense and Military modernization is no more Pakistan oriented...it is now china oriented!!!
This shows the height of confidence in their capabilities. Induction of 3.4Times more Rafale is not a matter of pride or security but 36 J10s woooooorrrrrrry them.
An observation. Except for Nehru, Everyone felt the need for the defence to be China oriented. and I am talking about the 50s and 60s, just years after independence.

And for the records, Nehru , Jayaprakash Narayan, Rajaji and a host of other Indian leaders of the time were more inclined to let go of Kashmir to Pakistan.
the Rafale and LCA MK2 will be enough to handle the J-10 and JF-17 and since when is PAF getting J-10B? for all we know J-10B could just still be a prototype inside a hangar 36 of those fighters will be no match for the 126+ Rafale and LCAMK2.
hmmm nowadays people are changing titles without even reading full article

we are not at all worried about PAF..

Air Commodore (Retd) Jasjit Singh, director, New Delhi-based Centre for Air Power Studies (CAPS), told DNA: “India now not only faces the possibility of a two-front war but has to also deal with a two-front military modernisation programme with China supplying its latest weaponry to Pakistan.”
the Rafale and LCA MK2 will be enough to handle the J-10 and JF-17 and since when is PAF getting J-10B? for all we know J-10B could just still be a prototype inside a hangar 36 of those fighters will be no match for the 126+ Rafale and LCAMK2.

I agree with you 100% , Sir jee. PAF is absolutely outmatched and outclassed by the Mighty IAF Fourth and Fifth Generation Aircrafts. So please stop worrying Sir Jee and try to get a good night sleep ( No point losing sleep over PAF Third Generation Junk).

By The Way, Sardarjee, Tussi Great ho, Sir.
An observation. Except for Nehru, Everyone felt the need for the defence to be China oriented. and I am talking about the 50s and 60s, just years after independence.

And for the records, Nehru , Jayaprakash Narayan, Rajaji and a host of other Indian leaders of the time were more inclined to let go of Kashmir to Pakistan.

This is correct Pakistan blew it's chance to gain Kashmir peacefully, then again Pakistan could have solved the East Pakistan Crises Peacefully but lost that as well. Pakistani airforce is no match for Indian however Indian Airforce is no match for Chinese.
IAF uses PAF.as a scare crow to squeeze out more funds frlm the politicians.
Its more convenient for IAF and easily understandable for the illiterate politicans compared to try understand chinese threat .
This is correct Pakistan blew it's chance to gain Kashmir peacefully, then again Pakistan could have solved the East Pakistan Crises Peacefully but lost that as well. Pakistani airforce is no match for Indian however Indian Airforce is no match for Chinese.

You should get with the program Neutral. Indian General claimed India can take on both China and Pakistan simultaneously and destroy both these Armed Forces. Try to stay abreast with the news if you are going to take part in the debate.

The Truth is that Mighty Indians can take on and destroy both China and Pakistan simultaneously and destroy them completely.
My point is this that what is the different between Pakistani polits and Indian Polits training standers....I mean who is best?? thanks

Would you kindly repeat it one more time---.

No match for India is that better ?

You should get with the program Neutral. Indian General claimed India can take on both China and Pakistan simultaneously and destroy both these Armed Forces. Try to stay abreast with the news if you are going to take part in the debate.

The Truth is that Mighty Indians can take on and destroy both China and Pakistan simultaneously and destroy them completely.

India can take on Pakistan but not China currently, Generals claim alot of things an Indian General Claimed the J-20 was not real.
An observation. Except for Nehru, Everyone felt the need for the defence to be China oriented. and I am talking about the 50s and 60s, just years after independence.

And for the records, Nehru , Jayaprakash Narayan, Rajaji and a host of other Indian leaders of the time were more inclined to let go of Kashmir to Pakistan.
Is it true? Could you kindly provide some references.
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