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China’s Secret Fleet of Stealth Fighters

Dude, why are you so quick at throwing cheap insults? First of all we don't know these accusations are true, secondly even if it is true it shows we have some good hackers, not everybody can break into the DoD network for fun. If you can break into it, you'd have my sincere respect and I mean it!! Peace...

after all u could only steal the data
very much correct
some steal data-From USA
others snatch the freedom-of Tibet
rest kill the -Uyghurs

And the others know very little to nothing about foreign internal affairs and should worry about the condition of their own nation...
It looks like a F22 with canards :lol: It's a good looking drawing alright but I'm really hoping we can fly a 4th gen fighter without the canards, but until it is really rolled out we don't really know, we are still years away from it yet.

According to some relatively credible sources (e.g. a credible Chinese blogger, with related graduate degree, who worked as a frontline engineer and has friends who still are working at the frontline of Chinese defence industry) confirmed that the "fanboy" design (attached as per No-name at the end) - a full body/wings blending is about 95% similar to the real thing, except that the leading edge at the tail/strakes is shorter.

About canards, it looks cool, as long as the engineers figured out a way to reduce their radar signiture. Note that F-22A was designed in mid 80s. The understanding of mordern aerodynamics design and stealth has been improving a lot after F-22A's final design was fixed, which was at least a decade earlier than J-XX. Therefore, it won't surprise me that the actural J-xx comes with brand-new canards, while both earlier-designed F-22 and T-50 not.

Of course as no one here has seen the top secret with his own eyes yet, all the aforementioned is just an educated guess with relatively reliable leaked info, however little there is.

On the induction: so long as the first flight of J-XX takes place this year or the earlier 2011 as strongly hinted by several credible sources, it usually takes 5 more years after that for formal induction, if past experiences of J-10 and JF17 are any guides. The bottleneck WS-15 engine is advancing more smoothly than WS-10A according to experts. So we are more or less realistically looking at 2017 or as early as late 2016, about the time of Russia's T-50 getting ready ( I guess it would take T-50 more than 5 years for its induction as it still needs more work on its engine, etc., Russians almost always delay.)


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What do you mean by "信鸽他们现在不出来了"?
If anything I think it'd be more or less like the first one posted by speeder, the blue pic. The black one's air intake looks like it's behind the canards' leading edge, but it's just a drawing and we can't tell for sure, but "some people" agrees that the shape is pretty much there compared to the "real thing", lol... who knows... it'll come out soon enough, let's hope the engines will give a high enough thrust-to-weight ratio and not let us down, we probably won't get it right the first time but it'll get better for sure, it's catching up on our indigenous technology that's more important.
can,t say any thing from here.... still every thing is in imaginations,,,, j-xx at moment is imaginary aircraft.... hope soon it will be a reality

More CW on J-XX.

I wish J-XX turn out more like this one - not too far-fetched at all , except having shorter strakes!

Actually this one and the one above it are not very different at all except maybe ratio wise from certain angles and a larger bulge at the back.

I think the real plane will be close to this.
I hope they release official pics of the first flight but not really counting on it. Then we'll have to wait a few more years,


wet dreams of chinese.U have in the 5000 years civilization not given any worth while thing to the world.U can count Mao anfd kungfu if u want.Do u think urs stultified minds could comeup with anything but ersats of free imagination.

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