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China Says US 'Pacific Pivot' Destabilizes Region

Good pick! I give you full credit for pointing out the mistake! And thanks!
Replacement made at the same time!

I see, well that picture has more to do with harnessing power through nuclear fusion. Lasers meet at that sphere and put so much pressure and heat on hydrogen material that fusion starts. It's all more or less short-term-non stable fusion for experimental purposes for now. Maybe scientists think they can get it stable. Actually interesting that China is working on that.

Here's the US version:


Laser travel along the tubes, getting amplified-


Meeting at the blue sphere.


Inside of the sphere.
I see, well that picture has more to do with harnessing power through nuclear fusion. Lasers meet at that sphere and put so much pressure and heat on hydrogen material that fusion starts. It's all more or less short-term/experimental though. Actually interesting that China is working on that.

the pix were taken from a Chinese lab designated for the quantum laser weapon project

different things

the pix were taken from a Chinese lab designated for the quantum laser weapon project

different things

Oh well, if you say so...im fairly certain it's the same type of machine i linked, but i have no idea if other experiments besides fusion can be tried on it.

This picture tells me nothing :D
I presume the Chinese letter on the sign say the same as English translation below.
and ure a pakistani under Chinese flags!

me? dont be silly!
100% Chinese and proud of being!

Oh well, if you say so...im fairly certain it's the same type of machine i linked, but i have no idea if other experiments besides fusion can be tried on it.

there is no nuke fusion

there is another vid which showed the equipment in the lab on CCTV 7. I'll try to find it if I can.

This picture tells me nothing :D
I presume the Chinese letter on the sign say the same as English translation below.


in Chinese it says "神光III原型靶场“
me? dont be silly!
100% Chinese and proud of being!

there is no nuke fusion

there is another vid which showed the equipment in the lab on CCTV 7. I'll try to find it if I can.


in Chinese it says "神光III原型靶场“

kudos to u tht ure nt pakistani . China is A civilisation.
kudos to u tht ure nt pakistani . China is A civilisation.

Yes of course! One of the Greatest!

Being a Pakistani or not is irrelevant here. They have some outstanding Pakistani nationals

I respect them

You have A civilization too
SG-III prototype Range? That doesn't really say much.

google translation? it has some funny translations

SG III = Shen Guang III = Divine Light III experimental (prototype) shooting range
- my translation
Being a Pakistani or not is irrelevant here. They have some outstanding Pakistani nationals
I respect them

You have A civilization too

but THEY have Arabic civilisation which lost control of Spain, Alas!
but THEY have Arabic civilisation which lost control of Spain, Alas!

Pakistanis have their religion which is above all else!

my last response to you about Pakistan

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