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China Says US 'Pacific Pivot' Destabilizes Region

Not true. :lol:

Method 1: EMP

EMP Attack: Only 30 Million Americans Survive | NaegeleBlog

Report: China building electromagnetic pulse weapons for use against U.S. carriers - Washington Times

PRY: North Korea EMP attack could destroy U.S.



Method 2: Strategic Bomber

New Chinese bomber a flying wing? - The DEW Line

Chinese Military Aviation: Attack Aircraft II

Method 3: Nuclear First-Strike

Is China Changing Its Position on Nuclear Weapons?



1.) Using EMP = Full Blown Nuclear War

2.) Don't underestimate our NORAD. We have 1000-1200 Fighter on USAF, USAFR and US Ait National Guard waiting on your Bomber in US Mainland, you think your tiny 50 fleet can really go in to the US undetected? Your bomber aren't even Stealth for crying out loud.

3.) Using Nuke = Full Blown Nuclear War

Yet another Chinese member wet dream broken

Don’t say the word “steal” anymore from now on. The whole country of the US of A is
a piece of stolen property and worse still they even stole people to work it to gain
an unfair lop-sided economic and military advantage against others who did not engage in such
a heinous crime on a massive scale unprecedented in human history. It is a crime against

I am pondering, should I even give you my attention? Are you that naive or are you just a pretend to be US Fanboy grabbing at straws while sinking?

First of all, when had I ever used the word "STEAL"?? If I have not say it cannot use the word "ANYMORE", I suggest that you go get your eyes check.

And what our military are doing is 2 separate issue with China don't respect our IP right, and my post is a reply to your fellow Chinese member here. He ask why our Treasurer are in China, the article he used clearly say the word "to talk to him about IP Right".

If you don't believe me, check the article.
Apparently you guys have copied too many things from China too. What about China's copy rights? Oh wait, in the earlier days, the word copyright had no value according to you, right Mr. Copyright machine?

Are you some kind of expert too to judge him? lol...

Really? You should be the next defense minister for India. I am sure they can use someone as brilliant as you are. PLAN is the only navy which can go head to head with the US Navy - Fact!
Are you seriously trying to be a coconut?

Dude, the guy is asking why our treasurer are in China, I simply point out why from his article. Take it to the writer of the article, not me. LOL
with what? anyways all the best ....

You simply need education....

Here is a simple science or math lesson regarding Chinese DF-21D's mach 10 and it consequences.

Speed of sound is 1 mach which is approximately 5 miles a second. This missile has a sub-orbital trajectory, say 50 miles above earth. It only takes 10 seconds to hit the ship once the target is locked on. For a moving carrier traveling at 30 knots which is about 34 miles an hour. In 10 seconds, the carrier can only travel less than 50 feet. What is the length of this super carrier, you figure. In the overall scheme of 10 mach, 30 knot is considered a stationary target. There is no existing arsenal in the US Navy which can act as some form of deterrence, let alone defense.

Once the missile has its cross-hair on the carrier, it is dead meat in 10 seconds, sorry more correctly, dead metal plus 5000 human meat. Someone suggests many many hand held defense system. What a laugh. It only adds more meat to the final count.

Yes, you can run but you cannot hide.

I don’t really understand how an average American psyche works or what the mentality is.

You can park your so called super carrier right in front of someone else’s front yard and expect people not to react. Who is threatening who in this case.

When China develops an anti-ship missile as a form of deterrence, then it is a threat.

What will America think, if one day China has a super super carrier and have the muscle to park the ship just off the coast and stay within the 20 mile limit or just stop short of sailing up the Potomac River.

Or just park this carrier off the coast of San Francisco or LA and conducting naval exercises. Can China do that?

The US has been dictating to the rest of the world (China included) and China is just reacting to your constant threat, that is all.

The US has bases and soldiers stationed all over the world and poked their noses in every corner which is not to their liking, and then installing puppet regimes all over place.

China is just doing what she wants to do as her prerogative right as a sovereign nation. Now the US termed China “assertive”, whatever that means. Is being assertive a threat?

The DF-21D anti-ship missile is a defensive weapon, i.e. stay off my yard please or else. Nothing wrong with that, assertive yes, threat definitely NOT. It is only a threat only when you sail your carrier more than half way round the world for no reason at all to a place where there is no threat to the US.

Not too long ago, US is conducting a naval exercise somewhere in South Chin Sea and suddenly, they found a Chinese submarine, stealth or no stealth, surfaced right in the midst of the exercise. The super carrier is facing the submarine broadsided and within torpedo range of the sub. A good trade off, a super carrier for a tiny sub. lol

In an exercise like this you are supposed to detect enemy subs ? That is what this exercise is intended for. What a joke.


usa is the spoiler of peace everywhere

if they want peace, the proper action is not to engage military excercises round-the-clock making provocations in the pacific and everywhere

if they want peace, they should have made the japanese known Diaoyu Islands are part of the territories to be returned to China under Potsdam Declaration and The Cairo Declaration

if they want peace they should not meddle into the internal affairs of foreign countries

if they want peace in the manner like what they have done to Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Lybia, Yugoslavia, Arab Spring, Vietnam, Korean Peninsula .. they should have militarily involved in the indian civil war and massive human rights violations and tragedies happening in Kashmir, the women-rape-torture madness, uprising in the chicken necks, by the Sikhs and other ethnic and religious minorities ...and many other most horrible human tragedies in india

Dude, the guy is asking why our treasurer are in China, I simply point out why from his article. Take it to the writer of the article, not me. LOL

You re lost totally in understanding a news reporting among a host of many other things
I was not asking why but why he was there in China for! He was there for a lot of issues. ip was just one part of it - and you keep harping on it for the 3rd or 4th time!

He was also asking for our support for buying their bonds (never to be disclosed)!
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usa is the spoiler of peace everywhere

if they want peace, the proper action is not to engage military excercises round-the-clock making provocations in the pacific and everywhere

if they want peace, they should have made the japanese known Diaoyu Islands are part of the territories to be returned to China under Potsdam Declaration and The Cairo Declaration

if they want peace they should not meddle into the internal affairs of foreign countries

if they want peace in the manner like what they have done to Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Lybia, Yugoslavia, Arab Spring, Vietnam, Korean Peninsula .. they should have militarily involved in the indian civil war and massive human rights violations and tragedies happening in Kashmir, the women-rape-torture madness, uprising in the chicken necks, by the Sikhs and other ethnic and religious minorities ...and many other most horrible human tragedies in india

You re lost totally in understanding a news reporting among a host of many other things
I was not asking why but why he was there in China for! He was there for a lot of issues. ip was just one part of it - and you keep harping on it for the 3rd or 4th time!

He was also asking for our support for buying their bonds (never to be disclosed)!

I just read the article twice

The article never even mention the treasurer are there to sell the bond. It mentions

Treasury officials say Lew plans to push China to allow its currency to rise faster against the dollar. He also wants China to take steps to increase market access for US goods and to protect intellectual property rights better


The US Treasury Secretary’s visit to China aims to let China know the economic difficulties the US is facing. At the same time, Lew wants to know about the economic difficulties China has, and how China is going to tackle those problems.

Well, can you indicate anywhere he is there to sell our bond in the article you provided??
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1.) Using EMP = Full Blown Nuclear War

Using tomahawk against civilian infrastructure targets = Full Blown Nuclear War.:lol:

2.) Don't underestimate our NORAD. We have 1000-1200 Fighter on USAF, USAFR and US Ait National Guard waiting on your Bomber in US Mainland, you think your tiny 50 fleet can really go in to the US undetected? Your bomber aren't even Stealth for crying out loud.

Yes, it is stealth.

Learn to read.:lol:

New Chinese bomber a flying wing? - The DEW Line

Chinese Military Aviation: Attack Aircraft II

3.) Using Nuke = Full Blown Nuclear War



For those that think China can't reach out and touch the US, here are 3 options.

All options are on the table in a war.

Using tomahawk against civilian infrastructure targets = Full Blown Nuclear War.:lol:

Lol if you say so.

Yes, it is stealth.

Learn to read.:lol:


Better yet, when you have them deploy.

We are talking about war NOW. Not 20 years down the road. So you're gonna use your stealth bomber, how? Folding it to a paper airplane from your blue print and drop paper bomb on us?? LOL

If you say this is the option, then our 6th Gen Aircraft are also an option. They are going to blow you out of the sky



For those that think China can't reach out and touch the US, here are 3 options.

All options are on the table in a war.

LOL, of course China can reach us with their nuclear arsenal, but at what cost??

Use them, we will make sure your population will drop from 1.3 billions to zero.

Talk is useless, better show me something. From when I join this forum till now, Chinese member have nothing but their big mouth. LOL

Man you guys are driving out of topic here

Well, technically still on topic. As long as there are US and Asia involved in the discussion, we are still on topic.
Lol if you say so.

Well, technically still on topic. As long as there are US and Asia involved in the discussion, we are still on topic.

Hahaha, so true. Anything involving the Asia-Pacific Region, which is within the 7th Fleet Area of Control, involves American strategic interests.

Daddy's home....
Instead of China throwing all UN treaties to the wind like the UNCLOS in the South China Sea, it must solve the problem in a peaceful and conducive manner with all the littoral countries affected.

It's no use trashing the accepted UN treaty and bulldozing all with claims that the South China Sea is a part of Chinese territory just because some ancient maps say so.
Like I know, they did not have any map like you said .... :coffee:

I noticed: argument in here:

_ American: carrier battles group, fighter, bomber....
_ Chinese: end up to: nuke, nuke, nuke, nuke.... (DF- series) want to threat the world with Nuke ... lol ... :omghaha:
Of course i never wanna going to a nuclear conflict, i just point out at least now it's the only effective defence for China to against 6x carrier battle groups. China has herself own way to defence chinese ppl's safety.
Relax! China won't fire unless attacked first. CHEERS~!

En... like Britain claiming sovereignty in Falkland islands, U.S owned Guam... i think there's no any problem for rocks or islands 1800 kilometers or much further away from the country.
Really bad examples....
LOL, they have basis to claim, but you did not even have map about it until 20th century... you occupied it by illegal force
Chinese bullshjt as alway... acient history, discovery first, Tera Nulius, China help Vietnam and VN must pay back ... :rofl:
Bring that to 100!

even somali made missiles will hit the jackpot any given day.

or leave america on the fast lane of total bankruptcy by maintaining such a huge fleet of floating irons

you will get your grace period after we gain control
we want talk and co-operation, not confrontation and collusion with war-mongers
Your country already stated that they are willing to cooperate with all competing countries as long as their sovereignty over the territory is not compromised. Basically we have to tell them that yes West Philippine Sea or South China, Spratlys, all the islands resources and the moon (Lunar) belongs to you (Chinese). :china:
Your country already stated that they are willing to cooperate with all competing countries as long as their sovereignty over the territory is not compromised. Basically we have to tell them that yes West Philippine Sea or South China, Spratlys, all the islands resources and the moon (Lunar) belongs to you (Chinese). :china:

so sa madaling salita ang sayo akin parin (so in short what is yours is still mine) wow that's a compromise a hell of a deal (not) Only idiots are going to fall for that you can keep your cooperation and put it your behind and let my middle finger send you out arrogant Imperial $cum! If was the President but good thing the President is a nice guy.
Your country already stated that they are willing to cooperate with all competing countries as long as their sovereignty over the territory is not compromised. Basically we have to tell them that yes West Philippine Sea or South China, Spratlys, all the islands resources and the moon (Lunar) belongs to you (Chinese). :china:

Haha we have not made a claim of the moon!
Dont attempt to malign us.
We are adamant to claim what belongs to us on earth.

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