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China - The world's hotbed of innovation?


Nov 4, 2011
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China - The world's hotbed of innovation?
Published December 21, 2012

A recent survey of managers sees it displacing the Silicon Valley as early as 2016

By Georges Haour and Marc Laperrouza
NEVER has the world witnessed a large market emerge so quickly as China has. As the economy grows it is also changing. China is fast climbing the value curve, transitioning from low-cost manufacturing to innovation-led growth.

In telecommunications, supercomputing, life sciences, non-fuel energy sources and "green-tech" in general, there is already a vibrant innovation/research and development (R&D) scene in China.

Over the past 20 years, investment in R&D has more than doubled in percentage terms, rising from 0.73 per cent of GDP in 1991 to 1.77 per cent in 2011. The plan is to reach 2.5 per cent - today's average for the countries of the European Union - by 2020. In absolute terms, given the rapid growth of China's GDP, the numbers are even more impressive.

Between 2000 and 2010, the volume of R&D investment expanded 6.6 times, reaching 700 billion yuan (S$137 billion) in 2010. At this rate, China could soon go from being the world's biggest factory to becoming a main laboratory for the planet.
China will be next super power soon.

That's not our goal buddy. :wave:

Neither officially nor unofficially are we seeking to become a "superpower", which nowadays just means a global policeman.

On topic: I hope we can increase our spending on R&D to 2.5% of GDP faster than projected. 2020 is a bit far, we need it now.
New ideas and innovations cannot emerge from prisons :lol:
Natural outcome for a country destined for greatness. I enjoy news on chinese progress. :)

New ideas and innovations cannot emerge from prisons :lol:

Chinese live in prisons? :undecided: Pretty interesting. Thanks for the info. Btw bro,here's another interesting fact i know. There is a country where more 50% of the people defecate in the open. Geez, what kind of a country would that be?:frown:
Natural outcome for a country destined for greatness. I enjoy news on chinese progress. :)

Chinese live in prisons? :undecided: Pretty interesting. Thanks for the info. Btw bro,here's another interesting fact i know. There is a country where more 50% of the people defecate in the open. Geez, what kind of a country would that be?:frown:

Post reported.

These day cheerleaders also do the job of mind less trolling, it seems.
Natural outcome for a country destined for greatness. I enjoy news on chinese progress. :)

Chinese live in prisons? :undecided: Pretty interesting. Thanks for the info. Btw bro,here's another interesting fact i know. There is a country where more 50% of the people defecate in the open. Geez, what kind of a country would that be?:frown:

Lol no need to reply, what can we expect from an indian after that kind of news.
When one can copy every best thing in world, its obvious to claim they are the best. They should be given top rank in reverse engineering.

On a lighter not if 'If Russia loses any design documents on fighter, sub missile etc..., then they need not worry they can get a copy from China'
Lol no need to reply, what can we expect from an indian after that kind of news.

Nobody is jealous here, Look at the stats of innovation index and patent submission, India is right behind China and catching up.
Indo - Israel scientific agreement is going to build a good scientific research base in India.
China innovate? Lol...copying is NOT innovateing. Name one thing China makes that was not invented elswhere.
that's an international study and report which carries all related facts and figures.you put in money and you get the result,simply as that.
China innovate? Lol...copying is NOT innovateing. Name one thing China makes that was not invented elswhere.

Copying is the way journalist playing with word to discredit Chinese achievement. The positive name is "learning". China innovation is real, as the statistic said. Both from UN report and science magazine.
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