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China wins Afghanistan oil deal

I'm surprised you think Pakistan has been destabilizing Afghanistan, considering that Pakistan has been one of the stabilizing factors in Afghanistan. Please read the history of the region before making comments such as these.

When I say Afghanistan, I mean the post 2001 Afghanistan.
When I say Afghanistan, I mean the post 2001 Afghanistan.

For heaven's sake, Pakistan has never wanted to destabilize Afghanistan, pre-or-post 2001. A destabilized Afghanistan is a problem for Pakistan's own security. Which is why Pakistan has offered to broker talks between the Taliban & the US/Afghan government, & has already managed to do that in the past. Nobody has a greater stake in the stability of Afghanistan than Pakistan, & Pakistan will be the most important country in the region in the Afghan end-game.
For heaven's sake, Pakistan has never wanted to destabilize Afghanistan, pre-or-post 2001. A destabilized Afghanistan is a problem for Pakistan's own security. Which is why Pakistan has offered to broker talks between the Taliban & the US/Afghan government, & has already managed to do that in the past. Nobody has a greater stake in the stability of Afghanistan than Pakistan, & Pakistan will be the most important country in the region in the Afghan end-game.

So Pakistan is supporting the Karzai government?
Define Stable Afghanistan?

Where there is internal harmony inside Afghanistan amongst the Afghan people, which translates into a stable Afghanistan that doesn't pose a threat to its neighbors in the region.
Before Trolling

People need to understand the scale of Oil reserves won by China

How much days of oil do you think 87 Million barrels Provide
India's demand is about 1.2 Million Barrels a day while china's demand is more than twice that
Infact china can eat though the entire oil reserve won by them in less than 45 days

even if we assume the production 50000 barrels a day which is less than 1/3rd of production in India's Rajasthan Based oil field owned by Vedanta group

CNPC will probably empty the oil wells in Less than 5 yrs of start of Production , and at current rate 87 Million Barrels are worth approx 9 Billion USD , which is approx 40% of annual Indian Oil Import

All those who are comparing this Contract To Indian iron Ore contract
well India has Won right to Mine Iron ore worth 160 Billion USD , which is 40% of the 400 Billion Dollar worth of Iron ore in afganistan
And our investment in that Project will be worth 11 Billion USD

And no , we will not use Pakistan for Transit
But we will use Chabar Port in Iran being developed and the railway network connecting Afganistan with Iran which is being built by India

And You guys thought that we were only Investing in Afganistan and Iran , just to Annoy Pakistan and US

Now that is what I call a hammer blow
The capacity of the Chabahar port is not even nearly enough (2.5 million tonnes per year), & won't be good enough for the iron ore project. It would also depend on the conditions of Iran & Afghanistan being stable, & they are not stable considering the fact that the Taliban have their strongholds in the most parts of the country. It is a project doomed to failure.

The contract China has won is just the beginning: it is the beginning of much bigger things, & it will begin the dominance of China inside Afghanistan & Central Asia.

Anything involving India is doomed to fail and anything involving China is bound to fly high. Why does this line of thinking from a Pakistani not surprise me ?

Work on Chabahar is going on as you put on this post and pretty much may put Gwadar out of business. (Click here).

Also the capacity of Chabahar is not 2.5 MTPA its rather 6.5 MTPA.
Anything involving India is doomed to fail and anything involving China is bound to fly high. Why does this line of thinking from a Pakistani not surprise me ?

Work on Chabahar is going on as you put on this post and pretty much may put Gwadar out of business. (Click here).

Also the capacity of Chabahar is not 2.5 MTPA its rather 6.5 MTPA.

For heaven's sake, you posted a blog on a person's opinion, that too from 2007.

Chabahar port has a capacity of 2.5 million tonnes per year:

The message of the General Director | Chabahar Port

The iron ore project, & utilizing the Chabahar port depends on many factors, the main one being the internal security situation in both Afghanistan & Iran. The Chabahar port is located in Iran's Sistan Balochistan province, which is rife with insurgency & terrorism violence. The road network passes through Nimroz, a huge Taliban stronghold. Secondly, you need cooperation from Iran at all moments, & I am not sure that will happen with India's growing alliance with the US. Thirdly, in terms of logistics, the infrastructure inside Afghanistan is not feasible for India's plans. Fourth: the capacity of the Chabahar port is too small. Along with many other factors as to why the project is doomed to fail.

Poor Afghan security, the lack of reliable transportation and government corruption could delay any rewards from the mines for at least a decade, Maplecroft warned. "It's a very daunting prospect," said Mr. Best.

Afghanistan Awards Mining Bid to India - WSJ.com

This has been planned for quite some time, but as of now, the capacity is 2.5 million tonnes per year. Another factor that most people overlook about the Chabahar port is that it is located in the Sistan Balochistan region of Iran, where separatists are wreaking havoc in the nation through their insurgent violence & terrorism.

“But this is exactly what we said four years ago,” said an Indian government official. “There has been hardly any movement since then,” the official, said on condition of anonymity because he was involved with the discussions.

Indian officials now believe that Iranian reluctance to move faster on Chabahar may linked to its anxieties about the troubled Sistan-Balochestan region where Shiite Muslim Iran is trying to put down a Sunni Muslim insurgency.

India, China’s rivalry and a tale of two ports – The Express Tribune

Whats the current capacity of Gwadar port at this time??

Pakistan unlike India isn't a one-trick pony. The IPI is complete on the Iranian side, it is near completion on the Pakistani side, & will be operational in 2013. China can access the resources in Afghanistan through Pakistan from the Silk Road, & through the Gwadar Port (Straits of Hormuz) as well. Pakistan also has the option of accessing the resources from the Caspian Sea from the TAPI pipeline. There are too many things that can fail with the Chabahar port for India as I have highlighted before.
I have seen a lot of pakistani members here wishing for the fall of karzai regime,cheering for afghan taliban and dreaming about taliban recapturing power in afghanistan.Investments by powerful nations will make sure that wont happen.Good news..
This has been planned for quite some time, but as of now, the capacity is 2.5 million tonnes per year. Another factor that most people overlook about the Chabahar port is that it is located in the Sistan Balochistan region of Iran, where separatists are wreaking havoc in the nation through their insurgent violence & terrorism.


Iranian Balochistan is far more stable than Pakistani Balochistan. Give it a rest.

A pakistani paper "upping" the benefits of a Pakistani port. Anything new ?

Pakistan unlike India isn't a one-trick pony. The IPI is complete on the Iranian side, it is near completion on the Pakistani side, & will be operational in 2013. China can access the resources in Afghanistan through Pakistan from the Silk Road, & through the Gwadar Port (Straits of Hormuz) as well. Pakistan also has the option of accessing the resources from the Caspian Sea from the TAPI pipeline. There are too many things that can fail with the Chabahar port for India as I have highlighted before.

Again :lol:

Supposedly as with the Chabahar port, the IP pipeline ( not IPI as in your post) has been in talks for a long time but nothing has really moved in it except talks, talks & more talks. Uncle Sam isn't really going to allow Pakistan to complete it. Rest assured. TAPI also has an 'I' to it. So whatever Pakistan accesses it comes to India as well. Re. the Chinese accessing it..So what ? How is that a failure of Chabahar ? Chabahar is for India getting a gateway to Central Asian states through Iran & Afghanistan. What China does or where it accesses is not a factor on it.

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