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Chinas answer to Americans withdrawing aid to Pakistan

All those projects who are building them? It just seems to me that you are being made scapegoats ( I know you don't agree but that's how outsider like me see it). They provide loans conditioning on Chinese building them. So its win win for China and of course China. And Pakistanis are just happy for support statements. What a deal!!!
The fact is Chinese despite having so much influence in Pakistan never interfere in our internal affairs.Of course i expect Indians and Americans to get heart burn.China has never sanctioned Pakistan - It has never attacked Pakistan - It has never caused us any diplomatic trouble.The main reason Pakistanis like China is because Chinese are not arrogant like Americans.
bribe is better then getting you citizens killed.

Did you made a assumption that after US aid stops, then no more drone ? That will be naive. Citizens will be killed either way.
As i read yesterday drone killed some people in pakistan.
If I was Hong Lei I'd be shaking my head at reading the headline of this article. Why is it so difficult for Pakistanis to understand what China is trying to tell them?
There is no specific promise of assistance and absolutely no mention of Chinese military assistance.

In other words, the Chinese will make no effort to make up for "lost" U.S. military assistance. The writers of the story - or at least the headline - got it exactly backwards.

At times like this it is worth remembering that China holds a very large amount of U.S. debt. In a real sense, American aid to Pakistan is Chinese aid to Pakistan, one step removed. That gives China a proportionate say in many U.S. policies. If China really disagreed with America's attitude towards Pakistan it would tell the U.S. privately and America's attitude would change. (More likely, the Chinese are briefed so closely by America that announced U.S. policy toward Pakistan is agreed upon by China beforehand.)

I imagine the Chinese aren't going to be happy with this kind of misrepresentation. (The U.S. public affairs officer in Islamabad has similar problems, from everything I've read.) If that is the case I believe the Chinese won't add to Pakistani embarrassments at this time, but they will probably do something to make their displeasure known and regretted by the reporters and editors responsible.

At times like this it is worth remembering that China holds a very large amount of U.S. debt. In a real sense, American aid to Pakistan is Chinese aid to Pakistan, one step removed. That gives China a proportionate say in many U.S. policies. If China really disagreed with America's attitude towards Pakistan it would tell the U.S. privately and America's attitude would change. (More likely, the Chinese are briefed so closely by America that announced U.S. policy toward Pakistan is agreed upon by China beforehand.)

complete utter bs if that is the case why arent you listen to us and stop selling millitary hardwares to taiwan?
China, however, is one of Pakistan's closest allies and is also its main arms supplier -- a situation that India has also expressed concern about.

So america shove your bribing money:china::pakistan:


Whatever China gives to Pakistan it takes 10x back. And all Pakistan actually gets in the end is a Veto at the UNSC.
complete utter bs if that is the case why arent you listen to us and stop selling millitary hardwares to taiwan?
Because China's leverage is on how the U.S. spends money, not on how the U.S. earns it.
why are pakistanis happy ?? you should try to selfsufficient and independent.
Strange to see why this line of thinking continues to exist. China has at many times in the past, made it very clear that they will never give free aid or freebies to Pakistan. All they will do is sell Chinese goods/arms/services etc. to Pakistan on same prices that it sells over the world, just that it will take the payment in soft loans. On the other hand, US gives hard cash and it is FREE. NOT EXPECTED TO BE RETURNED. US also helps in garnering funds via the IMF and the WB and other aid and donor agencies. US also gives direction to other NATO and allied nations to donate to Pakistan. The sentiment is always controlled via which way the US is looking.

So how does this equating of the US aid and Chinese business arise?
Because China's leverage is on how the U.S. spends money, not on how the U.S. earns it.

Solmon2, the US dosent cares for the Chinese Leverage, If it did then then it wouldnt have been selling hi tech military equipment to Taiwan for which the Chinese were really pissed off , But they went ahead with there Arms deal despite China openly coming out against it, So China having Leverage , or Chinese Briefed Closely by there US counterparts isn't a working argument , come up with something good..!

However with this Militery Assistance the Chinese would have the required leverage to negate some of the uncle sam's dirty work going on in Pakistan in the name of AID and assistance..!!!
WHen i was kid, I went out with my father.. My father is in Income tax department.. On the way My father met one Businessma. The Business man offer him tea and snacks, and give me lot of sweets (Lemon toffee). He offered father some expensive Gift. my father refused.. While returning I asked my father' "Papa why that man was so kind on us?" My Father said

"Son he is a businessman, for him everything is investment. He was offering us such expensive gifts so that he can take some favor in future. You are a kid, Its ok you took the gifts, But If I would have taken it, I would have been morally bounded. Thats why i rejected the gift."

I can see the same case here. China is a businessman, it is seeing the opportunity in Pakistan. They will definitely reap they invested... Pakistan is not going thru some humanitarian crisis that they need jakat.. I think pakistani govt should think like my father...

once you take money from them, they will run ur foreign policies....
China don't care about its own people, how can they help Pakistan.
Don't trust Chinese they eat everything. Will not leave anything for Pakistan.

Yet another sad character..
I believe the friendship China and Pakistan is clearly a special one. It obviously hurts numpties like you.
China dont care about its own people?? - At least they can all read and write AND feed themselves - an excellent role model for Pakistan. Maybe you should follow their example...
And the statement about eating everything is soooo crap. Im sure our Chinise brothers could retaliate and comment about your diet and some of the stuff you drink so please dont take the p*ss if you know what i mean.....;)

WHen i was kid, I went out with my father.. My father is in Income tax department.. On the way My father met one Businessma. The Business man offer him tea and snacks, and give me lot of sweets (Lemon toffee). He offered father some expensive Gift. my father refused.. While returning I asked my father' "Papa why that man was so kind on us?" My Father said

"Son he is a businessman, for him everything is investment. He was offering us such expensive gifts so that he can take some favor in future. You are a kid, Its ok you took the gifts, But If I would have taken it, I would have been morally bounded. Thats why i rejected the gift."

I can see the same case here. China is a businessman, it is seeing the opportunity in Pakistan. They will definitely reap they invested... Pakistan is not going thru some humanitarian crisis that they need jakat.. I think pakistani govt should think like my father...

once you take money from them, they will run ur foreign policies....

You could use the same example with USA and Pakistan relationship.

How USA did Pakistan a favour in war against India, and not fast foward 30 years and see the results.
You could use the same example with USA and Pakistan relationship.

How USA did Pakistan a favour in war against India, and not fast foward 30 years and see the results.

They are helping us keep part of kashmir by occupying it and they are helping us with infrastructure in parts of kashmir. . lol

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