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China's Best Ships in Gulf: Trouble for India?


Feb 11, 2008
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okay, there are confirmed reports that China is sending the following ships to the Gulf to fight pirates: 171, 169, and 887. (if anybody can, please feel free to correct me)

Ship 887 is the Qiandaohu class Auxiliary tanker ship Qiandaohu (Fuchi) Class Auxiliary Oiler Replenishment Ship - SinoDefence.com. Ship 171 is a type 052C destroyer Type 052C Luyang-II Class Missile Destroyer - SinoDefence.com and Ship 169 is a type 052B destroyer Type 052B Luyang Class Missile Destroyer - SinoDefence.com. wtf? why is china sending its best ships into the gulf to fight pirates?

looking at the current indo-pak situation, I'm certain China is sending its best AAW destroyers to the indian ocean to calm the situation down. looking at the recent meeting between our military officials, there seems to have been some agreement between both militaries that links to china and the indian ocean.

now if they are coming here to threaten india, expand their naval operations to the indian ocean through Gwadar, or just fight pirates, we can't be certain. However, what we do know is that China is entering this arena for the first time and is definitely intent on projecting its power.

feel free to comment.
okay, there are confirmed reports that China is sending the following ships to the Gulf to fight pirates: 171, 169, and 887. (if anybody can, please feel free to correct me)


looking at the current indo-pak situation, I'm certain China is sending its best AAW destroyers to the indian ocean to calm the situation down. looking at the recent meeting between our military officials, there seems to have been some agreement between both militaries that links to china and the indian ocean.

now if they are coming here to threaten india, expand their naval operations to the indian ocean through Gwadar, or just fight pirates, we can't be certain. However, what we do know is that China is entering this arena for the first time and is definitely intent on projecting its power.

feel free to comment.

I found a related article here:

AFP: Piracy draws China back to the ranks of maritime giants

Two destroyers and a supply ship in the Gulf of Aden hardly threaten India from my layman perspective. It would be worth a heads-up if a carrier fleet/submarine fleet showed up in the region in the vicinity of Indian naval bases.
I am sure the chinese are not coming to threaten India with a few ships! One more thing I would like to add is that, I have seen Pakistanis looking up to the chinese, It should stop. You guys fought 4 wars with Us and You guys did it alone, I mean the chinese didnt come and fight for u then. They wont now too. They will give you the arms u need, but wont spill blood. The chinese will fight India till the last drop of Pakistani Blood! :)
I am sure the chinese are not coming to threaten India with a few ships! One more thing I would like to add is that, I have seen Pakistanis looking up to the chinese, It should stop. You guys fought 4 wars with Us and You guys did it alone, I mean the chinese didnt come and fight for u then. They wont now too. They will give you the arms u need, but wont spill blood. The chinese will fight India till the last drop of Pakistani Blood! :)

"The chinese will fight India till the last drop of Pakistani Blood!"

Yeah just like in 1962 right...Allow me to correct your fallacies. Pakistan has fought Wars with India over Pakistan's own national and perhaps religious causes not on behalf of China. Pakistan has fought India over Kashmir! Kashmir is not a Chinese cause, therefore how can you say China is fighting with our blood hence spilling our blood... In fact it is Pakistan sacrificing it's blood for it's life, independence, integrity, dignity, and it's sovereignty that includes Pakistan respect and for Kashmir.

The Chinese have enough manpower and the military strength to fight India alone, and ultimately defeat India alone just like in 1962 when India suffered from a limited Chinese style pseudo-Blitzkrieg...

Back to this Naval topic. China is not going to make a provocative move, no need to, China will silently threaten India, that is by developing the necessary infrastructure to project it's power over India when needed! Hence the "string of pearls" This way China can say "No these projects are economic only" "no military aspect to it", this is clever...
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"The chinese will fight India till the last drop of Pakistani Blood!"

Yeah just like in 1962 right...Allow me to correct your fallacies. Pakistan has fought Wars with India over Pakistan's own national and perhaps religious causes not on behalf of China. Pakistan has fought India over Kashmir! Kashmir is not a Chinese cause, therefore how can you say China is fighting with our blood hence spilling our blood... In fact it is Pakistan sacrificing it's blood for it's life, independence, integrity, dignity, and it's sovereignty that includes Pakistan respect and for Kashmir.

The Chinese have enough manpower and the military strength to fight India alone, and ultimately defeat India alone just like in 1962 when India suffered from a limited Chinese style pseudo-Blitzkrieg...

Back to this Naval topic. China is not going to make a provocative move, no need to, China will silently threaten India, that is by developing the necessary infrastructure to project it's power over India when needed! Hence the "string of pearls" This way China can say "No these projects are economic only" "no military aspect to it", this is clever...
I only meant to say that u should stop looking up to china. You guys fought India alone and you can do it again. Why bring in stuff saying China the Messiah is coming etc etc. In 1962 the chinese gave us a blow, but we didnt see Pakistan also joining in did we? The credit goes to China alone. Remember again that its not 1962 and pseudo blitzkrieg is the dumbest possible thing now for china to think about. All china can think about is how to save the American economy!!! Not Pakistan! They will give u arms like they have in the past.

I dont know why Pakistan is so fond of Kashmir but I feel there should be peace now. You keep the Part of Kashmir you have and we Keep ours! End of story!
I only meant to say that u should stop looking up to china. You guys fought India alone and you can do it again. Why bring in stuff saying China the Messiah is coming etc etc. In 1962 the chinese gave us a blow, but we didnt see Pakistan also joining in did we? The credit goes to China alone. Remember again that its not 1962 and pseudo blitzkrieg is the dumbest possible thing now for china to think about. All china can think about is how to save the American economy!!! Not Pakistan! They will give u arms like they have in the past.

I dont know why Pakistan is so fond of Kashmir but I feel there should be peace now. You keep the Part of Kashmir you have and we Keep ours! End of story!
India should relax, they are here just to combat sea piracy.
China to dispatch navy ships to combat piracy off Somalia

Friday 19th December, 02:46 AM JST


The Chinese government confirmed Thursday that it is to send naval vessels to help tackle piracy off the coast of Somalia. Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao told reporters preparations are under way and more details will be released in the coming days.

The U.N. Security Council passed a resolution earlier this week urging countries to take tough action to help combat piracy off the east African coast. Liu said that seven cases of piracy in the region this year involved either Chinese ships or crews and his government firmly supported international efforts to tackle the problem. Some analysts quoted by the state-run press have expressed awareness that the use of Chinese military vessels overseas may cause unease among some of its Asian neighbors who view China’s increasing military capability with suspicion.

: China to dispatch navy ships to combat piracy off Somalia Japan Today: Japan News and Discussion

"May cause unease." Yes especially for some in India (not all) but who are pessimistic about China.
that is by developing the necessary infrastructure to project it's power over India when needed! Hence the "string of pearls" This way China can say "No these projects are economic only" "no military aspect to it", this is clever...

Every Gwadar is being countered by a Chabahar port at more advanced stage than Gwadar

Coco Island listening has a counterpart in India's own Andaman and Nicobar Island

India activates first listening post on foreign soil: radars in Madagascar

India eyes an island in the sun

The continued rhetoric of Pakistani members here on the forum, that China will support them in the eventuality of a War, is but a mirage [not the aircraft :D]

The Chinese have taken away far more from Pakistan than it has given Pakistan in return - it sells you industrial hardware in large numbers, that it makes in China instead of setting up a plant here [your locomoive deal is case in point]

Chines the the most shrewdest, cunning, intelligent set of badasses to have made their presence felt on Earth. Absolutely emotionless, just sinlge minded determination to achieve their objective of becoming a supreme nation

They would use any country as their pawn to achieve their objective. If China's relation with India reaches an amicable end, then it has no reason to support two countries with the money of hinese citizen.

China rising up in support of Pakistan [men, critical material - not token symbolism] is safely cocooned with the releams of a fantasy
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Every Gwadar is being countered by a Chabahar port at more advanced stage than Gwadar

Coco Island listening has a counterpart in India's own Andaman and Nicobar Island

India activates first listening post on foreign soil: radars in Madagascar

India eyes an island in the sun

The continued rhetoric of Pakistani members here on the forum, that China will support them in the eventuality of a War, is but a mirage [not the aircraft :D]

The Chinese have taken away far more from Pakistan than it has given Pakistan in return - it sells you industrial hardware in large numbers, that it makes in China instead of setting up a plant here [your locomoive deal is case in point]

Chines the the most shrewdest, cunning, intelligent set of badasses to have made their presence felt on Earth. Absolutely emotionless, just sinlge minded determination to achieve their objective of becoming a superior nation

They would use any country as their pawn to achieve their objective. If China's relation with India reaches an amicable end, then it has no reason to support two countries with the money of hinese citizen.

China rising up in support of Pakistan [men, critical material - not token symbolism] is safely cocooned with the releams of a fantasy

First of all Iran's Chabahar has been around longer than Gwadar, Gwadar is a new enterprise a new project and a new vision for the region and it's trajectory is it will be the trading hub of the region. In fact, Chabahar should be ahead of Gwadar at the moment, it's been around for decades and has been subsidized by Iranian oil money, and India has provided some assistance in building it (laborers mostly).

"The continued rhetoric of Pakistani members here on the forum, that China will support them in the eventuality of a War, is but a mirage [not the aircraft :D]"- Slugger

The truth is China has already helped Pakistan in war time (supplying weapons/technology and money). Pakistan has never asked China to fight it's battle (that means China sending troops to fight India on Pakistan's behalf), you clearly don't understand Pakistan. Pakistan will fight it's own Wars without China or any other nation. Though in the context of Geo-Political importance it is in China interest to bolster Pakistan and to prevent Indian hegemony in the region.

I suggest you sober up and learn something. Your beginning to behave like an Indian troll, do you know what happens to Indian trolls here at PDF??? :disagree:
......and India has provided some assistance in building it (laborers mostly).[/B]

Please substantiate your statement with 1 source that says Indian blue collar workers are employed in Iran.
On the contrary, it is from Pakistan that Hundreds Illegally Trafficked Daily from Pakistan to Iran

Over 300,000 Pakistanis, many of whom are women and children, are illegally transferred each year through the unfenced border between Pakistan and Iran for sexual exploitation and forced labor, a report on human trafficking claims.
Please substantiate your statement with 1 source that says Indian blue collar workers are employed in Iran.
On the contrary, it is from Pakistan that Hundreds Illegally Trafficked Daily from Pakistan to Iran


Central Asia’s Seaport: Gwadar or Chabahar?

"The port of Chabahar was part of a plan to develop transportation infrastructure in Iran’s east for many years. Initially put in hold in 1984 it was revived in 2002 with Indian help. And the financing and engineering assistance from India is not limited to the port. India, wishing to bypass Pakistan, is also cooperating on a highway system that leads from the port into Afghanistan as well as a planned railroad to Afghanistan."

Source:Registan.net Central Asia?s Seaport: Gwadar or Chabahar?


By Rizwan Zeb (10/22/2003 issue of the CACI Analyst)

"Iran, with assistance from India, plans to channel and monopolize trade from Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan destined for the East and the Gulf via Chabahar. Some analysts assess as high the likelihood that Chabahar could actually grow significantly once the port project materializes."-CACI Johns Hopkins Univ. (A great credible source I may add)


I strongly advise you to please take the time and read the second link I provided from CACI JHU. Hope you will take me up on the offer. You will learn a lot I promise.

There are other sources as well that confirm what I have previously stated that Indian have provided assistance for Iran's Chabahar port. This is not a secret apparently you are not as well as informed as I am...

Also getting your information from some BS "newsblaze.com" is incredible...I'm not even going to visit the site you linked.
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Every Gwadar is being countered by a Chabahar port at more advanced stage than Gwadar

Coco Island listening has a counterpart in India's own Andaman and Nicobar Island

India activates first listening post on foreign soil: radars in Madagascar

India eyes an island in the sun

The continued rhetoric of Pakistani members here on the forum, that China will support them in the eventuality of a War, is but a mirage [not the aircraft :D]

The Chinese have taken away far more from Pakistan than it has given Pakistan in return - it sells you industrial hardware in large numbers, that it makes in China instead of setting up a plant here [your locomoive deal is case in point]

Chines the the most shrewdest, cunning, intelligent set of badasses to have made their presence felt on Earth. Absolutely emotionless, just sinlge minded determination to achieve their objective of becoming a supreme nation

They would use any country as their pawn to achieve their objective. If China's relation with India reaches an amicable end, then it has no reason to support two countries with the money of hinese citizen.

China rising up in support of Pakistan [men, critical material - not token symbolism] is safely cocooned with the releams of a fantasy
Dude, thats just messed up. You really need to back off on the hate speech.

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