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China's foreign trade for 2018 already exceeds 2017, jumping 15%

Wow, resorting to insults are we? =). Ppl see? Or you see? As I already explained why is there a need for 90 days? What did was the agreement? Anything signed? Can you provide a source to show what was agreed upon? The game of politics among superpowers is not just a simple I instruct you to do this, you must do this. It is all about 'interests'. What can one offer in exchange for something. You also fail to take notice of the 1 trillionUS$ US bond China is holding. The moment someone is naughty, China can cause havoc. =). It's a game of leverage. CHIMERICA! hahahaha
If u think u r right, then just keep your own idea (game of leverage) and respect my idea (Xi surrender to Trump and beg for negotiation). Keep waiting to see what will happen after 90 days and what will happen in 2023 and stop insulting each other on internet cos I can not win 5cent army :laugh:
You still don't get it, if it was a WIN LOSE deal, why would someone agree to it? In exchange of recognizing PRC as the legitimate China and giving China the permanent UN security seat. ROC was already being sold out. The agreement with PRC was that Taiwan will be reunited peacefully instead of forcefully, hence the Chiang lobby got a breather in this regard. Taiwan was maintained as a leverage, a card to play in the future as can be seen now. If Nixon didn't need 'useless' China, why the heck he came begging on our doorsteps for an alliance? Common sense my friend, common sense. US needed China to stop helping Vietcongs, and instead attack these ungrateful Vietcong after the Sino-Soviet split. We went in, and taught Viets a good lesson, scorch the earth and returned back, while Viet monkeys hiding in the forest claimed victory after we returned home. Funny how you guys didn't defend against us in the first place.
Nixon made mistake, he thought CN can help US to stop N.VN, but he was wrong, CN was not, so CN is useless to him, His visit was just a mistake, VN kick US out and get back S.VN in 1975.

Abt "teaching a lesson"We discussed who won , who lost in 1979 war many times here already. CN failed to force VN to pull our troops out of Cambodia, PLA with support from US's spy bird (cos PLAF suck, dare not fight over VN sky to collect Intel so Deng had to beg for help from US's spy bird) only had to fight wt VN border guard and militia forces, but still had to retreat.
You have such a simplistic mind, I told you we learn, copy, improvise, absorb and improve upon others. PRC is providing good governance compared to many 'democratic' countries, one good example is our neighbor to the south. Will the people demand more? Of course? They will have to change and adapt as always, provide better feedback solutions, accountability, you will be shocked how meritocratic China is compared to 'democratic' India.

Get back HK-Nanjing? What the f does that even mean dude? TRONK? We are cowards? You are the ones hiding in the forest like monkeys, why weren't you defending your cities? Sure you could claim it was guerilla tactics, but why resort to that when you are so brave? ahahahhaha

Hell, China was poor back then, but times change, countries change. The fact you tell me this makes me even prouder on how far we have come.
why weren't us defending your cities? then why didnt u read the history carefully ?? After 1975, VN population was 40 million, minus 15 million follow US in VN war, then VN only had abt 25million ppl (4 million disabled person). in 1979 there were abt 600,000 Active personnel, while abt 300,000-350,000 soldiers had to fight in Cambodia and Laos to save Camb from Pol Pot massarce. Thats why when CN attack VN, we didnt have enough regular soldiers to fight and mainly used our border guard and militia forces, but still forced PLA to retreat before our regular army can come back from Laos-Camb.

And let talk abt 2014 conflict again to show that CNese is very coward. CN even used CNese navy while VN still use coast guard only. CN number of ships r triple than VN, but finally CN still had to retreat to avoid another shamefull loss to VN :laugh:

Result China temporarily withdrew the oil rig



CN: 1 drilling platform, 6 warships, 40 coast guard vessels, over 30 transport ships and tugboats, 34-40 ironclad fishing boats, Su-27[citation needed] andShaanxi Y-8 patrol planes[1]

VN: 60 vessels: coast guard, fisheries surveillance and and wooden fishing boat


China Economy: Volume of trade in services up 11.1%


My friend, @Viva_Viet , China's exports in services is growing faster than its imports in services.

Looks like China is working harder to balance its deficit-prone trade in services.

Isn't that a sign of good economic management, especially given that we are in the midst of an economic warfare?
Wait till 2023, my friend, CN always lose when fighting alone against US (1958 TW conflict is a clear exmple, thousand Cnese killed, Zero US troop lost, CN is scared to death and dare not pick a fight wt US till now :laugh:)
If u think u r right, then just keep your own idea (game of leverage) and respect my idea (Xi surrender to Trump and beg for negotiation). Keep waiting to see what will happen after 90 days and what will happen in 2023 and stop insulting each other on internet cos I can not win 5cent army :laugh:
Nixon made mistake, he thought CN can help US to stop N.VN, but he was wrong, CN was not, so CN is useless to him, His visit was just a mistake, VN kick US out and get back S.VN in 1975.

It's not about me thinking I am right, I think you are too naive. Myopic and straightforward in some sense. You of course have the right to think we 'surrendered' an 'begged', I can't stop you. What I am asking is for you to develop critical thinking not just blurting what CNN said. I have been waiting for 30 years, each US administration after each election wants to punish China. hahahahaha

The main aim was to create an Eastern front against the Soviets, Vietnam was just collateral damage. When we invaded Vietnam, Vietnam was already united, so the aim was to teach Vietnam a lesson, which we did, and discredit Vietnamese ability. Monkeys are only strong in the jungle hiding, as long as you attack the cities and keep away from the jungles, it is a piece of cake, look at how deep China invaded, not much resistance. The only mistake we made was while returning back to China, the monkeys rushed out to ambush us and not fight us head on. :laugh:. China only became irrelevant to the US after the Soviets collapsed, that was in 89/90s, hence the orchestration of Tiananmen in 89.

I will wait for 90 days, I can bet with you it's not as what you assumed and thought.

Abt "teaching a lesson"We discussed who won , who lost in 1979 war many times here already. CN failed to force VN to pull our troops out of Cambodia, PLA with support from US's spy bird (cos PLAF suck, dare not fight over VN sky to collect Intel so Deng had to beg for help from US's spy bird) only had to fight wt VN border guard and militia forces, but still had to retreat.
It depends on how you define victory, strategic victory or war victory. In the war, we clearly won, that's how we invaded Vietnam, strategically, we lost, since we can't force you out of Cambodia, and Deng didn't really want to fight a prolonged war. He was using Viets as punching bags to test out the Chinese Army readiness and force the PLA to reform. It was after this war, PLA started to contemplate and improve on their shortcomings. Dude, why do you have this beggar mentality? We were allies, they would share this with us willingly, you can just ask, you don't have to beg. This was an American orchestrated invasion, no begging involved bro.:laugh:

why weren't us defending your cities? then why didnt u read the history carefully ?? After 1975, VN population was 40 million, minute 15 million follow US in VN war, then VN only had abt 25million ppl (4 million disabled person). in 1979 there were abt 600,000 Active personnel, abt 300,000-350,000 soldiers fighting in Cambodia and Laos. Thats why when CN attack VN, we mainly used our border guard and militia forces, but still forced PLA to retreat before our regular army can come back from Laos-Camb.
It doesn't matter what excuse you give, we banged you hard, and you could do nothing. Forced us to retreat? We actually retreated on our own after the objective were met, you were just ambushing us when we retreating. There is a big difference between forcing us to retreat and ambushing a retreating army. Even then, how many of your infrastructure was destroyed and your cities kaboomed? If you are so brave, why not cross the border and teach us a lesson genius? hahahahahahahahaahhahaha

And let talk abt 2014 conflict again to show that CNese is very coward. CN even used CNese navy while VN still use coast guard only. CN number of ships r triple than VN, but finally CN still had to retreat to avoid another shamefull loss to VN :laugh:



CN: 1 drilling platform, 6 warships, 40 coast guard vessels, over 30 transport ships and tugboats, 34-40 ironclad fishing boats, Su-27[citation needed] andShaanxi Y-8 patrol planes[1]

VN: 60 vessels: coast guard, fisheries surveillance and and wooden fishing boat

You call that a stand-off? What's wrong with you? That's a friggin exploration drill rig. Victory is when you prevent it anchoring and drilling in the first place not when they left after finishing their work. Victory is also when you reclaim Paracels. Small mentality for a small nation, no wonder you guys are losers.hahahaha
Bphone is made in Vietnam, not America. a big Plus, the phone is 100 percent free of chinese propaganda installed software. Very cheap. Just 7 million VND.

View attachment 524531
The phone is free of Chinese propaganda installed software, but I guarantee it isn't free of American propaganda installed software. Google play, and facebook is all American propaganda installed software. Also, if Vietnam really wants to impress anyone, then they shouldn't use Android at all and make its own operating system, something China has failed to do also. The Chinese can make a phone with 2gb of ram for $100. What does this Viet phone have? Although having many flaws, the Chinese have been able to make some pretty good phones. Huawei has its own CPU (Qiling), and Vietnam should learn from that. Using snap dragon is a shame.

I have a Chinese phone myself. It aint anything special, but for 16gb of rom, and 2 gb of ram for $100 2yrs ago, that was the best deal I was able to find. One of the benefits of the phone is that it doesn't come with any Google products, or Google services. The phone can also clone, and freeze apps.

It's not about me thinking I am right, I think you are too naive. Myopic and straightforward in some sense. You of course have the right to think we 'surrendered' an 'begged', I can't stop you. What I am asking is for you to develop critical thinking not just blurting what CNN said. I have been waiting for 30 years, each US administration after each election wants to punish China. hahahahaha

The main aim was to create an Eastern front against the Soviets, Vietnam was just collateral damage. When we invaded Vietnam, Vietnam was already united, so the aim was to teach Vietnam a lesson, which we did, and discredit Vietnamese ability. Monkeys are only strong in the jungle hiding, as long as you attack the cities and keep away from the jungles, it is a piece of cake, look at how deep China invaded, not much resistance. The only mistake we made was while returning back to China, the monkeys rushed out to ambush us and not fight us head on. :laugh:. China only became irrelevant to the US after the Soviets collapsed, that was in 89/90s, hence the orchestration of Tiananmen in 89.

I will wait for 90 days, I can bet with you it's not as what you assumed and thought.

It depends on how you define victory, strategic victory or war victory. In the war, we clearly won, that's how we invaded Vietnam, strategically, we lost, since we can't force you out of Cambodia, and Deng didn't really want to fight a prolonged war. He was using Viets as punching bags to test out the Chinese Army readiness and force the PLA to reform. It was after this war, PLA started to contemplate and improve on their shortcomings. Dude, why do you have this beggar mentality? We were allies, they would share this with us willingly, you can just ask, you don't have to beg. This was an American orchestrated invasion, no begging involved bro.:laugh:

It doesn't matter what excuse you give, we banged you hard, and you could do nothing. Forced us to retreat? We actually retreated on our own after the objective were met, you were just ambushing us when we retreating. There is a big difference between forcing us to retreat and ambushing a retreating army. Even then, how many of your infrastructure was destroyed and your cities kaboomed? If you are so brave, why not cross the border and teach us a lesson genius? hahahahahahahahaahhahaha

You call that a stand-off? What's wrong with you? That's a friggin exploration drill rig. Victory is when you prevent it anchoring and drilling in the first place not when they left after finishing their work. Victory is also when you reclaim Paracels. Small mentality for a small nation, no wonder you guys are losers.hahahaha

Amerika punished China back in 89 with the Tienamen Sq masacres. If the west wasn't so greedy, and wanting to exploit labor, they would have punished China even more.
Wait till 2023, my friend, CN always lose when fighting alone against US (1958 TW conflict is a clear exmple, thousand Cnese killed, Zero US troop lost, CN is scared to death and dare not pick a fight wt US till now :laugh:)
The point is we are not fighting, this is a game. A game of balancing, who in their right minds would think 2 nuclear superpowers would fight head on in this era. The last time we fought head on was in the Korean War, ended in a stalemate and China lost alot of human lives, it was cheap back then since we had more humans than bullets.

Since when did we fight the US in 58'? The US only provided material support, 400+ ROC soldiers and roughly the same number of PRC soldiers died.

Amerika punished China back in 89 with the Tienamen Sq masacres. If the west wasn't so greedy, and wanting to exploit labor, they would have punished China even more.
It was not punishment, it was backstabbing. Punishment is when you do a mistake and get punished, we stuck with the alliance, they were backstabbing us after the Soviets collapsed, we stuck with the alliance, they didn't.
The point is we are not fighting, this is a game. A game of balancing, who in their right minds would think 2 nuclear superpowers would fight head on in this era. The last time we fought head on was in the Korean War, ended in a stalemate and China lost alot of human lives, it was cheap back then since we had more humans than bullets.

Since when did we fight the US in 58'? The US only provided material support, 400+ ROC soldiers and roughly the same number of PRC soldiers died.

It was not punishment, it was backstabbing. Punishment is when you do a mistake and get punished, we stuck with the alliance, they were backstabbing us after the Soviets collapsed, we stuck with the alliance, they didn't.

Well actually Xiaoping made a mistake by selling out his country to the west, and turning against comunism, but it can also be categorized as a back stabbing. How stupid can you be to expect the west to stick to an alliance? I honestly can't understand how the Chinese became so stupid after 1976. Enver Hoxha already predicted that would happen. China will collapse is because it can't learn from mistakes. If you remember correctly, Kruschev also had an alliance with the west to destroy China, and indeed the USSR fought China in 1969 for the west, but look how the west did the USSR. Yet despite how the west destroyed the USSR, China still thought it was a good idea to enter an alliance with the west. The stupidity actually continues today. Jinping still believes its a good idea to accomodate the west. Judging by the security in Chinese subways, I'd say he's waiting for another Tienamen sq. How many Tienaman sq's do they need before they learn

We can say that the west punished Xiaoping for not being obediant enough. And Trump is punishing Jinping, also for not being obediant enough.
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It's not about me thinking I am right, I think you are too naive. Myopic and straightforward in some sense. You of course have the right to think we 'surrendered' an 'begged', I can't stop you. What I am asking is for you to develop critical thinking not just blurting what CNN said. I have been waiting for 30 years, each US administration after each election wants to punish China. hahahahaha

The main aim was to create an Eastern front against the Soviets, Vietnam was just collateral damage. When we invaded Vietnam, Vietnam was already united, so the aim was to teach Vietnam a lesson, which we did, and discredit Vietnamese ability. Monkeys are only strong in the jungle hiding, as long as you attack the cities and keep away from the jungles, it is a piece of cake, look at how deep China invaded, not much resistance. The only mistake we made was while returning back to China, the monkeys rushed out to ambush us and not fight us head on. :laugh:. China only became irrelevant to the US after the Soviets collapsed, that was in 89/90s, hence the orchestration of Tiananmen in 89.

I will wait for 90 days, I can bet with you it's not as what you assumed and thought.
The orchestration of Tiananmen in 89 show that its a Win-Lose deal bween US-CN (US win-CN lose). US dont give a damn to CN and just offer a Win-Lose deal, CN is too short sighted to realize its a bad deal till Tiananmen in 89 happen

U'd better wait till 2023, only 1 country (US or CN) at that time will be able to gain the victory (US economy still bad now after 2008 economy crisis and will get in a serious problem if US can not destroy CN to sell billion USD weapon to CN 'rebels' against king XI )
It depends on how you define victory, strategic victory or war victory. In the war, we clearly won, that's how we invaded Vietnam, strategically, we lost, since we can't force you out of Cambodia, and Deng didn't really want to fight a prolonged war. He was using Viets as punching bags to test out the Chinese Army readiness and force the PLA to reform. It was after this war, PLA started to contemplate and improve on their shortcomings. Dude, why do you have this beggar mentality? We were allies, they would share this with us willingly, you can just ask, you don't have to beg. This was an American orchestrated invasion, no begging involved bro.:laugh:

It doesn't matter what excuse you give, we banged you hard, and you could do nothing. Forced us to retreat? We actually retreated on our own after the objective were met, you were just ambushing us when we retreating. There is a big difference between forcing us to retreat and ambushing a retreating army. Even then, how many of your infrastructure was destroyed and your cities kaboomed? If you are so brave, why not cross the border and teach us a lesson genius? hahahahahahahahaahhahaha
Okay, if u think Deng gain some cheap things in 1979 war, then thats your own idea, we still hold our target sucessfully (keep control fertile lands in Laos-Camb till today while CN still have to live in barren/useless lands and dirty desert )

Why didnt u read the history first before deluding yourself like that. PLA attacked, but face wt stiff resistance (while its just VN border guard and militia forces only) and suffered high cost. History record that VN didnt continue to kill PLA when they retreated

Chinese 41st Army was to cross the border and attack Cao Bang from the north, while 42d Army was to attack it from the southeast. As on the Lang Son front, the Chinese advances were slow and deliberate against stiff Vietnamese resistance. Chinese 42d Army made some progress, but the cost was high; in one engagement, the Vietnamese knocked out a number of Chinese tanks. As at Lang Son, the terrain favored the greatly outnumbered Vietnamese defenders, and they made the Chinese pay for every inch they advanced. Eventually, the sheer numbers of Chinese troops prevailed and Cao Bang fell on February 25. Heavy fighting continued on the Cao Bang front for the next five days, but on March 3, Chinese forces from the Cao Bang and Lang Son fronts linked up at Duet Long, on Highway 4, effectively closing the gap between the two Chinese thrusts.

On the Lao Cai front, the Chinese had attacked with elements of three armies, more than 125,000 troops. Chinese 11th Army attacked across the border from the northwest to seize the town of Phong Tho, about 65 kilometers from Lao Cai, to prevent reinforcement from the west. At the same time, 13th and 14th armies attacked south to seize Lao Cai itself. The Vietnamese defenders in this area included six regiments, totaling about 20,000 troops. As on the other fronts, the out numbered Vietnamese troops put up a stiff defense; after five days, the Chinese had advanced only a few kilometers. The Chinese employed human wave attacks to overcome the Vietnamese positions, but the battle continued until March 5 when Lao Cai fell to the attackers.

While the main Chinese thrusts focused on Lao Cai, Cao Bang and Lang Son, several supporting attacks were conducted elsewhere along the China-Vietnam border. Many of these attacks resembled the larger Chinese operations. For example, in Quang Ninh, on the eastern edge of the border, a platoon of Vietnamese held up an attack on Cao Ba Lanh Mountain for five hours, inflicting 360 casualties on the attacking Chinese force that numbered over 2,800 men.

The day after the Chinese captured Lang Son, Beijing declared that the gate to Hanoi was open; that the Vietnamese had been sufficiently chastised; and announced that it was withdrawing its forces. By March 16, all Chinese forces had crossed the border back into China, blowing bridges and railroads and generally laying waste to the Vietnamese countryside along the way.


The Chinese had hoped to win a quick decision against the Vietnamese, but they found out that their troops were no match for the better-trained and combat-experienced Vietnamese and that they only succeeded when their forces outnumbered the defenders. The Chinese had used outdated and obsolete equipment, some dating back to World War II and/or the Korean War, and their tactics were slow and deliberate. Rather than pursue the infiltration and envelopment tactics that had proved so successful in Korea, the PLA had most often turned to massive frontal assaults that were both wasteful and ineffective.

Part of the problem was an antiquated command and control system that continually demonstrated issues with coordinating combined arms. Chinese artillery relied upon centralized planning and was not responsive to the support needs of the front-line troops. PLA communications were inadequate; few modern radios were available and forward units often resorted to runners to relay orders. Consequently, the Chinese had great difficulty in coordinating large-scale attacks.

You call that a stand-off? What's wrong with you? That's a friggin exploration drill rig. Victory is when you prevent it anchoring and drilling in the first place not when they left after finishing their work. Victory is also when you reclaim Paracels. Small mentality for a small nation, no wonder you guys are losers.hahahaha
in the conflict that led to the riots, 21 Cnese workers dead, more than 100 got injured. Even if we didnt win, but its surely CN lost when retreat shamefully and let 21 Cnese workers dead, more than 100 got injured behind high and dry
It's sad when China is bragging about how it's foreign trade is exceeding 2017. Let's be real here, the west is exploiting Chinese labor, so the more "trade" that goes on only means the more Chinese workers are being exploited. That's nothing to be proud of. For anything is exported to the west, the Chinese only make a small %. The majority of the profits still go to western oligarchs. Americans aren't buying Xiaomis, or Roewes. If the Chinese makes an iphone and exports that to the west, how much of that $1000 do you actually think goes to Chinese people? About $8, while their western masters make $992. So when you say that "trade is up", what that means is, the west is making more money off of exploited Chinese labor, and using those profits to destabilize China. Sounds like a great plan there. Also alot of people are trying to stock up on Chinese goods before the tarifs hit. It doesn't actually mean that demand is really up. You'd have to wait til after the tarifs hit to do the math
Actually, China, Japan, and Vietnam are accomodating the west. None of them are independent
Japan is definitely a whore. China is more of a shrewd character, we want access to technology, investments and markets, of course we would be quiet and bide our time for the first few decades. Having said tht, we did not sacrifice our interests, Taiwan was never allowed to be independent, Tibet, Xinjiang all remained under our tight grip despite American pressure. We were more of a silent character than an accommodating character, as long as our sovereignty is not involved, ex: Spratly Island in 92, we had no choice but to defend our interests, otherwise we would just keep quiet and not attract attention. This strategy worked so well that it gave us time to be strong now.

Vietnam is actually more independent than Japan, but they had no capability to go against the Yanks anyway since they are dirt poor even now.

I disagree that China protects its geopolitical interests. One of its "provinces" is occupied by America, and China has no intention of challenging that. China was also pushed out of Malaysia after spending billions. China's also been pushed out of Sri Lanka, and Myanmar (Myitsone). According to what my Sri Lankan friends say, Sri Lanka canceled most of the Chinese projects. China cant defend its geopolitical interests, and is more interested in protecting western geopolitical interests. During the 2014, the west started a series of riots in HK, and China couldn't do anything.

We are trying to protect our interests, why do you think US finds us a pain in the ***? Taiwan is actually stronger than us militarily up till the late 90s, the air force and navy were more advanced and well trained. Attacking Taiwan which has US support was suicide.

Technically, Taiwan is not occupied by US, it is influenced by the US much like how Britain is influenced by the US. As per Chinese agreement, no foreign troop can occupy Taiwan, it would be a precursor for Chinese invasion and the US knows this. Hence there is no US base in Taiwan, not even an 'embassy'. =)

We can't challenge US until we are strong enough, at least 6 nuclear CBGs and also 500 J-20s with WS-15 engines. Then we will see, as Sun Tzu said, know the right time and place to attack, know your strengths and your adversaries strength, the best victory is winning without fighting.

These are commercial agreements, you can't attack a sovereign state just because they cancelled a business contract, you can sue them in court to recuperate lost investment. We spend billions in Malaysia, they also owe us billions in return, it's not free money you know? These can be used as leverage in the future when a friendly regime comes into power. Not even the US can attack another sovereign country due to commercial contracts, they can use economic attacks instead. I am seeing a friendly regime in Myanmar and Lanka, China is using geopolitical pressure to get around. There are still alot of Chinese investment in Malaysia, not the 'scratch your back' deals though. In the end, all debt needs to be paid back. =)

China does not have the US by the balls. The US can force others to buy their products, China can't. In fact, Taiwan recently promised to buy a lot more soy beans from the US. Another fact is, the US can ask south Korea, Australia, and anyone else to boycott Chinese 5g. However, China can't tell others to boycott American 5g. The west has the upper hand. When the US told Europe to boycott Chinese solar panels, Europe listened. Today's China has no bargaining chip.

China can only use money to buy influence, but the west can use both money and agresion to reach their goals. That's why the west will win. Besides no one is afraid of China, but everyone's afraid of the west. Fear goes a long way.
Technically, you can't force people to buy your goods, US can only force her 'allies' to buy her weapons. That's the only real thing they produce anyway. China does have US by one of his balls, US treasury bonds. This is the weapon of last resort. An American economy in meltdown is also bad for us. Well sure you can ask everybody to boycott this and that, but we don't just export 5G equipment, we produce trains, semiconductors, power equipment, nuclear equipment, satellites, port equipment, machine part and much more. The world market is bigger than just 5G equipment in some 'American' allied countries. Huawei still sell equipment to Australia although it's not 5G. Nobody can forever contain an economy as large as China.

boycott solar panels? Look at the situation now, we are the largest exporter and producer of solar cells, you cannot deny economic pressure, people will buy more affordable goods, you can't put tariffs on forever. US and EU solar industry is nearly destroyed, did the tariffs work? =)

China cannot get aggressive now, we still need to grow and get better equipped. I agree money and power goes hand in hand, we have both now, but we are only using money now. Well you cannot say no one is afraid of China, you can say they are more afraid of the US, which is true. We are the second most powerful military not the most powerful one yet.

It is wrong to say China has no bargaining chip, the biggest chip of all, THE CHINESE MARKET. =)
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The orchestration of Tiananmen in 89 show that its a Win-Lose deal bween US-CN (US win-CN lose). US dont give a damn to CN and just offer a Win-Lose deal, CN is too short sighted to realize its a bad deal till Tiananmen in 89 happen

U'd better wait till 2023, only 1 country (US or CN) at that time will be able to gain the victory (US economy still bad now after 2008 economy crisis and will get in a serious problem if US can not destroy CN to sell billion USD weapon to CN 'rebels' against king XI )

Okay, if u think Deng gain some cheap things in 1979 war, then thats your own idea, we still hold our target sucessfully (keep control fertile lands in Laos-Camb till today while CN still have to live in barren/useless lands and dirty desert )

Why didnt u read the history first before deluding yourself like that. PLA attacked, but face wt stiff resistance (while its just VN border guard and militia forces only) and suffered high cost. History record that VN didnt continue to kill PLA when they retreated

Chinese 41st Army was to cross the border and attack Cao Bang from the north, while 42d Army was to attack it from the southeast. As on the Lang Son front, the Chinese advances were slow and deliberate against stiff Vietnamese resistance. Chinese 42d Army made some progress, but the cost was high; in one engagement, the Vietnamese knocked out a number of Chinese tanks. As at Lang Son, the terrain favored the greatly outnumbered Vietnamese defenders, and they made the Chinese pay for every inch they advanced. Eventually, the sheer numbers of Chinese troops prevailed and Cao Bang fell on February 25. Heavy fighting continued on the Cao Bang front for the next five days, but on March 3, Chinese forces from the Cao Bang and Lang Son fronts linked up at Duet Long, on Highway 4, effectively closing the gap between the two Chinese thrusts.

On the Lao Cai front, the Chinese had attacked with elements of three armies, more than 125,000 troops. Chinese 11th Army attacked across the border from the northwest to seize the town of Phong Tho, about 65 kilometers from Lao Cai, to prevent reinforcement from the west. At the same time, 13th and 14th armies attacked south to seize Lao Cai itself. The Vietnamese defenders in this area included six regiments, totaling about 20,000 troops. As on the other fronts, the out numbered Vietnamese troops put up a stiff defense; after five days, the Chinese had advanced only a few kilometers. The Chinese employed human wave attacks to overcome the Vietnamese positions, but the battle continued until March 5 when Lao Cai fell to the attackers.

While the main Chinese thrusts focused on Lao Cai, Cao Bang and Lang Son, several supporting attacks were conducted elsewhere along the China-Vietnam border. Many of these attacks resembled the larger Chinese operations. For example, in Quang Ninh, on the eastern edge of the border, a platoon of Vietnamese held up an attack on Cao Ba Lanh Mountain for five hours, inflicting 360 casualties on the attacking Chinese force that numbered over 2,800 men.

The day after the Chinese captured Lang Son, Beijing declared that the gate to Hanoi was open; that the Vietnamese had been sufficiently chastised; and announced that it was withdrawing its forces. By March 16, all Chinese forces had crossed the border back into China, blowing bridges and railroads and generally laying waste to the Vietnamese countryside along the way.


The Chinese had hoped to win a quick decision against the Vietnamese, but they found out that their troops were no match for the better-trained and combat-experienced Vietnamese and that they only succeeded when their forces outnumbered the defenders. The Chinese had used outdated and obsolete equipment, some dating back to World War II and/or the Korean War, and their tactics were slow and deliberate. Rather than pursue the infiltration and envelopment tactics that had proved so successful in Korea, the PLA had most often turned to massive frontal assaults that were both wasteful and ineffective.

Part of the problem was an antiquated command and control system that continually demonstrated issues with coordinating combined arms. Chinese artillery relied upon centralized planning and was not responsive to the support needs of the front-line troops. PLA communications were inadequate; few modern radios were available and forward units often resorted to runners to relay orders. Consequently, the Chinese had great difficulty in coordinating large-scale attacks.

in the conflict that led to the riots, 21 Cnese workers dead, more than 100 got injured. Even if we didnt win, but its surely CN lost when retreat shamefully and let 21 Cnese workers dead, more than 100 got injured behind high and dry
Actually, even after Tienamen sq, Xiaoping still thought it was a good deal to accomodate the west. So did Zemin, Jintao, and Jingping.
Actually, even after Tienamen sq, Xiaoping still thought it was a good deal to accomodate the west. So did Zemin, Jintao, and Jingping.
Did u read Ah Q story yet ?? Ah Q only realize hes so stupid till ppl executed him :laugh:

The story traces the "adventures" of Ah Q, a man from the rural peasant class with little education and no definite occupation. Ah Q is famous for "spiritual victories", Lu Xun'seuphemism for self-talk and self-deception even when faced with extreme defeat or humiliation. Ah Q is a bully to the less fortunate but fearful of those who are above him in rank, strength, or power. He persuades himself mentally that he is spiritually "superior" to his oppressors even as he succumbs to their tyranny and suppression. Lu Xun exposes Ah Q's extreme faults as symptomatic of the Chinese national character of his time. The ending of the piece – when Ah Q is carted off to execution for a minor crime – is equally poignant and satirical.

After the Chao family is robbed, Ah Q is dragged into town in the middle of the night, being carried to a yamen where he is pushed into a room. Keeping with his happy-go-lucky nature, the narrator says “although Ah Q was feeling rather uneasy, he was by no means too depressed.” In the end, Ah Q is executed with his cries of “Help, help!” never actually being said. Even before his death, he still preserves his self-absorbed and petty personality; he tries and fails to make his execution more impressive by reciting verses from some Chinese operas, but fails to find the right words.[7]

Well actually Xiaoping made a mistake by selling out his country to the west, and turning against comunism, but it can also be categorized as a back stabbing. How stupid can you be to expect the west to stick to an alliance? I honestly can't understand how the Chinese became so stupid after 1976. Enver Hoxha already predicted that would happen. China will collapse is because it can't learn from mistakes. If you remember correctly, Kruschev also had an alliance with the west to destroy China, and indeed the USSR fought China in 1969 for the west, but look how the west did the USSR. Yet despite how the west destroyed the USSR, China still thought it was a good idea to enter an alliance with the west. The stupidity actually continues today. Jinping still believes its a good idea to accomodate the west. Judging by the security in Chinese subways, I'd say he's waiting for another Tienamen sq. How many Tienaman sq's do they need before they learn

We can say that the west punished Xiaoping for not being obediant enough. And Trump is punishing Jinping, also for not being obediant enough.
It was the greatest mistake ever done in Chinese history. :enjoy:. Without the opening up and reform, we would be even worse than India, never be able to fulfill our greatest potential. China is the strongest whenever we open up to the world and face the competition. I am glad we did this 'MISTAKE'. hahahaha

I think Deng never expected the Soviets to crumble so fast, he thought the alliance last at least a few more decades. Well I don't think we were foolish, I think it was the greatest thing that happened, US-USSR never had an alliance btw, we had a border war with the Soviets, which or without the US, it would had happened.

If Xi is so accommodating, the US wouldn't be so worried right? I mean it's common sense.:D. Bro, we have scanners in the subways, what has Tiananmen got to do with subways, Tiananmen happened because of economic woes, the only way to prevent it is to provide money to the people. You can ask any young person today is they wanna overthrow the CPC, I can assure you, 99% would not even want to change the status quo. They delivered and performed, that's why the people are contented, the moment CPC can't deliver and screw up, then that's it, it will collapse.:china:

Punishing Deng for not being obedient? Erm, what did he do to get punished? The only reason Tmen happened was bcoz US was trying to do another Soviet on China after the Soviets collapsed. I fail to see the punishment aspects here. Trump is definitely punishing Xi, of course we are not obedient, never had been. If it's national sovereignty, no way, if it's economic concessions, maybe after discussion. Hell if you want us to decrease tarriffs when we have a 350 bil$ surplus, that's a no brainer man.
Japan is definitely a whore. China is more of a shrewd character, we want access to technology, investments and markets, of course we would be quiet and bide our time for the first few decades. Having said tht, we did not sacrifice our interests, Taiwan was never allowed to be independent, Tibet, Xinjiang all remained under our tight grip despite American pressure. We were more of a silent character than an accommodating character, as long as our sovereignty is not involved, ex: Spratly Island in 92, we had no choice but to defend our interests, otherwise we would just keep quiet and not attract attention. This strategy worked so well that it gave us time to be strong now.

Vietnam is actually more independent than Japan, but they had no capability to go against the Yanks anyway since they are dirt poor even now.

We are trying to protect our interests, why do you think US finds us a pain in the ***? Taiwan is actually stronger than us militarily up till the late 90s, the air force and navy were more advanced and well trained. Attacking Taiwan which has US support was suicide.

Technically, Taiwan is not occupied by US, it is influenced by the US much like how Britain is influenced by the US. As per Chinese agreement, no foreign troop can occupy Taiwan, it would be a precursor for Chinese invasion and the US knows this. Hence there is no US base in Taiwan, not even an 'embassy'. =)

We can't challenge US until we are strong enough, at least 6 nuclear CBGs and also 500 J-20s with WS-15 engines. Then we will see, as Sun Tzu said, know the right time and place to attack, know your strengths and your adversaries strength, the best victory is winning without fighting.

These are commercial agreements, you can't attack a sovereign state just because they cancelled a business contract, you can sue them in court to recuperate lost investment. We spend billions in Malaysia, they also owe us billions in return, it's not free money you know? These can be used as leverage in the future when a friendly regime comes into power. Not even the US can attack another sovereign country due to commercial contracts, they can use economic attacks instead. I am seeing a friendly regime in Myanmar and Lanka, China is using geopolitical pressure to get around. There are still alot of Chinese investment in Malaysia, not the 'scratch your back' deals though. In the end, all debt needs to be paid back. =)

Technically, you can't force people to buy your goods, US can only force her 'allies' to buy her weapons. That's the only real thing they produce anyway. China does have US by one of his balls, US treasury bonds. This is the weapon of last resort. An American economy in meltdown is also bad for us. Well sure you can ask everybody to boycott this and that, but we don't just export 5G equipment, we produce trains, semiconductors, power equipment, nuclear equipment, satellites, port equipment, machine part and much more. The world market is bigger than just 5G equipment in some 'American' allied countries. Huawei still sell equipment to Australia although it's not 5G. Nobody can forever contain an economy as large as China.

boycott solar panels? Look at the situation now, we are the largest exporter and producer of solar cells, you cannot deny economic pressure, people will buy more affordable goods, you can't put tariffs on forever. US and EU solar industry is nearly destroyed, did the tariffs work? =)

China cannot get aggressive now, we still need to grow and get better equipped. I agree money and power goes hand in hand, we have both now, but we are only using money now. Well you cannot say no one is afraid of China, you can say they are more afraid of the US, which is true. We are the second most powerful military not the most powerful one yet.

You want access to technology, investment, and markets, unfortunately, the west doesn't want to give you technology, investment, or markets. Let's look at a few simple examples. Technology- The US is specifically starting a trade war over China because China wants technology. Second, investments. The US is allowed to operate mastercard, and visa in China, but China can't operate unionpay in the west. Not a single western bank issues unionpay cards. However, countless Chinese banks issue mastercard, and visa. Lose for China. Then look at the markets. I just mentioned this before. USA can sell apple iphones, and gm cars in China, but China can't sell Xiaomi, or Roewe. So it's a fail on all 3 levels. Taiwan was never allowed to be independent, yet Taiwan IS allowed to be a major base for anti Chinese activities. It's also a huge base for ALL the anti Chinese groups like the faluen gong, and the Dalai clique. China is too weak to do anything about it. If you hosted anti Jewish groups in TW, Israil would send asasins and quickly remove the group leaders.

China ONLY became a silent character AFTER Mao died. Before that, China was very active in backing anti imperialist activities all over the world, and very vocal about it. China brought attention to all kinds of issues regarding the west. This only stopped with Xiaoping. TW is occupied by the US, they have troops there, and many agents to supervise TW officials. Why do Chinese always even talk about invading TW? That is so stupid. Even if China successfully invades TW, it couldn't keep it. China can't even manage HK properly, so who is going to take China seriously? There is a huge defacto US embasy that they just recently built in TW. "We can't challenge US until we are strong enough". We've all heard that before. You are assuming China is becoming stronger, and it might be militarily, but China's soft power is much weaker than it was in 1966. I've talked before about how today's China is hated by both the left and the right.

I never said anything about attacking Malaysia, but would Malaysia ever dare to cancel similar contracts with the west? Certainly not. Furthermore, even if Malaysia did cancel contracts with the west, the west will deal with it in a very different way. In a much more agresive way, possibly backing street mobs. That is precisely why people fear the west, and not China.

You are either unaware of how things work, or purposely pretending to be ignorant. America can and does force people to buy their products on a regular basis. Everything from software, medicine, to computer hardware is forced upon people. China regularly buys products from the west that China produces itself. Tide laundry detergent, Colgate toothpaste, Crest toothpaste. Starbucks, KFC, Mcdonalds, Coca Cola, Pringles potato chips. English language schools. "Entertainment" like Hollywood films, and tv shows. Music. China even bought broadcasting rights for saturday night live. This is a protection fee that China pays to the west, and also part of the chongyangmeiwai epidemic that has plagued China for the past 40yrs.

I never said China only exports 5g, but if your American master is able to convince Australia, India, and south Korea to ban Chinese 5g, certainly they can coerce others into doing the same thing to many other products. People can and do contain China. Go to Hong Kong, and you don't even see any Lining stores. China can't even access its own domestic market, how does it expect to access anything else.

Actually the tarifs against the Chinese solar panels did work. There were, and are still alot of solar panels laying around that the Europeans didn't buy.

China does NOT have both money and power now. Amerika has that. Not China. China has some money, but it's mostly being spent on the west, in the form of protection fees. China's first goal is still to support the west, and western industries. Power? I don't think so, the Chinese can't even influence a bunch of Hongers. After 20 yrs of "reunification", Hongers can't even speak Mandarin. That's how "powerful" China is. Where was China's power when the US bombed the Chinese embasy? Where was China's power when the US killed the Chinese fighter pilot in Hainan 2001? Where was Chinese power when Chinese nationals were being booted out of Libya? Where was China's power when the west backed riots in Xingjiang, and Xizhang 2008? Where's China's power when mainlanders are getting beat up in HK? A mainlander had this to say to me. “大陆人在香港是抬不起头来”。 It looks like Xiaoping has brought us back to the Qing dynasty. Hongers are just waiting for the no dogs or Chinese sign in the park. You really need a reality check. The only people who believe China is powerful are those reading Time magazine, but what they don't get is Time magazine is only saying that China is powerful to give the west an excuse to interfere with China. It absolutely does not mean China really is powerful.

You see, the west punished China for Tienamen sq, yet China was never able to punish the west for the 2008 Xingjiang, Xizhang riots.

Actually, no one is afraid of China. People are more afraid of Israil than they are of China.

Why does it matter if China is the 2nd most powerful military. The uSSR was also that. Look what happened to them? If your country is run by traitors, only defeat awaits you.
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Did u read Ah Q story yet ?? Ah Q only realize hes so stupid till ppl executed him :laugh:

The story traces the "adventures" of Ah Q, a man from the rural peasant class with little education and no definite occupation. Ah Q is famous for "spiritual victories", Lu Xun'seuphemism for self-talk and self-deception even when faced with extreme defeat or humiliation. Ah Q is a bully to the less fortunate but fearful of those who are above him in rank, strength, or power. He persuades himself mentally that he is spiritually "superior" to his oppressors even as he succumbs to their tyranny and suppression. Lu Xun exposes Ah Q's extreme faults as symptomatic of the Chinese national character of his time. The ending of the piece – when Ah Q is carted off to execution for a minor crime – is equally poignant and satirical.

After the Chao family is robbed, Ah Q is dragged into town in the middle of the night, being carried to a yamen where he is pushed into a room. Keeping with his happy-go-lucky nature, the narrator says “although Ah Q was feeling rather uneasy, he was by no means too depressed.” In the end, Ah Q is executed with his cries of “Help, help!” never actually being said. Even before his death, he still preserves his self-absorbed and petty personality; he tries and fails to make his execution more impressive by reciting verses from some Chinese operas, but fails to find the right words.[7]

And yet our Ah Q here doesn't realize his own folly. =)
It was the greatest mistake ever done in Chinese history. :enjoy:. Without the opening up and reform, we would be even worse than India, never be able to fulfill our greatest potential. China is the strongest whenever we open up to the world and face the competition. I am glad we did this 'MISTAKE'. hahahaha

I think Deng never expected the Soviets to crumble so fast, he thought the alliance last at least a few more decades. Well I don't think we were foolish, I think it was the greatest thing that happened, US-USSR never had an alliance btw, we had a border war with the Soviets, which or without the US, it would had happened.

If Xi is so accommodating, the US wouldn't be so worried right? I mean it's common sense.:D. Bro, we have scanners in the subways, what has Tiananmen got to do with subways, Tiananmen happened because of economic woes, the only way to prevent it is to provide money to the people. You can ask any young person today is they wanna overthrow the CPC, I can assure you, 99% would not even want to change the status quo. They delivered and performed, that's why the people are contented, the moment CPC can't deliver and screw up, then that's it, it will collapse.:china:

Punishing Deng for not being obedient? Erm, what did he do to get punished? The only reason Tmen happened was bcoz US was trying to do another Soviet on China after the Soviets collapsed. I fail to see the punishment aspects here. Trump is definitely punishing Xi, of course we are not obedient, never had been. If it's national sovereignty, no way, if it's economic concessions, maybe after discussion. Hell if you want us to decrease tarriffs when we have a 350 bil$ surplus, that's a no brainer man.
China is actually much weaker today than it was in 1966. In 1966, China could have started a riot at any time in Singapore. China can't do that today. China also had huge leftist networks all over the US itself. Today's China has alienated both the left, and the right in America, and the world. Of course you don't think China is foolish, you're not paid to. Kruschev invaded China for his western masters, just like Xiaoping invaded Vietnam for his American masters, even people in China accept that fact. Who said that the US was worried? They attack and invade countries because they want to. It doesn't mean they are worried. The west destablizes north Korea too, it doesn't mean they're genuinely worried about NK. China has security check points at every single subway station because the Deng dynasty is genuinely worried, concerned, and scaredd that the west is backing another destabilization. Tienamen happend because the west was disatisfied with Xiaoping. People with enough common sense know that. 99% don't want to change the status quo in China? Give me a break. That's a lie that only a 5 yr old would believe. The Deng dynasty is hated by both the left, and the right. The right thinks that Jinping is not accomodating enough to the west, and bourgeoisie. The left hates Jinping because he is a sell out who puts foreign interests ahead of his own compatriots, and Jinping has indeed marginalized the workers, and farmers like Xiaoping, Zemin, and Jintao ahead of him. The only real supporters of Jinping are people like you, and the small % who have something to gain from the regime, but as I've said before, even people who have alot to gain from the Deng dynasty turn against the dynasty. Rebia Kadir. Case, and point. In fact, I've talked to old, and young Chinese. I'd say that the people who support Jinping's crazed capitalist adventure are in the minority. And if you ask the workers, and farmers, they support the Deng dynasty even less. Claiming that the people are content doesn't even sound believable. The ClA knows that the people are not content and thats why they are starting the trade war now, because the further to the right China moves, the less people will be content, and then the Deng dynasty will end up like the USSR. You never were obediant? Are you sure about that? Xiaoping invaded Vietnam for his American masters. That's obediance. Wake up. China lends trillions to the west, that's obediance. The only problem, as far as the west is concerned is, you aren't giving them enough, and do occassionally do independent things.
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